Beispiel #1
        private void addToQueue(ZoneGenContext zoneContext, IGenContext context, StablePriorityQueue <Priority, IGenStep> queue)
            int id = zoneContext.CurrentID;

            IMonsterHouseBaseStep monsterHouseStep = HouseStepSpawns.Pick(context.Rand).CreateNew();
            SpawnList <MapItem>   itemListSlice    = Items.GetSpawnList(id);

            for (int jj = 0; jj < itemListSlice.Count; jj++)
                monsterHouseStep.Items.Add(new MapItem(itemListSlice.GetSpawn(jj)), itemListSlice.GetSpawnRate(jj));
            SpawnList <ItemTheme> itemThemeListSlice = ItemThemes.GetSpawnList(id);

            for (int jj = 0; jj < itemThemeListSlice.Count; jj++)
                monsterHouseStep.ItemThemes.Add(itemThemeListSlice.GetSpawn(jj).Copy(), itemThemeListSlice.GetSpawnRate(jj));
            SpawnList <MobSpawn> mobListSlice = Mobs.GetSpawnList(id);

            for (int jj = 0; jj < mobListSlice.Count; jj++)
                MobSpawn newSpawn = mobListSlice.GetSpawn(jj).Copy();
                monsterHouseStep.Mobs.Add(newSpawn, mobListSlice.GetSpawnRate(jj));
            SpawnList <MobTheme> mobThemeListSlice = MobThemes.GetSpawnList(id);

            for (int jj = 0; jj < mobThemeListSlice.Count; jj++)
                monsterHouseStep.MobThemes.Add(mobThemeListSlice.GetSpawn(jj).Copy(), mobThemeListSlice.GetSpawnRate(jj));

            queue.Enqueue(Priority, monsterHouseStep);
Beispiel #2
        public static void StressTestFloor(ZoneSegmentBase structure, int zoneIndex, SegLoc floorIndex, int amount)
            ExampleDebug.Printing = -1;
            ulong zoneSeed = 0;

                Dictionary <int, int> generatedItems   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                Dictionary <int, int> generatedEnemies = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                List <TimeSpan>       generationTimes  = new List <TimeSpan>();
                Stopwatch             watch            = new Stopwatch();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < amount; ii++)
                    zoneSeed = MathUtils.Rand.NextUInt64();

                    ZoneGenContext zoneContext = CreateZoneGenContext(zoneSeed, zoneIndex, floorIndex, structure);

                    TestFloor(watch, structure, zoneContext, generatedItems, generatedEnemies, generationTimes);

                PrintContentAnalysis(generatedItems, generatedEnemies);

            catch (Exception ex)
                DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("ERROR: " + zoneSeed);
                ExampleDebug.Printing = 0;
Beispiel #3
        public override void Apply(ZoneGenContext zoneContext, IGenContext context, StablePriorityQueue <Priority, IGenStep> queue)
            LuaFunction luafun = LuaEngine.Instance.LuaState.GetFunction("ZONE_GEN_SCRIPT." + Script);

            if (luafun != null)
                LuaTable args = LuaEngine.Instance.RunString("return " + ArgTable).First() as LuaTable;
                luafun.Call(new object[] { zoneContext, context, queue, seed, args });
Beispiel #4
        public static void StressTestZone(ZoneData zone, int zoneIndex, int amount)
            ExampleDebug.Printing = -1;
            int   structureIndex = 0;
            ulong zoneSeed       = 0;
            int   floor          = 0;

                List <List <TimeSpan> > generationTimes = new List <List <TimeSpan> >();
                for (int ii = 0; ii < zone.Segments.Count; ii++)
                    generationTimes.Add(new List <TimeSpan>());

                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < amount; ii++)
                    zoneSeed = MathUtils.Rand.NextUInt64();
                    ReNoise totalNoise = new ReNoise(zoneSeed);

                    for (int nn = 0; nn < zone.Segments.Count; nn++)
                        structureIndex = nn;
                        ZoneSegmentBase structure = zone.Segments[nn];

                        ulong[]        doubleSeed  = totalNoise.GetTwoUInt64((ulong)structureIndex);
                        ZoneGenContext zoneContext = CreateZoneGenContextSegment(doubleSeed[0], zoneIndex, structureIndex, structure);

                        INoise idNoise = new ReNoise(doubleSeed[1]);

                        foreach (int floorId in structure.GetFloorIDs())
                            floor = floorId;
                            zoneContext.CurrentID = floorId;
                            zoneContext.Seed      = idNoise.GetUInt64((ulong)floorId);

                            TestFloor(watch, structure, zoneContext, null, null, generationTimes[nn]);

                PrintTimeAnalysisTier2(generationTimes, "S");
            catch (Exception ex)
                DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("ERROR at S" + structureIndex + " F" + floor + " ZSeed:" + zoneSeed);
                ExampleDebug.Printing = 0;
Beispiel #5
        public Map GetMap(SegLoc id)
            if (!maps.ContainsKey(id))
                //NOTE: with the way this is currently done, the random numbers used by the maps end up being related to the random numbers used by the postprocs
                //not that anyone would really notice...
                ReRandom totalRand = new ReRandom(rand.FirstSeed);
                for (int ii = 0; ii < id.Segment; ii++)
                ulong structSeed = totalRand.NextUInt64();
                DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("Struct Seed: " + structSeed);
                ReRandom structRand = new ReRandom(structSeed);
                for (int ii = 0; ii < id.ID; ii++)

                ulong mapSeed = structRand.NextUInt64();

                //load the struct context if it isn't present yet
                if (!structureContexts.ContainsKey(id.Segment))
                    ReRandom       initRand   = new ReRandom(structSeed);
                    ZoneGenContext newContext = new ZoneGenContext();
                    newContext.CurrentZone    = zoneIndex;
                    newContext.CurrentSegment = id.Segment;
                    foreach (ZonePostProc zoneStep in Structures[id.Segment].PostProcessingSteps)
                        //TODO: find a better way to feed ZonePostProcs into full structures.
                        //Is there a way for them to be stateless?
                        //Additionally, the ZonePostProcs themselves sometimes hold IGenSteps that are copied over to the layouts.
                        //Is that really OK? (I would guess yes because there is no chance by design for them to be mutated when generating...)
                        ZonePostProc newStep = zoneStep.Instantiate(initRand.NextUInt64());
                    structureContexts[id.Segment] = newContext;
                ZoneGenContext zoneContext = structureContexts[id.Segment];
                zoneContext.CurrentID = id.ID;
                zoneContext.Seed      = mapSeed;

                //TODO: remove the need for this explicit cast
                //make a parameterized version of zonestructure and then make zonestructure itself put in basemapgencontext as the parameter
                Map map = ((BaseMapGenContext)Structures[id.Segment].GetMap(zoneContext)).Map;

                //uncomment this to cache the state of every map after its generation.  it's not nice on memory though...
                //maps.Add(id, map);
Beispiel #6
        public static ZoneGenContext CreateZoneGenContext(ulong zoneSeed, int zoneIndex, SegLoc floorIndex, ZoneSegmentBase structure)
            ReNoise totalNoise = new ReNoise(zoneSeed);

            ulong[]        doubleSeed = totalNoise.GetTwoUInt64((ulong)floorIndex.Segment);
            ZoneGenContext newContext = CreateZoneGenContextSegment(doubleSeed[0], zoneIndex, floorIndex.Segment, structure);

            INoise idNoise = new ReNoise(doubleSeed[1]);

            newContext.CurrentID = floorIndex.ID;
            newContext.Seed      = idNoise.GetUInt64((ulong)floorIndex.ID);

Beispiel #7
        public override void Apply(ZoneGenContext zoneContext, IGenContext context, StablePriorityQueue <Priority, IGenStep> queue)
            GameProgress progress = DataManager.Instance.Save;

            if (progress != null && progress.Rescue != null && progress.Rescue.Rescuing)
                if (progress.Rescue.SOS.Goal.ID == zoneContext.CurrentZone &&
                    progress.Rescue.SOS.Goal.StructID.Segment == zoneContext.CurrentSegment &&
                    progress.Rescue.SOS.Goal.StructID.ID == zoneContext.CurrentID)
                    queue.Enqueue(Priority, new RescueSpawner <BaseMapGenContext>());
Beispiel #8
        public override void Apply(ZoneGenContext zoneContext, IGenContext context, StablePriorityQueue <Priority, IGenStep> queue)
            int id = zoneContext.CurrentID;

            foreach (int floorId in SpreadPlan.DropPoints)
                if (floorId != zoneContext.CurrentID)
                foreach (IGenPriority vaultStep in VaultSteps)
                    queue.Enqueue(vaultStep.Priority, vaultStep.GetItem());

                    SpawnList <MapItem> itemListSlice = Items.GetSpawnList(id);
                    PickerSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> constructedSpawns = new PickerSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem>(new LoopedRand <MapItem>(itemListSlice, ItemAmount[id]));

                    List <IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> > steps = new List <IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> >();
                    if (ItemSpawners.ContainsItem(id))
                        IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> treasures = ItemSpawners[id].Copy();
                    PresetMultiRand <IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> > groupRand   = new PresetMultiRand <IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> >(steps.ToArray());
                    RandomRoomSpawnStep <ListMapGenContext, MapItem>             detourItems = ItemPlacements[id].Copy();
                    detourItems.Spawn = new MultiStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem>(groupRand);
                    queue.Enqueue(ItemPriority, detourItems);

                SpawnList <MobSpawn> mobListSlice = Mobs.GetSpawnList(id);
                if (mobListSlice.CanPick)
                    //secret enemies
                    SpecificTeamSpawner specificTeam = new SpecificTeamSpawner();

                    MobSpawn newSpawn = mobListSlice.Pick(context.Rand).Copy();

                    //use bruteforce clone for this
                    PlaceRandomMobsStep <ListMapGenContext> secretMobPlacement = MobPlacements[id].Copy();
                    secretMobPlacement.Spawn = new LoopedTeamSpawner <ListMapGenContext>(specificTeam, MobAmount[id]);
                    queue.Enqueue(MobPriority, secretMobPlacement);
Beispiel #9
        public static ZoneGenContext CreateZoneGenContextSegment(ulong structSeed, int zoneIndex, int structureIndex, ZoneSegmentBase structure)
            INoise structNoise = new ReNoise(structSeed);

            ZoneGenContext newContext = new ZoneGenContext();

            newContext.CurrentZone    = zoneIndex;
            newContext.CurrentSegment = structureIndex;
            foreach (ZoneStep zoneStep in structure.ZoneSteps)
                //TODO: find a better way to feed ZoneSteps into full zone segments.
                //Is there a way for them to be stateless?
                //Additionally, the ZoneSteps themselves sometimes hold IGenSteps that are copied over to the layouts.
                //Is that really OK? (I would guess yes because there is no chance by design for them to be mutated when generating...)
                ZoneStep newStep = zoneStep.Instantiate(structNoise.GetUInt64((ulong)newContext.ZoneSteps.Count));
Beispiel #10
        public override void Apply(ZoneGenContext zoneContext, IGenContext context, StablePriorityQueue <Priority, IGenStep> queue)
            bool added = false;

            foreach (int floorId in SpreadPlan.DropPoints)
                if (floorId != zoneContext.CurrentID)

                addToQueue(zoneContext, context, queue);
                added = true;

            if (added)

            GameProgress progress = DataManager.Instance.Save;

            if (progress != null && progress.ActiveTeam != null)
                int totalMod = 0;
                foreach (Character chara in progress.ActiveTeam.Players)
                    foreach (FlagType state in ModStates)
                        CharState foundState;
                        if (chara.CharStates.TryGet(state.FullType, out foundState))
                            totalMod += ((ModGenState)foundState).Mod;
                if (context.Rand.Next(100) < totalMod)
                    addToQueue(zoneContext, context, queue);
Beispiel #11
        public static void TestFloor(Stopwatch watch, ZoneSegmentBase structure, ZoneGenContext zoneContext, Dictionary <int, int> generatedItems, Dictionary <int, int> generatedEnemies, List <TimeSpan> generationTimes)
            TimeSpan before = watch.Elapsed;

            IGenContext context = structure.GetMap(zoneContext);

            TimeSpan diff = watch.Elapsed - before;


            BaseMapGenContext mapContext = context as BaseMapGenContext;

            if (generatedItems != null)
                foreach (MapItem mapItem in mapContext.Map.Items)
                    if (mapItem.IsMoney)
                        MathUtils.AddToDictionary <int>(generatedItems, -1, mapItem.Value);
                        MathUtils.AddToDictionary <int>(generatedItems, 0, 1);
                        MathUtils.AddToDictionary <int>(generatedItems, mapItem.Value, 1);
            if (generatedEnemies != null)
                foreach (Team team in mapContext.Map.MapTeams)
                    foreach (Character character in team.Players)
                        MathUtils.AddToDictionary <int>(generatedEnemies, character.BaseForm.Species, 1);
Beispiel #12
        public override void Apply(ZoneGenContext zoneContext, IGenContext context, StablePriorityQueue <Priority, IGenStep> queue)
            int id = zoneContext.CurrentID;

            foreach (int floorId in SpreadPlan.DropPoints)
                if (floorId != zoneContext.CurrentID)
                    SpawnList <AddBossRoomStep <ListMapGenContext> > bossListSlice = BossSteps.GetSpawnList(id);
                    if (!bossListSlice.CanPick)
                    AddBossRoomStep <ListMapGenContext> bossStep = bossListSlice.Pick(context.Rand).Copy();
                    queue.Enqueue(BossRoomPriority, bossStep);

                foreach (IGenPriority vaultStep in VaultSteps)
                    queue.Enqueue(vaultStep.Priority, vaultStep.GetItem());

                    SpawnList <MapItem> itemListSlice = Items.GetSpawnList(id);
                    PickerSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> constructedSpawns = new PickerSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem>(new LoopedRand <MapItem>(itemListSlice, ItemAmount[id]));

                    IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> treasures = ItemSpawners[id].Copy();

                    PresetMultiRand <IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> > groupRand = new PresetMultiRand <IStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> >(constructedSpawns, treasures);

                    RandomRoomSpawnStep <ListMapGenContext, MapItem> detourItems = ItemPlacements[id].Copy();
                    detourItems.Spawn = new MultiStepSpawner <ListMapGenContext, MapItem>(groupRand);
                    queue.Enqueue(RewardPriority, detourItems);
Beispiel #13
        public static void StressTestStructure(ZoneSegmentBase structure, int zoneIndex, int structureIndex, int amount)
            ExampleDebug.Printing = -1;
            ulong zoneSeed = 0;
            int   floor    = 0;

                List <Dictionary <int, int> > generatedItems   = new List <Dictionary <int, int> >();
                List <Dictionary <int, int> > generatedEnemies = new List <Dictionary <int, int> >();
                List <List <TimeSpan> >       generationTimes  = new List <List <TimeSpan> >();
                for (int ii = 0; ii < structure.FloorCount; ii++)
                    generatedItems.Add(new Dictionary <int, int>());
                    generatedEnemies.Add(new Dictionary <int, int>());
                    generationTimes.Add(new List <TimeSpan>());

                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < amount; ii++)
                    zoneSeed = MathUtils.Rand.NextUInt64();

                    ReNoise totalNoise = new ReNoise(zoneSeed);
                    ulong[] doubleSeed = totalNoise.GetTwoUInt64((ulong)structureIndex);
                    INoise  idNoise    = new ReNoise(doubleSeed[1]);

                    ZoneGenContext zoneContext = CreateZoneGenContextSegment(doubleSeed[0], zoneIndex, structureIndex, structure);

                    foreach (int floorId in structure.GetFloorIDs())
                        floor = floorId;
                        zoneContext.CurrentID = floorId;
                        zoneContext.Seed      = idNoise.GetUInt64((ulong)floorId);

                        TestFloor(watch, structure, zoneContext, generatedItems[floorId], generatedEnemies[floorId], generationTimes[floorId]);

                Dictionary <int, int> totalGeneratedItems   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                Dictionary <int, int> totalGeneratedEnemies = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                for (int ii = 0; ii < structure.FloorCount; ii++)
                    DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("F" + ii + ":");
                    PrintContentAnalysis(generatedItems[ii], generatedEnemies[ii]);

                    foreach (int key in generatedItems[ii].Keys)
                        MathUtils.AddToDictionary <int>(totalGeneratedItems, key, generatedItems[ii][key]);

                    foreach (int key in generatedEnemies[ii].Keys)
                        MathUtils.AddToDictionary <int>(totalGeneratedEnemies, key, generatedEnemies[ii][key]);

                PrintContentAnalysis(totalGeneratedItems, totalGeneratedEnemies);

                PrintTimeAnalysisTier2(generationTimes, "F");
            catch (Exception ex)
                DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("ERROR at F" + floor + " ZSeed:" + zoneSeed);
                ExampleDebug.Printing = 0;
Beispiel #14
        public static void MapMenu(string prevState, int zoneIndex, SegLoc floorIndex, ZoneSegmentBase structure)
            ulong zoneSeed = MathUtils.Rand.NextUInt64();

                ulong newSeed;
                if (UInt64.TryParse((string)Registry.GetValue(DiagManager.REG_PATH, "SeedChoice", ""), out newSeed))
                    zoneSeed = newSeed;

                Registry.SetValue(DiagManager.REG_PATH, "SeedChoice", zoneSeed.ToString());

                while (true)

                    ConsoleKey key            = ConsoleKey.Enter;
                    string     state          = prevState + ">" + floorIndex.ID + ": ";
                    bool       threwException = false;
                        ZoneGenContext newContext = CreateZoneGenContext(zoneSeed, zoneIndex, floorIndex, structure);

                        IGenContext context = structure.GetMap(newContext);

                        ExampleDebug.SteppingIn = false;

                        BaseMapGenContext stairsMap = context as BaseMapGenContext;
                        state += stairsMap.Map.Name.DefaultText.Replace('\n', ' ');
                        string seedMsg = "ZSeed: " + zoneSeed + "    MSeed: " + newContext.Seed;

                        key = ExampleDebug.PrintTiles(context, state + "\n" + "Arrow Keys=Navigate|Enter=Retry|ESC=Back|F2=Stress Test|F3=Custom Seed|F4=Step In" + "\n" + seedMsg, true, true, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("ERROR at F" + floorIndex.ID + " SEED:" + zoneSeed);
                        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to retry error scenario.");
                        key            = Console.ReadKey().Key;
                        threwException = true;

                    if (key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                        Registry.SetValue(DiagManager.REG_PATH, "SeedChoice", "");
                    else if (key == ConsoleKey.F2)
                        while (true)
                            Console.WriteLine(state + ">Bulk Gen");
                            Console.WriteLine("Specify amount to bulk gen");
                            int amt = GetInt(false);
                            if (amt > -1)
                                Console.WriteLine("Generating floor " + amt + " times.");
                                StressTestFloor(structure, zoneIndex, floorIndex, amt);
                                ConsoleKeyInfo afterKey = Console.ReadKey();
                                if (afterKey.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
                            else if (amt == -1)
                    else if (key == ConsoleKey.F3)
                        Console.WriteLine(state + ">Custom Seed");
                        Console.WriteLine("Specify a ZONE seed value");
                        string input = Console.ReadLine();
                        ulong  customSeed;
                        if (UInt64.TryParse(input, out customSeed))
                            zoneSeed = customSeed;
                    else if (key == ConsoleKey.F4)
                        ExampleDebug.SteppingIn = true;
                    else if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                        if (!threwException)
                            zoneSeed = MathUtils.Rand.NextUInt64();
                    Registry.SetValue(DiagManager.REG_PATH, "SeedChoice", zoneSeed.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                DiagManager.Instance.LogInfo("ERROR at F" + floorIndex.ID + " ZSEED:" + zoneSeed);
                Registry.SetValue(DiagManager.REG_PATH, "SeedChoice", "");