Beispiel #1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> ActivateDonor(string Id)
            var count = context.BepDonors.Where(x => (x.Id == Id && x.Activated == true)).Count();

            if (count == 1)
                return(BadRequest("You are already registered. Please login using our application."));
            count = context.BepDonors.Where(x => (x.Id == Id && x.Activated == false)).Count();
            if (count == 0)
                return(BadRequest("An error has occured. Please try registering again."));
                using (var db = new beplusContext())
                    BepDonor donor = db.BepDonors.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == Id);
                    donor.Activated       = true;
                    db.Entry(donor).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                return(Ok("Your account has been activated! Please login using our app."));
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> VerifyBloodRequest(string Id)
        { //check for validity of request
            var count = context.BepBloodRequests.Where(x => (x.Id == Id && x.Verified == false)).Count();

            if (count == 0)
                return(BadRequest("bad request or request already verified"));
                BepBloodRequest donor;
                using (var db = new beplusContext())
                {//when successful store data
                    donor                 = db.BepBloodRequests.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == Id);
                    donor.Verified        = true;
                    db.Entry(donor).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                int time;
                //TODO Check if emergency or non emergency, write code to increase the radius accordingly as per given time using jobs/threads
                if (donor.Emergency == true)
                    time = 360000;
                    time = 7200000;
                //creating a new thread for sending out the requests
                Thread th = new Thread(() => funk(time, donor));
                return(Ok("Your have been verified and your request has been initiated"));
        //Boolean donfound = false;
        protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
        {   //initializing the controller context which connects to the database
            beplusContext context = new beplusContext();

            DomainManager = new EntityDomainManager <BepBloodRequest>(context, Request, Services);
        //author-uttariya bandhu
        private void funk(int time, BepBloodRequest item)
            int             i        = 4;
            double          kms      = 10;
            List <BepDonor> sentlist = new List <BepDonor> {
            beplusContext db;

            while (i > 0)
                db = new beplusContext();

                item = db.BepBloodRequests.Single(x => x.Id == item.Id);

                //checking if blood request has been honored then it will return

                if (item.Honored)
                //checking based on distance given in variable kms.kms is increased by 10 every iteration
                //in each loop find only the online and activated donors within the radius with location of the inserted bloodrequest object (current)
                //send the mail to donors by checking their RecieverGroups attributes by checking if the recipients
                //blood type matches any of donor's reciever groups
                double          ulat = item.LocationLat + (kms / 110.574), llat = item.LocationLat - (kms / 110.574);
                double          longdist = Math.Cos((Math.PI * item.LocationLat) / 180) * 111.320;
                double          ulng = item.LocationLong + (kms / longdist), llng = item.LocationLong - (kms / longdist);
                List <BepDonor> onlineDonorList = (context.BepDonors.Where(x => ((
                                                                                     (x.LocationLat <ulat && x.LocationLat> llat && x.LocationLong <ulng && x.LocationLong> llng)) && x.OnlineStatus == true && x.ReceiverGroups.Contains("," + item.BloodType))).ToList());
                var result = (onlineDonorList.Except(sentlist)).ToList();
                foreach (BepDonor donor in result)
                    //Send mail with get query of the event id that will display the event details on a webapp based on the response
                    //bloodrequest object id (current.Id) and donorID that will call a the get API HonorBloodRequest (the function below this)
                    //with the bloodrequestId and donorID. In the email pls mention details like blood request location, recipient name, timing duration,etc
                    string mail = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>table, th, td {border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;}th, td {padding:5px;}</style></head><body><div style=\"border:5px solid #800000; padding:10px\"><div style=\"background-color:#800000;padding:20px\"><h1 style=\"color:white \">Welcome!</h1></div><p> dear" + " " + donor.Name + ",</p><p> a person needs blood please help him in this time of need. The details are as given below.</br>Thank you.</p><table style=\"width:100%\"><tbody><tr><td>name</td><td>" +
                                  item.RecipientName + "</td></tr><tr><td>amount</td><td>" + item.BloodUnits + "</td></tr><tr><td>type</td><td>" + item.BloodType + "</td></tr><tr><td>hospital name</td><td>" + item.HospitalName + "</td></tr><tr><td>hospital address</td><td>" + item.HospitalAddress + "</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div>To accept this request please click <a href=\"" + item.Id + "&donorId=" + donor.Id + "\">here.</a></br>please click <a href=\"" + item.LocationLat + "," + item.LocationLong + "&amp;ll=\">here</a> to view recipients current location</div></body></html>";
                    //screening out the emails so that when requesting blood,if that person is registered he doesn't get emails for himself
                    if (donor.Email != item.RecipientEmail && donor.Phone != item.RecipientPhone)
                        Sender.SendMail(donor.Email, "Donor details", mail);
                //sleep based on time got from sender
                kms = kms + 10;
            item.Honored = true;
            string end_mail = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><head><body><h1>sorry no donor found.</h1></body></html>";

            Sender.SendMail(item.RecipientEmail, "sorry donor not found", end_mail);
Beispiel #5
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> RegisterOfflineDonor(BepDonor input)
            // Does the donor data exist?

            var count = context.BepDonors.Where(x => (x.Phone == input.Phone && x.OnlineStatus == true)).Count();

            if (count > 0)
                return(BadRequest("Phone number already registered!"));
            count = context.BepDonors.Where(x => (x.Email == input.Email && x.OnlineStatus == true)).Count();
            if (count > 0)
                return(BadRequest("Email id already registered!"));
            count = context.BepDonors.Where(x => (x.Email == input.Email || x.Phone == input.Phone)).Count();
            if (count == 1)
                using (var db = new beplusContext())
                    BepDonor donor = db.BepDonors.SingleOrDefault(x => (x.Email == input.Email || x.Phone == input.Phone));
                    donor.Subscribed            = true;
                    donor.OnlineStatus          = true;
                    donor.Activated             = true;
                    donor.Password              = input.Password;
                    donor.LocationLat           = input.LocationLat;
                    donor.LocationLong          = input.LocationLong;
                    donor.EmergencyAvailability = input.EmergencyAvailability;

                    db.Entry(donor).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                return(Ok("Donor registered successfully!"));
                return(BadRequest("Email or Phone not registered!"));
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> HonorBloodRequest(string Id, string donorId)
        { //API call to accept a bloodrequest
            var count = context.BepBloodRequests.Where(x => (x.Id == Id && x.Honored == true)).Count();

            //checking if honored or not by checking if matches and x.honored is true.if count is one ->honored
            if (count == 1)
                //Display message that another donor has already accepted the blood request
                return(BadRequest("Sorry request all ready honored."));
                using (var db = new beplusContext())
                {//storing the info of the registered donor
                    //donfound = true;
                    BepBloodRequest bloodRequest = db.BepBloodRequests.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == Id);
                    bloodRequest.Honored = true;
                    BepDonor donor = db.BepDonors.Single(x => x.Id == donorId);
                    bloodRequest.DonorId         = donor.Id;
                    bloodRequest.DonorEmail      = donor.Email;
                    bloodRequest.DonorImgurl     = donor.Imgurl;
                    bloodRequest.DonorName       = donor.Name;
                    bloodRequest.DonorId         = donor.Id;
                    db.Entry(bloodRequest).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                    //Send the mail to the bloodRequest.recipientEmail saying the request was honored with name and location of the donor
                    string msg = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><p>dear  " + bloodRequest.RecipientName + " ,</br>your request has been accepted.the donor name is " + donor.Name + ".please click <a href=\"" + donor.LocationLat + "," + donor.LocationLong + "&amp;ll=\">here</a> to view donors current location</br>Thank you.</p></body></html>";
                    Sender.SendMail(bloodRequest.RecipientEmail, "Donor found!", msg);
                    string mail = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>table, th, td {border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;}th, td {padding:5px;}</style></head><body><div style=\"border:5px solid #800000; padding:10px\"><div style=\"background-color:#800000;padding:20px\"><h1 style=\"color:white \">Welcome!</h1></div><p> dear" + " " + donor.Name + ",</p><p> a person needs blood please help him in this time of need. The details are as given below.</br>Thank you.</p><table style=\"width:100%\"><tbody><tr><td>name</td><td>" +
                                  bloodRequest.RecipientName + "</td></tr><tr><td>amount</td><td>" + bloodRequest.BloodUnits + "</td></tr><tr><td>type</td><td>" + bloodRequest.BloodType + "</td></tr><tr><td>hospital name</td><td>" + bloodRequest.HospitalName + "</td></tr><tr><td>hospital address</td><td>" + bloodRequest.HospitalAddress + "</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div></a></br>please click <a href=\"" + bloodRequest.LocationLat + "," + bloodRequest.LocationLong + "&amp;ll=\">here</a> to view and navigate to recipients current location</div></body></html>";
                    Sender.SendMail(bloodRequest.DonorEmail, "Donor info", mail);
                //confirming the donor that his request has been accepted
                return(Ok("Thank you for honoring blood request.please see the email."));