//Add Timer public void DecreaseTime(Object o) { Sdl.SDL_Color black = new Sdl.SDL_Color(255, 255, 255); Sdl.SDL_Color white = new Sdl.SDL_Color(0, 0, 0); if (characterA.Lives > 0) { characterA.Time--; textTimer = SdlTtf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(font.GetFontType(), "TIME: " + characterA.Time, black); } else if (characterB.Lives > 0) { characterB.Time--; textTimer = SdlTtf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(font.GetFontType(), "TIME: " + characterB.Time, black); } else { string line; StreamReader input = File.OpenText("hiscore.dat"); line = input.ReadLine(); string[] info = line.Split(':'); addhiscore num = new addhiscore(); info = line.Split(':'); num.name = info[0]; num.points = int.Parse(info[1]); if (points > num.points) { top = true; input.Close(); } if (top == true) //Bool to activate/deactivate de HiScore Screen { HiScore(); while (hardware.KeyPress() != Hardware.KEY_SPC) { ; } } Image imgGameOver; imgGameOver = new Image("images/GameOverImage.png", 1200, 740); imgGameOver.MoveTo(0, 0); hardware.DrawImage(imgGameOver); hardware.UpdateScreen(); textSpace = SdlTtf.TTF_RenderText_Solid(font.GetFontType(), "PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE...", white); while (hardware.KeyPress() != Hardware.KEY_SPC) { ; } } }
//CLASS HI-SCORE VERSIONS //V 0.05 - Miguel Pastor (Added Point Screen Class) //V 0.01 - Miguel Pastor (Empty Skeleton) private void HiScore() { List <GameScreen> Top10 = new List <GameScreen>(); Image imgHiscore; audio.AddMusic("audio/[PointScreen].mp3"); imgHiscore = new Image("images/backHiscore.gif", 1200, 940); imgHiscore.MoveTo(0, 0); hardware.DrawImage(imgHiscore); hardware.UpdateScreen(); audio.PlayMusic(0, -1); if (!File.Exists("hiscore.dat")) { StreamWriter output = File.AppendText("hiscore.dat"); output.Close(); } else { try { StreamWriter output = File.AppendText("hiscore.dat"); StreamReader input = File.OpenText("hiscore.dat"); string line; int ten = 10; do { ; addhiscore num = new addhiscore(); line = input.ReadLine(); string[] info = line.Split(':'); num.name = info[0]; info[0] = Console.ReadLine(); num.points = int.Parse(info[1]); hardware.ClearScreen(); if (line != null) { info = line.Split(':'); num.name = info[0]; num.points = int.Parse(info[1]); while (line != null) { num.last = int.Parse(info[2]); if (num.points > num.last) { output.WriteLine(num.name, ":", num.points); } output.WriteLine(line.ToUpper()); } ten--; } }while ((line != null) || (ten == 0)); input.Close(); output.Close(); } catch (PathTooLongException PE) { throw PE; } catch (IOException IO) { throw IO; } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } audio.StopMusic(); }