Beispiel #1
            // private unsafe iovec* IoVectorTable => (iovec*)Align(_ioVectorTableMemory); // TODO

            public unsafe LinuxAio() :
                base(supportsPolling: false, isThreadSafe: false)
                _memoryHandles = new List <MemoryHandle>();
                    // Memory
                    _aioEventsMemory   = AllocMemory(sizeof(io_event) * IocbLength);
                    _aioCbsMemory      = AllocMemory(sizeof(iocb) * IocbLength);
                    _aioCbsTableMemory = AllocMemory(IntPtr.Size * IocbLength);
                    // _ioVectorTableMemory = AllocMemory(SizeOf.iovec * IovsPerIocb * _ioCbLength);
                    _scheduledOperations = new List <Operation>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < IocbLength; i++)
                        AioCbsTable[i] = &AioCbs[i];

                    // Aio
                    aio_context_t ctx;
                    int           rv = io_setup(NrEvents, &ctx);
                    if (rv == -1)
                    _ctx = ctx;
            public unsafe ThreadContext(TransportThread transportThread)
                _transportThread      = transportThread;
                _connectionDispatcher = transportThread.ConnectionDispatcher;
                _sockets              = new Dictionary <int, TSocket>();
                _logger               = _transportThread.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger($"{nameof(RedHat)}.{nameof(TransportThread)}.{_transportThread.ThreadId}");
                _acceptSockets        = new List <TSocket>();
                _transportOptions     = transportThread.TransportOptions;
                _scheduledSendAdding  = new List <ScheduledSend>(1024);
                _scheduledSendRunning = new List <ScheduledSend>(1024);
                _epollState           = EPollBlocked;
                if (_transportOptions.AioReceive | _transportOptions.AioSend)
                    _aioEventsMemory     = AllocMemory(sizeof(io_event) * EventBufferLength);
                    _aioCbsMemory        = AllocMemory(sizeof(iocb) * EventBufferLength);
                    _aioCbsTableMemory   = AllocMemory(IntPtr.Size * EventBufferLength);
                    _ioVectorTableMemory = AllocMemory(SizeOf.iovec * IoVectorsPerAioSocket * EventBufferLength);
                    for (int i = 0; i < EventBufferLength; i++)
                        AioCbsTable[i] = &AioCbs[i];
                    if (_transportOptions.AioSend)
                        _aioSendBuffers = new ReadOnlySequence <byte> [EventBufferLength];
                int maxMemoryHandleCount = TSocket.MaxIOVectorReceiveLength;

                if (_transportOptions.AioReceive || _transportOptions.AioSend)
                    maxMemoryHandleCount = Math.Max(maxMemoryHandleCount, EventBufferLength);
                if (_transportOptions.DeferSend)
                    maxMemoryHandleCount = Math.Max(maxMemoryHandleCount, TSocket.MaxIOVectorSendLength);
                MemoryHandles = new MemoryHandle[maxMemoryHandleCount];

                // These members need to be Disposed
                _epoll     = EPoll.Create();
                _epollFd   = _epoll.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32();
                MemoryPool = CreateMemoryPool();
                _pipeEnds  = PipeEnd.CreatePair(blocking: false);
                if (_aioEventsMemory != IntPtr.Zero)
                    aio_context_t ctx;
                    AioInterop.IoSetup(EventBufferLength, &ctx).ThrowOnError();
                    _aioContext = ctx;
Beispiel #3
            private static unsafe int IoGetEvents(aio_context_t ctx, int nr, io_event *events)
                Debug.Assert(nr != 0);

                // Check the ring buffer to avoid making a syscall.
                aio_ring *pRing = ctx.ring;

                if (pRing->magic == 0xa10a10a1 && pRing->incompat_features == 0)
                    int head      = (int)pRing->head;
                    int tail      = (int)pRing->tail;
                    int available = tail - head;
                    if (available < 0)
                        available += (int)pRing->nr;
                    if (available >= nr)
                        io_event *ringEvents = (io_event *)((byte *)pRing + pRing->header_length);
                        io_event *start      = ringEvents + head;
                        io_event *end        = start + nr;
                        if (head + nr > pRing->nr)
                            end -= pRing->nr;
                        if (end > start)
                            Copy(start, end, events);
                            io_event *eventsEnd = Copy(start, ringEvents + pRing->nr, events);
                            Copy(ringEvents, end, eventsEnd);
                        head += nr;
                        if (head >= pRing->nr)
                            head -= (int)pRing->nr;
                        pRing->head = (uint)head;

                return(io_getevents(ctx, nr, nr, events, null));
        public unsafe static PosixResult IoGetEvents(aio_context_t ctx, int nr, io_event *events)
            aio_ring *pRing = ctx.ring;

            if (nr <= 0)
                return(new PosixResult(PosixResult.EINVAL));
            if (pRing->magic == 0xa10a10a1 && pRing->incompat_features == 0)
                int head      = (int)pRing->head;
                int tail      = (int)pRing->tail;
                int available = tail - head;
                if (available < 0)
                    available += (int)pRing->nr;
                if (available >= nr)
                    io_event *ringEvents = (io_event *)((byte *)pRing + pRing->header_length);
                    io_event *start      = ringEvents + head;
                    io_event *end        = start + nr;
                    if (head + nr > pRing->nr)
                        end -= pRing->nr;
                    if (end > start)
                        Copy(start, end, events);
                        io_event *eventsEnd = Copy(start, ringEvents + pRing->nr, events);
                        Copy(ringEvents, end, eventsEnd);
                    head += nr;
                    if (head >= pRing->nr)
                        head -= (int)pRing->nr;
                    pRing->head = (uint)head;
                    return(new PosixResult(nr));
            return(IoGetEvents(ctx, nr, nr, events, -1));
        public unsafe static PosixResult IoGetEvents(aio_context_t ctx, int min_nr, int nr, io_event *events, int timeoutMs)
            timespec timeout    = default(timespec);
            bool     hasTimeout = timeoutMs >= 0;

            if (hasTimeout)
                timeout.tv_sec  = timeoutMs / 1000;
                timeout.tv_nsec = 1000 * (timeoutMs % 1000);
            int rv;

                rv = io_getevents(ctx, min_nr, nr, events, hasTimeout ? &timeout : null);
            } while (rv < 0 && errno == EINTR);

Beispiel #6
            public unsafe ThreadContext(TransportThread transportThread)
                _transportThread      = transportThread;
                _sockets              = new Dictionary <int, TSocket>();
                _logger               = _transportThread.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger($"{nameof(RedHat)}.{nameof(TransportThread)}.{_transportThread.ThreadId}");
                _acceptSockets        = new List <TSocket>();
                _transportOptions     = transportThread.TransportOptions;
                _scheduledSendAdding  = new List <ScheduledSend>(1024);
                _scheduledSendRunning = new List <ScheduledSend>(1024);
                _epollState           = EPollBlocked;
                if (_transportOptions.AioReceive | _transportOptions.AioSend)
                    _aioEventsMemory     = AllocMemory(sizeof(io_event) * EventBufferLength);
                    _aioCbsMemory        = AllocMemory(sizeof(iocb) * EventBufferLength);
                    _aioCbsTableMemory   = AllocMemory(IntPtr.Size * EventBufferLength);
                    _ioVectorTableMemory = AllocMemory(SizeOf.iovec * IoVectorsPerAioSocket * EventBufferLength);
                    for (int i = 0; i < EventBufferLength; i++)
                        AioCbsTable[i] = &AioCbs[i];
                    if (_transportOptions.AioSend)
                        _aioSendBuffers = new ReadOnlySequence <byte> [EventBufferLength];
                int maxMemoryHandleCount = TSocket.MaxIOVectorReceiveLength;

                if (_transportOptions.AioReceive || _transportOptions.AioSend)
                    maxMemoryHandleCount = Math.Max(maxMemoryHandleCount, EventBufferLength);
                if (_transportOptions.DeferSend)
                    maxMemoryHandleCount = Math.Max(maxMemoryHandleCount, TSocket.MaxIOVectorSendLength);
                MemoryHandles = new MemoryHandle[maxMemoryHandleCount];

                // These members need to be Disposed
                _epoll     = EPoll.Create();
                _epollFd   = _epoll.DangerousGetHandle().ToInt32();
                MemoryPool = CreateMemoryPool();
                _pipeEnds  = PipeEnd.CreatePair(blocking: false);
                if (_aioEventsMemory != IntPtr.Zero)
                    aio_context_t ctx;
                    AioInterop.IoSetup(EventBufferLength, &ctx).ThrowOnError();
                    _aioContext = ctx;

                // Single reader, single writer queue since all writes happen from the TransportThread and reads happen sequentially
                // This channel is unbounded which means there's nothing limiting the number of sockets we're accepting.
                // This is similar to having an unbounded number of thread pool work items queued to invoke a ConnectionHandler
                // which was the previous pattern, but now it's more explicit.

                // TODO: Find a reasonable limit and start applying accept backpressure once the channel reaches that limit.
                _acceptQueue = Channel.CreateUnbounded <TSocket>(new UnboundedChannelOptions
                    SingleReader = true,
                    SingleWriter = true,
                    AllowSynchronousContinuations = _transportOptions.ApplicationSchedulingMode == PipeScheduler.Inline,
        public unsafe static PosixResult IoSubmit(aio_context_t ctx, int nr, iocb **iocbpp)
            int rv = io_submit(ctx, nr, iocbpp);

        public unsafe static PosixResult IoDestroy(aio_context_t ctx)
            int rv = io_destroy(ctx);

Beispiel #9
        public static int io_getevents(aio_context_t ctx, long_t min_nr, long_t nr, io_event *events, timespec *timeout)
            int rv = (int)syscall(SYS_io_getevents, ctx.ring, min_nr, nr, events, timeout);

Beispiel #10
        public static int io_submit(aio_context_t ctx, long_t nr, iocb **iocbpp)
            int rv = (int)syscall(SYS_io_submit, ctx.ring, nr, iocbpp);

Beispiel #11
        public static int io_destroy(aio_context_t ctx)
            int rv = (int)syscall(SYS_io_destroy, ctx.ring);
