public void TestInit()
     surveydb           = Database.GetConnection();
     surveyDal          = new SurveyDAL();
     userDAL            = new UserDAL();
     questionDAL        = new QuestionDAL();
     user               = new users();
     user.User_name     = userName;
     user.User_password = password;
     survey      = new surveys();
     survey.Name = surveyName;
     //survey.users = user;
     survey.User_name   = userName;
     SurveyCode         = HelperDAL.GenerateRandomSurveyCode();
     survey.Survey_code = SurveyCode;
     question = new questions();
     question.Question_name = questionName;
     question.Surveys_id    = survey.Id;
     question.Input_type_id = 2;
     this.optionChoicesDAL                 = new OptionChoicesDAL();
     this.optionChoice                     = new option_choices();
     this.optionChoice.Question_id         = question.Id;
     this.optionChoice.Option_choices_name = OptionChoiceName;
     this.answersDAL                = new AnswersDAL();
     this.answer                    = new answers();
     this.answer.User_name          = userName;
     this.answer.Question_option_id = optionChoice.Id;
 public static void AddAnswersToDataBase(answers answer)
     for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
        public override void OnStart()
            switch (s.rand)
            case 1:
                Dialogue.S.text.text = s.great_option + "\n" + s.good_option + "\n" + s.bad_option;
                a = answers.GREAT;
                b = answers.GOOD;
                y = answers.BAD;

            case 2:
                Dialogue.S.text.text = s.good_option + "\n" + s.great_option + "\n" + s.bad_option;
                b = answers.GREAT;
                a = answers.GOOD;
                y = answers.BAD;

            case 3:
                Dialogue.S.text.text = s.great_option + "\n" + s.bad_option + "\n" + s.good_option;
                a = answers.GREAT;
                y = answers.GOOD;
                b = answers.BAD;

            case 4:
                Dialogue.S.text.text = s.good_option + "\n" + s.bad_option + "\n" + s.great_option;
                y = answers.GREAT;
                a = answers.GOOD;
                b = answers.BAD;

            case 5:
                Dialogue.S.text.text = s.bad_option + "\n" + s.good_option + "\n" + s.great_option;
                y = answers.GREAT;
                b = answers.GOOD;
                a = answers.BAD;

            case 6:
                Dialogue.S.text.text = s.bad_option + "\n" + s.great_option + "\n" + s.good_option;
                b = answers.GREAT;
                y = answers.GOOD;
                a = answers.BAD;
            Dialogue.S.face.sprite = Dialogue.S.question_mark;
            ans_1 = answers.INVALID;
            ans_2 = answers.INVALID;
        public override void OnStart()
            Dialogue.S.face.sprite = Dialogue.S.player_face;
            ans = answers.INVALID;
            if (ans_1 == ans_2)
                ans = ans_1;
                switch (ans)
                case answers.GREAT:
                    t = s.great_option;

                case answers.GOOD:
                    t = s.good_option;

                case answers.BAD:
                    t = s.bad_option;

                case answers.INVALID:
                    MonoBehaviour.print("how did this happen?");
                    t = "players didn't agree, why am i here?";
            else if (ans_1 != answers.GREAT && ans_2 != answers.GREAT)
                t = combine(s.good_option, s.bad_option);
            else if (ans_1 != answers.GOOD && ans_2 != answers.GOOD)
                t = combine(s.great_option, s.bad_option);
                t = combine(s.great_option, s.good_option);
            Dialogue.S.text.text = "";
            writing      = true;
            c            = 0;
            cooldown     = Time.unscaledTime;
            off_cooldown = false;
        public override void OnUpdate(float time_delta_fraction)
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("A_1"))
                ans_1 = a;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("B_1"))
                ans_1 = b;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Y_1"))
                ans_1 = y;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("A_2"))
                ans_2 = a;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("B_2"))
                ans_2 = b;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Y_2"))
                ans_2 = y;
            if (ans_1 != answers.INVALID && ans_2 != answers.INVALID)
                state_machine.ChangeState(new Respond(s, ans_1, ans_2));

            Dialogue.S.textTop.GetComponent <Text>().color =
                (ans_1 == answers.INVALID ? Dialogue.S.not_answered : Dialogue.S.answered);
            Dialogue.S.textBottom.GetComponent <Text>().color =
                (ans_2 == answers.INVALID ? Dialogue.S.not_answered : Dialogue.S.answered);
 public static repeat findRepeat(answers answers, string id)
     return findRepeat(answers.Items, id);
Beispiel #7
 public void DeleteAnswer(answers answer)
        /// <summary>
        /// Specific to FormCondition, and type REPEAT_COUNT.
        /// List:
        /// 1. any sibling repeats
        /// 2. if in repeat, self and ancestor repeats
        /// </summary>
        protected void populateRepeats()
            // There are 2 potential ways to work this out.
            // One is to look at content controls on the
            // document surface.
            // The other is to rely on the AF structure.
            // The AF structure is easier (but of course
            // makes this code less usable in the generic case).

            // For the AF approach, our starting point
            // is to find out which repeat, if any, we are in.
            Word.ContentControl currentCC = cc.ParentContentControl;
            Word.ContentControl repeatCC = null;
            while (currentCC != null)
                if (currentCC.Tag.Contains("od:repeat"))
                    repeatCC = currentCC;
                currentCC = currentCC.ParentContentControl;

            answers answers = new answers();
            answers.Deserialize(model.answersPart.XML, out answers);

            if (repeatCC == null)
                // Then we're interested in top-level repeats in the AF
                log.Debug("No repeat ancestor, so we're interested in top-level repeats in the AF");
                foreach (object o in answers.Items)
                    if (o is repeat)
                        string qid = ((repeat)o).qref;
                        question q = questionnaire.getQuestion(qid);
                        listBoxQuestions.Items.Add(new RepeatCount(q));
                        log.Debug("Added to listbox " +;

                // We're interested in this repeat, and its child repeats
                // Find it.
                log.Debug("In repeat, so we're interested in this repeat, and its child repeats");
                String repeatId = (new TagData(repeatCC.Tag)).getRepeatID();
                // To find it, must go via it XPath
                xpathsXpath xp = xppe.getXPathByID(repeatId);
                repeat r = Helpers.AnswersHelper.findRepeat(answers, xp.questionID);

                // Add it
                question q = questionnaire.getQuestion(xp.questionID);
                listBoxQuestions.Items.Add( new RepeatPosition(q) );
                listBoxQuestions.Items.Add(new RepeatCount(q));
                log.Debug("Added to listbox " +;

                // Now add its child repeats (if any)
                foreach (object o in r.row[0].Items)
                    if (o is repeat)
                        string qid = ((repeat)o).qref;
                        question q2 = questionnaire.getQuestion(qid);
                        listBoxQuestions.Items.Add(new RepeatCount(q2));
                        log.Debug("Added to listbox " +;

            // Set value to whatever is listed first
            if (this.listBoxQuestions.Items.Count > 0)
                object o = this.listBoxQuestions.Items[0];
                this.listBoxQuestions.Value = o;
                // None of this type
                string message = "No repeat conditions available here";
                this.listBoxQuestions.Value = message;

        /// <summary>
        /// Save displayed order
        /// </summary>
        public void apply()
            answersResult = new answers();

            saveNodes(root.Nodes, answersResult.Items);

            string result = answersResult.Serialize();

            CustomXmlUtilities.replaceXmlDoc(answersPart, result);
 public React(NPC s, answers ans)
     this.s   = s;
     this.ans = ans;
     great    = false;
        public repeat getRepeat(answers targetAnswers, String id)
            foreach (object o in targetAnswers.Items)
                if (o is repeat)
                    repeat r = (repeat)o;
                    if (r.qref.Equals(id)) // question ID == answer ID
                        return r;

            return null;
        public answer getAnswer(answers targetAnswers, String id)
            log.Debug("looking for existing answer: " + id);
            foreach (object o in targetAnswers.Items)
                if (o is answer)
                    answer a = (answer)o;
                    log.Debug("answer " +;
                    if ( // question ID == answer ID
                        return a;

            return null;
Beispiel #13
        public async Task AnswerValues_Delete_DoesSetWorkflowStateToRemoved()

            Random rnd = new Random();

            bool randomBool = rnd.Next(0, 2) > 0;

            sites site = new sites
                Name         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await site.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            sites siteForUnit = new sites
                Name         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await siteForUnit.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            units unit = new units
                CustomerNo   = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                OtpCode      = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                SiteId       = siteForUnit.Id
            await unit.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            languages language = new languages
                Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Name        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
            await language.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            question_sets questionSet = new question_sets
                Name            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Share           = randomBool,
                HasChild        = randomBool,
                PosiblyDeployed = randomBool
            await questionSet.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            survey_configurations surveyConfiguration = new survey_configurations
                Name          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Start         = DateTime.Now,
                Stop          = DateTime.Now,
                TimeOut       = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                TimeToLive    = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionSetId = questionSet.Id
            await surveyConfiguration.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            answers answer = new answers
                AnswerDuration        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                FinishedAt            = DateTime.Now,
                LanguageId            = language.Id,
                SiteId                = site.Id,
                SurveyConfiguration   = surveyConfiguration,
                TimeZone              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                UnitId                = unit.Id,
                UtcAdjusted           = randomBool,
                QuestionSetId         = questionSet.Id,
                SurveyConfigurationId = surveyConfiguration.Id
            await answer.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            questions question = new questions
                Image                = randomBool,
                Maximum              = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                Minimum              = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                Prioritised          = randomBool,
                Type                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                FontSize             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                ImagePosition        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MaxDuration          = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                MinDuration          = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionIndex        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionType         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                RefId                = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                ValidDisplay         = randomBool,
                BackButtonEnabled    = randomBool,
                ContinuousQuestionId = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionSetId        = questionSet.Id
            await question.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            options option = new options
                Weight             = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                OptionsIndex       = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionId         = question.Id,
                WeightValue        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                ContinuousOptionId = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await option.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            questions questionForAnswerValue = new questions
                Image                = randomBool,
                Maximum              = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                Minimum              = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                Prioritised          = randomBool,
                Type                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                FontSize             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                ImagePosition        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MaxDuration          = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                MinDuration          = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionIndex        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionType         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                RefId                = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                ValidDisplay         = randomBool,
                BackButtonEnabled    = randomBool,
                ContinuousQuestionId = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionSetId        = questionSet.Id
            await questionForAnswerValue.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            answer_values answerValue = new answer_values
                Value      = rnd.Next(1, 255).ToString(),
                AnswerId   = answer.Id,
                OptionId   = option.Id,
                QuestionId = question.Id
            await answerValue.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);


            DateTime?oldUpdatedAt = answerValue.UpdatedAt;

            await answerValue.Delete(dbContext);

            List <answer_values>         answerValues        = dbContext.answer_values.AsNoTracking().ToList();
            List <answer_value_versions> answerValueVersions = dbContext.answer_value_versions.AsNoTracking().ToList();



            Assert.AreEqual(1, answerValues.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, answerValueVersions.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.CreatedAt.ToString(), answerValues[0].CreatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Version, answerValues[0].Version);
//             Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.UpdatedAt.ToString(), answerValues[0].UpdatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValues[0].WorkflowState, Constants.WorkflowStates.Removed);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Value, answerValues[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Id, answerValues[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.AnswerId, answer.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.OptionId, option.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.QuestionId, question.Id);

            //Old Version
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.CreatedAt.ToString(), answerValueVersions[0].CreatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, answerValueVersions[0].Version);
//             Assert.AreEqual(oldUpdatedAt.ToString(), answerValueVersions[0].UpdatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValueVersions[0].WorkflowState, Constants.WorkflowStates.Created);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Id, answerValueVersions[0].AnswerValueId);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Value, answerValueVersions[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.Id, answerValueVersions[0].AnswerId);
            Assert.AreEqual(option.Id, answerValueVersions[0].OptionId);
            Assert.AreEqual(question.Id, answerValueVersions[0].QuestionId);

            //New Version
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.CreatedAt.ToString(), answerValueVersions[1].CreatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, answerValueVersions[1].Version);
//             Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.UpdatedAt.ToString(), answerValueVersions[1].UpdatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValueVersions[1].WorkflowState, Constants.WorkflowStates.Removed);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Id, answerValueVersions[1].AnswerValueId);
            Assert.AreEqual(answerValue.Value, answerValueVersions[1].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.Id, answerValueVersions[1].AnswerId);
            Assert.AreEqual(option.Id, answerValueVersions[1].OptionId);
            Assert.AreEqual(question.Id, answerValueVersions[1].QuestionId);
        public async Task SQL_answers_Create_DoesCreate_UTCAdjustedTrue()
            // Arrange
            Random rnd   = new Random();
            sites  site1 = await testHelpers.CreateSite(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), rnd.Next(1, 255));

            units unit1 = await testHelpers.CreateUnit(rnd.Next(1, 255), rnd.Next(1, 255), site1, rnd.Next(1, 255));

            languages language = new languages
                Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
            await language.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string        name        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            question_sets questionSet = new question_sets
                Name = name, Share = false, HasChild = false, PosiblyDeployed = false
            await questionSet.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            survey_configurations surveyConfiguration = new survey_configurations
                Name          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Stop          = DateTime.Now,
                Start         = DateTime.Now,
                TimeOut       = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                TimeToLive    = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionSetId = questionSet.Id
            await surveyConfiguration.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            answers answer = new answers
                SiteId                = site1.Id,
                QuestionSetId         = questionSet.Id,
                SurveyConfigurationId = surveyConfiguration.Id,
                UnitId                = unit1.Id,
                TimeZone              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                FinishedAt            = DateTime.Now,
                LanguageId            = language.Id,
                AnswerDuration        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                UtcAdjusted           = true
            // Act
            await answer.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            answers         dbAnswer  = dbContext.answers.AsNoTracking().First();
            answer_versions dbVersion = dbContext.answer_versions.AsNoTracking().First();

            // Assert

            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.SiteId, answer.SiteId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.QuestionSetId, answer.QuestionSetId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.SurveyConfigurationId, answer.SurveyConfigurationId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.UnitId, answer.UnitId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.TimeZone, answer.TimeZone);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.FinishedAt.ToString(), answer.FinishedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.LanguageId, answer.LanguageId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.AnswerDuration, answer.AnswerDuration);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswer.UtcAdjusted, answer.UtcAdjusted);
 public Respond(NPC s, answers ans_1, answers ans_2)
     this.s     = s;
     this.ans_1 = ans_1;
     this.ans_2 = ans_2;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="setSourceAttr">When saving a building block, we want to write the ID of the source part</param>
        /// <param name="setBindingStore">When re-using a building block, storeItemID to write to the xpath; otherwise null</param>
        /// <param name="overwriteExisting">If re-using a building block back into original source, we want to skip silently.
        /// When going the other way, we want to overwrite the logic in any existing building block (since
        /// it may have been updated).</param>
        public void injectLogic(Model targetModel, bool setSourceAttr, bool setBindingStore, bool overwriteExisting)
            //Model targetModel = Model.ModelFactory(target);

            // XPaths
            XPathsPartEntry targetXppe = new XPathsPartEntry(targetModel);
            string sourceAttr = null;
            if (setSourceAttr)
                sourceAttr = srcXPathsPart.Id;
            string answersPartStoreID = null;
            if (setBindingStore)
                answersPartStoreID = targetModel.answersPart.Id;

            // .. add em
            foreach (xpathsXpath xp in BBxpaths)
                xpathsXpath existing = targetXppe.getXPathByID(;
                if (existing == null)
                    injectLogicXPath(targetXppe, xp, sourceAttr, answersPartStoreID);
                } else
                    // Does it come from this doc?
                    //log.Debug("xp.source: " + xp.source);
                    //log.Debug("existing.source: " + existing.source);
                    //log.Debug("targetModel.xpathsPart.Id: " + targetModel.xpathsPart.Id);
                    if (xp.source != null && xp.source.Equals(targetModel.xpathsPart.Id))
                        // yes ..
                        if (overwriteExisting)
                            injectLogicXPath(targetXppe, xp, sourceAttr, answersPartStoreID);
                    else if (xp.source != null &&
                        existing.source != null &&
                        // It has already been copied in.
                        // so don't do it again, whether we're copying to template
                        // (could go either way, but for now, only update from original source),
                        // or into docx

                    } else
                        // Yikes! ID collision
                        throw new BuildingBlockLogicException("XPath with ID " + + " is already present.");

            // Questions
            questionnaire targetQuestionnaire = new questionnaire();
            questionnaire.Deserialize(targetModel.questionsPart.XML, out targetQuestionnaire);
            // .. add em
            foreach (question q in BBquestions)
                question existing = targetQuestionnaire.getQuestion(;
                if (existing == null)
                    if (setSourceAttr)
                        q.source = srcQuestionsPart.Id;
                    // Does it come from this doc?
                    //log.Debug("q.source: " + q.source);
                    //log.Debug("existing.source: " + existing.source);
                    //log.Debug("targetModel.questionsPart.Id: " + targetModel.questionsPart.Id);
                    if (q.source != null && q.source.Equals(targetModel.questionsPart.Id))
                        // yes ..
                        if (overwriteExisting)
                            targetQuestionnaire.questions.Add(q); // this is a HashSet, so we're overrwriting, not adding :-)
                            if (setSourceAttr)
                                q.source = targetModel.questionsPart.Id;
                    else if (q.source != null &&
                        existing.source != null &&
                        // It has already been copied in.
                        // Yikes! ID collision
                        throw new BuildingBlockLogicException("Question with ID " + + " is already present.");

            // Answers
            answers targetAnswers = new answers();
            answers.Deserialize(targetModel.answersPart.XML, out targetAnswers);
            foreach (answer a in BBanswers)
                answer existing = getAnswer(targetAnswers,;
                if (existing == null)
                    if (setSourceAttr)
                        a.source = srcAnswersPart.Id;
                    // Does it come from this doc?
                    if (a.source != null && a.source.Equals(targetModel.answersPart.Id))
                        log.Debug("source is this part");
                        // yes ..
                        if (overwriteExisting)
                            log.Debug(".. and overwriting..");
                            targetAnswers.Items.Add(a); // this is a HashSet, so we're overrwriting, not adding :-)
                            if (setSourceAttr)
                                a.source = srcAnswersPart.Id;
                    else if (a.source != null &&
                        existing.source != null &&
                        // It has already been copied in.
                        log.Debug("this logic already present");
                        // Yikes! ID collision
                        throw new BuildingBlockLogicException("Answer with ID " + + " from different source is already present.");
            foreach (repeat r in BBrepeats)
                repeat existing = getRepeat(targetAnswers, r.qref);
                if (existing == null)
                    if (setSourceAttr)
                        r.source = srcAnswersPart.Id;
                    // Does it come from this doc?
                    if (r.source != null && r.source.Equals(targetModel.answersPart.Id))
                        // yes ..
                        if (overwriteExisting)
                            targetAnswers.Items.Add(r); // this is a HashSet, so we're overrwriting, not adding :-)
                            if (setSourceAttr)
                                r.source = srcAnswersPart.Id;
                    else if (r.source != null &&
                        existing.source != null &&
                        // It has already been copied in.
                        // Yikes! ID collision
                        throw new BuildingBlockLogicException("Answer with ID " + r.qref + " is already present.");

            // Conditions
            conditions targetConditions = new conditions();
            conditions.Deserialize(targetModel.conditionsPart.XML, out targetConditions);
            foreach (condition c in BBconditions)
                condition existing = getCondition(targetConditions,;
                if (existing == null)
                    if (setSourceAttr)
                        c.source = srcConditionsPart.Id;
                    // Does it come from this doc?
                    if (c.source != null && c.source.Equals(targetModel.conditionsPart.Id))
                        // yes ..
                        if (overwriteExisting)
                            targetConditions.condition.Add(c);  // this is a HashSet, so we're overrwriting, not adding :-)
                            if (setSourceAttr)
                                c.source = targetModel.conditionsPart.Id;
                    else if (c.source != null &&
                        existing.source != null &&
                        // It has already been copied in.
                        // Yikes! ID collision
                        throw new BuildingBlockLogicException("Condition with ID " + + " is already present.");

            // .. save: we only save if there have been no ID collisions.
            // Otherwise, we will have aborted with a BuildingBlockLogicException
            CustomXmlUtilities.replaceXmlDoc(targetModel.questionsPart, targetQuestionnaire.Serialize());
            CustomXmlUtilities.replaceXmlDoc(targetModel.conditionsPart, targetConditions.Serialize());
            CustomXmlUtilities.replaceXmlDoc(targetModel.answersPart, targetAnswers.Serialize());
        public LibraryHelper(Model srcModel)
            srcXppe = new XPathsPartEntry(srcModel); // used to get entries
            this.srcXPathsPart = srcModel.xpathsPart;

            srcCpe = new ConditionsPartEntry(srcModel);
            this.srcConditionsPart = srcModel.conditionsPart;

            this.srcQuestionsPart = srcModel.questionsPart;
            srcQuestionnaire = new questionnaire();
            questionnaire.Deserialize(srcQuestionsPart.XML, out srcQuestionnaire);

            srcAnswersPart = srcModel.answersPart;
            srcAnswers = new answers();
            answers.Deserialize(srcAnswersPart.XML, out srcAnswers);
Beispiel #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Take all the answers from the textboxs in the fill survey panel and add them to the database
        /// </summary>
        private void sendSurvey()
            int questionCount = 1;
            List <text_answers> tAnswersSending = new List <text_answers>();
            List <answers>      optAnswers      = new List <answers>();

            foreach (var question in questionsSending)
                if (b.GetInputTypeName(question) == "text")
                    text_answers tAnswer = new text_answers();
                    tAnswer.User_name   = SignUpForm.LoggedUser.User_name;
                    tAnswer.Question_id = question.Id;
                    TextBox answer = panelFillSurvey.Controls.Find(questionCount + "textBox", false).First() as TextBox;
                    tAnswer.Answer = answer.Text;
                else if (b.GetInputTypeName(question) == "option")
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        answers optAnswer = new answers();
                        optAnswer.User_name = SignUpForm.LoggedUser.User_name;
                        CheckBox option = panelFillSurvey.Controls.Find(questionCount + "option" + (i + 1), false).First() as CheckBox;
                        if (option.Checked == true)
                            optAnswer.Question_option_id = b.GetOptionsChoices(question).ElementAt(i).Id;
            //If any of the textbox haven't got an answer a warning will be shown
            foreach (var text in tAnswersSending)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text.Answer))
                    MessageBox.Show("Not all questions have an answer!", "Error");
            //If any of the option choices haven't got an answer a warning will be shown
            foreach (var question in questionsSending)
                if (b.GetInputTypeName(question) == "option")
                    if (!HasAnswer(question, optAnswers))
                        MessageBox.Show("Not all questions have an answer!", "Error");
            //Add all the answers to the database
            foreach (var text in tAnswersSending)
            foreach (var option in optAnswers)
                if (option.Question_option_id != 0)
            MessageBox.Show("Survey succesfully sent!");
 public void AddAnswer(answers answer)
        public FormAnswerOrder(Office.CustomXMLPart answersPart, Office.CustomXMLPart questionsPart)

            // To populate the tree view, we need to traverse
            // the answers.  We could do this at the DOM level,
            // or using our answers object.
            // Best to use our answers object.

            this.answersPart = answersPart;
            answersObj = new answers();
            OpenDope_AnswerFormat.answers.Deserialize(answersPart.XML, out answersObj);

            // We want to show the question text in the tree view
            questionnaire = new questionnaire();
            questionnaire.Deserialize(questionsPart.XML, out questionnaire);

            ImageList TreeviewIL = new ImageList();
            this.treeView1.ImageList = TreeviewIL;

            addNodes(answersObj.Items, root);
            root.ImageIndex = 0;
            root.SelectedImageIndex = 0;

 public void DeleteAnswer(answers answer)
Beispiel #22
 public void AddAnswer(answers answer)
        public async Task Answers_Create_DoesCreate()
            Random rnd = new Random();

            bool randomBool = rnd.Next(0, 2) > 0;

            sites site = new sites
                Name         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await site.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            sites siteForUnit = new sites
                Name         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await siteForUnit.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            units unit = new units
                SiteId       = siteForUnit.Id,
                CustomerNo   = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                OtpCode      = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await unit.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            languages language = new languages
                Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
            await language.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            question_sets questionSet = new question_sets
                Name            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Share           = randomBool,
                HasChild        = randomBool,
                PosiblyDeployed = randomBool
            await questionSet.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            survey_configurations surveyConfiguration = new survey_configurations
                Name          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Start         = DateTime.Now,
                Stop          = DateTime.Now,
                TimeOut       = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                TimeToLive    = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionSetId = questionSet.Id
            await surveyConfiguration.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            answers answer = new answers
                AnswerDuration        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                FinishedAt            = DateTime.Now,
                LanguageId            = language.Id,
                Language              = language,
                SiteId                = site.Id,
                UnitId                = unit.Id,
                QuestionSetId         = questionSet.Id,
                SurveyConfigurationId = surveyConfiguration.Id,
                TimeZone              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                UtcAdjusted           = randomBool


            await answer.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            List <answers>         answers        = dbContext.answers.AsNoTracking().ToList();
            List <answer_versions> answerVersions = dbContext.answer_versions.AsNoTracking().ToList();



            Assert.AreEqual(1, answers.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, answerVersions.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(answer.CreatedAt.ToString(), answers[0].CreatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.Version, answers[0].Version);
//            Assert.AreEqual(answer.UpdatedAt.ToString(), answers[0].UpdatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answers[0].WorkflowState, Constants.WorkflowStates.Created);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.Id, answers[0].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.AnswerDuration, answers[0].AnswerDuration);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.FinishedAt.ToString(), answers[0].FinishedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.LanguageId, language.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.SiteId, site.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.TimeZone, answers[0].TimeZone);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.UnitId, unit.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.UtcAdjusted, answers[0].UtcAdjusted);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.QuestionSetId, questionSet.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.SurveyConfigurationId, surveyConfiguration.Id);

            //Version 1
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.CreatedAt.ToString(), answerVersions[0].CreatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, answerVersions[0].Version);
//            Assert.AreEqual(answer.UpdatedAt.ToString(), answerVersions[0].UpdatedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(answerVersions[0].WorkflowState, Constants.WorkflowStates.Created);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.Id, answerVersions[0].AnswerId);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.AnswerDuration, answerVersions[0].AnswerDuration);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.FinishedAt.ToString(), answerVersions[0].FinishedAt.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(language.Id, answerVersions[0].LanguageId);
            Assert.AreEqual(site.Id, answerVersions[0].SiteId);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.TimeZone, answerVersions[0].TimeZone);
            Assert.AreEqual(unit.Id, answerVersions[0].UnitId);
            Assert.AreEqual(answer.UtcAdjusted, answerVersions[0].UtcAdjusted);
            Assert.AreEqual(questionSet.Id, answerVersions[0].QuestionSetId);
            Assert.AreEqual(surveyConfiguration.Id, answerVersions[0].SurveyConfigurationId);
Beispiel #24
        public async Task SQL_answerValues_Create_DoesCreate()
            // Arrange
            Random rnd   = new Random();
            sites  site1 = await testHelpers.CreateSite(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), rnd.Next(1, 255));

            units unit1 = await testHelpers.CreateUnit(rnd.Next(1, 255), rnd.Next(1, 255), site1, rnd.Next(1, 255));

            languages language = new languages
                Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
            await language.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            #region QuestionSet
            string        name        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            question_sets questionSet = new question_sets
                Name = name, Share = false, HasChild = false, PosiblyDeployed = false
            await questionSet.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);


            #region surveyConfiguration

            survey_configurations surveyConfiguration = new survey_configurations
                Name          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                Stop          = DateTime.Now,
                Start         = DateTime.Now,
                TimeOut       = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                TimeToLive    = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionSetId = questionSet.Id
            await surveyConfiguration.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);


            #region Answer

            answers answer = new answers
                SiteId                = site1.Id,
                QuestionSetId         = questionSet.Id,
                SurveyConfigurationId = surveyConfiguration.Id,
                UnitId                = unit1.Id,
                TimeZone              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                FinishedAt            = DateTime.Now,
                LanguageId            = language.Id,
                AnswerDuration        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                UtcAdjusted           = true
            await answer.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);


            #region question
            string    type          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string    questionType  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string    imagePosition = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string    fontSize      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            questions question      = new questions
                Type                 = type,
                QuestionType         = questionType,
                ImagePosition        = imagePosition,
                FontSize             = fontSize,
                QuestionSetId        = questionSet.Id,
                Maximum              = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                Minimum              = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                RefId                = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                MaxDuration          = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                MinDuration          = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionIndex        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                ContinuousQuestionId = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                Prioritised          = false,
                ValidDisplay         = false,
                BackButtonEnabled    = false,
                Image                = false
            await question.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);


            #region Option

            options option = new options
                WeightValue        = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                QuestionId         = question.Id,
                Weight             = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                OptionsIndex       = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                NextQuestionId     = rnd.Next(1, 255),
                ContinuousOptionId = rnd.Next(1, 255)
            await option.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);


            answer_values answerValue = new answer_values
                QuestionId = question.Id,
                Value      = rnd.Next(1, 255).ToString(),
                Answer     = answer,
                Option     = option,
                AnswerId   = answer.Id,
                Question   = question,
                OptionId   = option.Id

            // Act
            await answerValue.Create(dbContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            answer_values         dbAnswerValue = dbContext.answer_values.AsNoTracking().First();
            answer_value_versions dbVersion     = dbContext.answer_value_versions.AsNoTracking().First();

            // Assert

            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswerValue.QuestionId, answerValue.QuestionId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswerValue.AnswerId, answerValue.AnswerId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswerValue.OptionId, answerValue.OptionId);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbAnswerValue.Value, answerValue.Value);
        public static async Task Main()
            _core = new Core();

            var connection = _core
                "host= localhost;Database=420_SDK;user = root;port=3306;Convert Zero Datetime = true;SslMode=none;")

            MicrotingDbContext dbContext = _core.dbContextHelper.GetDbContext();

            question_sets questionSets = new question_sets
                Name = "Test-Set"

            if (dbContext.question_sets.Count(x => x.Name == questionSets.Name) != 1)
                await questionSets.Create(dbContext);

            languages language = new languages
                Description = "Description",
                Name        = "Danish"

            if (dbContext.languages.Count(x => x.Name == "da-DK") != 1)
                await language.Create(dbContext);

            languages dbLanguage = await dbContext.languages.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == language.Name);

            question_sets dbQuestionSets = await dbContext.question_sets.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == questionSets.Name);

            string[] questionNames = new[] { "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5", "Q6", "Q7", "Q8", "Q9", "Q10", "Q11", "Q12", "Q13" };
            //                                13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24
            List <KeyValuePair <int, questions> > questionIds = new List <KeyValuePair <int, questions> >();

            int qi = 13;

            foreach (var questionName in questionNames)
                if (questionName != "Q13" && questionName != "Q1")
                    var questionTranslation =
                        dbContext.QuestionTranslations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == questionName);

                    if (questionTranslation == null)
                        questions question = new questions()
                            QuestionSetId = dbQuestionSets.Id,
                            QuestionType  = Constants.QuestionTypes.Smiley2
                        await question.Create(dbContext);

                        KeyValuePair <int, questions> kvp = new KeyValuePair <int, questions>(qi, question);

                        questionTranslation = new question_translations()
                            Name       = questionName,
                            QuestionId = question.Id,
                            LanguageId = dbLanguage.Id
                        await questionTranslation.Create(dbContext);
                        KeyValuePair <int, questions> kvp = new KeyValuePair <int, questions>(qi, questionTranslation.Question);
                    var questionTranslation =
                        dbContext.QuestionTranslations.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == questionName);

                    if (questionTranslation == null)
                        questions question = new questions()
                            QuestionSetId = dbQuestionSets.Id,
                            QuestionType  = questionName == "Q1" ? Constants.QuestionTypes.List : Constants.QuestionTypes.Multi
                        await question.Create(dbContext);

                        questionTranslation = new question_translations()
                            Name       = questionName,
                            QuestionId = question.Id,
                            LanguageId = dbLanguage.Id
                        await questionTranslation.Create(dbContext);

                        string[] questionOptions;
                        if (questionName == "Q1")
                            questionOptions = new[] { "Ja", "Nej" };
                            questionOptions = new[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" };

                        foreach (string questionOption in questionOptions)
                            options option = new options()
                                QuestionId  = question.Id,
                                Weight      = 1,
                                WeightValue = 1
                            await option.Create(dbContext);

                            option_translations optionTranslation = new option_translations()
                                OptionId   = option.Id,
                                Name       = questionOption,
                                LanguageId = dbLanguage.Id

                            await optionTranslation.Create(dbContext);

                        KeyValuePair <int, questions> kvp = new KeyValuePair <int, questions>(qi, question);
                        KeyValuePair <int, questions> kvp = new KeyValuePair <int, questions>(qi, questionTranslation.Question);

            // Q13 with options

            // KeyValuePair<int, questions> kvp = new KeyValuePair<int, questions>(qi, questionTranslation.Question);
            // questionIds.Add(kvp);

            survey_configurations surveyConfiguration = new survey_configurations
                QuestionSetId = dbQuestionSets.Id,
                Name          = "Configuartion 1"

            if (dbContext.survey_configurations.Count(x => x.Name == surveyConfiguration.Name) != 1)
                await surveyConfiguration.Create(dbContext);

            survey_configurations dbSurveyConfiguration =
                await dbContext.survey_configurations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name == surveyConfiguration.Name);

            // dbContext.question_sets questionSets = new question_sets();
            Random rnd      = new Random();
            var    document = @"/home/microting/Documents/workspace/microting/ExcelReadManipPOC/Test-data.xlsx";

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(document, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                using (SpreadsheetDocument doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fs, false))
                    S sheets = doc.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets;

                    foreach (E sheet in sheets)
                        foreach (A attr in sheet.GetAttributes())
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", attr.LocalName, attr.Value);

                    WorkbookPart  workbookPart  = doc.WorkbookPart;
                    WorksheetPart worksheetPart = GetWorksheetFromSheetName(workbookPart, "Senge_voksen");

                    var sheet1 = worksheetPart.Worksheet;

                    // Console.WriteLine(sheet1);

                    var cells = sheet1.Descendants <Cell>();
                    var rows  = sheet1.Descendants <Row>();
                    var cols  = sheet1.Descendants <Column>();

                    List <Column> columns = cols.ToList();

                    string text;
                    var    rows1       = sheet1.GetFirstChild <SheetData>().Elements <Row>();
                    int    i           = 0;
                    var    stringTable = workbookPart.GetPartsOfType <SharedStringTablePart>()
                    List <KeyValuePair <string, sites> > localSites = new List <KeyValuePair <string, sites> >();
                    List <KeyValuePair <string, units> > localUnits = new List <KeyValuePair <string, units> >();
                    var languageId = dbContext.languages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "da-DK");
                    // List<sites> localSites = new List<sites>();
                    // List<units> localUnits = new List<units>();
                    foreach (var row in rows1)
                        if (i > 0 && i < 553)
                            var cells1 = row.Elements <Cell>();

                            int         cellNumber   = 0;
                            answers     answer       = null;
                            List <Cell> theCells     = cells1.ToList();
                            var         microtingUid = int.Parse(theCells[0].CellValue.Text);
                            var         duration     = int.Parse(theCells[1].CellValue.Text);
                            var         date         = stringTable.SharedStringTable.ElementAt(
                            var time = stringTable.SharedStringTable.ElementAt(

                            DateTime dateOfDoing = DateTime.ParseExact($"{date} {time}", "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", null);

                            var location = stringTable.SharedStringTable.ElementAt(

                            int?sdkSiteId = null;
                            int?sdkUnitId = null;

                            if (localSites.Any(x => x.Key == location))
                                sdkSiteId = localSites.First(x => x.Key == location).Value.Id;
                                var lookupSite = dbContext.sites.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == location);
                                if (lookupSite != null)
                                    KeyValuePair <string, sites> pair = new KeyValuePair <string, sites>(location, lookupSite);
                                    sdkSiteId = lookupSite.Id;
                                    sites site = new sites()
                                        Name         = location,
                                        MicrotingUid = rnd.Next(1, 999999)
                                    await site.Create(dbContext);

                                    KeyValuePair <string, sites> pair = new KeyValuePair <string, sites>(location, site);
                                    sdkSiteId = site.Id;

                            var unitString = theCells[11].CellValue.Text;
                            if (localUnits.Any(x => x.Key == unitString))
                                sdkUnitId = localUnits.First(x => x.Key == unitString).Value.Id;
                                var lookupUnit = dbContext.units.SingleOrDefault(x => x.MicrotingUid.ToString() == unitString);

                                if (lookupUnit != null)
                                    KeyValuePair <string, units> pair = new KeyValuePair <string, units>(unitString, lookupUnit);
                                    sdkUnitId = lookupUnit.Id;
                                    units unit = new units()
                                        MicrotingUid = int.Parse(unitString),
                                        SiteId       = sdkSiteId
                                    await unit.Create(dbContext);

                                    KeyValuePair <string, units> pair = new KeyValuePair <string, units>(unitString, unit);
                                    sdkUnitId = unit.Id;

                            answer = dbContext.answers.SingleOrDefault(x =>
                                                                       x.MicrotingUid == microtingUid);
                            if (answer == null)
                                answer = new answers()
                                    AnswerDuration        = duration,
                                    UnitId                = (int)sdkUnitId,
                                    SiteId                = (int)sdkSiteId,
                                    MicrotingUid          = microtingUid,
                                    FinishedAt            = dateOfDoing,
                                    LanguageId            = dbLanguage.Id,
                                    QuestionSetId         = dbQuestionSets.Id,
                                    SurveyConfigurationId = dbSurveyConfiguration.Id
                                await answer.Create(dbContext);

                            foreach (var cell in cells1)
                                if (cell == null)
                                    Console.WriteLine("We got a null here");
                                    if (cellNumber > 12)
                                        int questionLookupId = cellNumber;
                                        if (cellNumber > 25)
                                            questionLookupId = 25;

                                        int?lookupOptionId = null;
                                        if (cell.DataType != null)
                                            //     if (cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.Number)
                                            //     {
                                            //         lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                            //             .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options
                                            //             .SingleOrDefault(x => x.WeightValue == int.Parse(cell.CellValue.Text)).Id;
                                            if (cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString)
                                                //         if (questionLookupId != 25)
                                                //         {
                                                foreach (options option in questionIds
                                                         .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options)
                                                    text = stringTable.SharedStringTable.ElementAt(

                                                    var r = option.OptionTranslationses.SingleOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                                        x.Name == text);
                                                    if (r != null)
                                                        lookupOptionId = r.OptionId;
                                            if (cellNumber > 13 && cellNumber < 25)
                                                if (cell.CellValue != null)
                                                    lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options
                                                                     .SingleOrDefault(x => x.WeightValue == int.Parse(cell.CellValue.Text)).Id;
                                                switch (cellNumber)
                                                case 25:
                                                    lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options

                                                case 26:
                                                    lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options

                                                case 27:
                                                    lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options

                                                case 28:
                                                    lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options

                                                case 29:
                                                    lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options

                                        //         }
                                        //         else
                                        //         {
                                        //             if (questionLookupId == 25)
                                        //             {
                                        //                 lookupOptionId = questionIds.First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId)
                                        //                     .Value.Options.ToList()[cellNumber - 25].Id;
                                        //             }
                                        //         }
                                        //     }
                                        // }
                                        // else
                                        // {
                                        //     lookupOptionId = questionIds
                                        //         .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options
                                        //         .SingleOrDefault(x => x.WeightValue == int.Parse(cell.CellValue.Text)).Id;
                                        // }
                                        answer_values answerValue = null;
                                        if (lookupOptionId != null)
                                            answerValue = dbContext.answer_values
                                                                           => x.AnswerId == answer.Id &&
                                                                           x.QuestionId == questionIds.First(y
                                                                                                             => y.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Id &&
                                                                           x.OptionId == lookupOptionId);
                                            answerValue = dbContext.answer_values
                                                                           => x.AnswerId == answer.Id &&
                                                                           x.QuestionId == questionIds.First(y
                                                                                                             => y.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Id);

                                        if (answerValue == null)
                                            answerValue = new answer_values()
                                                AnswerId   = answer.Id,
                                                QuestionId = questionIds.First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Id

                                            if (cell.DataType != null)
                                                if (cell.DataType.Value == CellValues.SharedString)
                                                    if (stringTable != null)
                                                        text = stringTable.SharedStringTable.ElementAt(
                                                        // Console.WriteLine(text + " ");
                                                        int optionId = 0;
                                                        foreach (options option in questionIds
                                                                 .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options)
                                                            var r = option.OptionTranslationses.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == text);
                                                            if (r != null)
                                                                optionId = r.OptionId;
                                                        answerValue.Value      = text;
                                                        answerValue.OptionId   = optionId;
                                                        answerValue.QuestionId = questionIds
                                                                                 .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Id;
                                                        await answerValue.Create(dbContext);
                                                if (cellNumber > 13 && cellNumber < 25)
                                                    if (cell.CellValue != null)
                                                        text = cell.CellValue.Text;

                                                        answerValue.Value      = text;
                                                        answerValue.QuestionId = questionIds
                                                                                 .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Id;
                                                        answerValue.OptionId = questionIds
                                                                               .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options
                                                                               .SingleOrDefault(x => x.WeightValue == int.Parse(text)).Id;
                                                        await answerValue.Create(dbContext);

                                                        // Console.WriteLine(cell.CellValue.Text);
                                                    if (cell.CellValue != null)
                                                        if (int.Parse(cell.CellValue.Text) == 1)
                                                            answerValue.Value      = "1";
                                                            answerValue.QuestionId = questionIds
                                                                                     .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Id;
                                                            switch (cellNumber)
                                                            case 25:
                                                                answerValue.OptionId = questionIds
                                                                                       .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options.ToList()[0].Id;

                                                            case 26:
                                                                answerValue.OptionId = questionIds
                                                                                       .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options.ToList()[1].Id;

                                                            case 27:
                                                                answerValue.OptionId = questionIds
                                                                                       .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options.ToList()[2].Id;

                                                            case 28:
                                                                answerValue.OptionId = questionIds
                                                                                       .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options.ToList()[3].Id;

                                                            case 29:
                                                                answerValue.OptionId = questionIds
                                                                                       .First(x => x.Key == questionLookupId).Value.Options.ToList()[4].Id;

                                                            await answerValue.Create(dbContext);
                        Console.WriteLine($"ROW {i}");
            // Q1
            int q1Id           = 1;
            int q2Id           = 2;
            int q3Id           = 3;
            int q4Id           = 4;
            int q5Id           = 5;
            int q6Id           = 6;
            int q7Id           = 7;
            int q8Id           = 8;
            int q9Id           = 9;
            int q10Id          = 10;
            int q11Id          = 11;
            int q12Id          = 12;
            int q13Id          = 13;
            int optionJaId     = 1;
            int optionNejId    = 2;
            int option100q2Id  = 3;
            int option75q2Id   = 4;
            int option50q2Id   = 5;
            int option25q2Id   = 6;
            int option0q2Id    = 7;
            int option999q2Id  = 8;
            int option100q3Id  = 9;
            int option75q3Id   = 10;
            int option50q3Id   = 11;
            int option25q3Id   = 12;
            int option0q3Id    = 13;
            int option999q3Id  = 14;
            int option100q4Id  = 15;
            int option75q4Id   = 16;
            int option50q4Id   = 17;
            int option25q4Id   = 18;
            int option0q4Id    = 19;
            int option999q4Id  = 20;
            int option100q5Id  = 21;
            int option75q5Id   = 22;
            int option50q5Id   = 23;
            int option25q5Id   = 24;
            int option0q5Id    = 25;
            int option999q5Id  = 26;
            int option100q6Id  = 27;
            int option75q6Id   = 28;
            int option50q6Id   = 29;
            int option25q6Id   = 30;
            int option0q6Id    = 31;
            int option999q6Id  = 32;
            int option100q7Id  = 33;
            int option75q7Id   = 34;
            int option50q7Id   = 35;
            int option25q7Id   = 36;
            int option0q7Id    = 37;
            int option999q7Id  = 38;
            int option100q8Id  = 39;
            int option75q8Id   = 40;
            int option50q8Id   = 41;
            int option25q8Id   = 42;
            int option0q8Id    = 43;
            int option999q8Id  = 44;
            int option100q9Id  = 45;
            int option75q9Id   = 46;
            int option50q9Id   = 47;
            int option25q9Id   = 48;
            int option0q9Id    = 49;
            int option999q9Id  = 50;
            int option100q10Id = 51;
            int option75q10Id  = 52;
            int option50q10Id  = 53;
            int option25q10Id  = 54;
            int option0q10Id   = 55;
            int option999q10Id = 56;
            int option100q11Id = 57;
            int option75q11Id  = 58;
            int option50q11Id  = 59;
            int option25q11Id  = 60;
            int option0q11Id   = 61;
            int option999q11Id = 62;
            int option100q12Id = 63;
            int option75q12Id  = 64;
            int option50q12Id  = 65;
            int option25q12Id  = 66;
            int option0q12Id   = 67;
            int option999q12Id = 68;
            int optionq13_1Id  = 69;
            int optionq13_2Id  = 70;
            int optionq13_3Id  = 71;
            int optionq13_4Id  = 72;
            int optionq13_5Id  = 73;

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionJaId) == 419);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionNejId) == 133);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q1Id) == 552);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q2Id) == 5);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q2Id) == 7);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q2Id) == 14);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q2Id) == 112);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q2Id) == 275);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q2Id) == 6);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q2Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q3Id) == 15);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q3Id) == 8);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q3Id) == 44);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q3Id) == 144);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q3Id) == 201);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q3Id) == 7);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q3Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q4Id) == 13);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q4Id) == 17);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q4Id) == 78);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q4Id) == 123);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q4Id) == 176);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q4Id) == 12);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q4Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q5Id) == 16);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q5Id) == 18);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q5Id) == 49);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q5Id) == 135);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q5Id) == 188);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q5Id) == 13);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q5Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q6Id) == 21);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q6Id) == 23);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q6Id) == 61);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q6Id) == 131);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q6Id) == 160);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q6Id) == 23);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q6Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q7Id) == 13);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q7Id) == 8);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q7Id) == 57);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q7Id) == 116);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q7Id) == 216);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q7Id) == 9);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q7Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q8Id) == 35);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q8Id) == 27);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q8Id) == 98);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q8Id) == 108);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q8Id) == 124);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q8Id) == 27);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q8Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q9Id) == 19);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q9Id) == 23);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q9Id) == 51);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q9Id) == 107);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q9Id) == 213);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q9Id) == 6);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q9Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q10Id) == 16);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q10Id) == 10);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q10Id) == 66);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q10Id) == 116);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q10Id) == 186);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q10Id) == 25);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q10Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q11Id) == 11);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q11Id) == 8);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q11Id) == 41);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q11Id) == 111);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q11Id) == 211);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q11Id) == 37);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q11Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option0q12Id) == 12);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option25q12Id) == 9);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option50q12Id) == 58);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option75q12Id) == 126);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option100q12Id) == 187);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == option999q12Id) == 27);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q12Id) == 419);

            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionq13_1Id) == 289);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q13Id) == 1383);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionq13_2Id) == 273);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q13Id) == 1383);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionq13_3Id) == 281);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q13Id) == 1383);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionq13_4Id) == 271);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q13Id) == 1383);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.OptionId == optionq13_5Id) == 269);
            Debug.Assert(dbContext.answer_values.Count(x => x.QuestionId == q13Id) == 1383);
            Console.WriteLine("we are done");