Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// TestDBI_T_affirmation_AutoCheck_Update - Update Item List;
        /// 1.1) Create test data: myTable1;
        /// 1.2) Clear DBTable;
        /// 1.3) Write myTable1 to DBTable;
        /// 1.4) Get DBTable.CountRows, compare (myTable1.itemList.Count == DBTable.CountRows)
        /// 1.5) Read myTable2 from DBTable
        /// 1.6) Compare tables (myTable1 == myTable2)
        /// 1.7) Create the update table (myTableUpdate)
        /// 1.8) Update TableDB
        /// 1.9) Read myTable3
        /// 1.10) Compare tables.itemLists(myTableUpdate == myTable3)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static int TestDBI_T_affirmation_AutoCheck_Update()
            const int OK      = 0;
            int       iResult = OK;

            Console.WriteLine("START: TestDBI_T_affirmation_AutoCheck_Update()");

            // 1.1) CreateTestData1: myTable1
            affirmation_Table myTable1 = new affirmation_Table();

            myTable1.itemList = new List <affirmation>()
                // affirmation(int val_affirmationId, String val_affirmationName, String val_affirmationType,
                //String val_specificGoal, String val_specificPractice, String val_genericGoal, String val_genericPractice, String val_processArea, int projectId)
                new  affirmation(1, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 1),
                new  affirmation(2, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 2),
                new  affirmation(3, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 3),
                new  affirmation(4, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 4),
                new  affirmation(5, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 5),
            int iRowsAtStart = myTable1.itemList.Count;

            // 1.2) ClearDBTable
            int iRowsAfterClear = myTable1.CountRows();

            if (iRowsAfterClear != 0)
                iResult = -1;
                Console.WriteLine("Error: DBTable should be empty after Clear_Database_Table.  iRowsAfterClear=" + iRowsAfterClear);

            // 1.3) Write myTable1 to DBTable

            // 1.4) Get DBTable.CountRows, compare (myTable1.itemList.Count == DBTable.CountRows)
            int iRowsAfterWriteItemListr = myTable1.CountRows();

            if (iRowsAfterWriteItemListr != iRowsAtStart)
                iResult = -1;
                Console.WriteLine("Error: DBTable should be same as iRowsAtStart after WriteItemListToDatabase.  iRowsAfterWriteItemListr=" + iRowsAfterWriteItemListr);

            /// 1.5) Read myTable2 from DBTable
            affirmation_Table myTable2 = new affirmation_Table();


            /// 1.6) Compare tables (myTable1 == myTable2)
            if (!TestDBI_T_affirmation_CompareLists(myTable1.itemList, myTable2.itemList))
                iResult = -1;
                Console.WriteLine("Error: DBTable should be same as test data");

            /// 1.7) Create the update table (myTableUpdate)
            affirmation_Table myTableUpdate = new affirmation_Table();

            myTableUpdate.itemList = new List <affirmation>()
                // affirmation(int val_affirmationId, String val_affirmationName, String val_affirmationType,
                //String val_specificGoal, String val_specificPractice, String val_genericGoal, String val_genericPractice, String val_processArea, int projectId)
                new  affirmation(1, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 1),
                new  affirmation(2, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7-update", 2),
                new  affirmation(3, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 3),
                new  affirmation(4, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7-update", 4),
                new  affirmation(5, "affName_1", "affType_2", "sg_3", "sp_4", "gg_5", "gp_6", "pa_7", 5),

            //1.8) Update TableDB

            //1.9) Read myTable3
            affirmation_Table myTable3 = new affirmation_Table();


            //1.10) Compare tables.itemLists (myTableUpdate == myTable3)
            if (!TestDBI_T_affirmation_CompareLists(myTableUpdate.itemList, myTable3.itemList))
                iResult = -1;
                Console.WriteLine("Error: DBTable should be same as the update table");

            Console.WriteLine("DONE: TestDBI_T_affirmation_AutoCheck_Update()");