Beispiel #1
  * Completes a call to a function or forward's call list.
  * @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
  * @param result        Return value of function or forward's call list.
  * @return              SP_ERROR_NONE on success, any other integer on failure.
  * @error               Called before a call has been started.
 public static int Call_Finish(ref any result)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #2
 // Returns the index for the first occurrence of the provided value. If the
 // value cannot be located, -1 will be returned.
 // @param item          Value to search for
 // @param block         Optionally which block to search in
 // @return              Array index, or -1 on failure
 // @error               Invalid block index
 public int FindValue(any item, int block = 0)
Beispiel #3
  * Pushes a cell by reference onto the current call.
  * @note Cannot be used before a call has been started.
  * @param value         Cell reference to push.
  * @error               Called before a call has been started.
 public static void Call_PushCellRef(ref any value)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #4
 // Pushes a value onto the end of an array, adding a new index.
 // This may safely be used even if the array has a blocksize greater
 // than 1.
 // @param value         Value to push.
 // @return              Index of the new entry.
 // @error               Invalid Handle or out of memory.
 public int Push(any value)
     return(this.Length - 1);
Beispiel #5
 // Sets a cell value in an array.
 // @param index         Index in the array.
 // @param value         Cell value to set.
 // @param block         Optionally specify which block to write to
 //                      (useful if the blocksize > 0).
 // @param asChar        Optionally set as a byte instead of a cell.
 // @error               Invalid index, or invalid block.
 public void Set(int index, any value, int block = 0, bool asChar = false)
     _base[index] = value;
  * Called for calls to RemoveBan() with a non-empty command.
  * @param identity      Identity string being banned (authstring or ip).
  * @param flags         Ban flags (only IP or AUTHID are valid here).
  * @param command       Command string to identify the ban source.
  * @param source        Source value passed via BanIdentity().
  * @return              Plugin_Handled to block the actual unbanning.
 public virtual Action OnRemoveBan(string identity, int flags, string command, any source)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #7
  * Store up to 4 bytes to a memory address.
  * @param addr          Address to a memory location.
  * @param data          Value to store at the address.
  * @param size          How many bytes should be written.
  *                      If storing a floating-point value, use NumberType_Int32.
 public static void StoreToAddress(Address addr, any data, NumberType size)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
  * Called for calls to BanIdentity() with a non-empty command.
  * @param identity      Identity string being banned (authstring or ip).
  * @param time          Time the client is being banned for (0 = permanent).
  * @param flags         Ban flags (only IP or AUTHID are valid here).
  * @param reason        Reason passed via BanIdentity().
  * @param command       Command string to identify the ban source.
  * @param source        Source value passed via BanIdentity().
  * @return              Plugin_Handled to block the actual server banning.
 public virtual Action OnBanIdentity(string identity, int time, int flags, string reason, string command, any source)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public const int BANFLAG_NOKICK = (1 << 3);      /**< Does not kick the client */

         * Called for calls to BanClient() with a non-empty command.
         * @param client        Client being banned.
         * @param time          Time the client is being banned for (0 = permanent).
         * @param flags         One if AUTHID or IP will be enabled.  If AUTO is also
         *                      enabled, it means Core autodetected which to use.
         * @param reason        Reason passed via BanClient().
         * @param kick_message  Kick message passed via BanClient().
         * @param command       Command string to identify the ban source.
         * @param source        Source value passed via BanClient().
         * @return              Plugin_Handled to block the actual server banning.
         *                      Kicking will still occur.
        public virtual Action OnBanClient(int client, int time, int flags, string reason, string kick_message, string command, any source)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
  * Adds a new item to the client cookie settings menu.
  * Note: This only adds the top level menu item. You need to handle any submenus from the callback.
  * @param handler       A MenuHandler callback function.
  * @param info          Data to pass to the callback.
  * @param display       Text to show on the menu.
  * @error               Invalid cookie handle.
 public static void SetCookieMenuItem(CookieMenuHandler handler, any info, string display)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 // Pushes a value onto the end of the stack, adding a new index.
 // This may safely be used even if the stack has a blocksize
 // greater than 1.
 // @param value        Value to push.
 public void Push(any value) => this._base.Push(value);
Beispiel #12
 internal bool __loadFromJsonish__(any payload) =>
 (payload is string s) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id = s);