Beispiel #1
		/// <summary>
		/// <p>
		/// Finds the next focusable component that fits in this View's bounds
		/// (excluding fading edges) pretending that this View's top is located at
		/// the parameter top.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <p>
		/// Finds the next focusable component that fits in this View's bounds
		/// (excluding fading edges) pretending that this View's top is located at
		/// the parameter top.
		/// </p>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="topFocus">
		/// look for a candidate at the top of the bounds if topFocus is true,
		/// or at the bottom of the bounds if topFocus is false
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="top">
		/// the top offset of the bounds in which a focusable must be
		/// found (the fading edge is assumed to start at this position)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="preferredFocusable">
		/// the View that has highest priority and will be
		/// returned if it is within my bounds (null is valid)
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>the next focusable component in the bounds or null if none can be found</returns>
		private android.view.View findFocusableViewInMyBounds(bool topFocus, int top, android.view.View
			int fadingEdgeLength = getVerticalFadingEdgeLength() / 2;
			int topWithoutFadingEdge = top + fadingEdgeLength;
			int bottomWithoutFadingEdge = top + getHeight() - fadingEdgeLength;
			if ((preferredFocusable != null) && (preferredFocusable.getTop() < bottomWithoutFadingEdge
				) && (preferredFocusable.getBottom() > topWithoutFadingEdge))
				return preferredFocusable;
			return findFocusableViewInBounds(topFocus, topWithoutFadingEdge, bottomWithoutFadingEdge
Beispiel #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Move all views upwards so the selected row does not interesect the top
		/// fading edge (if necessary).
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Move all views upwards so the selected row does not interesect the top
		/// fading edge (if necessary).
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="childInSelectedRow">A child in the row that contains the selection</param>
		/// <param name="topSelectionPixel">The topmost pixel we can draw the selection into</param>
		/// <param name="bottomSelectionPixel">
		/// The bottommost pixel we can draw the
		/// selection into
		/// </param>
		private void adjustForTopFadingEdge(android.view.View childInSelectedRow, int topSelectionPixel
			, int bottomSelectionPixel)
			// Some of the newly selected item extends above the top of the list
			if (childInSelectedRow.getTop() < topSelectionPixel)
				// Find space required to bring the top of the selected item
				// fully into view
				int spaceAbove = topSelectionPixel - childInSelectedRow.getTop();
				// Find space available below the selection into which we can
				// scroll downwards
				int spaceBelow = bottomSelectionPixel - childInSelectedRow.getBottom();
				int offset = System.Math.Min(spaceAbove, spaceBelow);
				// Now offset the selected item to get it into view