Beispiel #1

    protected override void Awake()
        shareCorner           = this;
        _ballPath             = new List <Vector3>();
        _cornerShootDirection = cornerDirection.Both;
Beispiel #2
    public void cornerShoot(cornerDirection cornerShootDirection, float curveLevel, float difficulty)
        //      Debug.Log("AI shoot");

        _isCornerShoot = true;


        _ballPath = createPath(cornerShootDirection, curveLevel, difficulty, _cachedTrans.position);
        _index    = _ballPath.Count - 1;        // di nguoc tu cuoi' mang~ ve dau` mang~

        /*************** Debug ****************/
        _multiSelection.count = _ballPath.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < _multiSelection._gos.Count; ++i)

        for (int i = 0; i < _ballPath.Count; ++i)
            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            go.transform.position = _ballPath[i];
Beispiel #3
    public List <Vector3> createPath(cornerDirection direction, float curveLevel, float difficulty, Vector3 ballPostion)
        float          ballDistance = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(ballPostion.x), Mathf.Abs(ballPostion.z)).magnitude;
        int            slide        = 10;
        List <Vector3> listTemp     = new List <Vector3>();

        Vector3 pointEnd, pointMiddle =;           // diem dich' den'
        //henry add:
        // pointEnd.z = -3f; //Dat lui dich den ve phia truoc cau mon
        // pointEnd.z = -3f; //Dat lui dich den ve phia truoc cau mon
        Vector3 pointStart = ballPostion;                       // diem bat dau

        if (direction == cornerDirection.Both)
            direction = (cornerDirection)Random.Range(0, 2);

        // *********************** Tinh yMid va yEnd ************************
        //float yEndMin = 3f;
        //float yEndMax = 3.5f;
        //float xEndMin = 0f;
        //float xEndMax = 0.1f;
        //float xEnd, yEnd;

        xEndC = Random.Range(xEndC - 0.2f, xEndC + 0.2f);
        yEndC = Random.Range(yEndC - 0.2f, yEndC + 0.2f);                        // random ra y end

        //Gan diem cuoi cho dich den cua bong khi sut phat goc
        pointEnd = new Vector3(xEndC, yEndC, zEndC);               // diem dau tien duoc add vo List cung la diem cuoi' cung se duoc lay ra

        // ********************** Tim x la do be~ cong  *************************
        _maxLeft  = -15f;                                                     // -3.5f
        _maxRight = 15f;                                                      //3.5f

        float curveFactor = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 0.95f, curveLevel);                // do kho cua xoay'
        float a           = Random.Range(_maxLeft, _maxLeft * curveFactor);   // random xoay ben fai
        float b           = Random.Range(_maxRight * curveFactor, _maxRight); // random xoay ben trai
        float zCurve      = (((int)Random.Range(0, 2)) == 0) ? a : b;         // random chon xoay ben fai hay ben trai

//		float xCurve = Mathf.Lerp(_maxLeft, _maxRight, curveLevel);					// do be cong duong di cua banh

        float z = Math.Abs((pointEnd.z + pointStart.z) / 2f);

        z += zCurve;            // lam cho x cua diem giua~ bi lech se duoc ket qua la lam cho duong banh bi be cong xoay'
        // ***********************************************


        pointMiddle.x = (pointEnd.x + pointStart.x) / 2f;
        pointMiddle.y = pointEnd.y * 2.5f; //(pointEnd.y + pointStart.y) / 2f;
        pointMiddle.z = zEndC;             //Gia tri nay quyet dinh huong bong tat tuong duong vi tri cua endpoint//pointEnd.z*2;//(pointEnd.z + pointStart.z) / 2f;


        // ******************* tim diem cach khung thanh mot khoang cach mindistance *********************
        Vector3 closestPointToGoal = findPointInPathAtZ(Interpolate.Ease(easeType), listTemp.ToArray(), slide, -3f);
        // ****************************************

        // ******************** Final path ********************
        List <Vector3>        retVal = new List <Vector3>();
        IEnumerator <Vector3> nodes  = Interpolate.NewBezier(Interpolate.Ease(easeType), listTemp.ToArray(), slide).GetEnumerator();                    // tao ra path gom cac diem


        while (nodes.MoveNext())                        // lay cac diem cua path ra

            //if(nodes.Current.z < -3f)
            if (nodes.Current.z < -_ballControlLimit)
        retVal.Insert(0, closestPointToGoal);
        retVal.RemoveAt(retVal.Count - 1);
