static void Main(string[] args)
            int genFolderCount = 10;
            int iterable       = 100;

            int deckPerGen    = 10000;
            int genFolderDups = 4;

            opponentDeckController    opController    = new opponentDeckController();
            texttocsvController       ttc             = new texttocsvController();
            texttocsvCostController   ttcc            = new texttocsvCostController();
            oneHotController          onc             = new oneHotController();
            cardInfoProvider          cPro            = new cardInfoProvider();
            dataManipulatorController dataManipulator = new dataManipulatorController();
            winRateController         winc            = new winRateController();

            /**Get the data of all the cards**/
            Dictionary <int, cardDefs> cards = cPro.getAllCardsWithId();

            /******************************This section is used to convert JSON to Txt*********************************/
            //List<opponentModel> opModel = opController.convertJSONToDeck();

            /******************************This section is used to convert Txt to Csv*********************************/
            Console.WriteLine("                          TXT to CSV  Controller                                   ");

            //List<List<List<int>>> friendDeck =   ttc.scrapeFriendFromText(genFolderCount , iterable);
            //List<List<int>> enemyDeck = ttc.scrapeEnemyFromText(genFolderCount);
            //Dictionary<List<int>, List<int>> tuple = ttc.convertToTuple(friendDeck , enemyDeck , genFolderCount , iterable);
            //List<string> playerStat = ttc.getPlayerResult(genFolderCount , iterable);

            // Convert the data into JSON Format
            //string finalJSON = ttc.convertToFinalStruct(tuple , playerStat , genFolderCount , iterable);

            // Convert the JSON string to CSV file

            /******************************This section is used to convert Txt to Csv (with Cost)*********************************/
            Console.WriteLine("                          TEXT to CSV (with Cost)  Controller                      ");

            //List<List<List<friendDeckModel>>> friendDeckCost =   ttcc.scrapeFriendFromText(genFolderCount , iterable);
            //List<List<friendDeckModel>> enemyDeckCost = ttcc.scrapeEnemyFromText(genFolderCount,iterable);
            //Dictionary<List<friendDeckModel>, List<friendDeckModel>> tupleCost = ttcc.convertToTuple(friendDeckCost , enemyDeckCost, genFolderCount , iterable);
            //List<string> playerStatCost = ttcc.getPlayerResult(genFolderCount , iterable);

            // Convert the data into JSON Format
            //string finalJSONCost = ttcc.convertToFinalStruct(tupleCost , playerStatCost , genFolderCount , iterable);

            // Convert the JSON string to CSV file

            /****************************This section will convert the data to OneHot Representation****************************/
            Console.WriteLine("                          One Hot Converter Controller                             ");

            //Dictionary<string, string> CardPool = onc.GetCardPoolData();
            //string oneHotStr = onc.convertJSONToOneHot1(finalJSON , CardPool);

            /****************************This section will add duplicate the data and store them in a text file ****************************/
            Console.WriteLine("                          Duplicate Data  Controller                               ");

            //Dictionary<int, List<List<string>>> deckDataDict = dataManipulator.populateDeckData(genFolderCount , iterable);
            //dataManipulator.storeDatatoTxt(deckDataDict, genFolderCount, iterable);
            //dataManipulator.makeDuplicates(genFolderCount , 4);

            /****************************This section will calcuate the winrate for each deck ****************************/
            Console.WriteLine("                               WinRate  Controller                                 ");

            List <List <List <int> > > friendDeckDups = winc.scrapeFriendFromText(10, 100);
            List <List <int> >         enemyDeckDups  = winc.scrapeEnemyFromText(10, 100);
            List <double> winRate = winc.getWinRate(100, 4, 10, 600);
            Dictionary <List <int>, List <int> > dupTuple = winc.convertToTuple(friendDeckDups, enemyDeckDups, 10, 100);
            string dupStr = winc.convertToFinalStruct(dupTuple, winRate, 10, 100);


            // Convert to One-Hot
            Dictionary <string, string> CardPool = onc.GetCardPoolData();
            string winRateJSON = onc.convertJSONToOneHotWinRate(dupStr, CardPool);
