static public cybProcess cybCharge(ARC_Cybersource_Charge donor) { cybProcess cybProc = new cybProcess(); cybProc.status = "START"; cybProc.message = "begin processing..."; #region Insert: CYBERSOURCE Boolean doCyberSource = true; // [false] Prevents CS from processing (DeBug) Boolean donationApproved = false; // Determine if this is the proper place for this, it is used to determine success/failure String ResponseSQL = ""; // Determien proper place for this, it was a label String cdChargeStatus = ""; // Determien proper place for this, it was a label #region CS Request Creation and Type RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage(); request.ccAuthService = new CCAuthService(); = "true"; request.ccCaptureService = new CCCaptureService(); = "true"; #endregion CS Request Creation and Type #region CS Reconcilliation ID /// Reconcilliation ID from ExternalID / DonationCCInfo.ID string reconciliationID = donor.donationid.ToString(); // sp_donationccinfoid.ToString(); // Padding Not Used [Used in IVR/Recurring Services ???] //int pad = 16; // 9 for AmEx, 16 for others //if (sp_ccnum.StartsWith("3")) { pad = 9; } //reconciliationID = reconciliationID.PadRight(pad, '0'); request.ccAuthService.reconciliationID = reconciliationID; request.ccCaptureService.reconciliationID = reconciliationID; request.merchantReferenceCode = donor.orderid; // sp_orderid = sp_donationccinfoid.ToString().PadLeft(14, '0');; #endregion CS Reconcilliation ID #region CS billTo /// We need to enter default data if non is supplied /// We also need to parse the Zip Code against the Zip database BillTo billTo = new BillTo(); billTo.firstName = donor.billto_firstname; // tb7_first_name.Text.Trim(); billTo.lastName = donor.billto_lastname; // tb7_last_name.Text.Trim(); billTo.street1 = donor.billto_streeet1; // tb8_address1.Text.Trim(); billTo.postalCode = donor.billto_zip; // tb8_postal_code.Text.Trim(); = donor.billto_city; // tb8_city.Text.Trim(); billTo.state = donor.billto_state; // sp_state; // tb8_state.SelectedValue; = donor.billto_country; // sp_country; // "US"; = donor.billto_email; // tb8_email.Text.Trim() request.billTo = billTo; #endregion CS billTo #region CS Card Card card = new Card(); card.accountNumber = donor.card_number; // sp_ccnum; card.expirationMonth = donor.card_month; // tb7_card_month.SelectedValue; card.expirationYear = donor.card_year; // tb7_card_year.SelectedValue; request.card = card; #endregion CS Card #region CS Item / Amount PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals(); purchaseTotals.currency = "USD"; request.purchaseTotals = purchaseTotals; request.item = new Item[1]; Item item = new Item(); = "0"; item.unitPrice = donor.amount.ToString(); // sp_donationamount.ToString(); item.productSKU = donor.product_sku; //"DN001"; item.productName = donor.product_name; //"ARC Agent Script Donation"; request.item[0] = item; #endregion CS Item / Amount #region CS Process / Reply ARC_Cybersource_Log_Auth arcRecord = new ARC_Cybersource_Log_Auth(); arcRecord.ExternalID = donor.donationid.ToString(); // sp_donationccinfoid.ToString(); if (doCyberSource) { try { ReplyMessage reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request); string template = GetTemplate(reply.decision.ToUpper()); string content = ""; try { content = GetContent(reply); } catch { content = "error"; } //Log(logRecord + ",CB: " + String.Format(template, content), "record"); #region Populate the ARC Record if (reply.decision == "ACCEPT") { arcRecord.Status = "Settled"; donationApproved = true; } // Change me before launching Monday !!!! //else if (reply.decision == "REJECT" && sp_ccnum == "4111111111111111x" && tglMode == "Stage") { arcRecord.Status = "Settled"; donationApproved = true; } else if (reply.decision == "REJECT") { arcRecord.Status = "Declined"; donationApproved = false; } else { arcRecord.Status = "Error"; donationApproved = false; } ResponseSQL += "<br /><b>CS Status: " + arcRecord.Status + "</b>"; arcRecord.ccContent = content; arcRecord.decision = reply.decision; arcRecord.merchantReferenceCode = reply.merchantReferenceCode; try { arcRecord.reasonCode = Convert.ToInt32(reply.reasonCode); } catch { } arcRecord.requestID = reply.requestID; arcRecord.requestToken = reply.requestToken; #region reply.ccAuthReply if (reply.ccAuthReply != null) { arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalance = reply.ccAuthReply.accountBalance; //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalanceCurrency = String.Empty; //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalanceSign = String.Empty; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_amount = reply.ccAuthReply.amount; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authFactorCode = reply.ccAuthReply.authFactorCode; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authorizationCode = reply.ccAuthReply.authorizationCode; if (reply.ccAuthReply.authorizedDateTime != null) { arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime = reply.ccAuthReply.authorizedDateTime.Replace("T", " ").Replace("Z", ""); } arcRecord.ccAuthReply_avsCode = reply.ccAuthReply.avsCode; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_avsCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.avsCodeRaw; //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cardCategory = String.Empty; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCode = reply.ccAuthReply.cavvResponseCode; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.cavvResponseCodeRaw; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cvCode = reply.ccAuthReply.cvCode; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cvCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.cvCodeRaw; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode = reply.ccAuthReply.merchantAdviceCode; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCodeRaw = reply.ccAuthReply.merchantAdviceCodeRaw; //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_ownerMerchantID = String.Empty; //arcRecord.ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID = String.Empty; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_processorResponse = reply.ccAuthReply.processorResponse; try { arcRecord.ccAuthReply_reasonCode = Convert.ToInt32(reply.ccAuthReply.reasonCode); } catch { } arcRecord.ccAuthReply_reconciliationID = reply.ccAuthReply.reconciliationID; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_referralResponseNumber = String.Empty; arcRecord.ccAuthReply_requestAmount = donor.amount.ToString(); // sp_donationamount.ToString(); arcRecord.ccAuthReply_requestCurrency = String.Empty; } #endregion reply.ccAuthReply #region reply.ccCaptureReply if (reply.ccCaptureReply != null) { arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_amount = reply.ccCaptureReply.amount; try { arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_reasonCode = Convert.ToInt32(reply.ccCaptureReply.reasonCode); } catch { } arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_reconciliationID = reply.ccCaptureReply.reconciliationID; arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_requestDateTime = reply.ccCaptureReply.requestDateTime.Replace("T", " ").Replace("Z", ""); } #endregion reply.ccCaptureReply #endregion Populate the ARC Record cdChargeStatus = arcRecord.Status; cybProc.status = arcRecord.Status; } catch (Exception ex) { // Depending on the type of error, the user may be able to re-try, or this may be a fatal failure cybProc.status = "ERROR"; cybProc.message = "cybCharge - Catch - doCyberSource"; cybProc.lblmessage = ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display_String(ex, "Error: Processing Donation 002"); } } else { // Declined - Not Processed donationApproved = false; arcRecord.Status = "Declined"; cdChargeStatus = arcRecord.Status; cybProc.status = arcRecord.Status; } #endregion CS Process / Reply #region CS Insert SQL #region Save the record to SQL if (arcRecord.Status != null) { //arcRecord.Source = "PORTAL"; //arcRecord.Source = "WEB"; // Get this from the record type //arcRecord.Source = "IVR"; //arcRecord.Source = "RECURRING"; arcRecord.Source = donor.source; ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL(arcRecord, cybProc); } #endregion Save the record to SQL #endregion CS Insert SQL #endregion Insert: CYBERSOURCE return(cybProc); }
static private void ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL(ARC_Cybersource_Log_Auth arcRecord, cybProcess cybProc) { #region Processing Start - SQL - Try try { #region SqlConnection using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlStr)) { #region SqlCommand cmd using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", con)) { #region Populate the SQL Command cmd.CommandTimeout = 600; cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[recurring_records_add_cybersource]"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; #endregion Populate the SQL Command #region Populate the SQL Params cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Source", arcRecord.Source)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ExternalID", arcRecord.ExternalID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", arcRecord.Status)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CreateDate", arcRecord.CreateDate)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@decision", arcRecord.decision)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@merchantReferenceCode", arcRecord.merchantReferenceCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@reasonCode", arcRecord.reasonCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@requestID", arcRecord.requestID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@requestToken", arcRecord.requestToken)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_accountBalance", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalance)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_accountBalanceCurrency", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalanceCurrency)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_accountBalanceSign", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_accountBalanceSign)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_amount", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_amount)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_authFactorCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authFactorCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_authorizationCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authorizationCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_avsCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_avsCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_avsCodeRaw", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_avsCodeRaw)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_cardCategory", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cardCategory)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCodeRaw", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCodeRaw)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_cvCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cvCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_cvCodeRaw", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_cvCodeRaw)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCodeRaw", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCodeRaw)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_ownerMerchantID", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_ownerMerchantID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_processorResponse", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_processorResponse)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_reasonCode", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_reasonCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_reconciliationID", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_reconciliationID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_referralResponseNumber", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_referralResponseNumber)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_requestAmount", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_requestAmount)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccAuthReply_requestCurrency", arcRecord.ccAuthReply_requestCurrency)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccCaptureReply_amount", arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_amount)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccCaptureReply_reasonCode", arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_reasonCode)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccCaptureReply_reconciliationID", arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_reconciliationID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccCaptureReply_requestDateTime", arcRecord.ccCaptureReply_requestDateTime)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ccContent", arcRecord.ccContent)); string cmdText = "\n" + cmd.CommandText; bool cmdFirst = true; foreach (SqlParameter param in cmd.Parameters) { cmdText += "\n" + ((cmdFirst) ? "" : ",") + param.ParameterName + " = " + ((param.Value != null) ? "'" + param.Value.ToString() + "'" : "default"); cmdFirst = false; } #endregion Populate the SQL Params #region Process SQL Command - Try try { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } Int32 ccauthid = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); cybProc.cybid = ccauthid; // LogSQL(cmd, "sqlPassed"); } #endregion Process SQL Command - Try #region Process SQL Command - Catch catch (Exception ex) { cybProc.status = "ERROR"; cybProc.message = "ARC_SQL - Catch - SqlCommand"; cybProc.lblmessage = ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display_String(ex, "Error: ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL - Try"); // Log_Exception("Error 001", ex, "error", "ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL - Process SQL Command - Try"); // LogSQL(cmd, "sqlFailed"); } #endregion Process SQL Command - Catch } #endregion SqlCommand cmd } #endregion SqlConnection } #endregion Processing Start - SQL - Try #region Processing Start - SQL - Catch catch (Exception ex) { cybProc.status = "ERROR"; cybProc.message = "ARC_SQL - Catch - Processing"; cybProc.lblmessage = ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display_String(ex, "Error: ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL - Catch"); // Log_Exception("Error 002", ex, "error", "ARC_Cybersource_To_SQL - Processing Start - SQL - Catch"); } #endregion Processing Start - SQL - Catch }
static private String sqlStr = Connection.GetConnectionString("Default", ""); // Controlled by Web Config ARC_Live | ARC_Stage /// <summary> /// Perform a Follow On Refund /// This is based on the user selecting this method /// We still validate it; but if the validation fails we just let the user know /// </summary> /// <param name="cybid">Cybersource Log Auth ID</param> /// <param name="amount">Refund Amount</param> /// <param name="reason">Refund Reason ID</param> /// <param name="reasonnote">Refund Reason Note</param> /// <returns></returns> #region Processing - Refunds static public cybProcess cybRefundFollowOn(int cybid, double amount, string reason, string reasonnotes, System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lbl) { cybProcess cybProc = new cybProcess(); ARC_Cybersource_Log_Refund arcRecord = new ARC_Cybersource_Log_Refund(); arcRecord.CBAuthID = cybid; arcRecord.RefundReason = reason; arcRecord.RefundReasonNotes = reasonnotes; cybProc.message = "processing..."; #region Process Refund try { /// <summary> /// Follow-On transactions only need the RequestID, Token, and Amount of the refund /// </summary /// bool doRefund = false; int callid = 0; #region Initiliaze RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage(); #endregion Initiliaze #region Get the SQL Record #region SqlConnection using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlStr)) { #region SqlCommand cmd using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", con)) { #region Populate the SQL Command cmd.CommandTimeout = 600; #region Build cmdText String cmdText = ""; cmdText += @" -- Did this for recurring transactions which are linked differently IF EXISTS( SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_auth] [cb] WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN [dbo].[donationccinfo] [di] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [di].[id] = [cb].[externalid] JOIN [dbo].[callinfo] [ci] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [ci].[callid] = [di].[callid] WHERE 1=1 AND [cb].[id] = @sp_cybid ) BEGIN SELECT [cb].[id] ,[cb].[status] ,[cb].[createdate] ,[cb].[requestid] ,[cb].[requesttoken] ,[cb].[merchantreferencecode] ,[di].[callid] ,[cb].[externalid] ,[di].[donationamount] [amount] ,(SELECT SUM([cr].[cccreditreply_amount]) FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_refund] [cr] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [cr].[externalid] = [di].[id] AND [cr].[reasoncode] = '100') [amount_ref] ,[di].[ccnum] ,[di].[ccexpmonth] ,[di].[ccexpyear] ,[ci].[fname] ,[ci].[lname] ,[ci].[address] ,[ci].[suitenumber] ,[ci].[zip] ,[ci].[city] ,[ci].[state] ,[cb].[source] ,[cb].[decision] ,[cb].[reasoncode] ,[cb].[ccauthreply_amount] ,[cb].[cccapturereply_amount] ,[cb].[cccontent] FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_auth] [cb] WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN [dbo].[donationccinfo] [di] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [di].[id] = [cb].[externalid] JOIN [dbo].[callinfo] [ci] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [ci].[callid] = [di].[callid] WHERE 1=1 AND [cb].[id] = @sp_cybid END ELSE BEGIN SELECT [cb].[id] ,[cb].[status] ,[cb].[createdate] ,[cb].[requestid] ,[cb].[requesttoken] ,[cb].[merchantreferencecode] ,[di].[callid] ,[cb].[externalid] ,[di].[donationamount] [amount] ,(SELECT SUM([cr].[cccreditreply_amount]) FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_refund] [cr] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE [cr].[externalid] = [di].[id] AND [cr].[reasoncode] = '100') [amount_ref] ,[di].[ccnum] ,[di].[ccexpmonth] ,[di].[ccexpyear] ,[ci].[fname] ,[ci].[lname] ,[ci].[address] ,[ci].[suitenumber] ,[ci].[zip] ,[ci].[city] ,[ci].[state] ,[cb].[source] ,[cb].[decision] ,[cb].[reasoncode] ,[cb].[ccauthreply_amount] ,[cb].[cccapturereply_amount] ,[cb].[cccontent] FROM [dbo].[cybersource_log_auth] [cb] WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN [dbo].[donation_recurring_log] [drl] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [drl].[recurringid] = [cb].[externalid] JOIN [dbo].[donationccinfo] [di] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [di].[id] = [drl].[donationid] JOIN [dbo].[callinfo] [ci] WITH(NOLOCK) ON [ci].[callid] = [di].[callid] WHERE 1=1 AND [cb].[id] = @sp_cybid END "; #endregion Build cmdText cmd.CommandText = cmdText; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.Clear(); #endregion Populate the SQL Command #region Populate the SQL Params cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@sp_cybid", cybid)); #endregion Populate the SQL Params #region Process SQL Command - Try try { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } using (SqlDataReader sqlRdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (sqlRdr.HasRows) { while (sqlRdr.Read()) { // Ensure we have a valid record for [Follow On] //cybProc.message = "sql record..." + sqlRdr["status"].ToString(); DateTime dtChargeDate; DateTime.TryParse(sqlRdr["createdate"].ToString(), out dtChargeDate); Int32 foLimit = 59; // Days that a Follow On Credit can be performed callid = Convert.ToInt32(sqlRdr["callid"].ToString()); arcRecord.ExternalID = Convert.ToInt32(sqlRdr["externalid"].ToString()); if (sqlRdr["status"].ToString() == "Settled") { // We're good, don't do anything? } else if (sqlRdr["status"].ToString() == "Cancelled" && sqlRdr["decision"].ToString() == "ACCEPT") { // We're good, don't do anything? } else if (sqlRdr["status"].ToString() == "Refunded") { // We did this validation, just need to do it again because AGENTS double dvAmount = 0; double dvAmountRef = 0; Double.TryParse(sqlRdr["amount_ref"].ToString(), out dvAmountRef); if (dvAmountRef > 0) { Double.TryParse(sqlRdr["amount"].ToString(), out dvAmount); if (dvAmount > 0) { if ((dvAmount - dvAmountRef) > 0) { dvAmount = dvAmount - dvAmountRef; if (dvAmount >= amount) { doRefund = true; } } } } if (!doRefund) { throw new Exception("Invalid Donation/Refund Amounts"); } } else { throw new Exception("Invalid Donation Status"); } if (dtChargeDate != null && (DateTime.UtcNow - dtChargeDate).TotalDays < foLimit) { // We're good, don't do anything? } else { cybProc.message = "Error:"; cybProc.message += "<br />cybid: " + cybid.ToString(); cybProc.message += "<br />Charge Date: " + dtChargeDate.ToString(); cybProc.message += "<br />"; doRefund = false; throw new Exception("Invalid Donation Date"); } // Add the required data to the request request.ccCreditService = new CCCreditService(); = "true"; request.ccCreditService.captureRequestID = sqlRdr["requestid"].ToString().Trim(); request.ccCreditService.captureRequestToken = sqlRdr["requesttoken"].ToString().Trim(); request.merchantReferenceCode = sqlRdr["merchantreferencecode"].ToString().Trim(); PurchaseTotals purchaseTotals = new PurchaseTotals(); purchaseTotals.currency = "USD"; purchaseTotals.grandTotalAmount = amount.ToString(); request.purchaseTotals = purchaseTotals; doRefund = true; } } else { cybProc.message = "sql No records..."; } } } #endregion Process SQL Command - Try #region Process SQL Command - Catch catch (Exception ex) { cybProc.message += "sql error"; ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display(ex, "DoRefund - Follow On", lbl); } #endregion Process SQL Command - Catch } #endregion SqlCommand cmd } #endregion SqlConnection #endregion Get the SQL Record #region Processing CyberSource Attempt if (doRefund) { //ReplyMessage reply = SoapClient.RunTransaction(request); //string template = GetTemplate(reply.decision.ToUpper()); //string content = GetContent(reply); Process_Record_Refund(arcRecord, request, lbl); cybProc.status = arcRecord.Status; cybProc.message += "<br />process complete"; } else { } #endregion Processing CyberSource Attempt } catch (Exception ex) { cybProc.message = "error"; ErrorLog.ErrorLog_Display(ex, "DoRefund - Follow On", lbl); } finally { //InstantEmail_RefundReport(); } #endregion return(cybProc); }