Beispiel #1
        public static string SaveAsset(object[] oAsset)
            // check the # of elements in the array
            if (oAsset.Length != 19)
                return("Incorrect number of Asset Properties:" + oAsset.Length.ToString());

            string sAssetID        = oAsset[0].ToString();
            string sAssetName      = oAsset[1].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sDbName         = oAsset[2].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sPort           = oAsset[3].ToString();
            string sConnectionType = oAsset[4].ToString();
            string sIsConnection   = "0"; // oAsset[5].ToString();

            string sAddress = oAsset[5].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            // mode is edit or add
            string sMode            = oAsset[6].ToString();
            string sCredentialID    = oAsset[7].ToString();
            string sCredUsername    = oAsset[8].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredPassword    = oAsset[9].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sShared          = oAsset[10].ToString();
            string sCredentialName  = oAsset[11].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredentialDescr = oAsset[12].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sDomain          = oAsset[13].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredentialType  = oAsset[14].ToString();

            string sAssetStatus        = oAsset[15].ToString();
            string sPrivilegedPassword = oAsset[16].ToString();
            string sTagArray           = oAsset[17].ToString();

            string sConnString = oAsset[18].ToString().Replace("'", "''");

            // for logging
            string sOriginalAssetName      = "";
            string sOriginalPort           = "";
            string sOriginalDbName         = "";
            string sOriginalAddress        = "";
            string sOriginalConnectionType = "";
            string sOriginalUserName       = "";
            string sOriginalConnString     = "";
            string sOriginalCredentialID   = "";
            string sOriginalAssetStatus    = "";

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui   = new acUI.acUI();
            string    sSql = null;
            string    sErr = null;

            //if we are editing get the original values
            //this is getting original values for logging purposes
            if (sMode == "edit")
                DataRow dr = null;
                sSql = "select a.asset_name, a.asset_status, a.port, a.db_name, a.address, a.db_name, a.connection_type, a.conn_string, ac.username, a.credential_id," +
                       " case when a.is_connection_system = '1' then 'Yes' else 'No' end as is_connection_system " +
                       " from asset a " +
                       " left outer join asset_credential ac on ac.credential_id = a.credential_id " +
                       " where a.asset_id = '" + sAssetID + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlGetDataRow(ref dr, sSql, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);
                    if (dr != null)
                        sOriginalAssetName      = dr["asset_name"].ToString();
                        sOriginalPort           = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["port"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["port"].ToString());
                        sOriginalDbName         = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["db_name"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["db_name"].ToString());
                        sOriginalAddress        = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["address"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["address"].ToString());
                        sOriginalConnectionType = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["connection_type"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["connection_type"].ToString());
                        sOriginalUserName       = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["username"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["username"].ToString());
                        sOriginalConnString     = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["conn_string"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["conn_string"].ToString());
                        sOriginalCredentialID   = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["credential_id"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["credential_id"].ToString());
                        sOriginalAssetStatus    = dr["asset_status"].ToString();

            //NOTE NOTE NOTE!
            //the following is a catch 22.
            //if we're adding a new asset, we will need to figure out the credential first so we can save the credential id on the asset
            //but if it's a new local credential, it gets the asset id as it's name.
            //if it's a new asset, go ahead and get the new guid for it here so the credential add will work.
            if (sMode == "add")
                sAssetID = ui.NewGUID();
            //and move on...

            // there are three CredentialType's
            // 1) 'selected' = user selected a different credential, just save the credential_id
            // 2) 'new' = user created a new shared or local credential
            // 3) 'existing' = same credential, just update the username,description ad password
            string sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = null;

            if (sCredentialType == "new")
                if (sPrivilegedPassword.Length == 0)
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "NULL";
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPrivilegedPassword) + "'";

                //if it's a local credential, the credential_name is the asset_id.
                //if it's shared, there will be a name.
                if (sShared == "1")
                    sCredentialName = sAssetID;

                    //whack and add - easiest way to avoid conflicts
                    sSql = "delete from asset_credential where credential_name = '" + sCredentialName + "' and shared_or_local = '1'";
                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                //now we're clear to add
                sCredentialID = "'" + ui.NewGUID() + "'";
                sSql          = "insert into asset_credential " +
                                "(credential_id,credential_name,username,password,domain,shared_or_local,shared_cred_desc,privileged_password) " +
                                "values (" + sCredentialID + ",'" + sCredentialName + "','" + sCredUsername + "','" + dc.EnCrypt(sCredPassword) + "','" + sDomain + "','" + sShared + "','" + sCredentialDescr + "'," + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + ")";
                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                    if (sErr == "key_violation")
                        throw new Exception("A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name.");
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add security log
                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sCredentialName, "");
            else if (sCredentialType == "existing")
                sCredentialID = "'" + sCredentialID + "'";
                // bugzilla 1126 if the password has not changed leave it as is.
                string sPasswordUpdate = null;
                if (sCredPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                    // password has not been touched
                    sPasswordUpdate = "";
                    // updated password
                    sPasswordUpdate = ",password = '******'";

                // bugzilla 1260
                // same for privileged_password

                if (sPrivilegedPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                    // password has not been touched
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "";
                    // updated password
                    // bugzilla 1352 priviledged password can be blank, so if it is, set it to null
                    if (sPrivilegedPassword.Length == 0)
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ",privileged_password = null";
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ",privileged_password = '******'";

                sSql = "update asset_credential " +
                       "set username = '******'" + sPasswordUpdate + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + ",domain = '" + sDomain + "'," +
                       "shared_or_local = '" + sShared + "',shared_cred_desc = '" + sCredentialDescr + "'" +
                       "where credential_id = " + sCredentialID;
                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add security log
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "Changed credential", sOriginalUserName, sCredUsername);
                // user selected a shared credential
                // remove the local credential if one exists

                if (sOriginalCredentialID.Length > 0)
                    sSql = "delete from asset_credential where credential_id = '" + sOriginalCredentialID + "' and shared_or_local = '1'";
                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    // add security log
                    ui.WriteObjectDeleteLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), "Credential deleted" + sOriginalCredentialID + " " + sOriginalUserName);

                sCredentialID = "'" + sCredentialID + "'";

            // checks that cant be done on the client side
            // is the name unique?
            string sInuse = "";

            if (sMode == "edit")
                sSql = "select asset_id from asset where asset_name = '" + sAssetName.Trim() + "' and asset_id <> '" + sAssetID + "' limit 1";
                sSql = "select asset_id from asset where asset_name = '" + sAssetName.Trim() + "' limit 1";

            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sInuse, sSql, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInuse))
                return("Asset Name '" + sAssetName + "' already in use, choose another." + sAssetID);

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                if (sMode == "edit")
                    sSql = "update asset set asset_name = '" + sAssetName + "'," +
                           " asset_status = '" + sAssetStatus + "'," +
                           " address = '" + sAddress + "'" + "," +
                           " conn_string = '" + sConnString + "'" + "," +
                           " db_name = '" + sDbName + "'," +
                           " port = " + (sPort == "" ? "NULL" : "'" + sPort + "'") + "," +
                           " connection_type = '" + sConnectionType + "'," +
                           " is_connection_system = '" + (sIsConnection == "Yes" ? 1 : 0) + "'," +
                           " credential_id = " + sCredentialID +
                           " where asset_id = '" + sAssetID + "'";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);
                    sSql = "insert into asset (asset_id,asset_name,asset_status,address,conn_string,db_name,port,connection_type,is_connection_system,credential_id)" +
                           " values (" +
                           "'" + sAssetID + "'," +
                           "'" + sAssetName + "'," +
                           "'" + sAssetStatus + "'," +
                           "'" + sAddress + "'," +
                           "'" + sConnString + "'," +
                           "'" + sDbName + "'," +
                           (sPort == "" ? "NULL" : "'" + sPort + "'") + "," +
                           "'" + sConnectionType + "'," +
                           "'0'," +
                           sCredentialID + ")";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                #region "tags"
                // remove the existing tags
                sSql = "delete from object_tags where object_id = '" + sAssetID + "'";
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add user groups, if there are any
                if (sTagArray.Length > 0)
                    ArrayList aTags = new ArrayList(sTagArray.Split(','));
                    foreach (string sTagName in aTags)
                        sSql = "insert object_tags (object_id, object_type, tag_name)" +
                               " values ('" + sAssetID + "', 2, '" + sTagName + "')";
                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // NOTE! too many if edit... probably need to just make 2 functions, update asset, and create asset

            // add security log
            // since this is not handled as a page postback, theres no "Viewstate" settings
            // so 2 options either we keep an original setting for each value in hid values, or just get them from the db as part of the
            // update above, since we are already passing in 15 or so fields, lets just get the values at the start and reference them here
            if (sMode == "edit")
                string sOrigCredUsername    = GetCredentialNameFromID(sOriginalCredentialID.Replace("'", "")).ToString();
                string sCurrentCredUsername = GetCredentialNameFromID(sCredentialID.Replace("'", "")).ToString();
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Name", sOriginalAssetName, sAssetName);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Address", sOriginalAddress, sAddress);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Port", sOriginalPort, sPort);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " DB Name", sOriginalDbName, sDbName);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Connection Type", sOriginalConnectionType, sConnectionType);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Credential", sOrigCredUsername, sCurrentCredUsername);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Status", sOriginalAssetStatus, sAssetStatus);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " ConnString", sOriginalConnString, sConnString);
                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), "Asset Created");

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
Beispiel #2
        public static string SaveCredential(object[] oAsset)
            // we are passing in 16 elements, if we have 16 go
            if (oAsset.Length != 8) return "Incorrect list of attributes:" + oAsset.Length.ToString();

            string sCredentialID = oAsset[0].ToString();
            string sCredentialName = oAsset[1].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sUserName = oAsset[2].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredentialDesc = oAsset[3].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sPassword = oAsset[4].ToString();
            string sDomain = oAsset[5].ToString();
            string sMode = oAsset[6].ToString();
            string sPrivilegedPassword = oAsset[7].ToString();

            // for logging
            string sOriginalUserName = null;

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            string sSql = null;
            string sErr = null;

            //if we are editing get the original values
            if (sMode == "edit")
                sSql = "select username from asset_credential " +
                       "where credential_id = '" + sCredentialID + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sOriginalUserName, sSql, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // update the user fields.
                if (sMode == "edit")
                    // only update the passwword if it has changed
                    string sNewPassword = "";
                    if (sPassword != "($%#d@x!&")
                        sNewPassword = "******" + dc.EnCrypt(sPassword) + "'";

                    // bugzilla 1260
                    // same for privileged_password
                    string sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = null;
                    if (sPrivilegedPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                        // password has not been touched
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "";
                        // updated password
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ",privileged_password = '******'";


                    sSql = "update asset_credential set" +
                        " credential_name = '" + sCredentialName + "'," +
                        " username = '******'," +
                        " domain = '" + sDomain.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                        " shared_cred_desc = '" + sCredentialDesc + "'" +
                        sNewPassword +
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate +
                        " where credential_id = '" + sCredentialID + "'";
                    // if the priviledged password is empty just set it to null
                    string sPrivilegedPasswordUpdate = "NULL";
                    if (sPrivilegedPassword.Length != 0)
                        sPrivilegedPasswordUpdate = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPrivilegedPassword) + "'";

                    sSql = "insert into asset_credential (credential_id, credential_name, username, password, domain, shared_cred_desc, shared_or_local, privileged_password)" +
                    " values (" + "'" + ui.NewGUID() + "'," +
                    "'" + sCredentialName.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                    "'" + sUserName.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                    "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPassword) + "'," +
                    "'" + sDomain.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                    "'" + sCredentialDesc.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                    "'0'," + sPrivilegedPasswordUpdate + ")";
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    if (sErr == "key_violation")
                        throw new Exception("A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name.");
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)

                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // add security log
            // since this is not handled as a page postback, theres no "Viewstate" settings
            // so 2 options either we keep an original setting for each value in hid values, or just get them from the db as part of the
            // update above, since we are already passing in 15 or so fields, lets just get the values at the start and reference them here
            if (sMode == "edit")
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sUserName.Replace("'", "''"), sOriginalUserName, sUserName.Replace("'", "''"));
                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sUserName.Replace("'", "''"), "Credential Created");

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
            return "";
        public void wmSaveActionParameterXML(string sActionID, string sActionDefaultsXML)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            taskMethods tm = new taskMethods();

                string sUserID = ui.GetSessionUserID();

                if (ui.IsGUID(sActionID) && ui.IsGUID(sUserID))
                    string sErr = "";
                    string sSQL = "";

                    //we encoded this in javascript before the ajax call.
                    //the safest way to unencode it is to use the same javascript lib.
                    //(sometimes the javascript and .net libs don't translate exactly, google it.)
                    sActionDefaultsXML = ui.unpackJSON(sActionDefaultsXML);

                    //we gotta peek into the XML and encrypt any newly keyed values
                    PrepareAndEncryptParameterXML(ref sActionDefaultsXML);

                    //so, like when we read it, we gotta spin and compare, and build an XML that only represents *changes*
                    //to the defaults on the task.

                    //what is the task associated with this action?
                    sSQL = "select t.task_id" +
                        " from ecotemplate_action ea" +
                        " join task t on ea.original_task_id = t.original_task_id" +
                        " and t.default_version = 1" +
                        " where ea.action_id = '" + sActionID + "'";

                    string sTaskID = "";
                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sTaskID, sSQL, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    if (!ui.IsGUID(sTaskID))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to find Task ID for Action.");

                    string sOverrideXML = "";
                    XDocument xTPDoc = new XDocument();
                    XDocument xADDoc = new XDocument();

                    //get the parameter XML from the TASK
                    string sTaskParamXML = tm.wmGetParameterXML("task", sTaskID, "");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sTaskParamXML))
                        xTPDoc = XDocument.Parse(sTaskParamXML);
                        if (xTPDoc == null)
                            throw new Exception("Task Parameter XML data is invalid.");

                        XElement xTPParams = xTPDoc.XPathSelectElement("/parameters");
                        if (xTPParams == null)
                            throw new Exception("Task Parameter XML data does not contain 'parameters' root node.");

                    //we had the ACTION defaults handed to us
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sActionDefaultsXML))
                        xADDoc = XDocument.Parse(sActionDefaultsXML);
                        if (xADDoc == null)
                            throw new Exception("Action Defaults XML data is invalid.");

                        XElement xADParams = xADDoc.XPathSelectElement("/parameters");
                        if (xADParams == null)
                            throw new Exception("Action Defaults XML data does not contain 'parameters' root node.");

                    //spin the nodes in the ACTION xml, then dig in to the task XML and UPDATE the value if found.
                    //(if the node no longer exists, delete the node from the action XML)
                    //and action "values" take precedence over task values.

                    //this does a regular loop because we can't remove from an IEnumerable
                    int x = xADDoc.XPathSelectElements("//parameter").Count();
                    for (int i = (x-1); i>=0; i--)
                        XElement xDefault = xADDoc.XPathSelectElements("//parameter").ElementAt(i);

                        //look it up in the task param xml
                        XElement xADName = xDefault.XPathSelectElement("name");
                        string sADName = (xADName == null ? "" : xADName.Value);
                        XElement xADValues = xDefault.XPathSelectElement("values");
                        //string sValues = (xValues == null ? "" : xValues.ToString());

                        //now we have the name of the parameter, go find it in the TASK param XML
                        XElement xTaskParam = xTPDoc.XPathSelectElement("//parameter/name[. = '" + sADName + "']/..");  //NOTE! the /.. gets the parent of the name node!

                        //if it doesn't exist in the task params, remove it from this document
                        if (xTaskParam == null)

                        //and the "values" collection will be the 'next' node
                        XElement xTaskParamValues = xTaskParam.XPathSelectElement("values");

                        //so... it might be
                        //a) just an oev (original encrypted value) so de-base64 it
                        //b) a value flagged for encryption

                        //note we don't care about dirty unencrypted values... they'll compare down below just fine.

                        //is it encrypted?
                        bool bEncrypted = false;
                        if (xTaskParam.Attribute("encrypt") != null)
                            bEncrypted = dc.IsTrue(xTaskParam.Attribute("encrypt").Value);

                        if (bEncrypted)
                            foreach (XElement xVal in xADValues.XPathSelectElements("value"))
                                if (xVal.HasAttributes) {
                                    //a) is it an oev?  unpackJSON it (that's just an obfuscation wrapper)
                                    if (xVal.Attribute("oev") != null)
                                        if (dc.IsTrue(xVal.Attribute("oev").Value))
                                            xVal.Value = ui.unpackJSON(xVal.Value);
                                            xVal.SetAttributeValue("oev", null);

                                    //b) is it do_encrypt?  (remove the attribute to keep the db clutter down)
                                    if (xVal.Attribute("do_encrypt") != null)
                                        xVal.Value = dc.EnCrypt(xVal.Value);
                                        xVal.SetAttributeValue("do_encrypt", null);

                        //now that the encryption is sorted out,
                        // if the combined values of the parameter happens to match what's on the task
                        //  we just remove it.

                        //we're doing combined because of lists (the whole list must match for it to be a dupe)

                        //it's easy to look at all the values in a node with the node.Value property.
                        //but we'll have to manually concatenate all the oev attributes

                        string sTaskVals = "";
                        string sDefVals = "";

                        if (bEncrypted)
                            // the task document already has the oev obfuscated
                            foreach (XAttribute xa in xTaskParamValues.Elements("value").Attributes("oev"))
                                sTaskVals += xa.Value;
                            //but the XML we just got from the client doesn't... it's in the value.
                            foreach (XElement xe in xADValues.Elements("value"))
                                sDefVals += ui.packJSON(xe.Value);
                            if (sTaskVals.Equals(sDefVals))
                            if (xTaskParamValues.Value.Equals(xADValues.Value))


                    sOverrideXML = xADDoc.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);

                    //FINALLY, we have an XML that represents only the differences we wanna save.
                    sSQL = "update ecotemplate_action set" +
                        " parameter_defaults = '" + sOverrideXML + "'" +
                        " where action_id = '" + sActionID + "'";

                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Unable to update Eco Template Action [" + sActionID + "]." + sErr);

                    ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.EcoTemplate, sActionID, sActionID, "Action default parameters updated: [" + sOverrideXML + "]");
                    throw new Exception("Unable to update Eco Template Action. Missing or invalid Action ID.");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public void wmUpdateRegistryValue(string sObjectID, string sXPath, string sValue, string sEncrypt)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            FunctionTemplates.HTMLTemplates ft = new FunctionTemplates.HTMLTemplates();

            //fail on missing values
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sXPath))
                throw new Exception("Missing XPath to update.");

            //masked means update an attribute AND encrypt the value
            sEncrypt = (dc.IsTrue(sEncrypt) ? "true" : "false");
            sValue = (dc.IsTrue(sEncrypt) ? dc.EnCrypt(sValue) : sValue);

            if (sObjectID == "global") sObjectID = "1";
            ft.SetNodeValueinXMLColumn("object_registry", "registry_xml", "object_id = '" + sObjectID + "'", sXPath, sValue);
            ft.SetNodeAttributeinXMLColumn("object_registry", "registry_xml", "object_id = '" + sObjectID + "'", sXPath, "encrypt", sEncrypt);

Beispiel #5
        public static string SaveUserEdits(object[] oUser)
            string sChangeDetail = "User Details updated.";

            // verify the right number of properties
            if (oUser.Length != 10)
                return("Incorrect number of User Properties.");

            string sEditUserID          = oUser[0].ToString();
            string sLoginID             = oUser[1].ToString();
            string sFullName            = oUser[2].ToString();
            string sAuthType            = oUser[3].ToString();
            string sUserPassword        = oUser[4].ToString();
            string sForcePasswordChange = oUser[5].ToString();
            string sUserRole            = oUser[6].ToString();
            string sEmail      = oUser[7].ToString();
            string sStatus     = oUser[8].ToString();
            string sGroupArray = oUser[9].ToString();

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui   = new acUI.acUI();
            string    sSql = null;
            string    sErr = null;

            // checks that cant be done on the client side
            // is the name unique?
            string sInuse = "";

            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sInuse, "select user_id from users where username = '******' and user_id <> '" + sEditUserID + "' limit 1", ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInuse))
                    return("Login ID '" + sLoginID + "' is unavailable, please choose another.");

            // CHANGE Per conference call 5-11-09 we are using a random 9 char mask
            // if the password has not changed this will be the same 9 chars
            string sPasswordUpdate     = null;
            bool   boolPasswordChanged = false;

            if (sUserPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                // password has not been touched
                sPasswordUpdate     = ",";
                boolPasswordChanged = false;
                // password changed
                sChangeDetail += "  Password changed.";
                if (sAuthType == "local")
                    // bugzilla 1347
                    // check the user password history setting, and make sure the password was not used in the past x passwords
                    if (dc.PasswordInHistory(dc.EnCrypt(sUserPassword.Trim()), sEditUserID, ref sErr))
                        return("Passwords can not be reused, please choose another password");
                    if (sErr != null)

                    if (!dc.PasswordIsComplex(sUserPassword.Trim(), ref sErr))
                        sPasswordUpdate     = ",user_password = '******',";
                        boolPasswordChanged = true;
                else if (sAuthType == "ldap")
                    sPasswordUpdate = ",user_password = NULL,";
                    return("Unknown Authentication type.");

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // update the user fields.
                sSql = "update users set" +
                       " full_name = '" + sFullName + "'," +
                       " username = '******'" + sPasswordUpdate +
                       " force_change = '" + sForcePasswordChange + "'," +
                       " authentication_type = '" + sAuthType + "'," +
                       " email = '" + sEmail + "'," +
                       " failed_login_attempts = '0'," +
                       " status = '" + sStatus + "'," +
                       " user_role = '" + sUserRole + "'" +
                       " where user_id = '" + sEditUserID + "'";
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                if (boolPasswordChanged)
                    // add Password history if it changed
                    sSql = "insert user_password_history (user_id, change_time,password) values ('" + sEditUserID + "',now(),'" + dc.EnCrypt(sUserPassword.Trim()) + "')";
                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                #region "tags"
                // remove the existing tags
                sSql = "delete from object_tags where object_id = '" + sEditUserID + "'";
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add user groups, if there are any
                if (sGroupArray.Length > 0)
                    ArrayList aGroups = new ArrayList(sGroupArray.Split(','));
                    foreach (string sGroupName in aGroups)
                        sSql = "insert object_tags (object_id, object_type, tag_name)" +
                               " values ('" + sEditUserID + "', 1, '" + sGroupName + "')";
                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // add security log
            ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.User, sEditUserID, sFullName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), sChangeDetail);

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string

        //this one is used by several functions...
        //it looks in the XML for anything to encrypt or rearrange
        //because we can't do everything on the client.
        public void PrepareAndEncryptParameterXML(ref string sParameterXML)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sParameterXML))
                XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(sParameterXML);
                if (xDoc == null)
                    throw new Exception("Parameter XML data is invalid.");

                XElement xParams = xDoc.XPathSelectElement("/parameters");
                if (xParams == null)
                    throw new Exception("Parameter XML data does not contain 'parameters' root node.");

                //now, all we're doing here is:
                // a) encrypting any new values
                // b) moving any oev values from an attribute to a value

                // a) encrypt new values
                foreach (XElement xToEncrypt in xDoc.XPathSelectElements("//parameter/values/value[@do_encrypt='true']"))
                    xToEncrypt.Value = dc.EnCrypt(xToEncrypt.Value);
                    xToEncrypt.SetAttributeValue("do_encrypt", null);

                //b) unbase64 any oev's and move them to values
                foreach (XElement xToEncrypt in xDoc.XPathSelectElements("//parameter/values/value[@oev='true']"))
                    xToEncrypt.Value = ui.unpackJSON(xToEncrypt.Value);
                    xToEncrypt.SetAttributeValue("oev", null);

                sParameterXML = xDoc.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting);
Beispiel #7
        public void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // decide what We are updating, its ok to update email everytime, but the password and security answer may not have changed.

            // validation for password match
            if (txtPassword.Text != txtPasswordConfirm.Text)
                ui.RaiseError(Page, "Passwords do not match", true, "");

            sSQL = "update users set email = '" + txtEmail.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "'";
            string sPasswordFiller = "($%#d@x!&";

            if (lblAuthenticationType.Text == "local")
                // these settings are only applicable if the user is local
                //only update password if it has been changed.
                sSQL += ",security_question = '" + dc.EnCrypt(txtSecurityQuestion.Text.Replace("'", "''")) + "'";

                if (txtPassword.Text != sPasswordFiller)
                    // bugzilla 1347
                    // check the user password history setting, and make sure the password was not used in the past x passwords
                    if (dc.PasswordInHistory(dc.EnCrypt(txtPassword.Text), ui.GetSessionUserID(), ref sErr))
                        ui.RaiseError(Page, "Passwords can not be reused, choose another password", true, "");
                    if (sErr != "")
                        ui.RaiseError(Page, sErr, true, "");

                    // make sure the password is valid
                    if (!dc.PasswordIsComplex(txtPassword.Text, ref sErr))
                        ui.RaiseError(Page, sErr, true, "");
                    sSQL += ",user_password='******'";

                // only update the security answer if it has changed
                if (txtSecurityAnswer.Text != hidSecurityAnswer.Value)
                    sSQL += ",security_answer='" + dc.EnCrypt(txtSecurityAnswer.Text) + "'";

            sSQL += " where user_id = '" + ui.GetSessionUserID() + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                    ui.RaiseError(Page, "Update failed: " + sErr, true, "");

                //logging, what else should we log? I guess the fact that the user changed the password would be enough?
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.User, "User Preferences", "Email", hidEmail.Value, txtEmail.Text);
                // what else should we log? I guess the fact that the user changed the password would be enough?
                if (txtPassword.Text != sPasswordFiller)
                    ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.User, ui.GetSessionUserID(), "Password", "User updated password via User Preferences");

                    // add the password update to the history
                    sSQL = "insert user_password_history (user_id, change_time,password) values ('" + ui.GetSessionUserID() + "',now(),'" + dc.EnCrypt(txtPassword.Text) + "')";
                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                        ui.RaiseError(Page, "User updated, could not add password history: " + sErr, true, "");
                ui.RaiseError(Page, "Update failed: " + sErr, true, "");

            txtSecurityAnswer.Attributes.Add("value", txtSecurityAnswer.Text);
            ui.RaiseInfo(Page, "Preferences updated.", "");

            // to make everything look right redirect to raw
        public static string SaveAccount(string sMode, string sAccountID, string sAccountName, string sAccountNumber, string sProvider, 
			string sLoginID, string sLoginPassword, string sLoginPasswordConfirm, string sIsDefault, string sAutoManageSecurity)
            // for logging
            string sOriginalName = "";

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            string sSql = "";
            string sErr = "";

            //if we are editing get the original values
            if (sMode == "edit")

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // update the user fields.
                if (sMode == "edit")
                    sSql = "select account_name from cloud_account " +
                           "where account_id = '" + sAccountID + "'";
                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sOriginalName, sSql, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error getting original account name:" + sErr);

                    // only update the passwword if it has changed
                    string sNewPassword = "";
                    if (sLoginPassword != "($%#d@x!&")
                        sNewPassword = "******" + dc.EnCrypt(sLoginPassword) + "'";

                    sSql = "update cloud_account set" +
                        " account_name = '" + sAccountName + "'," +
                        " account_number = '" + sAccountNumber + "'," +
                        " provider = '" + sProvider + "'," +
                        " is_default = '" + sIsDefault + "'," +
                        " auto_manage_security = '" + sAutoManageSecurity + "'," +
                        " login_id = '" + sLoginID + "'" +
                        sNewPassword +
                        " where account_id = '" + sAccountID + "'";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error updating account: " + sErr);

                    ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, sOriginalName, sAccountName);}
                    //now, for some reason we were having issues with the initial startup of apache
                    //not able to perform the very first database hit.
                    //this line serves as an inital db hit, but we aren't trapping it or showing the error
                    dc.TestDBConnection(ref sErr);

                    //if there are no rows yet, make this one the default even if the box isn't checked.
                    if (sIsDefault == "0")
                        int iExists = -1;

                        sSql = "select count(*) as cnt from cloud_account";
                        if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iExists, sSql, ref sErr))
                            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iExists, sSql, ref sErr))
                                if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iExists, sSql, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to count Cloud Accounts: " + sErr);

                        if (iExists == 0)
                            sIsDefault = "1";

                    sAccountID = ui.NewGUID();
                    sSql = "insert into cloud_account (account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, is_default, login_id, login_password, auto_manage_security)" +
                    " values ('" + sAccountID + "'," +
                    "'" + sAccountName + "'," +
                    "'" + sAccountNumber + "'," +
                    "'" + sProvider + "'," +
                    "'" + sIsDefault + "'," +
                    "'" + sLoginID + "'," +
                    "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sLoginPassword) + "'," +
                    "'" + sAutoManageSecurity + "')";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error creating account: " + sErr);

                    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, "Account Created");

                //if "default" was selected, unset all the others
                if (dc.IsTrue(sIsDefault))
                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> '" + sAccountID + "'";
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error updating defaults: " + sErr);


                //refresh the cloud account list in the session
                if (!ui.PutCloudAccountsInSession(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception("Error refreshing accounts in session: " + sErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error: General Exception: " + ex.Message);

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
            return "{'account_id':'" + sAccountID + "', 'account_name':'" + sAccountName + "', 'provider':'" + sProvider + "'}";
Beispiel #9
        public static string SaveNotifications(object[] oAsset)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI       ui = new acUI.acUI();
            acUI.AppGlobals ag = new acUI.AppGlobals();

            string sErr               = "";
            string sMessengerOnOff    = oAsset[0].ToString();
            string sPollLoop          = oAsset[1].ToString();
            string sRetryDelay        = oAsset[2].ToString();
            string sRetryMaxAttempts  = oAsset[3].ToString();
            string sSMTPServerAddress = oAsset[4].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sSMTPUserAccount   = oAsset[5].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sSMTPUserPassword  = oAsset[6].ToString();
            string sSMTPServerPort    = oAsset[7].ToString();
            string sFromEmail         = oAsset[8].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sFromName          = oAsset[9].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sAdminEmail        = oAsset[10].ToString().Replace("'", "''");

            // get the current settings for the logging
            string sOrigMessengerOnOff    = "";
            string sOrigPollLoop          = "";
            string sOrigRetryDelay        = "";
            string sOrigRetryMaxAttempts  = "";
            string sOrigSMTPServerAddress = "";
            string sOrigSMTPUserAccount   = "";
            string sOrigSMTPServerPort    = "";
            string sOrigFromEmail         = "";
            string sOrigFromName          = "";
            string sOrigAdminEmail        = "";

            string sSQL = "select mode_off_on, loop_delay_sec, retry_delay_min, retry_max_attempts," +
                          " smtp_server_addr, smtp_server_user, smtp_server_password, smtp_server_port, from_email, from_name, admin_email" +
                          " from messenger_settings" +
                          " where id = 1";

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            if (!dc.sqlGetDataTable(ref dt, sSQL, ref sErr))
                return("Unable to continue. " + sErr);
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
                sOrigMessengerOnOff    = dr["mode_off_on"].ToString();
                sOrigPollLoop          = dr["loop_delay_sec"].ToString();
                sOrigRetryDelay        = dr["retry_delay_min"].ToString();
                sOrigRetryMaxAttempts  = dr["retry_max_attempts"].ToString();
                sOrigSMTPServerAddress = dr["smtp_server_addr"].ToString();
                sOrigSMTPUserAccount   = dr["smtp_server_user"].ToString();
                sOrigSMTPServerPort    = dr["smtp_server_port"].ToString();
                sOrigFromEmail         = dr["from_email"].ToString();
                sOrigFromName          = dr["from_name"].ToString();
                sOrigAdminEmail        = dr["admin_email"].ToString();

            sSQL = "update messenger_settings set mode_off_on='{0}', loop_delay_sec={1}, retry_delay_min={2}, retry_max_attempts={3}, smtp_server_addr='{4}', smtp_server_user='******', smtp_server_port={6}, from_email='{7}', from_name='{8}', admin_email='{9}'";
            //only update password if it has been changed.
            string sPasswordFiller = "($%#d@x!&";

            if (sSMTPUserPassword != sPasswordFiller)
                sSQL += ",smtp_server_password='******'";
            sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, sMessengerOnOff, sPollLoop, sRetryDelay, sRetryMaxAttempts, sSMTPServerAddress, sSMTPUserAccount, sSMTPServerPort, sFromEmail, sFromName, sAdminEmail, dc.EnCrypt(sSMTPUserPassword));

            if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                return("Update failed: " + sErr);
                var sLogObject = "Manage Notifications";
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Messenger On / Off", sOrigMessengerOnOff, sMessengerOnOff);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Poll Loop", sOrigPollLoop, sPollLoop);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Retry Delay", sOrigRetryDelay, sRetryDelay);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Retry Max Attempts", sOrigRetryMaxAttempts, sRetryMaxAttempts);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "SMTP Server Address", sOrigSMTPServerAddress, sSMTPServerAddress);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "SMTP User Account", sOrigSMTPUserAccount, sSMTPUserAccount);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "SMTP Server Port", sOrigSMTPServerPort, sSMTPServerPort);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "From Email", sOrigFromEmail, sFromEmail);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "From Name", sOrigFromName, sFromName);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "From Name", sOrigAdminEmail, sAdminEmail);

                // send a notification to the user that made the change
                if (sMessengerOnOff == "on")
                    // get the users email, if they do not have an email tell them no message was created.
                    string sUsersEmail = null;
                    string sUserID     = ui.GetSessionUserID();
                    sSQL = "select email from users where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'";

                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sUsersEmail, sSQL, ref sErr))
                        return("Unable to create test email: " + sErr);
                    string sUserName = "";
                    sUserName = ui.GetSessionUserFullName();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUsersEmail) || sUsersEmail.Length < 5)
                        // all good, no email so notify user
                        return("Notification settings updated.\n\nNo email on file for user " + sUserName + " - unable to send a test message");
                        // create a test email
                                            ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management",
                                            ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Messenger configuration change.",
                                            "<html><head></head><body><p>" + sUserName + ",</p><p>This is a test mail to confirm the smtp server that you have configured.</p><p>Do not reply to this message, and feel free to delete it.</p><p>Regards,\n\n" + ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Administration team.</p></body></html>", ref sErr);

                        if (sErr != "")
                            return("Update completed.  Unable to create test message: " + sErr);
                    return("Notification settings updated.  A test email will be sent to " + sUsersEmail + ".");
                    return("Notification settings updated.");
Beispiel #10
        private bool GetDetails(string sTaskInstance, ref string sErr)
                string sSQL = "select ti.task_instance, ti.task_id, '' as asset_id, ti.task_status, ti.submitted_by_instance, " +
                              " ti.submitted_dt, ti.started_dt, ti.completed_dt, ti.ce_node,, ti.debug_level," +
                              " t.task_name, t.version, '' as asset_name, u.full_name," +
                              " ar.app_instance, ar.platform, ar.hostname," +
                              " t.concurrent_instances, t.queue_depth," +
                              " ti.ecosystem_id, d.ecosystem_name, ti.account_id, ca.account_name" +
                              " from tv_task_instance ti" +
                              " join task t on ti.task_id = t.task_id" +
                              " left outer join users u on ti.submitted_by = u.user_id" +
                              " left outer join tv_application_registry ar on ti.ce_node =" +
                              " left outer join cloud_account ca on ti.account_id = ca.account_id" +
                              " left outer join ecosystem d on ti.ecosystem_id = d.ecosystem_id" +
                              " where task_instance = " + sTaskInstance;

                DataRow dr = null;
                if (!dc.sqlGetDataRow(ref dr, sSQL, ref sErr))

                if (dr != null)
                    int iConcurrent = 0;
                    int.TryParse(dr["concurrent_instances"].ToString(), out iConcurrent);
                    int iQueueDepth = 0;
                    int.TryParse(dr["queue_depth"].ToString(), out iQueueDepth);

                    hidTaskID.Value     = dr["task_id"].ToString();
                    hidAssetID.Value    = dr["asset_id"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["asset_id"].ToString();
                    hidDebugLevel.Value = dr["debug_level"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["debug_level"].ToString();

                    lblTaskInstance.Text = dr["task_instance"].ToString();
                    lblTaskName.Text     = dr["task_name"].ToString() + " - Version " + dr["version"].ToString();
                    lblStatus.Text       = dr["task_status"].ToString();
                    lblAssetName.Text    = (dr["asset_name"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "N/A" : dr["asset_name"].ToString());
                    lblSubmittedDT.Text  = (dr["submitted_dt"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["submitted_dt"].ToString());
                    lblStartedDT.Text    = (dr["started_dt"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["started_dt"].ToString());
                    lblCompletedDT.Text  = (dr["completed_dt"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["completed_dt"].ToString());
                    lblCENode.Text       = (dr["ce_node"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["app_instance"].ToString() + " (" + dr["platform"].ToString() + ")");
                    lblPID.Text          = (dr["pid"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["pid"].ToString());
                    if (lblPID.Text != "")
                        string sEncID = dc.EnCrypt(ui.GetSessionUserID());

                        //can't build the link until we know what port we need.
                        sSQL = "select port from logserver_settings where id = 1";
                        string sPort = "";
                        dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sPort, sSQL, ref sErr);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPort))
                            sPort = "4000";

                        hidCELogFile.Value = "http://" + dr["hostname"].ToString() + ":" + sPort + "/getlog?logtype=ce&q=" + sEncID + "&logfile=" + sTaskInstance + ".log";

                    hidSubmittedByInstance.Value = dr["submitted_by_instance"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["submitted_by_instance"].ToString();
                    lblSubmittedByInstance.Text  = (dr["submitted_by_instance"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "N/A" : dr["submitted_by_instance"].ToString());

                    if (hidSubmittedByInstance.Value != "")
                        lblSubmittedByInstance.CssClass = "link";

                    hidEcosystemID.Value  = dr["ecosystem_id"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["ecosystem_id"].ToString();
                    lblEcosystemName.Text = dr["ecosystem_name"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["ecosystem_name"].ToString();
                    hidAccountID.Value    = dr["account_id"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["account_id"].ToString();
                    lblAccountName.Text   = dr["account_name"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["account_name"].ToString();

                    if (!dr["full_name"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value))
                        //launched by a user
                        lblSubmittedBy.Text = dr["full_name"].ToString();
                        lblSubmittedBy.Text = "Scheduler";
//                    else if (!dr["schedule_instance_name"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value))
//                    {
//                        //launched by scheduler
//                        lblSubmittedBy.Text = " Schedule (" + dr["schedule_instance_name"].ToString() + ")";
//                    }

                    //superusers AND those tagged with this Task can see the stop and resubmit button
                    if (ui.UserIsInRole("Developer") || ui.UserIsInRole("Administrator") || ui.UserAndObjectTagsMatch(dr["original_task_id"].ToString(), 3))
                        phResubmit.Visible = true;
                        phCancel.Visible   = true;
                        phResubmit.Visible = false;
                        phCancel.Visible   = false;

                    //if THIS instance is 'active', show additional warning info on the resubmit confirmation.
                    //and if it's not, don't show the "cancel" button
                    if ("processing,queued,submitted,pending,aborting,queued,staged".IndexOf(dr["task_status"].ToString().ToLower()) > -1)
                        lblResubmitMessage.Text = "This Task is currently active.  You have requested to start another instance.<br /><br />";
                        phCancel.Visible = false;

                    //check for OTHER active instances
                    int iActiveCount = 0;
                    sSQL = "select count(*) from tv_task_instance where task_id = '" + dr["task_id"].ToString() + "'" +
                           " and task_instance <> '" + sTaskInstance + "'" +
                           " and task_status in ('processing','submitted','pending','aborting','queued','staged')";
                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iActiveCount, sSQL, ref sErr))
                        ui.RaiseError(Page, sErr, true, "");

                    //and hide the resubmit button if we're over the limit
                    //if active < concurrent do nothing
                    //if active >= concurrent but there's room in the queue, change the message
                    //if this one would pop the queue, hide the button
                    if (iActiveCount > 0)
                        if (iConcurrent + iQueueDepth > 0)
                            if (iActiveCount >= iConcurrent && (iActiveCount + 1) <= iQueueDepth)
                                lblResubmitMessage.Text = "The maximum concurrent instances for this Task are running.  This request will be queued.<br /><br />";
                                phResubmit.Visible = false;

                        //neato... show the user a list of all the other instances!
                        sSQL = "select task_instance, task_status from tv_task_instance" +
                               " where task_id = '" + dr["task_id"].ToString() + "'" +
                               " and task_instance <> '" + sTaskInstance + "'" +
                               " and task_status in ('processing','submitted','pending','aborting','queued','staged')" +
                               " order by task_status";
                        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                        if (!dc.sqlGetDataTable(ref dt, sSQL, ref sErr))
                            ui.RaiseError(Page, sErr, true, "");

                        rpOtherInstances.DataSource = dt;

                        pnlOtherInstances.Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public static string SaveNotifications(object[] oAsset)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            acUI.AppGlobals ag = new acUI.AppGlobals();

            string sErr = "";
            string sMessengerOnOff = oAsset[0].ToString();
            string sPollLoop = oAsset[1].ToString();
            string sRetryDelay = oAsset[2].ToString();
            string sRetryMaxAttempts = oAsset[3].ToString();
            string sSMTPServerAddress = oAsset[4].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sSMTPUserAccount = oAsset[5].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sSMTPUserPassword = oAsset[6].ToString();
            string sSMTPServerPort = oAsset[7].ToString();
            string sFromEmail = oAsset[8].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sFromName = oAsset[9].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sAdminEmail = oAsset[10].ToString().Replace("'", "''");

            // get the current settings for the logging
            string sOrigMessengerOnOff = "";
            string sOrigPollLoop = "";
            string sOrigRetryDelay = "";
            string sOrigRetryMaxAttempts = "";
            string sOrigSMTPServerAddress = "";
            string sOrigSMTPUserAccount = "";
            string sOrigSMTPServerPort = "";
            string sOrigFromEmail = "";
            string sOrigFromName = "";
            string sOrigAdminEmail = "";

            string sSQL = "select mode_off_on, loop_delay_sec, retry_delay_min, retry_max_attempts," +
                    " smtp_server_addr, smtp_server_user, smtp_server_password, smtp_server_port, from_email, from_name, admin_email" +
                    " from messenger_settings" +
                    " where id = 1";

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            if (!dc.sqlGetDataTable(ref dt, sSQL, ref sErr))
                return "Unable to continue. " + sErr;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
                sOrigMessengerOnOff = dr["mode_off_on"].ToString();
                sOrigPollLoop = dr["loop_delay_sec"].ToString();
                sOrigRetryDelay = dr["retry_delay_min"].ToString();
                sOrigRetryMaxAttempts = dr["retry_max_attempts"].ToString();
                sOrigSMTPServerAddress = dr["smtp_server_addr"].ToString();
                sOrigSMTPUserAccount = dr["smtp_server_user"].ToString();
                sOrigSMTPServerPort = dr["smtp_server_port"].ToString();
                sOrigFromEmail = dr["from_email"].ToString();
                sOrigFromName = dr["from_name"].ToString();
                sOrigAdminEmail = dr["admin_email"].ToString();

            sSQL = "update messenger_settings set mode_off_on='{0}', loop_delay_sec={1}, retry_delay_min={2}, retry_max_attempts={3}, smtp_server_addr='{4}', smtp_server_user='******', smtp_server_port={6}, from_email='{7}', from_name='{8}', admin_email='{9}'";
            //only update password if it has been changed.
            string sPasswordFiller = "($%#d@x!&";
            if (sSMTPUserPassword != sPasswordFiller)
                sSQL += ",smtp_server_password='******'";
            sSQL = string.Format(sSQL, sMessengerOnOff, sPollLoop, sRetryDelay, sRetryMaxAttempts, sSMTPServerAddress, sSMTPUserAccount, sSMTPServerPort, sFromEmail, sFromName, sAdminEmail, dc.EnCrypt(sSMTPUserPassword));

            if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                return "Update failed: " + sErr;
                var sLogObject = "Manage Notifications";
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Messenger On / Off", sOrigMessengerOnOff, sMessengerOnOff);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Poll Loop", sOrigPollLoop, sPollLoop);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Retry Delay", sOrigRetryDelay, sRetryDelay);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "Retry Max Attempts", sOrigRetryMaxAttempts, sRetryMaxAttempts);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "SMTP Server Address", sOrigSMTPServerAddress, sSMTPServerAddress);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "SMTP User Account", sOrigSMTPUserAccount, sSMTPUserAccount);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "SMTP Server Port", sOrigSMTPServerPort, sSMTPServerPort);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "From Email", sOrigFromEmail, sFromEmail);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "From Name", sOrigFromName, sFromName);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(acObjectTypes.None, sLogObject, "From Name", sOrigAdminEmail, sAdminEmail);

                // send a notification to the user that made the change
                if (sMessengerOnOff == "on")
                    // get the users email, if they do not have an email tell them no message was created.
                    string sUsersEmail = null;
                    string sUserID = ui.GetSessionUserID();
                    sSQL = "select email from users where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'";

                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sUsersEmail, sSQL, ref sErr))
                        return "Unable to create test email: " + sErr;
                    string sUserName = "";
                    sUserName = ui.GetSessionUserFullName();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUsersEmail) || sUsersEmail.Length < 5)
                        // all good, no email so notify user
                        return "Notification settings updated.\n\nNo email on file for user " + sUserName + " - unable to send a test message";
                        // create a test email
                            ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management",
                            ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Messenger configuration change.",
                            "<html><head></head><body><p>" + sUserName + ",</p><p>This is a test mail to confirm the smtp server that you have configured.</p><p>Do not reply to this message, and feel free to delete it.</p><p>Regards,\n\n" + ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Administration team.</p></body></html>", ref sErr);

                        if (sErr != "")
                            return "Update completed.  Unable to create test message: " + sErr;
                    return "Notification settings updated.  A test email will be sent to " + sUsersEmail + ".";
                    return "Notification settings updated.";
Beispiel #12
        public static string SaveCredential(object[] oAsset)
            // we are passing in 16 elements, if we have 16 go
            if (oAsset.Length != 8)
                return("Incorrect list of attributes:" + oAsset.Length.ToString());

            string sCredentialID       = oAsset[0].ToString();
            string sCredentialName     = oAsset[1].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sUserName           = oAsset[2].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredentialDesc     = oAsset[3].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sPassword           = oAsset[4].ToString();
            string sDomain             = oAsset[5].ToString();
            string sMode               = oAsset[6].ToString();
            string sPrivilegedPassword = oAsset[7].ToString();

            // for logging
            string sOriginalUserName = null;

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui   = new acUI.acUI();
            string    sSql = null;
            string    sErr = null;

            //if we are editing get the original values
            if (sMode == "edit")
                sSql = "select username from asset_credential " +
                       "where credential_id = '" + sCredentialID + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sOriginalUserName, sSql, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // update the user fields.
                if (sMode == "edit")
                    // only update the passwword if it has changed
                    string sNewPassword = "";
                    if (sPassword != "($%#d@x!&")
                        sNewPassword = "******" + dc.EnCrypt(sPassword) + "'";

                    // bugzilla 1260
                    // same for privileged_password
                    string sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = null;
                    if (sPrivilegedPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                        // password has not been touched
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "";
                        // updated password
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ",privileged_password = '******'";

                    sSql = "update asset_credential set" +
                           " credential_name = '" + sCredentialName + "'," +
                           " username = '******'," +
                           " domain = '" + sDomain.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                           " shared_cred_desc = '" + sCredentialDesc + "'" +
                           sNewPassword +
                           sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate +
                           " where credential_id = '" + sCredentialID + "'";
                    // if the priviledged password is empty just set it to null
                    string sPrivilegedPasswordUpdate = "NULL";
                    if (sPrivilegedPassword.Length != 0)
                        sPrivilegedPasswordUpdate = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPrivilegedPassword) + "'";

                    sSql = "insert into asset_credential (credential_id, credential_name, username, password, domain, shared_cred_desc, shared_or_local, privileged_password)" +
                           " values (" + "'" + ui.NewGUID() + "'," +
                           "'" + sCredentialName.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                           "'" + sUserName.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                           "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPassword) + "'," +
                           "'" + sDomain.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                           "'" + sCredentialDesc.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                           "'0'," + sPrivilegedPasswordUpdate + ")";
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    if (sErr == "key_violation")
                        throw new Exception("A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name.");
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // add security log
            // since this is not handled as a page postback, theres no "Viewstate" settings
            // so 2 options either we keep an original setting for each value in hid values, or just get them from the db as part of the
            // update above, since we are already passing in 15 or so fields, lets just get the values at the start and reference them here
            if (sMode == "edit")
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sUserName.Replace("'", "''"), sOriginalUserName, sUserName.Replace("'", "''"));
                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sUserName.Replace("'", "''"), "Credential Created");

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
Beispiel #13
        public static string ResetPassword(string sUserID)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI       ui = new acUI.acUI();
            acUI.AppGlobals ag = new acUI.AppGlobals();

            string sSQL = null;
            string sErr = null;

            //get the details of this user
            sSQL = "select u.username, u.full_name,, u.authentication_type" +
                   " from users u " +
                   " where u.user_id = '" + sUserID + "'";
            DataRow dr = null;

            if (!dc.sqlGetDataRow(ref dr, sSQL, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            if (dr != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["email"].ToString()))
                    string sEmail       = dr["email"].ToString();
                    string sNewPassword = dc.GenerateNewPassword();

                    sSQL = "update users set user_password = '******' where user_id = '" + sUserID + "'";

                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    // add security log
                    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.User, sUserID, sUserID, "Password Reset");

                    //email out the password
                    string sBody = "";
                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sBody, "select new_user_email_message from login_security_settings where id = 1", ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    //default message if undefined in the table
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sBody))
                        sBody = dr["full_name"].ToString() + " - your password has been reset by an Administrator." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Your temporary password is: " + sNewPassword + "." + Environment.NewLine;

                    //replace our special tokens with the values
                    sBody = sBody.Replace("##FULLNAME##", dr["full_name"].ToString()).Replace("##USERNAME##", dr["username"].ToString()).Replace("##PASSWORD##", sNewPassword);

                    if (!ui.SendEmailMessage(sEmail.Trim(), ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management", "Account Action in " + ag.APP_NAME, sBody, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);
                    return("Unable to reset - user does not have an email address defined.");

Beispiel #14
        public static string SaveAsset(object[] oAsset)
            // check the # of elements in the array
            if (oAsset.Length != 19) return "Incorrect number of Asset Properties:" + oAsset.Length.ToString();

            string sAssetID = oAsset[0].ToString();
            string sAssetName = oAsset[1].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sDbName = oAsset[2].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sPort = oAsset[3].ToString();
            string sConnectionType = oAsset[4].ToString();
            string sIsConnection = "0"; // oAsset[5].ToString();

            string sAddress = oAsset[5].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            // mode is edit or add
            string sMode = oAsset[6].ToString();
            string sCredentialID = oAsset[7].ToString();
            string sCredUsername = oAsset[8].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredPassword = oAsset[9].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sShared = oAsset[10].ToString();
            string sCredentialName = oAsset[11].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredentialDescr = oAsset[12].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sDomain = oAsset[13].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            string sCredentialType = oAsset[14].ToString();

            string sAssetStatus = oAsset[15].ToString();
            string sPrivilegedPassword = oAsset[16].ToString();
            string sTagArray = oAsset[17].ToString();

            string sConnString = oAsset[18].ToString().Replace("'", "''");

            // for logging
            string sOriginalAssetName = "";
            string sOriginalPort = "";
            string sOriginalDbName = "";
            string sOriginalAddress = "";
            string sOriginalConnectionType = "";
            string sOriginalUserName = "";
            string sOriginalConnString = "";
            string sOriginalCredentialID = "";
            string sOriginalAssetStatus = "";

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            string sSql = null;
            string sErr = null;

            //if we are editing get the original values
            //this is getting original values for logging purposes
            if (sMode == "edit")
                DataRow dr = null;
                sSql = "select a.asset_name, a.asset_status, a.port, a.db_name, a.address, a.db_name, a.connection_type, a.conn_string, ac.username, a.credential_id," +
                    " case when a.is_connection_system = '1' then 'Yes' else 'No' end as is_connection_system " +
                    " from asset a " +
                    " left outer join asset_credential ac on ac.credential_id = a.credential_id " +
                    " where a.asset_id = '" + sAssetID + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlGetDataRow(ref dr, sSql, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);
                    if (dr != null)
                        sOriginalAssetName = dr["asset_name"].ToString();
                        sOriginalPort = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["port"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["port"].ToString());
                        sOriginalDbName = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["db_name"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["db_name"].ToString());
                        sOriginalAddress = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["address"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["address"].ToString());
                        sOriginalConnectionType = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["connection_type"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["connection_type"].ToString());
                        sOriginalUserName = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["username"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["username"].ToString());
                        sOriginalConnString = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["conn_string"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["conn_string"].ToString());
                        sOriginalCredentialID = (object.ReferenceEquals(dr["credential_id"], DBNull.Value) ? "" : dr["credential_id"].ToString());
                        sOriginalAssetStatus = dr["asset_status"].ToString();

            //NOTE NOTE NOTE!
            //the following is a catch 22.
            //if we're adding a new asset, we will need to figure out the credential first so we can save the credential id on the asset
            //but if it's a new local credential, it gets the asset id as it's name.
            //if it's a new asset, go ahead and get the new guid for it here so the credential add will work.
            if (sMode == "add")
                sAssetID = ui.NewGUID();
            //and move on...

            // there are three CredentialType's
            // 1) 'selected' = user selected a different credential, just save the credential_id
            // 2) 'new' = user created a new shared or local credential
            // 3) 'existing' = same credential, just update the username,description ad password
            string sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = null;
            if (sCredentialType == "new")
                if (sPrivilegedPassword.Length == 0)
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "NULL";
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPrivilegedPassword) + "'";

                //if it's a local credential, the credential_name is the asset_id.
                //if it's shared, there will be a name.
                if (sShared == "1")
                    sCredentialName = sAssetID;

                    //whack and add - easiest way to avoid conflicts
                    sSql = "delete from asset_credential where credential_name = '" + sCredentialName + "' and shared_or_local = '1'";
                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                //now we're clear to add
                sCredentialID = "'" + ui.NewGUID() + "'";
                sSql = "insert into asset_credential " +
                    "(credential_id,credential_name,username,password,domain,shared_or_local,shared_cred_desc,privileged_password) " +
                        "values (" + sCredentialID + ",'" + sCredentialName + "','" + sCredUsername + "','" + dc.EnCrypt(sCredPassword) + "','" + sDomain + "','" + sShared + "','" + sCredentialDescr + "'," + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + ")";
                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                    if (sErr == "key_violation")
                        throw new Exception("A Credential with that name already exists.  Please select another name.");
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add security log
                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Credential, sCredentialID, sCredentialName, "");

            else if (sCredentialType == "existing")
                sCredentialID = "'" + sCredentialID + "'";
                // bugzilla 1126 if the password has not changed leave it as is.
                string sPasswordUpdate = null;
                if (sCredPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                    // password has not been touched
                    sPasswordUpdate = "";
                    // updated password
                    sPasswordUpdate = ",password = '******'";

                // bugzilla 1260
                // same for privileged_password

                if (sPrivilegedPassword == "($%#d@x!&")
                    // password has not been touched
                    sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = "";
                    // updated password
                    // bugzilla 1352 priviledged password can be blank, so if it is, set it to null
                    if (sPrivilegedPassword.Length == 0)
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ",privileged_password = null";
                        sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate = ",privileged_password = '******'";

                sSql = "update asset_credential " +
                        "set username = '******'" + sPasswordUpdate + sPriviledgedPasswordUpdate + ",domain = '" + sDomain + "'," +
                        "shared_or_local = '" + sShared + "',shared_cred_desc = '" + sCredentialDescr + "'" +
                        "where credential_id = " + sCredentialID;
                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add security log
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "Changed credential", sOriginalUserName, sCredUsername);

                // user selected a shared credential
                // remove the local credential if one exists

                if (sOriginalCredentialID.Length > 0)
                    sSql = "delete from asset_credential where credential_id = '" + sOriginalCredentialID + "' and shared_or_local = '1'";
                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSql, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    // add security log
                    ui.WriteObjectDeleteLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), "Credential deleted" + sOriginalCredentialID + " " + sOriginalUserName);

                sCredentialID = "'" + sCredentialID + "'";


            // checks that cant be done on the client side
            // is the name unique?
            string sInuse = "";

            if (sMode == "edit")
                sSql = "select asset_id from asset where asset_name = '" + sAssetName.Trim() + "' and asset_id <> '" + sAssetID + "' limit 1";
                sSql = "select asset_id from asset where asset_name = '" + sAssetName.Trim() + "' limit 1";

            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sInuse, sSql, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInuse))
                    return "Asset Name '" + sAssetName + "' already in use, choose another." + sAssetID;

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                if (sMode == "edit")
                    sSql = "update asset set asset_name = '" + sAssetName + "'," +
                        " asset_status = '" + sAssetStatus + "'," +
                        " address = '" + sAddress + "'" + "," +
                        " conn_string = '" + sConnString + "'" + "," +
                        " db_name = '" + sDbName + "'," +
                        " port = " + (sPort == "" ? "NULL" : "'" + sPort + "'") + "," +
                        " connection_type = '" + sConnectionType + "'," +
                        " is_connection_system = '" + (sIsConnection == "Yes" ? 1 : 0) + "'," +
                        " credential_id = " + sCredentialID +
                        " where asset_id = '" + sAssetID + "'";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    sSql = "insert into asset (asset_id,asset_name,asset_status,address,conn_string,db_name,port,connection_type,is_connection_system,credential_id)" +
                    " values (" +
                    "'" + sAssetID + "'," +
                    "'" + sAssetName + "'," +
                    "'" + sAssetStatus + "'," +
                    "'" + sAddress + "'," +
                    "'" + sConnString + "'," +
                    "'" + sDbName + "'," +
                    (sPort == "" ? "NULL" : "'" + sPort + "'") + "," +
                    "'" + sConnectionType + "'," +
                    "'0'," +
                    sCredentialID + ")";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                #region "tags"
                // remove the existing tags
                sSql = "delete from object_tags where object_id = '" + sAssetID + "'";
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                // add user groups, if there are any
                if (sTagArray.Length > 0)
                    ArrayList aTags = new ArrayList(sTagArray.Split(','));
                    foreach (string sTagName in aTags)
                        sSql = "insert object_tags (object_id, object_type, tag_name)" +
                            " values ('" + sAssetID + "', 2, '" + sTagName + "')";
                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);


            catch (Exception ex)

                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // NOTE! too many if edit... probably need to just make 2 functions, update asset, and create asset

            // add security log
            // since this is not handled as a page postback, theres no "Viewstate" settings
            // so 2 options either we keep an original setting for each value in hid values, or just get them from the db as part of the
            // update above, since we are already passing in 15 or so fields, lets just get the values at the start and reference them here
            if (sMode == "edit")
                string sOrigCredUsername = GetCredentialNameFromID(sOriginalCredentialID.Replace("'", "")).ToString();
                string sCurrentCredUsername = GetCredentialNameFromID(sCredentialID.Replace("'", "")).ToString();
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Name", sOriginalAssetName, sAssetName);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Address", sOriginalAddress, sAddress);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Port", sOriginalPort, sPort);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " DB Name", sOriginalDbName, sDbName);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Connection Type", sOriginalConnectionType, sConnectionType);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Credential", sOrigCredUsername, sCurrentCredUsername);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " Status", sOriginalAssetStatus, sAssetStatus);
                ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + " ConnString", sOriginalConnString, sConnString);
                ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Asset, sAssetID, sAssetName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), "Asset Created");

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
            return "";
Beispiel #15
        public static string SaveAccount(string sMode, string sAccountID, string sAccountName, string sAccountNumber, string sProvider,
                                         string sLoginID, string sLoginPassword, string sLoginPasswordConfirm, string sIsDefault, string sAutoManageSecurity)
            // for logging
            string sOriginalName = "";

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui   = new acUI.acUI();
            string    sSql = "";
            string    sErr = "";

            //if we are editing get the original values
            if (sMode == "edit")

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // update the user fields.
                if (sMode == "edit")
                    sSql = "select account_name from cloud_account " +
                           "where account_id = '" + sAccountID + "'";
                    if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sOriginalName, sSql, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error getting original account name:" + sErr);

                    // only update the passwword if it has changed
                    string sNewPassword = "";
                    if (sLoginPassword != "($%#d@x!&")
                        sNewPassword = "******" + dc.EnCrypt(sLoginPassword) + "'";

                    sSql = "update cloud_account set" +
                           " account_name = '" + sAccountName + "'," +
                           " account_number = '" + sAccountNumber + "'," +
                           " provider = '" + sProvider + "'," +
                           " is_default = '" + sIsDefault + "'," +
                           " auto_manage_security = '" + sAutoManageSecurity + "'," +
                           " login_id = '" + sLoginID + "'" +
                           sNewPassword +
                           " where account_id = '" + sAccountID + "'";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error updating account: " + sErr);

                    ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, sOriginalName, sAccountName);
                    //now, for some reason we were having issues with the initial startup of apache
                    //not able to perform the very first database hit.
                    //this line serves as an inital db hit, but we aren't trapping it or showing the error
                    dc.TestDBConnection(ref sErr);

                    //if there are no rows yet, make this one the default even if the box isn't checked.
                    if (sIsDefault == "0")
                        int iExists = -1;

                        sSql = "select count(*) as cnt from cloud_account";
                        if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iExists, sSql, ref sErr))
                            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iExists, sSql, ref sErr))
                                if (!dc.sqlGetSingleInteger(ref iExists, sSql, ref sErr))
                                    throw new Exception("Unable to count Cloud Accounts: " + sErr);

                        if (iExists == 0)
                            sIsDefault = "1";

                    sAccountID = ui.NewGUID();
                    sSql       = "insert into cloud_account (account_id, account_name, account_number, provider, is_default, login_id, login_password, auto_manage_security)" +
                                 " values ('" + sAccountID + "'," +
                                 "'" + sAccountName + "'," +
                                 "'" + sAccountNumber + "'," +
                                 "'" + sProvider + "'," +
                                 "'" + sIsDefault + "'," +
                                 "'" + sLoginID + "'," +
                                 "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sLoginPassword) + "'," +
                                 "'" + sAutoManageSecurity + "')";

                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error creating account: " + sErr);

                    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, "Account Created");

                //if "default" was selected, unset all the others
                if (dc.IsTrue(sIsDefault))
                    oTrans.Command.CommandText = "update cloud_account set is_default = 0 where account_id <> '" + sAccountID + "'";
                    if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception("Error updating defaults: " + sErr);


                //refresh the cloud account list in the session
                if (!ui.PutCloudAccountsInSession(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception("Error refreshing accounts in session: " + sErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error: General Exception: " + ex.Message);

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
            return("{'account_id':'" + sAccountID + "', 'account_name':'" + sAccountName + "', 'provider':'" + sProvider + "'}");
        public string wmUpdateTaskParam(string sType, string sID, string sParamID,
            string sName, string sDesc,
            string sRequired, string sPrompt, string sEncrypt, string sPresentAs, string sValues)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();
            FunctionTemplates.HTMLTemplates ft = new FunctionTemplates.HTMLTemplates();

            if (!ui.IsGUID(sID))
                throw new Exception("Invalid or missing ID.");

            string sErr = "";
            string sSQL = "";

            //we encoded this in javascript before the ajax call.
            //the safest way to unencode it is to use the same javascript lib.
            //(sometimes the javascript and .net libs don't translate exactly, google it.)
            sDesc = ui.unpackJSON(sDesc).Trim();

            //normalize and clean the values
            sRequired = (dc.IsTrue(sRequired) ? "true" : "false");
            sPrompt = (dc.IsTrue(sPrompt) ? "true" : "false");
            sEncrypt = (dc.IsTrue(sEncrypt) ? "true" : "false");
            sName = sName.Trim().Replace("'", "''");

            string sTable = "";
            string sXML = "";
            string sParameterXPath = "//parameter[@id = \"" + sParamID + "\"]";  //using this to keep the code below cleaner.

            if (sType == "ecosystem")
                sTable = "ecosystem";
            else if (sType == "task")
                sTable = "task";

            bool bParamAdd = false;
            //bool bParamUpdate = false;

            //if sParamID is empty, we are adding
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sParamID))
                sParamID = "p_" + ui.NewGUID();
                sParameterXPath = "//parameter[@id = \"" + sParamID + "\"]";  //reset this if we had to get a new id

                //does the task already have parameters?
                sSQL = "select parameter_xml from " + sTable + " where " + sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'";
                if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sXML, sSQL, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                string sAddXML = "<parameter id=\"" + sParamID + "\" required=\"" + sRequired + "\" prompt=\"" + sPrompt + "\" encrypt=\"" + sEncrypt + "\">" +
                    "<name>" + sName + "</name>" +
                    "<desc>" + sDesc + "</desc>" +

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sXML))
                    //XML doesn't exist at all, add it to the record
                    sAddXML = "<parameters>" + sAddXML + "</parameters>";

                    sSQL = "update " + sTable + " set " +
                        " parameter_xml = '" + sAddXML + "'" +
                        " where " + sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'";

                    if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                        throw new Exception(sErr);

                    bParamAdd = true;
                    //XML exists, add the node to it
                    ft.AddNodeToXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", "//parameters", sAddXML);
                    bParamAdd = true;
                //update the node values
                ft.SetNodeValueinXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath + "/name", sName);
                ft.SetNodeValueinXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath + "/desc", sDesc);
                //and the attributes
                ft.SetNodeAttributeinXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath, "required", sRequired);
                ft.SetNodeAttributeinXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath, "prompt", sPrompt);
                ft.SetNodeAttributeinXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath, "encrypt", sEncrypt);

                bParamAdd = false;

            // not clean at all handling both tasks and ecosystems in the same method, but whatever.
            if (bParamAdd)
                if (sType == "task") { ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sID, "Parameter", "Added Parameter:" + sName ); };
                if (sType == "ecosystem") { ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.Ecosystem, sID, "Parameter", "Added Parameter:" + sName); };
                // would be a lot of trouble to add the from to, why is it needed you have each value in the log, just scroll back
                // so just add a changed message to the log
                if (sType == "task") { dc.addSecurityLog(ui.GetSessionUserID(), Globals.SecurityLogTypes.Object, Globals.SecurityLogActions.ObjectModify, Globals.acObjectTypes.Task, sID, "Parameter Changed:[" + sName + "]", ref sErr); };
                if (sType == "ecosystem") { dc.addSecurityLog(ui.GetSessionUserID(), Globals.SecurityLogTypes.Object, Globals.SecurityLogActions.ObjectModify, Globals.acObjectTypes.Ecosystem, sID, "Parameter Changed:[" + sName + "]", ref sErr); };

            //update the values
            string[] aValues = sValues.Split('|');
            string sValueXML = "";

            foreach (string sVal in aValues)
                string sReadyValue = "";

                //if encrypt is true we MIGHT want to encrypt this value.
                //but it might simply be a resubmit of an existing value in which case we DON'T
                //if it has oev: as a prefix, it needs no additional work
                if (dc.IsTrue(sEncrypt))
                    if (sVal.IndexOf("oev:") > -1)
                        sReadyValue = sVal.Replace("oev:", "");
                        sReadyValue = dc.EnCrypt(ui.unpackJSON(sVal));
                } else {
                    sReadyValue = ui.unpackJSON(sVal);

                sValueXML += "<value id=\"pv_" + ui.NewGUID() + "\">" + sReadyValue + "</value>";

            sValueXML = "<values present_as=\"" + sPresentAs + "\">" + sValueXML + "</values>";

            ft.RemoveNodeFromXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath + "/values");
            ft.AddNodeToXMLColumn(sTable, "parameter_xml", sType + "_id = '" + sID + "'", sParameterXPath, sValueXML);

            return "";
Beispiel #17
        public static string SaveKeyPair(string sKeypairID, string sAccountID, string sName, string sPK, string sPP)
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName))
                return("KeyPair Name is Required.");

            //we encoded this in javascript before the ajax call.
            //the safest way to unencode it is to use the same javascript lib.
            //(sometimes the javascript and .net libs don't translate exactly, google it.)
            sPK = ui.unpackJSON(sPK);

            bool bUpdatePK = false;

            if (sPK != "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n**********\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
                //we want to make sure it's not just the placeholder, but DOES have the wrapper.
                //and 61 is the lenght of the wrapper with no content... effectively empty
                if (sPK.StartsWith("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n") && sPK.EndsWith("\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"))
                    //now, is there truly something in it?
                    string sContent = sPK.Replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("\n", "");
                    if (sContent.Length > 0)
                        bUpdatePK = true;
                        return("Private Key contained within:<br />-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----<br />and<br />-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----<br />cannot be blank.");
                    return("Private Key must be contained within:<br />-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----<br />and<br />-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----");

            bool bUpdatePP = false;

            if (sPP != "!2E4S6789O")
                bUpdatePP = true;

            //all good, keep going

            dataAccess dc   = new dataAccess();
            string     sSQL = null;
            string     sErr = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKeypairID))
                    //empty id, it's a new one.
                    string sPKClause = "";
                    if (bUpdatePK)
                        sPKClause = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPK) + "'";

                    string sPPClause = "null";
                    if (bUpdatePP)
                        sPPClause = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPP) + "'";

                    sSQL = "insert into cloud_account_keypair (keypair_id, account_id, keypair_name, private_key, passphrase)" +
                           " values ('" + ui.NewGUID() + "'," +
                           "'" + sAccountID + "'," +
                           "'" + sName.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                           sPKClause + "," +
                           sPPClause +
                    string sPKClause = "";
                    if (bUpdatePK)
                        sPKClause = ", private_key = '" + dc.EnCrypt(sPK) + "'";

                    string sPPClause = "";
                    if (bUpdatePP)
                        sPPClause = ", passphrase = '" + dc.EnCrypt(sPP) + "'";

                    sSQL = "update cloud_account_keypair set" +
                           " keypair_name = '" + sName.Replace("'", "''") + "'" +
                           sPKClause + sPPClause +
                           " where keypair_id = '" + sKeypairID + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            //// add security log
            //// since this is not handled as a page postback, theres no "Viewstate" settings
            //// so 2 options either we keep an original setting for each value in hid values, or just get them from the db as part of the
            //// update above, since we are already passing in 15 or so fields, lets just get the values at the start and reference them here
            //if (sMode == "edit")
            //    ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, sOriginalName, sAccountName);
            //    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, "Account Created");

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
        public static string SaveKeyPair(string sKeypairID, string sAccountID, string sName, string sPK, string sPP)
            acUI.acUI ui = new acUI.acUI();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName))
                return "KeyPair Name is Required.";

            //we encoded this in javascript before the ajax call.
            //the safest way to unencode it is to use the same javascript lib.
            //(sometimes the javascript and .net libs don't translate exactly, google it.)
            sPK = ui.unpackJSON(sPK);

            bool bUpdatePK = false;
            if (sPK != "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n**********\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")

                //we want to make sure it's not just the placeholder, but DOES have the wrapper.
                //and 61 is the lenght of the wrapper with no content... effectively empty
                if (sPK.StartsWith("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n") && sPK.EndsWith("\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"))
                    //now, is there truly something in it?
                    string sContent = sPK.Replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "").Replace("\n", "");
                    if (sContent.Length > 0)
                        bUpdatePK = true;
                        return "Private Key contained within:<br />-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----<br />and<br />-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----<br />cannot be blank.";
                    return "Private Key must be contained within:<br />-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----<br />and<br />-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";

            bool bUpdatePP = false;
            if (sPP != "!2E4S6789O")
                bUpdatePP = true;

            //all good, keep going

            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();
            string sSQL = null;
            string sErr = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKeypairID))
                    //empty id, it's a new one.
                    string sPKClause = "";
                    if (bUpdatePK)
                        sPKClause = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPK) + "'";

                    string sPPClause = "null";
                    if (bUpdatePP)
                        sPPClause = "'" + dc.EnCrypt(sPP) + "'";

                    sSQL = "insert into cloud_account_keypair (keypair_id, account_id, keypair_name, private_key, passphrase)" +
                        " values ('" + ui.NewGUID() + "'," +
                        "'" + sAccountID + "'," +
                        "'" + sName.Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                        sPKClause + "," +
                        sPPClause +
                    string sPKClause = "";
                    if (bUpdatePK)
                        sPKClause = ", private_key = '" + dc.EnCrypt(sPK) + "'";

                    string sPPClause = "";
                    if (bUpdatePP)
                        sPPClause = ", passphrase = '" + dc.EnCrypt(sPP) + "'";

                    sSQL = "update cloud_account_keypair set" +
                        " keypair_name = '" + sName.Replace("'", "''") + "'" +
                        sPKClause + sPPClause +
                        " where keypair_id = '" + sKeypairID + "'";

                if (!dc.sqlExecuteUpdate(sSQL, ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)

                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            //// add security log
            //// since this is not handled as a page postback, theres no "Viewstate" settings
            //// so 2 options either we keep an original setting for each value in hid values, or just get them from the db as part of the
            //// update above, since we are already passing in 15 or so fields, lets just get the values at the start and reference them here
            //if (sMode == "edit")
            //    ui.WriteObjectChangeLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, sOriginalName, sAccountName);
            //    ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.CloudAccount, sAccountID, sAccountName, "Account Created");

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
            return "";
Beispiel #19
        public static string SaveNewUser(object[] oUser)
            dataAccess dc = new dataAccess();

            acUI.acUI       ui   = new acUI.acUI();
            acUI.AppGlobals ag   = new acUI.AppGlobals();
            string          sSql = null;
            string          sErr = null;

            // check the number of properties
            if (oUser.Length != 10)
                return("Incorrect list of user properties");

            string sLoginID             = oUser[0].ToString();
            string sFullName            = oUser[1].ToString();
            string sAuthType            = oUser[2].ToString();
            string sUserPassword        = oUser[3].ToString();
            string sGeneratePW          = oUser[4].ToString();
            string sForcePasswordChange = oUser[5].ToString();
            string sUserRole            = oUser[6].ToString();
            string sEmail      = oUser[7].ToString();
            string sStatus     = oUser[8].ToString();
            string sGroupArray = oUser[9].ToString();

            // checks that cant be done on the client side
            // is the name unique?
            string sInuse = "";

            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sInuse, "select user_id from users where username = '******' limit 1", ref sErr))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sInuse))
                    return("Login ID '" + sLoginID + "' is unavailable, please choose another.");

            // password
            string sPassword = null;

            if (sAuthType == "local")
                if (sGeneratePW == "1") //generate an initial strong password
                    sUserPassword = dc.GenerateNewPassword();

                sPassword = "******" + dc.EnCrypt(sUserPassword) + "'";
            else if (sAuthType == "ldap")
                sPassword = "******";
                return("Unknown Authentication Type.");

            // passed client and server validations, create the user
            string sNewUserID = ui.NewGUID();

                dataAccess.acTransaction oTrans = new dataAccess.acTransaction(ref sErr);

                // all good, save the new user and redirect to the user edit page.
                sSql = "insert users" +
                       " (user_id,username,full_name,authentication_type,user_password,force_change,email,status,user_role)" +
                       " values " +
                       "('" + sNewUserID + "'," +
                       "'" + sLoginID.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                       "'" + sFullName.Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "'," +
                       "'" + sAuthType + "'," + sPassword + "," +
                       "'" + sForcePasswordChange + "'," +
                       "'" + sEmail.Trim() + "'," +
                       "'" + sStatus + "'," +
                       "'" + sUserRole + "'" +
                oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                    throw new Exception(sErr);

                #region "groups"
                // add user groups, if there are any
                if (sGroupArray.Length > 0)
                    ArrayList aGroups = new ArrayList(sGroupArray.Split(','));
                    foreach (string sGroupName in aGroups)
                        sSql = "insert object_tags (object_id, object_type, tag_name)" +
                               " values ('" + sNewUserID + "', 1, '" + sGroupName + "')";
                        oTrans.Command.CommandText = sSql;
                        if (!oTrans.ExecUpdate(ref sErr))
                            throw new Exception(sErr);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);

            // add security log
            ui.WriteObjectAddLog(Globals.acObjectTypes.User, sNewUserID, sFullName.Trim().Replace("'", "''"), "");

            //email out the password
            string sBody = "";
            if (!dc.sqlGetSingleString(ref sBody, "select new_user_email_message from login_security_settings where id = 1", ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            //default message if undefined in the table
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sBody))
                sBody = sFullName + " - an account has been created for you in " + ag.APP_NAME + "." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Your User Name: " + sLoginID + "." + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Your temporary password: "******"." + Environment.NewLine;

            //replace our special tokens with the values
            sBody = sBody.Replace("##FULLNAME##", sFullName).Replace("##USERNAME##", sLoginID);

            if (sGeneratePW == "1")
                sBody = sBody.Replace("##PASSWORD##", sUserPassword);
                sBody = sBody.Replace("##PASSWORD##", "Will be provided by an Administrator.");

            if (!ui.SendEmailMessage(sEmail.Trim(), ag.APP_COMPANYNAME + " Account Management", "Welcome to " + ag.APP_COMPANYNAME, sBody, ref sErr))
                throw new Exception(sErr);

            // no errors to here, so return an empty string
