public DoublePeakRoof (BuildingMesh parent) : base(parent) { width = 0.2f; boundaries = new Vector3[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) boundaries[i] = parentMesh.roofBase.boundaries[i + 4]+ width * parentMesh.faces[i].normal + width * parentMesh.faces[(i + 3) % 4].normal; FindMeshOrigin(boundaries[0], boundaries[2], boundaries[1], boundaries[3]); int index = Mathf.Max(parentMesh.sortedFaces[2], parentMesh.sortedFaces[3]); Face face = parentMesh.faces[index]; height = 0.2f * face.width; var bi0 = (parentMesh.faces[(index + 3) % 4].right - face.right).normalized; var bi1 = (face.right - parentMesh.faces[(index + 1) % 4].right).normalized; var p = Util.IntersectionPoint(face.boundaries[0], bi0, face.boundaries[1], bi1); boundaries[4] = new Vector3(p.x, boundaries[0].y + height, p.z); index = Mathf.Min(parentMesh.sortedFaces[2], parentMesh.sortedFaces[3]); face = parentMesh.faces[index]; bi0 = (parentMesh.faces[(index + 3) % 4].right - face.right).normalized; bi1 = (face.right - parentMesh.faces[(index + 1) % 4].right).normalized; p = Util.IntersectionPoint(face.boundaries[0], bi0, face.boundaries[1], bi1); boundaries[5] = new Vector3(p.x, boundaries[0].y + height, p.z); if ((boundaries[0] - boundaries[4]).magnitude < (boundaries[0] - boundaries[5]).magnitude) { _type = _Type.four; _widthBig = (boundaries[0] - boundaries[1]).magnitude; _widthSmall = (boundaries[1] - boundaries[2]).magnitude; _heightSmall = ((boundaries[1] + boundaries[2]) / 2 - boundaries[5]).magnitude; } else { _type = _Type.five; _widthBig = (boundaries[1] - boundaries[2]).magnitude; _widthSmall = (boundaries[1] - boundaries[0]).magnitude; _heightSmall = ((boundaries[1] + boundaries[0]) / 2 - boundaries[5]).magnitude; } _heightBig = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(_widthSmall / 2, 2) + Mathf.Pow(height, 2)); }
/// <summary> /// 해당 type Buff를 owner가 가지고 있는 지 알려준다. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">어떠한 유닛이</param> /// <param name="type">무슨 버프를 가지고 있는 지</param> /// <returns>해당 owner가 type 버프를 가지고 있으면 true를 리턴.</returns> public static bool HasBuff(Unit owner, _Type type) { foreach (var crowdControl in owner.CrowdControlGroup) { if (crowdControl.Type == type) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public virtual ConcreteMixinTypeIdentifier GetIdentifierForMixinType(_Type concreteMixinType) { ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("concreteMixinType", concreteMixinType); var attribute = (ConcreteMixinTypeAttribute)concreteMixinType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ConcreteMixinTypeAttribute), false).SingleOrDefault(); if (attribute != null) { return(attribute.GetIdentifier()); } else { return(null); } }
public virtual ClassContext GetMetadataForMixedType(_Type concreteMixedType) { ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("concreteMixedType", concreteMixedType); var attribute = (ConcreteMixedTypeAttribute)concreteMixedType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ConcreteMixedTypeAttribute), false).SingleOrDefault(); if (attribute != null) { return(attribute.GetClassContext()); } else { return(null); } }
public PartySalesSummary(_Type type) { InitializeComponent(); this.FitToHorazonal(); mType = type; if (cmbCustomerName.Items.Count > 0) { if (cmbCustomerName.DataSource != null) { cmbCustomerName.DataSource = null; } else { cmbCustomerName.Items.Clear(); } } switch (mType) { case _Type.Item: rbtnSales.Checked = true; InitSalesReportItemWiseDataTable(); lblHeader.Text = "Item Summary"; mExcelFileName = "Item_Summary.xls"; cmbCustomerName.AddItem(); if (cmbCustomerName.Items.Count > 0) { cmbCustomerName.SelectedIndex = 0; } break; case _Type.Party: rbtnSales.Visible = false; rbtnPurchase.Visible = false; InitSalesReportPartyWiseDataTable(); lblHeader.Text = "Sales Summary [Party Wise]"; mExcelFileName = "Party_Summary.xls"; cmbCustomerName.AddCashCustomers(); if (cmbCustomerName.Items.Count > 0) { cmbCustomerName.SelectedIndex = 0; } break; default: break; } }
public SData_Type(string dataname) { try { string[] reader = File.ReadAllLines(Application.dataPath + "\\MapEditor\\MapTypeData\\" + dataname); int rowCount = reader.Length; for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { _Type tpInfo = new _Type(reader, row); Data.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(tpInfo.ID, tpInfo.Type)); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("装载 Type 错误" + e); } }
/// <summary> /// Read Bink video offset and size /// </summary> /// <param name="br">Binary reader</param> /// <param name="type">Header of file type</param> private FileSection ReadBIK(BinaryReader br, _Type type) { br.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current); byte version = br.ReadByte(); if ((type == _Type.BIK && bik1.Contains(version)) || (type == _Type.KB2 && bik2.Contains(version))) { } else { throw new Exception($"_Type {type}, version {version}, is invalid"); } FileSection fs = new FileSection() { _Type = type, Offset = br.BaseStream.Position - 4, Size = br.ReadUInt32() + 8, Frames = br.ReadUInt32() }; br.BaseStream.Seek(fs.Offset + fs.Size, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (movie.BINK_HIGH == null) { movie.BINK_HIGH = fs; movie.BINK_HIGH.FileName = GenerateFileName(movie.BINK_HIGH._Type == _Type.BIK ? "bik" : "bk2", "h"); } else { if (fs.Size > movie.BINK_HIGH.Size) { movie.BINK_LOW = movie.BINK_HIGH; movie.BINK_HIGH = fs; } else { movie.BINK_LOW = fs; } movie.BINK_HIGH.FileName = GenerateFileName(movie.BINK_LOW._Type == _Type.BIK ? "bik" : "bk2", "h"); movie.BINK_LOW.FileName = GenerateFileName(movie.BINK_LOW._Type == _Type.BIK ? "bik" : "bk2", "l"); _movies.Add(movie); movie = new MovieClip(); } return(fs); }
/// <summary> /// Read complete pak file for offsets and sizes of each section. /// </summary> /// <param name="info">File path info</param> private void Read(FileInfo info) { FilePath = info; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(info.FullName))) { movie = new MovieClip(); while (br.BaseStream.Position < br.BaseStream.Length) { _Type header = (_Type)(br.ReadUInt32() & (uint)_Type._3B_MASK); if (ReadFunctions.ContainsKey(header)) { ReadFunctions[header](br, header); } else { throw new Exception($"{header} is invalid, reading from: {info}, offset {br.BaseStream.Position}"); } } } }
public static Buff CreateBuff(Unit owner, _ParentType parentType, _Type type, int lifespan, bool isPositive) { var buff = Instantiate(); buff.Initialize(); buff.ParentType = parentType; buff.Type = type; buff.Lifespan = lifespan; buff.IsPositive = isPositive; buff.Owner = owner; if (buff.Owner == null) { return(null); } buff.BuffArgs = new BuffArgs().SetOwner(buff.Owner); buff.OnBirth(); return(buff); }
/// <summary> /// Read cam file offset and size /// </summary> /// <param name="br">Binary reader</param> /// <param name="type">Header of file type</param> private FileSection ReadCAM(BinaryReader br, _Type type) { long offset = br.BaseStream.Position - 4; // start of section br.BaseStream.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); // skip 2 bytes ushort frames = br.ReadUInt16(); // get approx number of frames br.BaseStream.Seek((frames) * CamSectionSize, SeekOrigin.Current); uint b = 0; // there seems to be 1 or more extra frames. Check for those. while ((b = br.ReadUInt32()) > 0 && !(((_Type)(b & (uint)_Type._3B_MASK)) == _Type.BIK || ((_Type)(b & (uint)_Type._3B_MASK)) == _Type.KB2)) { br.BaseStream.Seek(CamSectionSize - sizeof(uint), SeekOrigin.Current); frames++; } // Found the end go back to it. br.BaseStream.Seek(-sizeof(uint), SeekOrigin.Current); // There is only one cam per movie. Checking for possibility of only one video instead of the normal 2 per movie. if (movie.CAM != null) { if (!_movies.Contains(movie)) { //add existing movie to movies list. _movies.Add(movie); } //start from scratch movie = new MovieClip(); } FileSection fs = new FileSection() { _Type = type, Offset = offset, Size = br.BaseStream.Position - offset, Frames = frames, FileName = GenerateFileName("cam") }; movie.CAM = fs; return(fs); }
public Sales_OrderItemSummary(_Type type) { InitializeComponent(); this.FitToHorazonal(); mType = type; switch (mType) { case _Type.Order: InitOrderDataTable(); lblHeader.Text = "Order Summary"; mExcelFileName = "Order_Summary.xls"; break; case _Type.Sales: InitSalesDataTable(); lblHeader.Text = "Sales Summary"; mExcelFileName = "Sales_Summary.xls"; break; default: break; } }
public Breathing(_Type type, NativeWin32.ColorRef color1, NativeWin32.ColorRef color2) { Type = type; Color1 = color1; Color2 = color2; }
public void isExit() { type = _Type.Exit; StartCoroutine(loadAnimation()); Destroy(gameObject); }
public void isNo() { type = _Type.No; StartCoroutine(loadAnimation()); }
public void isExit() { type = _Type.Exit; StartCoroutine(loadAnimation()); }
public Command(_Type a) { command_type = a; }
public void isYes() { type = _Type.Yes; StartCoroutine(loadAnimation()); }
public void CreateProduct(dynamic ProductDetails) { dynamic ProductDetailsJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ProductDetails.ToString()); int _categoryId; int _brandId; int _collectionId; int _typeid; ///////////////CATEGORY//////////////// dynamic c = 1; if (ProductDetailsJSON.CategoryId != null) { int category = ProductDetailsJSON.CategoryId; c = _context.Categories.Find(category); } if (c == null || ProductDetailsJSON.CategoryId == null) { Category _Category = new Category() { Id = _context.Categories.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, CategoryName = ProductDetailsJSON.CategoryName }; _context.Categories.Add(_Category); _categoryId = _Category.Id; //_context.SaveChanges(); } else { _categoryId = ProductDetailsJSON.CategoryId; } ///////////////TYPE//////////////// dynamic t = 1; if (ProductDetailsJSON.TypeId != null) { int type = ProductDetailsJSON.TypeId; t = _context.Types.Find(type); } if (t == null || ProductDetailsJSON.TypeId == null) { _Type _Type = new _Type() { Id = _context.Types.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, _TypeName = ProductDetailsJSON.TypeName }; _context.Types.Add(_Type); _typeid = _Type.Id; Category_Type CT = new Category_Type() { CategoryId = _categoryId, _TypeId = _typeid }; _context.CategoryType.Add(CT); } else { _typeid = ProductDetailsJSON.TypeId; } ///////////////BRAND//////////////// dynamic b = 1; if (ProductDetailsJSON.BrandId != null) { int brand = ProductDetailsJSON.BrandId; b = _context.Brands.Find(brand); } if (b == null || ProductDetailsJSON.BrandId == null) { Brand Brand = new Brand() { Id = _context.Brands.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, BrandName = ProductDetailsJSON.BrandName }; _context.Brands.Add(Brand); _brandId = Brand.Id; //_context.SaveChanges(); } else { _brandId = ProductDetailsJSON.BrandId; } ///////////////Collection//////////////// dynamic co = 1; if (ProductDetailsJSON.CollectionId != null) { int coll = ProductDetailsJSON.CollectionId; co = _context.Collections.Find(coll); } if (co == null || ProductDetailsJSON.CollectionId == null) { Collection Collection = new Collection() { Id = _context.Collections.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, BrandId = _brandId, CollectionName = ProductDetailsJSON.CollectionName }; _context.Collections.Add(Collection); _collectionId = Collection.Id; } else { _collectionId = ProductDetailsJSON.CollectionId; } ///////////////STOCK//////////////// Stock Stock = new Stock() { //Id = ProductDetailsJSON.StockId, Id = _context.Stock.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, ProductQuantity = ProductDetailsJSON.Stock }; _context.Stock.Add(Stock); ///////////////PRODUCT//////////////// Product Product = new Product() { ProductName = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductName, _TypeId = _typeid, //ProductDetailsJSON.TypeId, CategoryId = _categoryId, //ProductDetailsJSON.CategoryId, CollectionId = _collectionId, //ProductDetailsJSON.CollectionId, BrandId = _brandId, //ProductDetailsJSON.BrandId, StockId = Stock.Id, //ProductDetailsJSON.StockId, Id = _context.Products.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, ProductNumber = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductNumber, ProductEAN = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductEAN, ProductInfo = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductInfo, ProductDescription = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductDescription, ProductSpecification = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductSpecification, ProductPrice = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductPrice, ProductColor = ProductDetailsJSON.ProductColor, }; _context.Products.Add(Product); ///////////////IMAGE//////////////// // ProductImage ProductImage = new ProductImage() // { // ProductId = Product.Id, // ImageURL = ProductDetailsJSON.ImageURL, // //Id = ProductDetailsJSON.ImageId // Id = _context.ProductImages.Select(a => a.Id).Max() + 1, // }; // _context.ProductImages.Add(ProductImage); _context.SaveChanges(); }
private FileSection ReadKB2(BinaryReader br, _Type header) => ReadBIK(br, header);
public void UpdateProduct(dynamic U_product, int id) { dynamic U_product_JSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(U_product.ToString()); Product p = _context.Products.Find(id); if (U_product_JSON.ProductName != null) { p.ProductName = U_product_JSON.ProductName; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductEAN != null) { p.ProductEAN = U_product_JSON.ProductEAN; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductNumber != null) { p.ProductNumber = U_product_JSON.ProductNumber; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductInfo != null) { p.ProductInfo = U_product_JSON.ProductInfo; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductDescription != null) { p.ProductDescription = U_product_JSON.ProductDescription; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductSpecification != null) { p.ProductSpecification = U_product_JSON.ProductSpecification; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductPrice != null) { p.ProductPrice = U_product_JSON.ProductPrice; } if (U_product_JSON.ProductColor != null) { p.ProductColor = U_product_JSON.ProductColor; } if (U_product_JSON._TypeId != null) { p._TypeId = U_product_JSON._TypeId; } if (U_product_JSON.CategoryId != null) { p.CategoryId = U_product_JSON.CategoryId; } if (U_product_JSON.CollectionId != null) { p.CollectionId = U_product_JSON.CollectionId; } if (U_product_JSON.BrandId != null) { p.BrandId = U_product_JSON.BrandId; } _context.Update(p); Stock s = _context.Stock.Find(p.StockId); if (U_product_JSON.ProductQuantity != null) { s.ProductQuantity = U_product_JSON.ProductQuantity; } _context.Update(s); if (U_product_JSON._TypeId != null) { int TId = U_product_JSON._TypeId; _Type t = _context.Types.Find(TId); if (U_product_JSON._TypeName != null) { t._TypeName = U_product_JSON._TypeName; } _context.Update(t); } if (U_product_JSON.CollectionId != null) { int CId = U_product_JSON.CollectionId; Collection c = _context.Collections.Find(CId); if (U_product_JSON.CollectionName != null) { c.CollectionName = U_product_JSON.CollectionName; } _context.Update(c); } if (U_product_JSON.CategoryId != null) { int CatId = U_product_JSON.CategoryId; Category cat = _context.Categories.Find(CatId); if (U_product_JSON.CategoryId != null) { cat.CategoryName = U_product_JSON.CategoryName; } _context.Update(cat); } if (U_product_JSON.BrandId != null) { int BId = U_product_JSON.BrandId; Brand b = _context.Brands.Find(BId); if (U_product_JSON.BrandId != null) { b.BrandName = U_product_JSON.BrandName; } _context.Update(b); } int IId = _context.ProductImages.First(a => a.ProductId == id).Id; ProductImage i = _context.ProductImages.Find(IId); if (U_product_JSON.ImageURL != null) { i.ImageURL = U_product_JSON.ImageURL; } _context.Update(i); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public virtual Dictionary <MethodInfo, MethodInfo> GetMethodWrappersForMixinType(_Type concreteMixinType) { ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("concreteMixinType", concreteMixinType); var wrappers = from potentialWrapper in concreteMixinType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public) let wrappedMethod = GetWrappedMethod(potentialWrapper) where wrappedMethod != null select new { Method = wrappedMethod, Wrapper = potentialWrapper }; return(wrappers.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Method, pair => pair.Wrapper)); }
public void isYes() { // do somthing type = _Type.Yes; StartCoroutine(loadAnimation()); }