Beispiel #1
    private void ProcessSubWords(clsProg p)
        p.TimesCalled += 1;
        int lastIndex = 0;

        foreach (Match ncWord in this.mRegWords.Matches(p.Contents))
            //Each word
            //Is this a newline
            if (ncWord.Value == "\n")
                mTotalLines += 1;
                mCodeText    = p.Contents.Substring(lastIndex, ncWord.Index - lastIndex - 1);
                if (OnAddBlock != null)
                    OnAddBlock(ncWord.Index, mTotalBites);
                Array.Clear(mBlockAddresses, 0, 26);
                lastIndex = ncWord.Index + 1;
            else if (MatchIsComment(ncWord))
                mTotalLines += ncWord.Value.Split('\n').Length - 1;
            else if (mCurMachine.BlockSkip.Contains(ncWord.Value[0].ToString()))
                mTotalLines += 1;
                mCurAddress.Label       = Char.ToUpper(ncWord.Value[0]);
                mCurAddress.StringValue = ncWord.Groups[1].Value;
                mCurAddress.Value       = float.Parse(ncWord.Groups[1].Value);
                if (mCurAddress.Matches(mMotion.SubCall))
                    //M98 P. Use the next word value as the sub name
                    clsProg retProg = FindSubByValue(int.Parse(ncWord.NextMatch().Groups[1].Value));
                    if ((retProg != null))
                        if (retProg.TimesCalled > 100)
                            return;               //Prevent infinite loop
                        ProcessSubWords(retProg); //Call this subagain
Beispiel #2
 private void ProcessSubWords(clsProg p)
     p.TimesCalled += 1;
     int lastIndex = 0;
     foreach (Match ncWord in this.mRegWords.Matches(p.Contents))
         //Each word 
         //Is this a newline 
         if (ncWord.Value == "\n")
             mTotalLines += 1;
             mCodeText = p.Contents.Substring(lastIndex, ncWord.Index - lastIndex - 1);
             if (OnAddBlock != null)
                 OnAddBlock(ncWord.Index, mTotalBites);
             Array.Clear(mBlockAddresses, 0, 26);
             lastIndex = ncWord.Index + 1;
         else if (MatchIsComment(ncWord))
             mTotalLines += ncWord.Value.Split('\n').Length - 1;
         else if (mCurMachine.BlockSkip.Contains(ncWord.Value[0].ToString()))
             mTotalLines += 1;
             mCurAddress.Label = Char.ToUpper(ncWord.Value[0]);
             mCurAddress.StringValue = ncWord.Groups[1].Value;
             mCurAddress.Value = float.Parse(ncWord.Groups[1].Value);
             if (mCurAddress.Matches(mMotion.SubCall))
                 //M98 P. Use the next word value as the sub name 
                 clsProg retProg = FindSubByValue(int.Parse(ncWord.NextMatch().Groups[1].Value));
                 if ((retProg != null))
                     if (retProg.TimesCalled > 100) return;//Prevent infinite loop 
                     ProcessSubWords(retProg);//Call this subagain 
Beispiel #3
    // modified to take first argument as a preprocessed buffer, instead of filename
    public void ProcessFile(string ncFile, List<clsMotionRecord> gfxRecs)
        mGfxRecs = gfxRecs;
        mCodefile = ncFile;
            mMotion.SubCall.Label = mCurMachine.Subcall[0];
            mMotion.SubCall.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Subcall.Substring(1));

            mMotion.SubReturn.Label = mCurMachine.SubReturn[0];
            mMotion.SubReturn.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.SubReturn.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Abs.Label = mCurMachine.Absolute[0];
            mMotion.Abs.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Absolute.Substring(1));
            mMotion.CCArc.Label = mCurMachine.CCArc[0];
            mMotion.CCArc.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.CCArc.Substring(1));
            mMotion.CWArc.Label = mCurMachine.CWArc[0];
            mMotion.CWArc.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.CWArc.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Inc.Label = mCurMachine.Incremental[0];
            mMotion.Inc.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Incremental.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Linear.Label = mCurMachine.Linear[0];
            mMotion.Linear.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Linear.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Rapid.Label = mCurMachine.Rapid[0];
            mMotion.Rapid.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Rapid.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Rotary.Label = mCurMachine.Rotary[0];
            mMotion.Rotary.Value = 0;

            mMotion.DrillRapid.Label = mCurMachine.DrillRapid[0];
            mMotion.DrillRapid.Value = 0;

            mMotion.Plane[0].Label = mCurMachine.XYplane[0];
            mMotion.Plane[0].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.XYplane.Substring(1));
            mMotion.Plane[1].Label = mCurMachine.XZplane[0];
            mMotion.Plane[1].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.XZplane.Substring(1));
            mMotion.Plane[2].Label = mCurMachine.YZplane[0];
            mMotion.Plane[2].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.YZplane.Substring(1));

            mMotion.ReturnLevel[0].Label = mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[0][0];
            mMotion.ReturnLevel[0].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[0].Substring(1));
            mMotion.ReturnLevel[1].Label = mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[1][0];
            mMotion.ReturnLevel[1].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[1].Substring(1));

            for (int r = 0; r <= mMotion.Drills.Length - 1; r++)
                if (mCurMachine.Drills[r].Length > 2)
                    mMotion.Drills[r].Label = mCurMachine.Drills[r][0];
                    mMotion.Drills[r].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Drills[r].Substring(1));

        //Reset all positions. 
        mCurrentColor = 0;
        mPrevTool = -1;
        mXpos = 0;
        mYpos = 0;
        mZpos = 0;
        mPrevX = 0;
        mPrevY = 0;
        mPrevZ = 0;
        mPrevABC = 0;
        mABC = 0;
        mRpoint = 0;
        mSpeed = 0;
        mFeed = 0;
        mDrillClear = 0;
        mInitialZBeforeDrill = 0;
        mRotDir = 1;
        mAbsolute = true;
        mMode = Motion.RAPID;
        mDrillReturnMode = Motion.I_PLN;

        if (mCurMachine.MachineType == MachineType.MILL)
            mPlane = Motion.XY_PLN; //Mill 
            mPlane = Motion.XZ_PLN;//Lathe 

        mEndmain = mCurMachine.Endmain.Trim();
        mSubcall = mCurMachine.Subcall.Trim();
        mSubRepeats = mCurMachine.SubRepeats.Trim();
        string sFileContents = null;
        sFileContents = FilterJunk(ncFile);
        int lastIndex = -1;
        int thisIndex = -1;
        clsProg p = default(clsProg);
        foreach (Match m in this.mRegSubs.Matches(sFileContents))
            if (mCurMachine.ProgramId.Contains(m.Value[0].ToString()))
                thisIndex = m.Index;
                //Each program 
                if (lastIndex > -1)
                    mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents = sFileContents.Substring(lastIndex, thisIndex - lastIndex).TrimEnd();
                    if (mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents.Contains(mCurMachine.Endmain))
                        mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Main = true;
                p = new clsProg();
                p.Main = false;
                p.Index = thisIndex;
                p.Label = Char.ToUpper(m.Value[0]).ToString();
                p.Value = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                lastIndex = m.Index;

        mTotalLines = 1;
        if (mNcProgs.Count == 0)
            //Just add all the text we found in the file 
            p = new clsProg();
            p.Main = true;
            p.Index = 0;
            p.Label = "MAIN";
            p.Value = 0;
            p.Contents = sFileContents;
            mTotalBites = sFileContents.Length;
            mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents = sFileContents.Substring(lastIndex).TrimEnd();
            if (mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents.Contains(mCurMachine.Endmain))
                mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Main = true;
            foreach (clsProg pr in mNcProgs)
                mTotalBites = pr.Contents.Length;
Beispiel #4
    // modified to take first argument as a preprocessed buffer, instead of filename
    public void ProcessFile(string ncFile, List <clsMotionRecord> gfxRecs)
        mGfxRecs  = gfxRecs;
        mCodefile = ncFile;
            mMotion.SubCall.Label = mCurMachine.Subcall[0];
            mMotion.SubCall.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Subcall.Substring(1));

            mMotion.SubReturn.Label = mCurMachine.SubReturn[0];
            mMotion.SubReturn.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.SubReturn.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Abs.Label   = mCurMachine.Absolute[0];
            mMotion.Abs.Value   = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Absolute.Substring(1));
            mMotion.CCArc.Label = mCurMachine.CCArc[0];
            mMotion.CCArc.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.CCArc.Substring(1));
            mMotion.CWArc.Label = mCurMachine.CWArc[0];
            mMotion.CWArc.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.CWArc.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Inc.Label = mCurMachine.Incremental[0];
            mMotion.Inc.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Incremental.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Linear.Label = mCurMachine.Linear[0];
            mMotion.Linear.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Linear.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Rapid.Label = mCurMachine.Rapid[0];
            mMotion.Rapid.Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Rapid.Substring(1));

            mMotion.Rotary.Label = mCurMachine.Rotary[0];
            mMotion.Rotary.Value = 0;

            mMotion.DrillRapid.Label = mCurMachine.DrillRapid[0];
            mMotion.DrillRapid.Value = 0;

            mMotion.Plane[0].Label = mCurMachine.XYplane[0];
            mMotion.Plane[0].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.XYplane.Substring(1));
            mMotion.Plane[1].Label = mCurMachine.XZplane[0];
            mMotion.Plane[1].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.XZplane.Substring(1));
            mMotion.Plane[2].Label = mCurMachine.YZplane[0];
            mMotion.Plane[2].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.YZplane.Substring(1));

            mMotion.ReturnLevel[0].Label = mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[0][0];
            mMotion.ReturnLevel[0].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[0].Substring(1));
            mMotion.ReturnLevel[1].Label = mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[1][0];
            mMotion.ReturnLevel[1].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.ReturnLevel[1].Substring(1));

            for (int r = 0; r <= mMotion.Drills.Length - 1; r++)
                if (mCurMachine.Drills[r].Length > 2)
                    mMotion.Drills[r].Label = mCurMachine.Drills[r][0];
                    mMotion.Drills[r].Value = int.Parse(mCurMachine.Drills[r].Substring(1));

        //Reset all positions.
        mCurrentColor        = 0;
        mPrevTool            = -1;
        mXpos                = 0;
        mYpos                = 0;
        mZpos                = 0;
        mPrevX               = 0;
        mPrevY               = 0;
        mPrevZ               = 0;
        mPrevABC             = 0;
        mABC                 = 0;
        mRpoint              = 0;
        mSpeed               = 0;
        mFeed                = 0;
        mDrillClear          = 0;
        mInitialZBeforeDrill = 0;
        mRotDir              = 1;
        mAbsolute            = true;
        mMode                = Motion.RAPID;
        mDrillReturnMode     = Motion.I_PLN;

        if (mCurMachine.MachineType == MachineType.MILL)
            mPlane = Motion.XY_PLN; //Mill
            mPlane = Motion.XZ_PLN;//Lathe

        mEndmain    = mCurMachine.Endmain.Trim();
        mSubcall    = mCurMachine.Subcall.Trim();
        mSubRepeats = mCurMachine.SubRepeats.Trim();

        string sFileContents = null;

        sFileContents = FilterJunk(ncFile);

        int     lastIndex = -1;
        int     thisIndex = -1;
        clsProg p         = default(clsProg);

        foreach (Match m in this.mRegSubs.Matches(sFileContents))
            if (mCurMachine.ProgramId.Contains(m.Value[0].ToString()))
                thisIndex = m.Index;
                //Each program
                if (lastIndex > -1)
                    mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents = sFileContents.Substring(lastIndex, thisIndex - lastIndex).TrimEnd();
                    if (mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents.Contains(mCurMachine.Endmain))
                        mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Main = true;
                p       = new clsProg();
                p.Main  = false;
                p.Index = thisIndex;
                p.Label = Char.ToUpper(m.Value[0]).ToString();
                p.Value = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                lastIndex = m.Index;

        mTotalLines = 1;
        if (mNcProgs.Count == 0)
            //Just add all the text we found in the file
            p          = new clsProg();
            p.Main     = true;
            p.Index    = 0;
            p.Label    = "MAIN";
            p.Value    = 0;
            p.Contents = sFileContents;
            mTotalBites = sFileContents.Length;
            mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents = sFileContents.Substring(lastIndex).TrimEnd();
            if (mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Contents.Contains(mCurMachine.Endmain))
                mNcProgs[mNcProgs.Count - 1].Main = true;
            foreach (clsProg pr in mNcProgs)
                mTotalBites = pr.Contents.Length;