Beispiel #1
                internal override clsNote Copy()
                    clsNotePC ret = new clsNotePC(_PC_NoKBTrans);

                    ret.OnBBT  = OnBBT;
                    ret.OffBBT = OffBBT;
Beispiel #2
            internal clsEvPC(clsCFPC chordfile, clsMTime.clsBBT onbbt, int[] chord) //BIAB, ManChords
                CF    = chordfile;
                OnBBT = onbbt;
                Root  = true;
                List <clsNotePC> listnpw = new List <clsNotePC>();

                for (int i = 0; i < chord.Length; i++)
                    clsNotePC npw = new clsNotePC();
                    //npw.PC_NoKBTrans = chord[i].Mod12();
                _Notes = listnpw.ToArray();
Beispiel #3
            internal clsEvPC(clsCFPC cf, string[] ll) //null bbt, or called by other constructor
            //bars. beats, twelfths start at 0
                CF = cf;
                //Index = index;

                if (ll[1] == "null") //no chord - use scale (7 note chord)
                    _Notes = new clsNotePC[0];
                    return; //show nothing

                List <clsNotePC> listnpw = new List <clsNotePC>();
                int chordpitch           = -1;
                int notecnt = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i < ll.Length; i++) //ll = space delimited line, incl bbt
                    string l = ll[i];
                    if (l.StartsWith(".."))                         //bassnote
                        BassNote = l.TrimStart(new char[] { '.' }); //not yet used...
                    else if (l.StartsWith("."))                     //chordname
                        string name = l.TrimStart(new char[] { '.' });
                        chordpitch = NoteName.GetPitchAndQualifier(name, out ChordQualifier);
                        if (chordpitch < 0)
                            throw new ChordFileException();      //should be ChordFileException
                        //} else if (l.StartsWith(":")) {  //chordname (marked)
                        //  string name = l.TrimStart(new char[] { ':' });
                        //  chordpitch = NoteName.GetPitchAndQualifier(name, out ChordQualifier);
                        //  if (chordpitch < 0) throw new ChordFileException();  //should be ChordFileException
                        //  Mark = true;
                    else //note
                        if (++notecnt > (int)P.frmStart.nudMaxChordSize.Value)
                        clsNotePC npw   = new clsNotePC();
                        int       pitch = NoteName.GetPitch(l);
                        if (pitch < 0) //not a valid note - assume chord+qualifier
                            ll[i--] = "." + l;

                if (chordpitch >= 0) //chordname present, with or without notes
                    string qual = ChordQualifier.ToLower();
                    ChordAnalysis.clsTemplate t = ChordAnalysis.NameToTemplate[qual];
                    ChordQualifier = t.Name;                    //change to correct case and spelling (if necessary)
                    if (listnpw.Count == 0)                     //get notes from ChordAnalysis
                        listnpw.Add(new clsNotePC(chordpitch)); //root
                        for (int p = 1; p < 12; p++)            //start at 1 - root already added
                            if (t.PC[p])
                                listnpw.Add(new clsNotePC((chordpitch + p).Mod12()));
                        //* if (listnpw.Count == 0) throw new ChordFileException();  //chord qualifier not found
                        //* temp frig - need to get user exceptions working with the debugger
                        if (listnpw.Count == 0)
                            throw new ChordFileException();

                if (listnpw.Count < P.frmStart.nudMinChordSize.Value) //should be 0 unless advanced...
                    _Notes = new clsNotePC[0];                        //null chord
                    _Notes = listnpw.ToArray();
                    if (chordpitch == Notes[0].PC[eKBTrans.None])
                        Root = true;