// Here is the method called on _TUTORIAL.PLAYING
    void AboutPlay()
        // if the bool _clickable is true on click the info changes
        // after a click starte the timeout with a _clickable = flase

        if (_clickable)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                _tutoInt  += 1;
                _clickable = false;

        // if int < 2 the text change
        // if > 2 TUTORIAL.GAMEOVER starts

        if (_tutoInt == 1)

        if (_tutoInt == 2)

        if (_tutoInt > 2)
            _tutorial = _TUTORIAL.GAMEOVER;
    // START() is called on the beginning of the scene
    // here is displayed all the info for TUTORIAL.WELCOME
    void Start()

        _tutorial = _TUTORIAL.WELCOME;
        _tutoInt       = 0;
        Time.timeScale = 0;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            _tutorial = _TUTORIAL.PLAYING;