private bool doViewReportsWithSubElements(contentManagerService1 cCMS, ref List<CogObject> reports, string cogVersion, string baseReportPath)
            if (cCMS == null)
                reports = null;
                return false;

            // Declare query properties array for report
            propEnum[] reportProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                                propEnum.owner, propEnum.storeID, propEnum.connectionString, propEnum.creationTime,
                                                propEnum.metadataModelPackage, propEnum.ancestors, propEnum.disabled};

            // Declare properties to retrieve for package object internal to report object
            refProp packageProps = new refProp();
            packageProps.refPropName = propEnum.metadataModelPackage;
   = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.storeID,
                                                       propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.disabled,
                                                       propEnum.ancestors };

            // Declare sort properties for reports and users
            sort[] reportSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            reportSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            reportSort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            // Set up query options for the call. Adding the packageProps
            // will cause all requested subproperties to be retrieved for
            // the properties listed that refer to other objects.
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();
            qo.refProps= new refProp[] { packageProps };

            // Declare search path for reports and for a single user, based on CAMID
            searchPathMultipleObject reportsPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            searchPathMultipleObject userPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            //Set search paths to get reports. Userpath must be set
            //separately for each individual based on CAMID
            reportsPath.Value = "/content//report";

            // Run query to get all reports. Users will be queried as part of this
            // process, one for each report.
            baseClass[] bc = cCMS.query(reportsPath, reportProps, reportSort, qo);
            if (bc.Length > 0)
                foreach (baseClass report_item in bc)
                    // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                    // properties

           report = (;
                    CogObject rpt = new CogObject();
                    rpt.ID = report_item.storeID.value.Value;
                    rpt.AddAttribute("ID", rpt.ID);
                    rpt.AddAttribute("Name", report_item.defaultName.value);
                    rpt.AddAttribute("CreationTime", report_item.creationTime.value.ToString());
                    rpt.AddAttribute("Type", "Report");
                    rpt.AddAttribute("Disabled", report.disabled.value.ToString());

                    // Make sure package or model is not null
                    if (report.metadataModelPackage.value!= null)
                        cognosdotnet_2_0.package package = (cognosdotnet_2_0.package)report.metadataModelPackage.value[0];
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Package_Path", report.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(rpt.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", package.disabled.value.ToString());
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", "null");
                    // Make sure owner is not null
                    if (report_item.owner.value != null)
                        getUserAccount(cCMS, report_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value, ref rpt);
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", report_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        rpt.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", "Unknown");
                    String version = cogVersion;
                    rpt.AddAttribute("Version", cogVersion);
                    rpt.AddAttribute("Path", report_item.searchPath.value);
                    rpt.AddAttribute("URL", baseReportPath + report_item.searchPath.value);
                    getSubElements(cCMS, report_item.searchPath.value, ref rpt);
                    /* This gets some limited auditing information. Most of this can be found
                     * more easily in the Raw Usage report of the Business Intelligence Dashboard
                     * package on Uncommenting the following line will
                     * cause a dramatic increase in runtime for this program
                    //getAuditInfo(ref cog);
                reports = null;
            return true;
        public void deleteUserFromPermissions(string userSearchPath, contentManagerService1 cmService, string sPath)
            //set searchPath of the required folder
            searchPathMultipleObject spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            spMulti.Value = sPath;
            folder pFolder = (folder)cmService.query(spMulti, new propEnum[]{propEnum.searchPath,propEnum.policies},new sort[]{},new queryOptions())[0];

            //keep trak if the aecurity object was found in the permissions
            bool found = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < pFolder.policies.value.Length && !found; i ++)
                policy policy = pFolder.policies.value[i];
                //If the security object already exists, update its permissions
                    found = true;
            //if the security object exists, remove it from the array of permissions
            if (found)
                policy[] newPolicies = new policy[pFolder.policies.value.Length-1];
                policyArrayProp pArray = new policyArrayProp();
                for (int i = 0; i < pFolder.policies.value.Length ; i ++)
                    policy policy = pFolder.policies.value[i];
                        newPolicies[i] = new policy ();
                        newPolicies[i].securityObject = pFolder.policies.value[i].securityObject;
                        newPolicies[i].permissions  = pFolder.policies.value[i].permissions;

                //If the security object does not exist, nothing to delete
                pArray.value = newPolicies;
                pFolder.policies = pArray;
                cmService.update(new baseClass[]{pFolder},new updateOptions() );
        /// <summary>
        /// Application entry point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Standard command-line arguments.</param>
        public static void Main( string[] args )
            // Attempt a simple CM query.

            string searchPath = "//report";
            string userName = "******";
            string userPassword = "******";
            string userNamespace = "ADS";

            char[] arg_separator = { '=' };
            foreach( string arg in args )
                string[] command = arg.Split( arg_separator, 2 );

                switch( command[0] )
                    case "--search":
                        searchPath = command[1];
                    case "--uid":
                        userName = command[1];
                    case "--pwd":
                        userPassword = command[1];
                    case "--namespace":
                        userNamespace = command[1];
                        throw new ApplicationException( "Unknown argument: " + arg );

            // Concatenate the read filter to the searchPath this way we
            // ask CM to only return the objects we have read acces on.
            //searchPath = searchPath + "[permission('read')]";

            // Create the ReportNet connection object.
            Console.WriteLine( "Creating CognosReportNetService..." );
            contentManagerService1 cmService = new contentManagerService1();
            cmService.Url = "";

            //logon to Cognos 8
            logon(cmService, userName, userPassword, userNamespace);

            propEnum[] props = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath,
                                                  propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.policies,
                                                  propEnum.permissions, propEnum.members };

            sort[] s = new sort[]{ new sort() };

            s[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;

            s[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            Console.WriteLine( "\nReports:\n" );
            // Look for all of the reports.
            searchPathMultipleObject spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            spMulti.Value = "/content//package";
            baseClass[] bc = null;

                bc = cmService.query(spMulti, props, s, qo );

                if( bc.Length > 0 )
                    foreach( baseClass report_item in bc )

                        Console.WriteLine( "  {0}", report_item.searchPath.value);
                        policy[] p = report_item.policies.value;
                        if (p.Length > 0)
                            foreach( policy pol in p )
                                Console.WriteLine( "  {0}", pol.securityObject.searchPath.value);
                                permission[] perm = pol.permissions;
                                foreach( permission prm in perm )
                                    Console.WriteLine( "  {0}   {1}",, prm.access.ToString());

            catch( System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException ex )
            catch( System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex )
        private bool doViewQueriesWithSubElements(contentManagerService1 cCMS, ref List<CogObject> queries, string cogVersion, string baseQueryPath)
            if (cCMS == null)
                queries = null;
                return false;

            propEnum[] queryProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                                propEnum.owner, propEnum.storeID, propEnum.connectionString, propEnum.creationTime,
                                                propEnum.metadataModelPackage, propEnum.ancestors, propEnum.disabled};

            // Declare properties to retrieve for package object internal to report object
            refProp packageProps = new refProp();
            packageProps.refPropName = propEnum.metadataModelPackage;
   = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.storeID,
                                                       propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.disabled,
                                                       propEnum.ancestors };

            sort[] querySort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            querySort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            querySort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            // Set up query options for the call. Adding the packageProps
            // will cause all requested subproperties to be retrieved for
            // the properties listed that refer to other objects.
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();
            qo.refProps = new refProp[] { packageProps };

            searchPathMultipleObject userPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            searchPathMultipleObject queriesPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            queriesPath.Value = "/content//query";

            // Make call to get all queries. Get each author for each query during this process
            // by making a separate call, based on CAMID; the same as above when pulling the reports.
            baseClass[] bcQueries = cCMS.query(queriesPath, queryProps, querySort, qo);
            if (bcQueries.Length > 0)
                foreach (baseClass query_item in bcQueries)
                    // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                    // properties
                    cognosdotnet_2_0.query query = (cognosdotnet_2_0.query)query_item;
                    CogObject qry = new CogObject();
                    qry.ID = query_item.storeID.value.Value;
                    qry.AddAttribute("ID", qry.ID);
                    qry.AddAttribute("Name", query_item.defaultName.value);
                    qry.AddAttribute("CreationTime", query_item.creationTime.value.ToString());
                    qry.AddAttribute("Type", "Query");
                    qry.AddAttribute("Disabled", query.disabled.value.ToString());

                    // Make sure package or package is not null
                    if (query.metadataModelPackage.value != null)
                        cognosdotnet_2_0.package package = (cognosdotnet_2_0.package)query.metadataModelPackage.value[0];
                        qry.AddAttribute("Package_Path", query.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        qry.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(qry.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                        qry.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", package.disabled.value.ToString());
                        qry.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                        qry.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");
                        qry.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", "null");
                    // Make sure owner is not null
                    if (query_item.owner.value != null)
                        getUserAccount(cCMS, query_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value, ref qry);
                        qry.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", query_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        qry.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", "Unknown");
                    qry.AddAttribute("Version", cogVersion);
                    qry.AddAttribute("Path", query_item.searchPath.value);
                    qry.AddAttribute("URL", baseQueryPath + query_item.searchPath.value);
                    getSubElements(cCMS, query_item.searchPath.value, ref qry);
                    /* This gets some limited auditing information. Most of this can be found
                     * more easily in the Raw Usage report of the Business Intelligence Dashboard
                     * package on Uncommenting the following line will
                     * cause a dramatic increase in runtime for this program
                    //getAuditInfo(ref cog);
                queries = null;
            return true;
        private bool doViewObjectsByPackage(contentManagerService1 cCMS, ref List<CogObject> packages, string cogVersion, string basePackagePath)
            if (cCMS == null)
                packages = null;
                return false;

            // Same query options used for all calls
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            propEnum[] packageProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                                propEnum.owner, propEnum.storeID, propEnum.connectionString,
                                                propEnum.metadataModelPackage, propEnum.policies, propEnum.ancestors};
            sort[] pkgSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            pkgSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            pkgSort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            searchPathMultipleObject packagesPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            packagesPath.Value = "/content//package";

            // Make call to get all queries. Get each author for each query during this process
            // by making a separate call, based on CAMID; the same as above when pulling the reports.
            baseClass[] bcPackages = cCMS.query(packagesPath, packageProps, pkgSort, qo);
            if (bcPackages.Length > 0)
                 foreach (baseClass package_item in bcPackages)
                    // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                    // properties
                    cognosdotnet_2_0.package package = (cognosdotnet_2_0.package)package_item;
                    CogObject pkg = new CogObject();
                    pkg.ID = package_item.storeID.value.Value;
                    pkg.AddAttribute("ID", pkg.ID);
                    pkg.AddAttribute("Name", package_item.defaultName.value);
                    pkg.AddAttribute("Type", "Package");
                    addSecurityPolicies(ref pkg, package_item);

                    if (package_item.owner.value != null)
                        getUserAccount(cCMS, package_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value, ref pkg);
                        pkg.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", package_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        pkg.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", "Unknown");
                    pkg.AddAttribute("Version", cogVersion);
                    pkg.AddAttribute("URL", basePackagePath + package_item.searchPath.value);

                    /* Run another query to retrieve all reports for given package based on package path
                    List<CogObject> children = new List<CogObject>();

                    getObjectsForPackage(cCMS, ref children, cogVersion, basePackagePath, package_item.searchPath.value +
                                         "//report | " + package_item.searchPath.value + "//query | " +
                                         package_item.searchPath.value + "//reportView");
                packages = null;
            return true;
        /* Method to query the content store for the object at the given path and populate the
         * referenced object with user name information of the owner or author
        private void getUserAccount(contentManagerService1 cCMS, string searchPath, ref CogObject cog)
            searchPathMultipleObject userPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            userPath.Value = searchPath;

            // Same query options used for all calls
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            propEnum[] userProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.userName,, propEnum.user };
            sort[] userSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            userSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            userSort[0].propName = propEnum.userName;

            /* Run another query to retrieve the account object based on the CAMID.
            UserID is pulled from the account object. CAMID's for users who no
            longer work here will return no account objects. Author set to ""
            in this case.
            baseClass[] bcUserAccount = cCMS.query(userPath, userProps, userSort, qo);
            if (bcUserAccount.Length > 0)
                cognosdotnet_2_0.account account = (cognosdotnet_2_0.account)bcUserAccount[0];
                cog.AddAttribute("Author", account.userName.value);
                string wholeName = getAuthorName(userPath.Value);
                cog.AddAttribute("Author_Name", wholeName);
        private void getSubElements(contentManagerService1 cCMS, string objectSearchPath, ref CogObject cog)
            searchPathMultipleObject subElementPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            subElementPath.Value = objectSearchPath + "/*";

            // Same query options used for all calls
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            propEnum[] subElementProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.storeID, propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                                          propEnum.user, propEnum.status, propEnum.requestedExecutionTime,
                                                          propEnum.actualExecutionTime, propEnum.actualCompletionTime,
                                                          propEnum.eventID, propEnum.ownerEventID, propEnum.asOfTime,
                                                          propEnum.canBurst,, propEnum.contactEMail,
                                                          propEnum.metadataModel, propEnum.metadataModelPackage,
                                                          propEnum.options, propEnum.parameters, propEnum.runOptions,
                                                          propEnum.serverGroup, propEnum.specification,,
                                                          propEnum.credential, propEnum.dailyPeriod, propEnum.endDate,
                                                          propEnum.endType, propEnum.everyNPeriods, propEnum.startDate,
                                                          propEnum.taskID, propEnum.timeZoneID, propEnum.triggerName, propEnum.type,
                                                          propEnum.weeklyFriday, propEnum.weeklyMonday, propEnum.weeklySaturday,
                                                          propEnum.weeklySunday, propEnum.weeklyThursday, propEnum.weeklyTuesday,
                                                          propEnum.weeklyWednesday, propEnum.yearlyAbsoluteDay, propEnum.yearlyAbsoluteMonth,
                                                          propEnum.yearlyRelativeDay, propEnum.yearlyRelativeWeek, propEnum.ancestors,
                                                          propEnum.creationTime, propEnum.modificationTime,, propEnum.usage,
            sort[] subElementSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            subElementSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            subElementSort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            baseClass[] bc = cCMS.query(subElementPath, subElementProps, subElementSort, qo);
            if (bc.Length > 0)
                foreach (baseClass item in bc)
                    CogObject cogItem = new CogObject();

                    if (item is history)
                        cognosdotnet_2_0.history hist = (history)item;
                        addHistoryAttributes(cogItem, hist);

                    else if (item is schedule)
                        cognosdotnet_2_0.schedule sched = (schedule)item;
                        addScheduleAttributes(ref cogItem, sched);

                    else if (item is reportVersion)

                        cognosdotnet_2_0.reportVersion rver = (reportVersion)item;
                        addReportVersionAttributes(ref cogItem, rver);

        private bool getQueriesForPackage(contentManagerService1 cCMS, ref List<CogObject> queries, string cogVersion,
                                          string baseQueryPath, string pathToQueriesInPackage)
            if (cCMS == null)
                queries = null;
                return false;

            // Same query options used for all calls
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            propEnum[] queryProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                                propEnum.owner, propEnum.storeID, propEnum.connectionString,
            propEnum[] userProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.userName,, propEnum.user };

            sort[] querySort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            querySort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            querySort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;
            sort[] userSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            userSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            userSort[0].propName = propEnum.userName;

            searchPathMultipleObject userPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            searchPathMultipleObject queriesPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            queriesPath.Value = pathToQueriesInPackage;

            // Make call to get all queries. Get each author for each query during this process
            // by making a separate call, based on CAMID; the same as above when pulling the reports.
            baseClass[] bcQueries = cCMS.query(queriesPath, queryProps, querySort, qo);
            if (bcQueries.Length > 0)
                foreach (baseClass query_item in bcQueries)
                    // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                    // properties
                    cognosdotnet_2_0.query query = (cognosdotnet_2_0.query)query_item;
                    CogObject qry = new CogObject();
                    qry.ID = query_item.storeID.value.Value;
                    qry.AddAttribute("ID", qry.ID);
                    qry.AddAttribute("Name", query_item.defaultName.value);
                    qry.AddAttribute("Type", "AdHoc");
                    qry.AddAttribute("Package_Path", query.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                    qry.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(qry.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));

                    if (query_item.owner.value != null)
                        getUserAccount(cCMS, query_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value, ref qry);
                        qry.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", query_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        qry.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", "Unknown");
                    qry.AddAttribute("Version", cogVersion);
                    qry.AddAttribute("URL", baseQueryPath + query_item.searchPath.value);
                queries = null;
            return true;
        private bool getObjectsForPackage(contentManagerService1 cCMS, ref List<CogObject> objects, string cogVersion, 
                                          string basePath, string pathToObjectsInPackage)
            if (cCMS == null)
                objects = null;
                return false;
            // Declare query properties array for reports, queries and for users
            propEnum[] cogProps = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                                propEnum.owner, propEnum.storeID, propEnum.connectionString,
                                                propEnum.metadataModelPackage, propEnum.user,propEnum.actualExecutionTime,

            // Declare sort properties for reports
            sort[] cogSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            cogSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            cogSort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            // Same query options used for all calls
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();

            searchPathMultipleObject objectsPath = new searchPathMultipleObject();

            // Declare search path for reports and for a single user, based on CAMID
            objectsPath.Value = pathToObjectsInPackage;

            // Run query to get all objects in package. Users will be queried as part of this
            // process, one for each report.
            baseClass[] bc = cCMS.query(objectsPath, cogProps, cogSort, qo);
            if (bc.Length > 0)
                foreach (baseClass cog_item in bc)

                    CogObject cog = new CogObject();
                    cog.ID = cog_item.storeID.value.Value;
                    cog.Name = cog_item.defaultName.value;
                    cog.AddAttribute("ID", cog.ID);
                    cog.AddAttribute("Name", cog_item.defaultName.value);
                    cog.AddAttribute("Version", cogVersion);
                    cog.AddAttribute("URL", basePath + cog_item.searchPath.value);
                    addSecurityPolicies(ref cog, cog_item);

                    /* Get owner/author information for this object
                    if (cog_item.owner.value != null)
                        getUserAccount(cCMS, cog_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value, ref cog);
                        cog.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", cog_item.owner.value[0].searchPath.value);
                        cog.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", "Unknown");

                     * Check whether object is a more specific type (e.g. query or report)
                    if (cog_item is report)
                        // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                        // properties
               report = (;
                        cog.AddAttribute("Type", "Report");
                        // Make sure package or Package is not null
                        if (report.metadataModelPackage.value != null)
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", report.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");
                    else if (cog_item is query)
                        // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                        // properties
                        cognosdotnet_2_0.query query = (cognosdotnet_2_0.query)cog_item;
                        cog.AddAttribute("Type", "Query");
                        // Make sure package or Package is not null
                        if (query.metadataModelPackage.value != null)
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", query.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");
                    else if (cog_item is reportView)
                        // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                        // properties
                        cognosdotnet_2_0.reportView reportView = (cognosdotnet_2_0.reportView)cog_item;
                        cog.AddAttribute("Type", "ReportView");
                        // Make sure package or Package is not null
                        if (reportView.packageBase != null)
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", reportView.packageBase.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                            cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");

                    getSubElements(cCMS, cog_item.searchPath.value, ref cog);

                    // Add the object to the list
            return true;
        /* Does the bulk of the work to extract information on Users' MyFolder objects
        private bool doViewUsersMyFolderContentsWithSubElements(contentManagerService1 cCMS, ref List<CogObject> cogs, string cogVersion, string baseReportPath)
            string camid = "//account"; //this is the search path for all user accounts
            string userSearchPaths = "";
            // We will display My Folders and My Pages for all users in namespace
            propEnum[] props = new propEnum[]{propEnum.searchPath,
                    propEnum.ancestors, propEnum.owner};

            // Same query options used for all calls
            queryOptions qo = new queryOptions();
            // Create sort object
            sort[] accountSort = new sort[] { new sort() };
            accountSort[0].order = orderEnum.ascending;
            accountSort[0].propName = propEnum.defaultName;

            //query for all accounts
            searchPathMultipleObject spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            spMulti.Value = camid;
            baseClass[] bc = cCMS.query(spMulti, props, accountSort, qo);

            if (bc != null && bc.Length > 0)
                // Set different properties to grab for the reports, queries, or report views
                props = new propEnum[]{propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.defaultName,
                                       propEnum.owner, propEnum.storeID, propEnum.connectionString, propEnum.creationTime,
                                       propEnum.metadataModelPackage, propEnum.ancestors, propEnum.disabled};
                // Declare properties to retrieve for package object internal to report object
                refProp packageProps = new refProp();
                packageProps.refPropName = propEnum.metadataModelPackage;
       = new propEnum[] { propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.storeID,
                                                       propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.disabled,
                                                       propEnum.ancestors };
                // Properties used to get base class information if the object is a report view
                refProp reportProps = new refProp();
                reportProps.refPropName = propEnum.@base;
       = new propEnum[] { propEnum.metadataModelPackage, propEnum.storeID,
                                                      propEnum.searchPath, propEnum.disabled };
                qo.refProps = new refProp[] { packageProps, reportProps };

                for (int i = 0; i < bc.Length; i++)
                    //Query the Content Store for all objects in My Folders for user bc[i]
                    userSearchPaths = bc[i].searchPath.value + "/folder[@name='My Folders']//report |" +
                                      bc[i].searchPath.value + "/folder[@name='My Folders']//query |" +
                                      bc[i].searchPath.value + "/folder[@name='My Folders']//reportView";

                    spMulti.Value = userSearchPaths;
                    baseClass[] contents = cCMS.query(spMulti, props, new sort[] { }, qo);
                    if (contents != null && contents.Length > 0)
                        //Display all objects in My Folders for user bc[i]
                        for (int j = 0; j < contents.Length; j++)
                            CogObject cog = new CogObject();
                             * Check whether object is a more specific type (e.g. query or report)
                            if (contents[j] is report)
                                // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                                // properties
                       report = ([j];
                                cog.AddAttribute("Type", "Report");
                                cog.AddAttribute("CreationTime", contents[j].creationTime.value.ToString());
                                // Make sure package or Package is not null
                                if (report.metadataModelPackage.value != null)
                                    cognosdotnet_2_0.package package = (cognosdotnet_2_0.package)report.metadataModelPackage.value[0];
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", report.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", package.disabled.value.ToString());
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", "null");
                                cog.AddAttribute("Disabled", report.disabled.value.ToString());
                            else if (contents[j] is query)
                                // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                                // properties
                                cognosdotnet_2_0.query query = (cognosdotnet_2_0.query)contents[j];
                                cog.AddAttribute("Type", "Query");
                                // Make sure package or Package is not null
                                if (query.metadataModelPackage.value != null)
                                    cognosdotnet_2_0.package package = (cognosdotnet_2_0.package)query.metadataModelPackage.value[0];
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", query.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", package.disabled.value.ToString());
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Disabled", "null");
                                cog.AddAttribute("Disabled", query.disabled.value.ToString());
                            else if (contents[j] is reportView)
                                // Cast base class object to more specific report object for access to more
                                // properties
                                cognosdotnet_2_0.reportView reportView = (cognosdotnet_2_0.reportView)contents[j];
                                cog.AddAttribute("Type", "ReportView");
                                // Make sure package or Package is not null
                                if (reportView.packageBase != null)
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", reportView.packageBase.value);
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("Package_Path")));
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Path", "null");
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Package_Name", "null");

                                if ([email protected] != null)
                                    cog.AddAttribute("BaseID", [email protected][0].storeID.value.Value);
                                    cog.AddAttribute("BasePath", [email protected][0].searchPath.value);

                                    if ([email protected][0] is report)
                                        report tempReport = (report)[email protected][0];
                                        if (tempReport.metadataModelPackage.value[0] != null)
                                            cog.AddAttribute("BasePackage_Path", tempReport.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                                            cog.AddAttribute("BasePackage_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("BasePackage_Path")));
                                    else if ([email protected][0] is query)
                                        query tempQuery = (query)[email protected][0];
                                        if (tempQuery.metadataModelPackage.value[0] != null)
                                            cog.AddAttribute("BasePackage_Path", tempQuery.metadataModelPackage.value[0].searchPath.value);
                                            cog.AddAttribute("BasePackage_Name", getPackageName(cog.getAttributeValue("BasePackage_Path")));
                                    cog.AddAttribute("Disabled", reportView.disabled.value.ToString());


                            // Make sure owner is not null
                            if (contents[j].owner.value != null)
                                /* We will get the author based on who's folder the report is in. This may
                                * not be strictly true. Uncomment the following line to get the old method.
                                * Also comment out or remove the line farther below that sets the Author_Name
                                * attribute*/
                                //getUserAccount(cCMS, contents[j].owner.value[0].searchPath.value, ref cog);
                                cog.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", contents[j].owner.value[0].searchPath.value);
                                cog.AddAttribute("Author_CAMID", "Unknown");

                            cog.AddAttribute("Author_Name", bc[i].defaultName.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("Version", cogVersion);
                            cog.AddAttribute("Name", contents[j].defaultName.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("Path", contents[j].searchPath.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("URL", baseReportPath + contents[j].searchPath.value);
                            cog.AddAttribute("MyFolder", "TRUE");
                            getSubElements(cCMS, contents[j].searchPath.value, ref cog);

                            /* This gets some limited auditing information. Most of this can be found
                             * more easily in the Raw Usage report of the Business Intelligence Dashboard
                             * package on Uncommenting the following line will
                             * cause a dramatic increase in runtime for this program
                            //getAuditInfo(ref cog);
                cogs = null;
            return true;
        public void setPermissionsOnFolders(string userSearchPath, contentManagerService1 cmService, string sPath)
            searchPathMultipleObject spMulti = new searchPathMultipleObject();
            spMulti.Value = sPath;
            folder pFolder = (folder)cmService.query(spMulti, new propEnum[]{propEnum.searchPath,propEnum.policies},new sort[]{},new queryOptions())[0];

            bool found = false;
            permission newPermission = new permission();
            newPermission.access = accessEnum.deny;

            for (int i = 0; i < pFolder.policies.value.Length && !found; i ++)
                policy policy = pFolder.policies.value[i];
                //If the security object already exists, update its permissions
                    found = true;
                    permission[] newPerms = new permission[policy.permissions.Length + 1];
                    for(int j = 0; j < policy.permissions.Length; j ++)
                        newPerms[j] = policy.permissions[j];
                    newPerms[newPerms.Length - 1] = newPermission;
                    policy.permissions = newPerms;
            //If the security object does not exist, create a new one
                baseClass entry = null;
                spMulti.Value = userSearchPath;
                entry = cmService.query(spMulti, new propEnum[]{},new sort[]{},new queryOptions())[0];

                policy newPolicy = new policy();
                newPolicy.securityObject = entry;
                permission[] permissions = new permission[1];
                permissions[0] = newPermission;
                newPolicy.permissions = permissions;

                policyArrayProp existingPols = pFolder.policies ;
                policy[] newPols = new policy[existingPols.value.Length + 1];
                for(int j = 0; j < existingPols.value.Length; j ++)
                    newPols[j] = existingPols.value[j];
                newPols[newPols.Length - 1] = newPolicy;
                existingPols.value = newPols;

            cmService.update(new baseClass[]{pFolder},new updateOptions() );