internal static int seleccionarEspaciosDisponibles()
                configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
                string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
                SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
                command.CommandText = "select count (id) from EspacioParqueo where disponible=1 and reservado=0";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
                string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
                string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
                using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
                    int disponibles = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

            catch (Exception err)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
                throw argEx;
 internal static int desocuparEspacio()
         configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
         string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
         SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
         command.CommandText = "UPDATE EspacioParqueo SET disponible=1 where id=(select max (id) from EspacioParqueo where disponible=0 and reservado=0)";
         command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
         string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
         string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
         string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
         using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
             int insertado = db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
             if (insertado == 0)
     catch (Exception err)
         System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
         throw argEx;
Beispiel #3
        public int eliminarTarifa(int tipoTarifa)
                int        vuelve;
                configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
                string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
                SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
                command.CommandText = "update Tarifas set estado=0 where tipoTarifa=" + tipoTarifa;
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
                string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
                string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
                using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
                    vuelve = db.ExecuteNonQuery(command);
                    //db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

            catch (Exception err)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
                throw argEx;
        internal static DataSet getEspacio(int id)
                DataSet    vuelve     = new DataSet();
                configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
                string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
                SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);

                command.CommandText = "usp_SELECT_EspacioParqueo_ByID";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
                string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
                string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
                using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
                    vuelve = db.ExecuteReader(command, "consulta");
                    //db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
            catch (Exception err)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
                throw argEx;
Beispiel #5
        public int insertarTarifa(string descripcion, decimal monto)
                int        vuelve;
                configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
                string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
                SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@descripcion", descripcion);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@monto", monto);
                command.CommandText = "prc_insertarNuevaTarifa";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
                string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
                string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
                using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
                    vuelve = db.ExecuteNonQuery(command);
                    //db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

            catch (Exception err)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
                throw argEx;
Beispiel #6
 public static List <Tarifa> obtenerTodasTarifa()
         SqlDataReader vuelve;
         List <Tarifa> listaTarifas = new List <Tarifa>();
         Tarifa        tarifa       = new Tarifa();
         configs       cf           = configs.getInstance();
         string        dateFormat   = cf.getNameStringDB();
         SqlCommand    command      = new SqlCommand();
         command.CommandText = "Select tipoTarifa,monto from Tarifas";
         command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
         string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
         string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
         string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
         using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
             vuelve = db.ExecuteReader(command);
             while (vuelve.Read())
                 int    tipo  = (int)vuelve["TipoTarifa"];
                 double monto = (double)vuelve["monto"];
                 tarifa.tipoTarifa = tipo;
                 tarifa.monto      = monto;
     catch (Exception err)
         System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
         throw argEx;
Beispiel #7
 public static int agregarCliente(string cedula, string nombre, string apellido1, string apellido2, string telefono, string placa, int tipoServicio)
         DataSet    vuelve     = new DataSet();
         configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
         string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
         SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
         command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Clientes(cedula, nombre, apellido1, apellido2, telefono, placa, tipoServicio, estado) VALUES" +
                               "('" + cedula + "','" + nombre + "','" + apellido1 + "','" + apellido2 + "','" + telefono + "','" + placa + "'," + tipoServicio + ",1)";
         command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
         string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
         string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
         string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
         using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
             return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted));
     catch (Exception err)
         System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
         throw argEx;
Beispiel #8
 public static SqlDataReader obtenerTodosCliente()
         SqlDataReader vuelve;
         configs       cf         = configs.getInstance();
         string        dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
         SqlCommand    command    = new SqlCommand();
         command.CommandText = "Select ,c.cedula, c.nombre, c.apellido1, c.apellido2, c.telefono, c.placa, c.tipoServicio, c.estado" +
                               " from Clientes";
         command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
         string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
         string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
         string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
         using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
             vuelve = db.ExecuteReader(command);
             //db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
     catch (Exception err)
         System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
         throw argEx;
Beispiel #9
        public static int modificarCliente(int id, string cedula, string nombre, string apellido1, string apellido2, string telefono, string placa, int tipoServicio)
                int        vuelve;
                configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
                string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
                SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cedula", cedula);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@nombre", nombre);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@apellido1", apellido1);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@apellido2", apellido2);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@telefono", telefono);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@placa", placa);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tipoServicio", tipoServicio);
                command.CommandText = "usp_Update_ClientesPorMes_ByID";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
                string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
                string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
                using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
                    vuelve = db.ExecuteNonQuery(command);
                    //db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

            catch (Exception err)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
                throw argEx;
Beispiel #10
        public static Cliente obtenerClientePorId(int id)
            Cliente cliente = new Cliente();

                SqlDataReader vuelve;
                configs       cf         = configs.getInstance();
                string        dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
                SqlCommand    command    = new SqlCommand();
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
                command.CommandText = "usp_SELECT_ClientesPorMes_ByID";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
                string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
                string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
                using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
                    vuelve = db.ExecuteReader(command);
                    //db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);
                    while (vuelve.Read())
                        string cedula       = (string)vuelve["cedula"];
                        string nombre       = (string)vuelve["nombre"];
                        string apellido1    = (string)vuelve["apellido1"];
                        string apellido2    = (string)vuelve["apellido2"];
                        string telefono     = (string)vuelve["telefono"];
                        string placa        = (string)vuelve["placa"];
                        string tipoServicio = (string)vuelve["descripcion"];
                        bool   estado       = (bool)vuelve["estado"];
                         = id;
                        cliente.cedula       = cedula;
                        cliente.nombre       = nombre;
                        cliente.apellido1    = apellido1;
                        cliente.apellido2    = apellido2;
                        cliente.telefono     = telefono;
                        cliente.placa        = placa;
                        cliente.tipoServicio = tipoServicio;
                        cliente.estado       = estado;

            catch (Exception err)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
                throw argEx;
 internal static int eliminarEspacio()
         configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
         string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
         SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
         command.CommandText = "delete from EspacioParqueo where id=(select min(id) from EspacioParqueo)";
         command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
         string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
         string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
         string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
         using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
             return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted));
     catch (Exception err)
         System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
         throw argEx;
Beispiel #12
 public static int eliminarCliente(int id)
         DataSet    vuelve     = new DataSet();
         configs    cf         = configs.getInstance();
         string     dateFormat = cf.getNameStringDB();
         SqlCommand command    = new SqlCommand();
         command.CommandText = "Update Clientes set estado=0 where id=" + id;
         command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
         string userDB = cf.getUserDB();
         string passDB = cf.getPassDB();
         string nameDB = cf.getNameDB();
         using (DataBase db = DatabaseFactory.createdatabase(nameDB, userDB, passDB))
             return(db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted));
     catch (Exception err)
         System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("0x000033", err);
         throw argEx;