Beispiel #1
        public ZlibCompressionState DeflateEnd()
            if (this.Dstate == null)

            ZlibCompressionState ret = this.Dstate.DeflateEnd();

            this.Dstate = null;
        // copy as much as possible from the sliding window to the output area
        internal ZlibCompressionState Inflate_flush(ZStream z, ZlibCompressionState r)
            int n;
            int p;
            int q;

            // local copies of source and destination pointers
            p = z.NextOutIndex;
            q = this.Read;

            // compute number of bytes to copy as far as end of window
            n = (q <= this.Write ? this.Write : this.End) - q;
            if (n > z.AvailOut)
                n = z.AvailOut;

            if (n != 0 && r == ZlibCompressionState.ZBUFERROR)
                r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;

            // update counters
            z.AvailOut -= n;
            z.TotalOut += n;

            // update check information
            if (this.checkfn != null)
                z.Adler = this.check = Adler32.Calculate(this.check, this.Window, q, n);

            // copy as far as end of window
            Array.Copy(this.Window, q, z.INextOut, p, n);
            p += n;
            q += n;

            // see if more to copy at beginning of window
            if (q == this.End)
                // wrap pointers
                q = 0;
                if (this.Write == this.End)
                    this.Write = 0;

                // compute bytes to copy
                n = this.Write - q;
                if (n > z.AvailOut)
                    n = z.AvailOut;

                if (n != 0 && r == ZlibCompressionState.ZBUFERROR)
                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;

                // update counters
                z.AvailOut -= n;
                z.TotalOut += n;

                // update check information
                if (this.checkfn != null)
                    z.Adler = this.check = Adler32.Calculate(this.check, this.Window, q, n);

                // copy
                Array.Copy(this.Window, q, z.INextOut, p, n);
                p += n;
                q += n;

            // update pointers
            z.NextOutIndex = p;
            this.Read      = q;

            // done
        internal ZlibCompressionState Proc(ZStream z, ZlibCompressionState r)
            int t; // temporary storage
            int b; // bit buffer
            int k; // bits in bit buffer
            int p; // input data pointer
            int n; // bytes available there
            int q; // output window write pointer
            int m; // bytes to end of window or read pointer

            // copy input/output information to locals (UPDATE macro restores)
                p = z.NextInIndex;
                n = z.AvailIn;
                b = this.Bitb;
                k = this.Bitk;

                q = this.Write;
                m = q < this.Read ? this.Read - q - 1 : this.End - q;

            // process input based on current state
            while (true)
                switch (this.mode)
                case TYPE:

                    while (k < 3)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            this.Bitb     = b;
                            this.Bitk     = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            this.Write    = q;
                            return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    t         = b & 7;
                    this.last = t & 1;

                    switch (SupportClass.URShift(t, 1))
                    case 0:         // stored
                        b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, 3);
                        k -= 3;

                        t = k & 7;         // go to byte boundary
                            b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, t);
                            k -= t;

                        this.mode = LENS;         // get length of stored block

                    case 1:         // fixed
                        var bl = new int[1];
                        var bd = new int[1];
                        var tl = new int[1][];
                        var td = new int[1][];

                        _          = InfTree.Inflate_trees_fixed(bl, bd, tl, td);
               = new InfCodes(bl[0], bd[0], tl[0], td[0]);

                            b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, 3);
                            k -= 3;

                        this.mode = CODES;

                    case 2:         // dynamic
                        b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, 3);
                        k -= 3;

                        this.mode = TABLE;

                    case 3:         // illegal
                        b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, 3);
                        k -= 3;

                        this.mode = BAD;
                        z.Msg     = "invalid block type";
                        r         = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                        this.Bitb  = b; this.Bitk = k;
                        z.AvailIn  = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                        this.Write = q;
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));


                case LENS:

                    while (k < 32)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            this.Bitb     = b;
                            this.Bitk     = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            this.Write    = q;
                            return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    if ((SupportClass.URShift(~b, 16) & 0xffff) != (b & 0xffff))
                        this.mode = BAD;
                        z.Msg     = "invalid stored block lengths";
                        r         = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                        this.Bitb     = b;
                        this.Bitk     = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        this.Write    = q;
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    this.left = b & 0xffff;
                    b         = k = 0; // dump bits
                    this.mode = this.left != 0 ? STORED : (this.last != 0 ? DRY : TYPE);

                case STORED:
                    if (n == 0)
                        this.Bitb     = b;
                        this.Bitk     = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        this.Write    = q;
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    if (m == 0)
                        if (q == this.End && this.Read != 0)
                            q = 0;
                            m = q < this.Read ? this.Read - q - 1 : this.End - q;

                        if (m == 0)
                            this.Write = q;
                            r          = this.Inflate_flush(z, r);
                            q          = this.Write;
                            m          = q < this.Read ? this.Read - q - 1 : this.End - q;
                            if (q == this.End && this.Read != 0)
                                q = 0;
                                m = q < this.Read ? this.Read - q - 1 : this.End - q;

                            if (m == 0)
                                this.Bitb     = b;
                                this.Bitk     = k;
                                z.AvailIn     = n;
                                z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                z.NextInIndex = p;
                                this.Write    = q;
                                return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;

                    t = this.left;
                    if (t > n)
                        t = n;

                    if (t > m)
                        t = m;

                    Array.Copy(z.INextIn, p, this.Window, q, t);
                    p += t; n -= t;
                    q += t; m -= t;
                    if ((this.left -= t) != 0)

                    this.mode = this.last != 0 ? DRY : TYPE;

                case TABLE:

                    while (k < 14)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            this.Bitb     = b;
                            this.Bitk     = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            this.Write    = q;
                            return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    this.table = t = b & 0x3fff;
                    if ((t & 0x1f) > 29 || ((t >> 5) & 0x1f) > 29)
                        this.mode = BAD;
                        z.Msg     = "too many length or distance symbols";
                        r         = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                        this.Bitb     = b;
                        this.Bitk     = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        this.Write    = q;
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    t          = 258 + (t & 0x1f) + ((t >> 5) & 0x1f);
                    this.blens = new int[t];
                        b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, 14);
                        k -= 14;

                    this.index = 0;
                    this.mode  = BTREE;
                    goto case BTREE;

                case BTREE:
                    while (this.index < 4 + SupportClass.URShift(this.table, 10))
                        while (k < 3)
                            if (n != 0)
                                r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                                this.Bitb     = b;
                                this.Bitk     = k;
                                z.AvailIn     = n;
                                z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                z.NextInIndex = p;
                                this.Write    = q;
                                return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                            b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                            k += 8;

                        this.blens[Border[this.index++]] = b & 7;
                            b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, 3);
                            k -= 3;

                    while (this.index < 19)
                        this.blens[Border[this.index++]] = 0;

          [0] = 7;
                    t          = (int)InfTree.Inflate_trees_bits(this.blens,, this.tb, this.hufts, z);
                    if (t != (int)ZlibCompressionState.ZOK)
                        r = (ZlibCompressionState)t;
                        if (r == ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR)
                            this.blens = null;
                            this.mode  = BAD;

                        this.Bitb     = b;
                        this.Bitk     = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        this.Write    = q;
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    this.index = 0;
                    this.mode  = DTREE;
                    goto case DTREE;

                case DTREE:
                    while (true)
                        t = this.table;
                        if (!(this.index < 258 + (t & 0x1f) + ((t >> 5) & 0x1f)))

                        int i, j, c;

                        t =[0];

                        while (k < t)
                            if (n != 0)
                                r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                                this.Bitb     = b;
                                this.Bitk     = k;
                                z.AvailIn     = n;
                                z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                z.NextInIndex = p;
                                this.Write    = q;
                                return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                            b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                            k += 8;

                        if (this.tb[0] == -1)
                            // System.err.println("null...");

                        t = this.hufts[((this.tb[0] + (b & InflateMask[t])) * 3) + 1];
                        c = this.hufts[((this.tb[0] + (b & InflateMask[t])) * 3) + 2];

                        if (c < 16)
                            b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, t);
                            k -= t;
                            this.blens[this.index++] = c;
                            // c == 16..18
                            i = c == 18 ? 7 : c - 14;
                            j = c == 18 ? 11 : 3;

                            while (k < (t + i))
                                if (n != 0)
                                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                                    this.Bitb     = b;
                                    this.Bitk     = k;
                                    z.AvailIn     = n;
                                    z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                    z.NextInIndex = p;
                                    this.Write    = q;
                                    return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                                b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                                k += 8;

                            b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, t);
                            k -= t;

                            j += b & InflateMask[i];

                            b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, i);
                            k -= i;

                            i = this.index;
                            t = this.table;
                            if (i + j > 258 + (t & 0x1f) + ((t >> 5) & 0x1f) || (c == 16 && i < 1))
                                this.blens = null;
                                this.mode  = BAD;
                                z.Msg      = "invalid bit length repeat";
                                r          = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                                this.Bitb     = b;
                                this.Bitk     = k;
                                z.AvailIn     = n;
                                z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                z.NextInIndex = p;
                                this.Write    = q;
                                return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                            c = c == 16 ? this.blens[i - 1] : 0;
                                this.blens[i++] = c;
                            }while (--j != 0);
                            this.index = i;

                    this.tb[0] = -1;
                        var bl = new int[1];
                        var bd = new int[1];
                        var tl = new int[1];
                        var td = new int[1];

                        bl[0] = 9;     // must be <= 9 for lookahead assumptions
                        bd[0] = 6;     // must be <= 9 for lookahead assumptions
                        t     = this.table;
                        t     = (int)InfTree.Inflate_trees_dynamic(257 + (t & 0x1f), 1 + ((t >> 5) & 0x1f), this.blens, bl, bd, tl, td, this.hufts, z);
                        if (t != (int)ZlibCompressionState.ZOK)
                            if (t == (int)ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR)
                                this.blens = null;
                                this.mode  = BAD;

                            r = (ZlibCompressionState)t;

                            this.Bitb     = b;
                            this.Bitk     = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            this.Write    = q;
                            return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

               = new InfCodes(bl[0], bd[0], this.hufts, tl[0], this.hufts, td[0]);

                    this.blens = null;
                    this.mode  = CODES;
                    goto case CODES;

                case CODES:
                    this.Bitb  = b; this.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn  = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    this.Write = q;

                    if ((r =, z, r)) != ZlibCompressionState.ZSTREAMEND)
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;

                    p = z.NextInIndex; n = z.AvailIn; b = this.Bitb; k = this.Bitk;
                    q = this.Write; m = q < this.Read ? this.Read - q - 1 : this.End - q;

                    if (this.last == 0)
                        this.mode = TYPE;

                    this.mode = DRY;
                    goto case DRY;

                case DRY:
                    this.Write = q;
                    r          = this.Inflate_flush(z, r);
                    q          = this.Write; m = q < this.Read ? this.Read - q - 1 : this.End - q;
                    if (this.Read != this.Write)
                        this.Bitb     = b;
                        this.Bitk     = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        this.Write    = q;
                        return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    this.mode = DONE;
                    goto case DONE;

                case DONE:
                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZSTREAMEND;

                    this.Bitb  = b; this.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn  = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    this.Write = q;
                    return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                case BAD:
                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                    this.Bitb  = b; this.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn  = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    this.Write = q;
                    return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZSTREAMERROR;

                    this.Bitb  = b; this.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn  = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    this.Write = q;
                    return(this.Inflate_flush(z, r));
        internal ZlibCompressionState Proc(InfBlocks s, ZStream z, ZlibCompressionState r)
            int j; // temporary storage

            // int[] t; // temporary pointer
            int tindex; // temporary pointer
            int e;      // extra bits or operation
            var b = 0;  // bit buffer
            var k = 0;  // bits in bit buffer
            var p = 0;  // input data pointer
            int n;      // bytes available there
            int q;      // output window write pointer
            int m;      // bytes to end of window or read pointer
            int f;      // pointer to copy strings from

            // copy input/output information to locals (UPDATE macro restores)
            p = z.NextInIndex;
            n = z.AvailIn;
            b = s.Bitb;
            k = s.Bitk;
            q = s.Write;
            m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

            // process input and output based on current state
            while (true)
                switch (this.Mode)
                // waiting for "i:"=input, "o:"=output, "x:"=nothing
                case START:     // x: set up for LEN
                    if (m >= 258 && n >= 10)
                        s.Bitb        = b;
                        s.Bitk        = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        s.Write       = q;
                        r             = Inflate_fast(this.Lbits, this.Dbits, this.Ltree, this.LtreeIndex, this.Dtree, this.DtreeIndex, s, z);

                        p = z.NextInIndex;
                        n = z.AvailIn;
                        b = s.Bitb;
                        k = s.Bitk;
                        q = s.Write;
                        m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                        if (r != ZlibCompressionState.ZOK)
                            this.Mode = r == ZlibCompressionState.ZSTREAMEND ? WASH : BADCODE;

                    this.Need      = this.Lbits;
                    this.Tree      = this.Ltree;
                    this.TreeIndex = this.LtreeIndex;

                    this.Mode = LEN;
                    goto case LEN;

                case LEN:     // i: get length/literal/eob next
                    j = this.Need;

                    while (k < j)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            s.Bitb        = b;
                            s.Bitk        = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            s.Write       = q;
                            return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    tindex = (this.TreeIndex + (b & InflateMask[j])) * 3;

                    b  = SupportClass.URShift(b, this.Tree[tindex + 1]);
                    k -= this.Tree[tindex + 1];

                    e = this.Tree[tindex];

                    if (e == 0)
                        // literal
                        this.Lit  = this.Tree[tindex + 2];
                        this.Mode = LIT;

                    if ((e & 16) != 0)
                        // length
                        this.GetRenamed = e & 15;
                        this.Len        = this.Tree[tindex + 2];
                        this.Mode       = LENEXT;

                    if ((e & 64) == 0)
                        // next table
                        this.Need      = e;
                        this.TreeIndex = (tindex / 3) + this.Tree[tindex + 2];

                    if ((e & 32) != 0)
                        // end of block
                        this.Mode = WASH;

                    this.Mode = BADCODE;     // invalid code
                    z.Msg     = "invalid literal/length code";
                    r         = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                    s.Bitb    = b; s.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    s.Write   = q;
                    return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                case LENEXT:     // i: getting length extra (have base)
                    j = this.GetRenamed;

                    while (k < j)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            s.Bitb        = b;
                            s.Bitk        = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            s.Write       = q;
                            return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    this.Len += b & InflateMask[j];

                    b >>= j;
                    k  -= j;

                    this.Need      = this.Dbits;
                    this.Tree      = this.Dtree;
                    this.TreeIndex = this.DtreeIndex;
                    this.Mode      = DIST;
                    goto case DIST;

                case DIST:     // i: get distance next
                    j = this.Need;

                    while (k < j)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            s.Bitb        = b;
                            s.Bitk        = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            s.Write       = q;
                            return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    tindex = (this.TreeIndex + (b & InflateMask[j])) * 3;

                    b >>= this.Tree[tindex + 1];
                    k  -= this.Tree[tindex + 1];

                    e = this.Tree[tindex];
                    if ((e & 16) != 0)
                        // distance
                        this.GetRenamed = e & 15;
                        this.Dist       = this.Tree[tindex + 2];
                        this.Mode       = DISTEXT;

                    if ((e & 64) == 0)
                        // next table
                        this.Need      = e;
                        this.TreeIndex = (tindex / 3) + this.Tree[tindex + 2];

                    this.Mode = BADCODE;     // invalid code
                    z.Msg     = "invalid distance code";
                    r         = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                    s.Bitb    = b; s.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    s.Write   = q;
                    return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                case DISTEXT:     // i: getting distance extra
                    j = this.GetRenamed;

                    while (k < j)
                        if (n != 0)
                            r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;
                            s.Bitb        = b;
                            s.Bitk        = k;
                            z.AvailIn     = n;
                            z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                            z.NextInIndex = p;
                            s.Write       = q;
                            return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        b |= (z.INextIn[p++] & 0xff) << k;
                        k += 8;

                    this.Dist += b & InflateMask[j];

                    b >>= j;
                    k  -= j;

                    this.Mode = COPY;
                    goto case COPY;

                case COPY:     // o: copying bytes in window, waiting for space
                    f = q - this.Dist;
                    while (f < 0)
                        // modulo window size-"while" instead
                        f += s.End;     // of "if" handles invalid distances

                    while (this.Len != 0)
                        if (m == 0)
                            if (q == s.End && s.Read != 0)
                                q = 0;
                                m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                            if (m == 0)
                                s.Write = q;
                                r       = s.Inflate_flush(z, r);
                                q       = s.Write;
                                m       = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                                if (q == s.End && s.Read != 0)
                                    q = 0;
                                    m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                                if (m == 0)
                                    s.Bitb        = b;
                                    s.Bitk        = k;
                                    z.AvailIn     = n;
                                    z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                    z.NextInIndex = p;
                                    s.Write       = q;
                                    return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                        s.Window[q++] = s.Window[f++];

                        if (f == s.End)
                            f = 0;


                    this.Mode = START;

                case LIT:     // o: got literal, waiting for output space
                    if (m == 0)
                        if (q == s.End && s.Read != 0)
                            q = 0;
                            m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                        if (m == 0)
                            s.Write = q;
                            r       = s.Inflate_flush(z, r);
                            q       = s.Write;
                            m       = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                            if (q == s.End && s.Read != 0)
                                q = 0;
                                m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                            if (m == 0)
                                s.Bitb        = b;
                                s.Bitk        = k;
                                z.AvailIn     = n;
                                z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                                z.NextInIndex = p;
                                s.Write       = q;
                                return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZOK;

                    s.Window[q++] = (byte)this.Lit; m--;

                    this.Mode = START;

                case WASH:     // o: got eob, possibly more output
                    if (k > 7)
                        // return unused byte, if any
                        k -= 8;
                        p--;     // can always return one

                    s.Write = q; r = s.Inflate_flush(z, r);
                    q       = s.Write; m = q < s.Read ? s.Read - q - 1 : s.End - q;

                    if (s.Read != s.Write)
                        s.Bitb        = b;
                        s.Bitk        = k;
                        z.AvailIn     = n;
                        z.TotalIn    += p - z.NextInIndex;
                        z.NextInIndex = p;
                        s.Write       = q;
                        return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    this.Mode = END;
                    goto case END;

                case END:
                    r         = ZlibCompressionState.ZSTREAMEND;
                    s.Bitb    = b; s.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    s.Write   = q;
                    return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                case BADCODE:     // x: got error

                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZDATAERROR;

                    s.Bitb    = b; s.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    s.Write   = q;
                    return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));

                    r = ZlibCompressionState.ZSTREAMERROR;

                    s.Bitb    = b; s.Bitk = k;
                    z.AvailIn = n; z.TotalIn += p - z.NextInIndex; z.NextInIndex = p;
                    s.Write   = q;
                    return(s.Inflate_flush(z, r));