// Serialize the batch into temp xml file, and return the path to it.
        public string SerializeBatchRequestToFile(batchRequest cnpBatchRequest, string filePath)
            // Create cnpRequest xml file if not exist.
            // Otherwise, the xml file created, thus storing some batch requests.
            filePath = cnpFile.createRandomFile(requestDirectory, Path.GetFileName(filePath), "_temp_cnpRequest.xml", cnpTime);
            // Serializing the batchRequest creates an xml for that batch request and returns the path to it.
            var tempFilePath = cnpBatchRequest.Serialize();

            // Append the batch request xml just created to the accummulating cnpRequest xml file.
            cnpFile.AppendFileToFile(filePath, tempFilePath);
            // Return the path to temp xml file.