public WrappedData DataRequest(cleverRequestType requestType, cleverRequestSubType requestSubType, List <KeyValuePair <String, String> > kvpList)
            string methodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "_3";

            //// Example for "" ////
            //// Example for ""           ////

            //string requestSubTypeStr = requestSubType.ToString().ToLower();
            string msg = string.Format("reqType: {0} :: reqSubType: {1}  :: List<kvp> count: {2}", requestType, requestSubType, kvpList.Count);

            mLogger.Log(methodName, msg, 1);

            WrappedData wrappedData = new WrappedData();

            string pluralItems = "s";
            string url         = string.Empty;

            Tuple <string, string, bool> kvpStrTuple = mHelper.ConvertKvpToStringAndValidate(mLogger, kvpList);
            string kvpStr           = kvpStrTuple.Item1;
            string id               = kvpStrTuple.Item2;
            bool   stringifySuccess = kvpStrTuple.Item3;

            // Final Validation

            if (!stringifySuccess)
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains at least one invalid value.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains at least one invalid value. For more details, see log at: {0}", mLogger.mLogFile));
            if (kvpList.Count < 1)
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains NO items.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains NO items."));
            if (kvpStr.Contains("include="))
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The Clever 'include' item (second-level endpoint) is NOT valid when using request SubTypes.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException("The Clever 'include' item (second-level endpoint) is NOT valid when using request SubTypes.");
            // The assumption is that if we have an argument for cleverRequestSubType, then there WILL be an 'id' as part of the kvp's
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The list argument (Clever parameter items) does NOT contain 'id'. The 'id' must be included when using cleverRequestSubType.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The list argument (Clever parameter items) does NOT contain 'id'. The 'id' must be included when using cleverRequestSubType."));
            mLogger.Log(methodName, string.Format("Successfully validated list of KeyValuePairs and converted to a string: {0}", kvpStr), 1);

            // need to look at reqSubkey and determine what conditions where we don't need to append an "s"
            if (requestSubType == cleverRequestSubType.district ||
                (requestType == cleverRequestType.teacher && requestSubType == ||
                (requestType == cleverRequestType.student && requestSubType == ||
                (requestType == cleverRequestType.section && requestSubType == ||
                (requestType == cleverRequestType.section && requestSubType == cleverRequestSubType.teacher) ||
                (requestType == cleverRequestType.district && requestSubType == cleverRequestSubType.status))
                pluralItems = "";

            // need to identify what type of object we will look for in parser
            string targetObjectType = requestSubType.ToString().ToLower() + "s";

            if (requestSubType.ToString().ToLower() == "status")
                targetObjectType = requestSubType.ToString().ToLower();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvpStr))
                url = string.Format(@"{0}s/{1}/{2}{3}", requestType, id, requestSubType.ToString().ToLower(), pluralItems);
                url = string.Format(@"{0}s/{1}/{2}{3}?{4}", requestType, id, requestSubType.ToString().ToLower(), pluralItems, kvpStr);
            mLogger.Log(methodName, "url: " + url, 2);

            // Send built URl to Clever and hopefully, we get a message containing the expected data
            string rawData = GetRawDataFromClever(url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawData))
                string errMsg = "The message from Clever appears to be empty or was not properly extracted from the stream. It may also indicate a network connection error.";
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Unexpected Error !! " + errMsg, 1);
                throw new System.ApplicationException(errMsg);
            // The parser will translate the JSON msg and generate the Clever objects (Students, Teachers, ect) all contained in the parent object - wrappedData
            Parser parser = new Parser(mLogger);

            wrappedData = parser.ParseJsonMsg(rawData, targetObjectType);

        public WrappedData DataRequest(cleverRequestType requestType, cleverRequestSubType requestSubType, List<KeyValuePair<String, String>> kvpList)
            string methodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + "_3";

            //// Example for "" ////
            //// Example for ""           ////

            //string requestSubTypeStr = requestSubType.ToString().ToLower();
            string msg = string.Format("reqType: {0} :: reqSubType: {1}  :: List<kvp> count: {2}", requestType, requestSubType, kvpList.Count);
            mLogger.Log(methodName, msg, 1);

            WrappedData wrappedData = new WrappedData();

            string pluralItems = "s";
            string url = string.Empty;

            Tuple<string, string, bool> kvpStrTuple = mHelper.ConvertKvpToStringAndValidate(mLogger, kvpList);
            string kvpStr = kvpStrTuple.Item1;
            string id = kvpStrTuple.Item2;
            bool stringifySuccess = kvpStrTuple.Item3;

            // Final Validation

            if (!stringifySuccess)
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains at least one invalid value.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains at least one invalid value. For more details, see log at: {0}", mLogger.mLogFile));
            if (kvpList.Count < 1)
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains NO items.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The list argument (Clever parameter items) contains NO items."));
            if (kvpStr.Contains("include="))
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The Clever 'include' item (second-level endpoint) is NOT valid when using request SubTypes.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException("The Clever 'include' item (second-level endpoint) is NOT valid when using request SubTypes.");
            // The assumption is that if we have an argument for cleverRequestSubType, then there WILL be an 'id' as part of the kvp's
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Error !! The list argument (Clever parameter items) does NOT contain 'id'. The 'id' must be included when using cleverRequestSubType.", 1);
                throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("The list argument (Clever parameter items) does NOT contain 'id'. The 'id' must be included when using cleverRequestSubType."));
            mLogger.Log(methodName, string.Format("Successfully validated list of KeyValuePairs and converted to a string: {0}", kvpStr), 1);

            // need to look at reqSubkey and determine what conditions where we don't need to append an "s"
            if (requestSubType == cleverRequestSubType.district
                || (requestType == cleverRequestType.teacher && requestSubType ==
                || (requestType == cleverRequestType.student && requestSubType ==
                || (requestType == cleverRequestType.section && requestSubType ==
                || (requestType == cleverRequestType.section && requestSubType == cleverRequestSubType.teacher)
                || (requestType == cleverRequestType.district && requestSubType == cleverRequestSubType.status))
                pluralItems = "";

            // need to identify what type of object we will look for in parser
            string targetObjectType = requestSubType.ToString().ToLower() + "s";
            if (requestSubType.ToString().ToLower() == "status") targetObjectType = requestSubType.ToString().ToLower();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kvpStr))
                url = string.Format(@"{0}s/{1}/{2}{3}", requestType, id, requestSubType.ToString().ToLower(), pluralItems);
                url = string.Format(@"{0}s/{1}/{2}{3}?{4}", requestType, id, requestSubType.ToString().ToLower(), pluralItems, kvpStr);
            mLogger.Log(methodName, "url: " + url, 2);

            // Send built URl to Clever and hopefully, we get a message containing the expected data
            string rawData = GetRawDataFromClever(url);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rawData))
                string errMsg = "The message from Clever appears to be empty or was not properly extracted from the stream. It may also indicate a network connection error.";
                mLogger.Log(methodName, "Unexpected Error !! " + errMsg, 1);
                throw new System.ApplicationException(errMsg);
            // The parser will translate the JSON msg and generate the Clever objects (Students, Teachers, ect) all contained in the parent object - wrappedData
            Parser parser = new Parser(mLogger);
            wrappedData = parser.ParseJsonMsg(rawData, targetObjectType);

            return wrappedData;