// switch to next Camp. return true if round change
	public bool NextCamp()
		// weakup current camp first for remove unit mask
//		StageWeakUpCampEvent cmd = new StageWeakUpCampEvent ();
//		cmd.nCamp = nActiveCamp;
//		GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( cmd );

		bool bRoundChange = false;
		if( nActiveCamp == _CAMP._PLAYER )
			nActiveCamp = _CAMP._ENEMY;
//			nRoundStatus = _ROUND_STATUS._START;

			bRoundChange = false;
		else if( nActiveCamp == _CAMP._ENEMY )
			nActiveCamp = _CAMP._PLAYER; //
	//		nRoundStatus = _ROUND_STATUS._START;

			bRoundChange =  true;

		//weak up current for correct re def
		StageWeakUpCampEvent cmd = new StageWeakUpCampEvent ();
		cmd.nCamp = nActiveCamp;
		GameEventManager.DispatchEvent ( cmd );

		// open . round change panel ui
		PanelManager.Instance.OpenUI( Panel_Round.Name );

		return bRoundChange;	 
	public void AddCampMember( _CAMP nCampID , int nMemIdent )
		if( CampPool.ContainsKey( nCampID ) ){
			cCamp unit = CampPool[ nCampID ];
			if( unit != null ){
				if( unit.memLst.Contains( nMemIdent ) == false  )
					unit.memLst.Add( nMemIdent );
			cCamp unit = new cCamp();
			unit.CampID = nCampID;
			unit.memLst.Add( nMemIdent );
			CampPool.Add( nCampID , unit );
		// find unit to set camp
		cUnitData data = GetUnitDateByIdent ( nMemIdent );
		if (data != null) {
			data.eCampID = nCampID;

	public void DelCampMember( _CAMP nCampID , int nMemIdent )
		if( CampPool.ContainsKey( nCampID ) ){
			cCamp unit = CampPool[ nCampID ];
			if( unit != null )
				unit.memLst.Remove( nMemIdent );
Beispiel #4
	public void SetCamp( _CAMP camp )
		GameDataManager.Instance.DelCampMember( eCampID , Ident() ); // global game data

		eCampID = camp;
		UISprite sp = BGObj.GetComponent<UISprite>();
		if (sp == null)			return;

		switch (camp) {
		case _CAMP._PLAYER:
			sp.color = new Color( 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f );

		case _CAMP._ENEMY:
			sp.color = new Color( 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f );

			sp.color = new Color( 1.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f );

		sp.alpha= 0.5f;

		GameDataManager.Instance.AddCampMember( camp , Ident() ); // global game data

	public Dictionary< _CAMP , cCamp > CampPool;			// add Camp
	public cCamp GetCamp( _CAMP nCampID )
		if( CampPool.ContainsKey( nCampID ) )
			return CampPool[ nCampID ];
		return null;
Beispiel #6
	// Operation Token ID 
	public bool CanPK( _CAMP  camp1 , _CAMP  camp2 ) 	
		return MyTool.CanPK(camp1 , camp2   );
//		if (camp1 != camp2 ) {
//			if( camp1 == _CAMP._ENEMY || camp2 == _CAMP._ENEMY )
//			{
//				return true;
//			}
//		}
//		return false;
Beispiel #7
	void DelChar( _CAMP nCampID , int nChar )
		cCamp camp =  GameDataManager.Instance.GetCamp( nCampID );
		if( camp == null )
			return ;
		List< int > remove = new List< int >();
		foreach( int id in camp.memLst )
			if( IdentToUnit.ContainsKey( id ) == true )
				Panel_unit unit = IdentToUnit[ id ];
				if( unit != null )
					if( nChar != unit.CharID )
					//NGUITools.Destroy( unit.gameObject );
				IdentToUnit.Remove( id );
				remove.Add( id );
				// fail obj??
				remove.Add( id );

		foreach( int id in remove )
			camp.memLst.Remove( id );
Beispiel #8
	// Widget func	 

	GameObject AddUnit( _CAMP nCampID , int nCharID , int x , int y  , int nLeaderIdent = 0 )
//		CHARS charData = GameDataManager.Instance.GetConstCharData (nCharID); //ConstDataManager.Instance.GetRow<CHARS>( nCharID );
//		if( charData == null)
//			return null;
		// get data from Const data
		if (TilePlaneObj == null) {
			Debug.Log( "Stage Addunit to null TilePlane" );
			return null;
		//GameObject obj = ResourcesManager.CreatePrefabGameObj( TilePlaneObj , "Prefab/Panel_Unit" );

		GameObject obj = UnitPanelObj.Spawn( TilePlaneObj.transform );
		if( obj == null )return null;
		obj.name = string.Format ("unit-{0}",nCharID );	
		// charge face text				
//		UITexture tex = obj.GetComponentInChildren<UITexture>();
//		if( tex )
//		{
//			if(tex != null){
//				//	DynamicAssetBundleLoader.LoadTexture(tex,DynamicAssetBundleLoader.SSAssetType.Card, "CARD_" + card.PicName);
//				string url = "Art/char/" + charData.s_FILENAME +"_S";
//				Texture t= Resources.Load <Texture>( url  ) ;
//				tex.mainTexture = t;
//				// tex.MakePixelPerfect(); don't make pixel it
//			}
//		}

		// regedit to gamedata manager
		Panel_unit unit = obj.GetComponent<Panel_unit>();
		//UNIT_DATA unit = GameDataManager.Instance.CreateChar( nCharID );
		if( unit != null )
			// fix to a valid pos
			iVec2 pos = FindEmptyPos( new iVec2(x , y));
			int posx = x;
			int posy = y;
			if( pos !=null ){
				posx = pos.X;
				posy = pos.Y;

			// setup param
			unit.CreateChar( nCharID , posx , posy );
			unit.SetCamp( nCampID );	

			unit.SetLevel( StageData.n_MOB_LV );

			IdentToUnit.Add( unit.Ident() , unit  ) ;// stage gameobj

			// set game data
			unit.pUnitData.n_LeaderIdent = nLeaderIdent;
		//	unit.pUnitData.n_X			 = x;
		//	unit.pUnitData.n_Y			 = y;
		// position // set in create
		//obj.transform.localPosition =  MyTool.SnyGridtoLocalPos( x , y , ref Grids ) ; 
		if (nCampID == _CAMP._PLAYER) {		
			UIEventListener.Get (obj).onClick += OnCharClick;
		} else if (nCampID == _CAMP._ENEMY) {
			UIEventListener.Get (obj).onClick += OnMobClick;
		// if obj out of screen. move to it auto
		MoveToGameObj ( obj , false );

		// all ready
		NGUITools.SetActive( obj , true );
		return obj;
Beispiel #9
	bool RunCampAI( _CAMP nCamp )
		// our faction don't need AI process
		if( nCamp == _CAMP._PLAYER )
			return true; // player is playing 

		// change faction if all unit moved or dead.
		List<Panel_unit> lst = GetUnitListByCamp (nCamp);
		foreach (Panel_unit unit in lst ) {
			if( unit.CanDoCmd() )
				return true;
		return false;
Beispiel #10
	// Faction AI
	public List<Panel_unit> GetUnitListByCamp( _CAMP nCamp )
		List<Panel_unit> lst = new List<Panel_unit> ();
		cCamp camp = GameDataManager.Instance.GetCamp( nCamp );
		if (camp != null) {
			foreach( int ident in camp.memLst )
				Panel_unit unit = GetUnitByIdent( ident ); 
				if( unit != null )
					lst.Add( unit );

		return lst;