Beispiel #1
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            if (!ValidateForm())

            //Validate Account Exists
            strSQL = "SELECT tblUsers.UserLevel, tblUsers.EmployeeID, tblEmployees.EmployeeFirst, tblEmployees.EmployeeLast ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployees INNER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblUsers ON tblEmployees.EmployeeID = tblUsers.EmployeeID ";
            strSQL += "WHERE (tblUsers.UserName = '******') ";
            strSQL += "AND (tblUsers.Password = '******') ";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Session["UserLevel"] = dt.Rows[0]["UserLevel"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["UserLevel"], "");
                Session["EmployeeID"] = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeID"].GetValueOrDefault<int>();
                Session["UserName"] = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeFirst"].GetValueOrDefault<string>() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeLast"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                lblError.Text = "Invalid login.";
                lblError.Visible = true;

            ds = null;
            dt = null;

            if (cbRememberMe.Checked)
                Response.Cookies["KPFFAuthorization"]["Login"] = txtUserName.Text;
                Response.Cookies["KPFFAuthorization"]["Password"] = txtPassword.Text;
                Response.Cookies["KPFFAuthorization"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
                Response.Cookies["KPFFAuthorization"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            if (Session["UserLevel"].GetValueOrDefault<string>() == "Admin")
            else if (Session["UserLevel"].GetValueOrDefault<string>() == "User")
Beispiel #2
        private void AddUpdateUser(int intEmployeeID)
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();
            bool blnUserExists = false;

            //Check to see if User Account Exists
            strSQL = "SELECT ID ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblUsers ";
            strSQL += "WHERE EmployeeID = " + intEmployeeID;

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                blnUserExists = true;
                blnUserExists = false;

            ds = null;
            dt = null;

            if (blnUserExists == true)
                strSQL = "UPDATE tblUsers ";
                strSQL += "SET ";
                strSQL += "UserName = '******', ";
                strSQL += "Password = '******' ";
                strSQL += "WHERE EmployeeID = " + intEmployeeID;
                strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblUsers ";
                strSQL += "(UserName, Password, UserLevel, EmployeeID) ";
                strSQL += "VALUES ( ";
                strSQL += "'" + txtUserName.Text + "', ";
                strSQL += "'" + txtPassword.Text + "', ";
                strSQL += "'User', ";
                strSQL += intEmployeeID + ")";
Beispiel #3
        private void PopulateEmployeeType()
            int intUserID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["UserID"]);
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT * ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployeeTypes ";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            DataView dv = new DataView(dt);

            cboEmployeeType.DataTextField = "EmployeeType";
            cboEmployeeType.DataValueField = "id";
            cboEmployeeType.DataSource = dv;
Beispiel #4
        private void PopulateForm()
            int intEmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["EmployeeId"]);
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            intEmployeeId = 1;

            strSQL = "SELECT * ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployees ";
            strSQL += "WHERE EmployeeID = " + intEmployeeId;

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtEmployeeName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                cboEmployeeType.Items.FindByText(dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()).Selected = true;
                txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtCity.Text = dt.Rows[0]["City"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["State"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()))
                    cboState.Items.FindByText(dt.Rows[0]["State"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()).Selected = true;
                txtZip.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Zip"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtHomePhone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["HomePhone"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtCellPhone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CellPhone"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtComments.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Comments"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                //rbtnList.Text = Zz(dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeName"), "")
                lblError.Text = "Employee does not exist.";
                lblError.Visible = true;

            dt = null;
            ds = null;
Beispiel #5
        private void PopulateCombos()
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblClientTypes ";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;
            dv.Sort = "ID";

            cboClientType.DataSource = dv;
            cboClientType.DataTextField = "ClientType";
            cboClientType.DataValueField = "ID";

            dt = null;
            ds = null;
Beispiel #6
        public object GetTotalRecords()
            int intTotalRecords = 0;
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();
            string strSQL = "";

            strSQL = "SELECT tblEmployees.EmployeeID ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployees LEFT OUTER JOIN tblEmployeeTypes ON tblEmployees.EmployeeTypeID = tblEmployeeTypes.ID ";
            strSQL += "ORDER BY tblEmployees.EmployeeCode";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            intTotalRecords = dt.Rows.Count;

            ds = null;
            dt = null;

            return intTotalRecords;
Beispiel #7
        private void PopulateForm(int intClientID)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblClients ";
            strSQL += "WHERE ID = " + intClientID;

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtClientName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ClientName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                cboClientType.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["ClientTypeID"].GetValueOrDefault<int>().ToString();
                txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtCity.Text = dt.Rows[0]["City"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtState.Text = dt.Rows[0]["State"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtZip.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Zip"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtOfficePhone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["OfficePhone"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtFax.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Fax"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtComments.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Comments"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
Beispiel #8
        private void PopulateUser(int intEmployeeID)
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT UserName, Password ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblUsers ";
            strSQL += "WHERE EmployeeID = " + intEmployeeID;

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                rbtnUserNo.Checked = false;
                rbtnUserYes.Checked = true;
                pnlUserAccount.Visible = true;
                txtUserName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Username"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                txtPassword.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Password"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
                rbtnUserNo.Checked = true;
                rbtnUserYes.Checked = false;
                pnlUserAccount.Visible = false;
        private void PopulateForm(int intEmployeeID)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT * ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployees ";
            strSQL += "WHERE EmployeeID = " + intEmployeeID;

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                lblName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeFirst"].GetValueOrDefault<string>() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeLast"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();

            ds = null;
            dt = null;
Beispiel #10
        private void PopulateForm(int intProjectID)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT tblProjects.*, tblPhase.Phase, tblClients.ClientName ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblPhase RIGHT OUTER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblProjects ON tblPhase.ID = tblProjects.PhaseID LEFT OUTER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblClients ON tblProjects.ClientID = tblClients.ID ";
            strSQL += "WHERE (tblProjects.ID = " + intProjectID + ")";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                txtProjectName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectName"], "");
                txtProjectNo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"], "");
                lblProjectNo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"], "");
                if (dt.Rows[0]["PM1"] != DBNull.Value) //object.ReferenceEquals(dt.Rows[0]["PM1"], DBNull.Value)))
                    cboPM.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["PM1"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["PM1"], 0);
                if (dt.Rows[0]["PIC"] != DBNull.Value) //(!object.ReferenceEquals(dt.Rows[0]["PIC"], DBNull.Value)))
                    cboPIC.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["PIC"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["PIC"], 0);
                cboClientName.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["ClientID"].GetValueOrDefault<int>().ToString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ClientID"], 1);
                txtProjectLocation.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectLocation"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();// basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectLocation"], "");
                txtConstructionType.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ConstructionType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ConstructionType"], "");
                txtProjectType.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectType"], "");
                cboPhase.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["PhaseID"].GetValueOrDefault<int>().ToString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["PhaseID"], 1);

                var estStartOfConstruction = dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedStartDate"].GetValueOrDefault<DateTime>();
                var estCompletionOfConstruction = dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedCompletionDate"].GetValueOrDefault<DateTime>();

                if (estStartOfConstruction != null && estStartOfConstruction != DateTime.MinValue)
                    txtEstStartOfConstruction.Text = estStartOfConstruction.ToShortDateString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedStartDate"], "");

                if (estCompletionOfConstruction != null && estCompletionOfConstruction != DateTime.MinValue)
                    txtEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text = estCompletionOfConstruction.ToShortDateString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedCompletionDate"], "");

                txtFeeAmount.Text = dt.Rows[0]["FeeAmount"].GetValueOrDefault<decimal>().ToString("C"); // Strings.FormatNumber(basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["FeeAmount"], 0), 2);
                if (dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"] != DBNull.Value) //  object.ReferenceEquals(dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"], DBNull.Value))
                    cboFeeStructure.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"].GetValueOrDefault<int>().ToString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"], 1);
                txtRemarks.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Comments"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["Comments"], "");
Beispiel #11
        private void PopulateCombos()
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();
            DataRow dtRow = default(DataRow);

            //Populate Client Combo
            strSQL = "SELECT ID, ClientName ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblClients";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            DataView dv = dt.DefaultView;
            dv.Sort = "ClientName";

            cboClientName.DataSource = dv;
            cboClientName.DataTextField = "ClientName";
            cboClientName.DataValueField = "ID";

            //Populate Phase Combo
            strSQL = "SELECT ID, Phase ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblPhase ";
            strSQL += "ORDER BY Sequence";

            ds = new DataSet();
            ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            dt = new DataTable();
            dt = ds.Tables[0];
            dv = new DataView();
            dv = dt.DefaultView;

            cboPhase.DataSource = dv;
            cboPhase.DataTextField = "Phase";
            cboPhase.DataValueField = "ID";

            //Populate Fee Structure Combo
            strSQL = "SELECT FeeStructureType ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblFeeStructures ";
            strSQL += "ORDER BY Sequence";

            ds = new DataSet();
            ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            dt = new DataTable();
            dt = ds.Tables[0];
            dv = new DataView();
            dv = dt.DefaultView;

            cboFeeStructure.DataSource = dv;
            cboFeeStructure.DataTextField = "FeeStructureType";
            cboFeeStructure.DataValueField = "FeeStructureType";

            //Populate PIC Combo
            strSQL = "SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeName ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployees ";
            strSQL += "ORDER BY EmployeeName";

            ds = new DataSet();
            ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            dt = new DataTable();
            dt = ds.Tables[0];
            dtRow = dt.NewRow();
            dtRow[0] = 0;
            dtRow[1] = "";
            dv = new DataView();
            dv = dt.DefaultView;
            dv.Sort = "EmployeeName";

            cboPIC.DataSource = dv;
            cboPIC.DataTextField = "EmployeeName";
            cboPIC.DataValueField = "EmployeeID";

            //Populate PM Combo
            strSQL = "SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeName ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblEmployees ";
            strSQL += "ORDER BY EmployeeName";

            ds = new DataSet();
            ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            dt = new DataTable();
            dt = ds.Tables[0];
            dtRow = dt.NewRow();
            dtRow[0] = 0;
            dtRow[1] = "";
            dv = new DataView();
            dv = dt.DefaultView;
            dv.Sort = "EmployeeName";

            cboPM.DataSource = dv;
            cboPM.DataTextField = "EmployeeName";
            cboPM.DataValueField = "EmployeeID";

            dt = null;
            ds = null;
Beispiel #12
        private bool ValidateForm()
            System.DateTime dtmDateTimeUS = default(System.DateTime);
            System.Globalization.CultureInfo format = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtProjectName.Text))
                lblError.Text = "Please enter project name.";
                lblError.Visible = true;
                return false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtProjectNo.Text))
                lblError.Text = "Please enter project number.";
                lblError.Visible = true;
                return false;

            if (txtProjectNo.Text != lblProjectNo.Text)
                //Check Dupe Job #
                string strSQL = "";
                clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();
                strSQL = "SELECT ID FROM tblProjects ";
                strSQL += "WHERE ProjectNo = '" + txtProjectNo.Text + "'";
                DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
                DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    lblError.Text = "Project number already exists.";
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    return false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cboClientName.SelectedItem.Text))
                lblError.Text = "Please select a client.";
                lblError.Visible = true;
                return false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEstStartOfConstruction.Text))
                    dtmDateTimeUS = System.DateTime.Parse(txtEstStartOfConstruction.Text, format);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblError.Text = "Please enter a valid start of construction date - ex: mm/dd/yyyy.";
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    return false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text))
                    dtmDateTimeUS = System.DateTime.Parse(txtEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text, format);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblError.Text = "Please enter a valid completion of construction date - ex: mm/dd/yyyy.";
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    return false;

            lblError.Text = "";
            lblError.Visible = false;
            return true;
Beispiel #13
        private void PopulateForm(int intProjectID)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT tblProjects.*, tblPhase.Phase, tblClients.ClientName ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblPhase RIGHT OUTER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblProjects ON tblPhase.ID = tblProjects.PhaseID LEFT OUTER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblClients ON tblProjects.ClientID = tblClients.ID ";
            strSQL += "WHERE (tblProjects.ID = " + intProjectID + ")";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) {
            txtProjectName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtProjectNo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            lblProjectNo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["PM1"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()))
                cboPM.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["PM1"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["PIC"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()))
                cboPIC.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["PIC"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();

            cboClientName.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["ClientID"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtProjectLocation.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectLocation"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtConstructionType.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ConstructionType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtProjectType.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            cboPhase.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["PhaseID"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtEstStartOfConstruction.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedStartDate"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedCompletionDate"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtFeeAmount.Text = dt.Rows[0]["FeeAmount"].GetValueOrDefault<decimal>().ToString("c");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()))
            } else {
                cboFeeStructure.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtRemarks.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Comments"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
Beispiel #14
        private void PopulateForm(int intProjectID)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT tblProjects.ProjectNo, tblProjects.ProjectName ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblProjects ";
            strSQL += "WHERE (tblProjects.ID = " + intProjectID + ")";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) {
            this.lblProjectNo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            this.lblProjectName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
Beispiel #15
        private void UpdateProject(int intProjectID)
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();
            clsSchedule Schedule = new clsSchedule();
            if (intProjectID == 0)

            strSQL = "UPDATE tblProjects ";
            strSQL += "SET ProjectName = '" + txtProjectName.Text + "', ";
            strSQL += "ProjectNo = '" + txtProjectNo.Text + "', ";
            strSQL += "ClientID = " + Convert.ToInt32(cboClientName.SelectedValue) + ", ";
            strSQL += "ProjectLocation = '" + txtProjectLocation.Text + "', ";
            strSQL += "ConstructionType = '" + txtConstructionType.Text + "', ";
            strSQL += "ProjectType = '" + txtProjectType.Text + "', ";
            strSQL += "PhaseID = " + Convert.ToInt32(cboPhase.SelectedValue) + ", ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEstStartOfConstruction.Text))
                strSQL += "EstimatedStartDate = '" + txtEstStartOfConstruction.Text + "', ";
                strSQL += "EstimatedStartDate = NULL, ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text))
                strSQL += "EstimatedCompletionDate = '" + txtEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text + "', ";
                strSQL += "EstimatedCompletionDate = NULL, ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFeeAmount.Text))
                decimal feeAmount = 0;
                decimal.TryParse(txtFeeAmount.Text.Replace("$", "").Replace(",", ""), out feeAmount);
                strSQL += "FeeAmount = " + feeAmount.ToString() + ", ";
                strSQL += "FeeAmount = NULL, ";
            strSQL += "FeeStructure = '" + cboFeeStructure.SelectedValue + "', ";

            if (Convert.ToInt32(cboPIC.SelectedValue) != 0)
                strSQL += "PIC = " + cboPIC.SelectedValue + ", ";
                strSQL += "PICCode = '" + Schedule.GetEmployeeCode(Convert.ToInt32(cboPIC.SelectedValue)) + "', ";
                strSQL += "PIC = NULL, ";
                strSQL += "PICCode = NULL, ";

            if (Convert.ToInt32(cboPM.SelectedValue) != 0)
                strSQL += "PM1 = " + cboPM.SelectedValue + ", ";
                strSQL += "PM1Code = '" + Schedule.GetEmployeeCode(Convert.ToInt32(cboPM.SelectedValue)) + "', ";
                strSQL += "PM1 = NULL, ";
                strSQL += "PM1Code = NULL, ";

            strSQL += "Comments = '" + txtRemarks.Text + "' ";
            strSQL += "WHERE ID = " + intProjectID;

Beispiel #16
        private void PopulateEmployee(System.Object intEmployeeID)
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblEmployees ";
            strSQL += "WHERE EmployeeID = " + intEmployeeID;

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) {
            txtEmployeeCode.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeCode"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtFirstName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeFirst"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtLastName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeLast"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            cboEmployeeType.SelectedValue = dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeTypeID"].GetValueOrDefault<int>().ToString();
            txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Address"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtCity.Text = dt.Rows[0]["City"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtState.Text = dt.Rows[0]["State"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtZip.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Zip"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtHomePhone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["HomePhone"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtCellPhone.Text = dt.Rows[0]["CellPhone"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtPhoneExtension.Text = dt.Rows[0]["PhoneExtension"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtEmail.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmailAddress"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtTitle.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Title"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtEmployeeStartDate.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmploymentStartDate"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtEmployeeEndDate.Text = dt.Rows[0]["EmploymentEndDate"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtYearsOfExperience.Text = dt.Rows[0]["YearsOfExperience"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtEducation.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Education"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtLicenses.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Licenses"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtProfMemberships.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProfessionalMemberships"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtProfCommittees.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProfessionalCommittees"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            txtHoursPerWeek.Text = dt.Rows[0]["HoursPerWeek"].GetValueOrDefault<decimal>().ToString();
            txtComments.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Comments"].GetValueOrDefault<string>();
            if (dt.Rows[0]["Active"].GetValueOrDefault<int>() == 0) {
                rbtnActiveEmployeeNo.Checked = true;
                rbtnActiveEmployeeYes.Checked = false;
            } else {
                rbtnActiveEmployeeYes.Checked = true;
                rbtnActiveEmployeeNo.Checked = false;
            if (dt.Rows[0]["PMFiscalSummary"].GetValueOrDefault<bool>() == true) {
                pmFiscalSummary.Checked = true;
            if (dt.Rows[0]["PICFiscalSummary"].GetValueOrDefault<bool>() == true)
                picFiscalSummary.Checked = true;

            dt = null;
            ds = null;
Beispiel #17
        private void PopulateForm()
            string strSQL = "";
            clsGeneral General = new clsGeneral();

            strSQL = "SELECT tblProjects.*, tblPhase.Phase, tblClients.ClientName, ";
            strSQL += "(select MAX(LastModifiedDate) from tblSchedule s where s.ProjectID = tblProjects.ID) as LastModified,";
            strSQL += "(select distinct EmployeeName from tblEmployees e inner join tblSchedule s on s.LastModifiedByUserID = e.EmployeeID where s.ProjectID = tblProjects.ID and s.LastModifiedDate = (select MAX(LastModifiedDate) from tblSchedule ss where ss.ProjectID = tblProjects.ID)) as LastModifiedBy ";
            strSQL += "FROM tblPhase RIGHT OUTER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblProjects ON tblPhase.ID = tblProjects.PhaseID LEFT OUTER JOIN ";
            strSQL += "tblClients ON tblProjects.ClientID = tblClients.ID ";
            strSQL += "WHERE (tblProjects.ID = " + SelectedProjectID + ")";

            DataSet ds = General.FillDataset(strSQL);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                lblProjectName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectName"], "");
                lblProjectNo.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); //basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectNo"], "");
                lblPIC.Text = dt.Rows[0]["PICCode"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["PICCode"], "");
                lblPM.Text = dt.Rows[0]["PM1Code"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["PM1Code"], "");
                lblClientName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ClientName"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ClientName"], "");
                lblProjectLocation.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectLocation"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectLocation"], "");
                lblConstructionType.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ConstructionType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ConstructionType"], "");
                lblProjectType.Text = dt.Rows[0]["ProjectType"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["ProjectType"], "");
                lblPhase.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Phase"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["Phase"], "");

                var estStartOfConstruction = dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedStartDate"].GetValueOrDefault<DateTime>();
                if (estStartOfConstruction != null && estStartOfConstruction != DateTime.MinValue)
                    lblEstStartOfConstruction.Text = estStartOfConstruction.ToShortDateString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedStartDate"], "");

                var estCompletionOfConstruction = dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedCompletionDate"].GetValueOrDefault<DateTime>();
                if (estCompletionOfConstruction != null && estCompletionOfConstruction != DateTime.MinValue)
                    lblEstCompletionOfConstruction.Text = estCompletionOfConstruction.ToShortDateString(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["EstimatedCompletionDate"], "");

                lblFeeAmount.Text = dt.Rows[0]["FeeAmount"].GetValueOrDefault<decimal>().ToString("C"); // Strings.FormatNumber(basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["FeeAmount"], 0), 2);
                lblFeeStructure.Text = dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["FeeStructure"], "");
                lblRemarks.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Comments"].GetValueOrDefault<string>(); // basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["Comments"], "");

                var lastModifiedDate = dt.Rows[0]["LastModified"].GetValueOrDefault<DateTime>();
                if (lastModifiedDate != null && lastModifiedDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                    lblLastUpdated.Text = string.Format("{0} by {1}", lastModifiedDate.ToShortDateString(), dt.Rows[0]["LastModifiedBy"].GetValueOrDefault<string>()); //  basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["LastModified"], ""), basToolbox.Nz(dt.Rows[0]["LastModifiedBy"], ""));