public bool FillITPValidHierarchyTable(string sSessionId, string sUser, ref string sRtnMsg)
                clsTabletDB.ITPStaticTable Static = new clsTabletDB.ITPStaticTable();
                clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy ITPValidHierarchy = new clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy();
                LocalDB DB = new LocalDB();
                double dNewVersionNumber = 0.0;
                DateTime dtLastVersionDate;
                string sITPValidHierarchyTableName = ITPValidHierarchy.sITPValidHierarchyTableName;

                //Only do all of this if the version has changed. So get the local version number and compare to that on the DB. If different do all of this. - WRITE LATER as a general function
                bool bNewVersion = Static.IsNewVersionOfTable(sSessionId, sUser, sITPValidHierarchyTableName, ref dNewVersionNumber, ref dtLastVersionDate);

                if (!DB.TableExists(sITPValidHierarchyTableName) || bNewVersion)
                    clsLocalUtils util = new clsLocalUtils();
                    string sURL = util.GetEnvironment_wbsURL("wbsITP_External");
                    wbsITP_External ws = new wbsITP_External();
                    ws.Url = sURL;
                    object[] objValidHierarchy = ws.GetITPValidHierarchyInfo(sSessionId, sUser);
                    if (objValidHierarchy[0].ToString() == "Success")
                        if (ITPValidHierarchy.TableITPValidHierarchyDeleteAllRecords(ref sRtnMsg))
                            string sITPValidHierarchyInfo = objValidHierarchy[1].ToString();
                            string[] sHeaderInfo = sITPValidHierarchyInfo.Split('~');
                            if (sHeaderInfo[0] == "ITPValidHierarchyInfo")
                                string[] delimiters = new string[] { "||" };
                                string[] sITPValidHierarchyItems = sHeaderInfo[1].Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                int iValidHierarchyCount = sITPValidHierarchyItems.Length;
                                if (iValidHierarchyCount > 0)
                                    this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { progBarValidHierarchyVw.ShowProgressBar(iValidHierarchyCount); });
                                    //First check if the ITPValidHierarchy table exists and if not create it
                                    if (ITPValidHierarchy.CheckFullITPValidHierarchyTable())
                                        SqliteConnection conn = DB.OpenConnection();
                                        for (int i = 0; i < iValidHierarchyCount; i++)
                                            string[] delimiters2 = new string[] { "^" };
                                            string[] sValidHierarchyItems = sITPValidHierarchyItems[i].Split(delimiters2, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                            string sFieldValue = sValidHierarchyItems[0];
                                            string sFieldType = sValidHierarchyItems[1];
                                            Array.Resize<string>(ref sValidHierarchyItems, sValidHierarchyItems.Length + 1);
                                            sValidHierarchyItems[sValidHierarchyItems.Length - 1] = sFieldType;
                                            sValidHierarchyItems[sValidHierarchyItems.Length - 2] = sFieldValue;
                                            sValidHierarchyItems[0] = i.ToString();
                                            ITPValidHierarchy.TableITPValidHierarchyAddRecord(sValidHierarchyItems, conn);
                                            this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { progBarValidHierarchyVw.UpdateProgressBar(i + 1); });

                        //Update the version number locally
                        Static.UpdateVersionNumber(sITPValidHierarchyTableName, dNewVersionNumber);
                        this.InvokeOnMainThread(() => { progBarValidHierarchyVw.CloseProgressBar(); });
                        return true;
                        sRtnMsg = objValidHierarchy[1].ToString();
                        return false;
                    //This means you don't have to fill this static table
                    return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                sRtnMsg = "Failure" + ex.Message.ToString();
                return false;
Beispiel #2
        public bool ValidateSuite(object sender, int iFromBackButton)
                return true;

            if(iFromBackButton == 1)
                gbSuppressSecondCheck = true;

            UITextField txtSuite = (UITextField)sender;
            string sSuite = txtSuite.Text;
            sSuite = sSuite.ToUpper();
            txtSuite.Text = sSuite;
            clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy ITPValidHierarchy = new clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy();
            bool bSuiteCheck = ITPValidHierarchy.IsValidItem(sSuite, 2);
            int iTagId = txtSuite.Tag;
            int iPwrIdRow =  iTagId/ iEquipmentSuiteTagId;
            int iStringRow = iTagId - (iPwrIdRow * iEquipmentSuiteTagId);
            int iHiddenBankId =  iEquipmentSuiteHiddenTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow;
            UILabel hfHiddenSuite = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iHiddenBankId);
            string sOldSuite = hfHiddenSuite.Text;

            if (!bSuiteCheck && sSuite != "")
                iUtils.AlertBox alert = new iUtils.AlertBox ();
                alert.CreateErrorAlertDialog ("Please enter a valid suite or search from the list by using the button underneath");
                txtSuite.Text = hfHiddenSuite.Text;
                m_bSuppressMove = true;
                return false;
                if(sOldSuite != sSuite) //Only do something if there has been a chnage
                    hfHiddenSuite.Text = txtSuite.Text;
                    UILabel hfRowStatus = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag(iEquipmentRowStatusTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow);
                    hfRowStatus.Text = "1";

                    SetSectionValueChanged(m_iEquipmentSectionCounter + 1);
                    SetAnyValueChanged(sender, null);

                    //Ask the question
                    if(iFromBackButton == 0)
                        int iSectionTagId = iEquipmentRowSectionCounterTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow;
                        UILabel hfSectionId = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iSectionTagId);
                        int iSectionId = Convert.ToInt32(hfSectionId.Text);

                        int iPwrIdTagId = iEquipmentRowPwrIdTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow;
                        UILabel hfPwrId = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iPwrIdTagId);
                        string sPwrId = hfPwrId.Text;

                        int iFloorId =  iEquipmentFloorTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow;
                        UITextField txtFloor = (UITextField)View.ViewWithTag (iFloorId);
                        string sFloor = txtFloor.Text;

                        if(sOldSuite != sSuite)
                            if(CheckSameSuiteExists(sFloor, sOldSuite,iSectionId, iPwrIdRow, sPwrId, iStringRow))
                                iUtils.AlertBox alert2 = new iUtils.AlertBox();
                                alert2.SetAlertMessage("Do you wish to change all other items on PwrId " + sPwrId + " on the floor " +
                                                       sFloor + " and the suite " + sOldSuite + " to suite " +  sSuite + " ?");

                                UIAlertView alert3 = alert2.GetAlertDialog();
                                alert3.Clicked += (sender2, e2)  => {
                                    CheckSuiteChangesQuestion(sender2, e2, e2.ButtonIndex, iStringRow, sPwrId, sFloor,
                                                              sSuite, sOldSuite, iSectionId, iPwrIdRow);
                return true;
Beispiel #3
        public void OpenStringList(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UIButton btnBankNoSearch = (UIButton)sender;
            ScreenUtils scnUtils = new ScreenUtils ();
            scnUtils.GetAbsolutePosition (btnBankNoSearch);
            float iTop = scnUtils.GetPositionTop ();
            float iLeft = scnUtils.GetPositionLeft ();
            int iBtnTagId = btnBankNoSearch.Tag;
            int iPwrIdRow = iBtnTagId / iEquipmentStringSearchTagId;
            int iStringRow = iBtnTagId - (iPwrIdRow * iEquipmentStringSearchTagId);
            int iSectionCounterTagId = iEquipmentRowSectionCounterTagId * iPwrIdRow  + iStringRow;
            UILabel hfSectionCounter = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iSectionCounterTagId);
            int iSectionCounterId = Convert.ToInt32 (hfSectionCounter.Text);

            clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy ITPHierarchy = new clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy();
            string[] sSolarStringNos = ITPHierarchy.GetValidHierarchy(7);

            //Create a list and convert the string array to the list. Why the system cannot take a simple string array is beyond me!!!
            List<string> listStringNo = new List<string> ();
            Array.ForEach (sSolarStringNos, value => listStringNo.Add (value.ToString ()));

            TableViewSource tabdata = new TableViewSource (listStringNo, true);
            UITableView cmbStringNo = new UITableView ();

            //If the bottom of the frame would be outside the main content frame make it go upwards instead of downwards
            UILabel hfContentHeight = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (3);
            int iContentHeight = Convert.ToInt32 (hfContentHeight.Text);
            if (iTop + 190f > (float)iContentHeight)
                cmbStringNo.Frame = new RectangleF(iLeft, iTop - 190f, 90f, 200f);
                cmbStringNo.Frame = new RectangleF(iLeft, iTop, 90f, 200f);

            UITextField lblVwUpdate = (UITextField)View.ViewWithTag (iEquipmentStringTagId * (iPwrIdRow) + (iStringRow));
            UIView vwUnsaved = (UIView)View.ViewWithTag (60);
            //Also set the section flag to 1 that it has changed and the overall flag that it has changed
            UILabel lblUnsavedFlag = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (80);
            UILabel lblUnsavedSectionFlag = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag ((iSectionCounterId + 1) * iSectionStatusTagId);

            cmbStringNo.Source = tabdata;
            iUtils.SESTable thistable = new iUtils.SESTable();
            string sSelectedValue = lblVwUpdate.Text;
            thistable.SetTableSelectedText(cmbStringNo, sSelectedValue, sSolarStringNos, true);

            //Get the main scroll view
            UIScrollView scrollVw = (UIScrollView)View.ViewWithTag (2);
Beispiel #4
        //Here iType means 1 = Batteries, 2 = Solar strings
        public bool ValidateBankNo(object sender, int iType, int iFromBackButton)
                return true;

            if(iFromBackButton == 1)
                gbSuppressSecondCheck = true;

            UITextField txtBankNo = (UITextField)sender;
            string sBankNo = txtBankNo.Text;
            sBankNo = sBankNo.ToUpper();
            txtBankNo.Text = sBankNo;
            clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy ITPValidHierarchy = new clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy();
            bool bBankCheck = ITPValidHierarchy.IsValidItem(sBankNo, iType + 5);
            int iTagId = txtBankNo.Tag;
            int iPwrIdRow =  iTagId/ iEquipmentStringTagId;
            int iStringRow = iTagId - (iPwrIdRow * iEquipmentStringTagId);
            int iHiddenBankId =  iEquipmentStringHiddenTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow;
            UILabel hfHiddenBankNo = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iHiddenBankId);

            if (!bBankCheck && sBankNo != "")
                iUtils.AlertBox alert = new iUtils.AlertBox ();
                alert.CreateErrorAlertDialog ("Please enter a valid bank no or select from the list by using the button to the immediate right");
                txtBankNo.Text = hfHiddenBankNo.Text;
                m_bSuppressMove = true;
                return false;
                if(hfHiddenBankNo.Text != txtBankNo.Text)
                    hfHiddenBankNo.Text = txtBankNo.Text;
                    UILabel hfRowStatus = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag(iEquipmentRowStatusTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow);
                    hfRowStatus.Text = "1";
                    SetSectionValueChanged(m_iEquipmentSectionCounter + 1);
                    SetAnyValueChanged(sender, null);
                return true;
Beispiel #5
        public void OpenItemsList(object sender, EventArgs e, UIView vwSearch, int iSectionCounterId)
            clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy ITPHierarchy = new clsTabletDB.ITPValidHierarchy();
            UILabel hfSearching = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iSearchHiddenLabelTagId);
            int iSearchTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(hfSearching.Text);
            UILabel hfPwrIdRow = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iPwrIdRowHiddenLabelTagId);
            int iPwrIdRow = Convert.ToInt32(hfPwrIdRow.Text);
            UILabel hfStringRow = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (iStringRowHiddenLabelTagId);
            int iStringRow = Convert.ToInt32(hfStringRow.Text);
            UITextField txtSearch = (UITextField)View.ViewWithTag(90);
            string sSearchText = txtSearch.Text;
            string[] sItems = ITPHierarchy.GetValidHierarchySearch(iSearchTypeId, sSearchText);
            int iTypeTagId = -1;
            int ihfTypeTagId = -1;

            switch (iSearchTypeId)
                case 1:
                    iTypeTagId = iEquipmentFloorTagId;
                    ihfTypeTagId = iEquipmentFloorHiddenTagId;

                case 2:
                    iTypeTagId = iEquipmentSuiteTagId;
                    ihfTypeTagId = iEquipmentSuiteHiddenTagId;

                case 3:
                    iTypeTagId = iEquipmentRackTagId;
                    ihfTypeTagId = iEquipmentRackHiddenTagId;

                case 4:
                    iTypeTagId = iEquipmentSubRackTagId;
                    ihfTypeTagId = iEquipmentSubRackHiddenTagId;

                case 5:
                    iTypeTagId = iEquipmentPositionTagId;
                    ihfTypeTagId = iEquipmentPositionHiddenTagId;

                case 7:
                    iTypeTagId = iEquipmentStringTagId;
                    ihfTypeTagId = iEquipmentStringHiddenTagId;
            //Create a list and convert the string array to the list. Why the system cannot take a simple string array is beyond me!!!
            List<string> listItems = new List<string>();
            Array.ForEach(sItems, value => listItems.Add(value.ToString()));

            TableViewSource tabdata = new TableViewSource(listItems, true);
            tabdata.SetFont("Verdana", 10f);
            if (m_cmbSearch == null)
                UITableView cmbItems = new UITableView();
                cmbItems.Frame = new RectangleF(100f, 88f, 90f, 200f);
                cmbItems.Tag = iSearchTableTagId;
                m_cmbSearch = cmbItems;

            m_cmbSearch.Hidden = false;
            UITextField lblVwUpdate = (UITextField)View.ViewWithTag (iTypeTagId * (iPwrIdRow) + (iStringRow));
            UILabel lblhfVwUpdate = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (ihfTypeTagId * (iPwrIdRow) + (iStringRow));
            UIView vwUnsaved = (UIView)View.ViewWithTag (60);
            UILabel hfRowStatus = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag(iEquipmentRowStatusTagId * iPwrIdRow + iStringRow);
            tabdata.SetItemPostUpdate(iSearchTypeId + 1, lblhfVwUpdate, hfRowStatus);

            //Also set the section flag to 1 that it has changed and the overall flag that it has changed
            UILabel lblUnsavedFlag = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag (80);
            UIButton btnSectionSave = (UIButton)View.ViewWithTag ((iSectionCounterId + 1) * iSaveSectionBtnTagId);
            UILabel lblUnsavedSectionFlag = (UILabel)View.ViewWithTag ((iSectionCounterId + 1) * iSectionStatusTagId);
            m_cmbSearch.Source = tabdata;