public void Synchronize(IConfiguration configuration, ZipWriter zip, string fileName, string configKey) { var databaseName = configuration.GetString(configKey + "database"); var itemPath = configuration.GetString(configKey + "path"); var fieldsToWrite = configuration.GetString(configKey + "fields").Split(Constants.Comma, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(f => f.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()).ToList(); var database = Factory.GetDatabase(databaseName); using (new SecurityDisabler()) { var item = database.GetItem(itemPath); if (item == null) { return; } var writer = new StringWriter(); var output = new XmlTextWriter(writer) { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; WriteItem(output, item, fieldsToWrite, true); zip.AddEntry(fileName, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(writer.ToString())); } }
public void Synchronize(IConfiguration configuration, ZipWriter zip, string fileName, string configKey) { var databaseName = configuration.GetString(configKey + "database"); var schemaNamespace = configuration.GetString(configKey + "namespace"); Synchronize(zip, fileName, databaseName, schemaNamespace); }
public ActionResult Execute(IAppService app) { TempFolder.EnsureFolder(); var fileName = FileUtil.MapPath(TempFolder.GetFilename("")); using (var zip = new ZipWriter(fileName)) { foreach (var pair in app.Configuration.GetSubKeys("sync-website:files")) { var configKey = "sync-website:files:" + pair.Key + ":"; var syncFileName = app.Configuration.GetString(configKey + "file"); foreach (var synchronizer in Synchronizers) { if (synchronizer.CanSynchronize(app.Configuration, syncFileName)) { synchronizer.Synchronize(app.Configuration, zip, syncFileName, configKey); } } } } return new FilePathResult(fileName, "application/zip"); }
public ActionResult Execute(IAppService app) { TempFolder.EnsureFolder(); var tempDirectory = Path.Combine(FileUtil.MapPath(TempFolder.Folder), "Pathfinder.Exports"); if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory)) { FileUtil.DeleteDirectory(tempDirectory, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDirectory); var exportFileName = Path.Combine(FileUtil.MapPath(tempDirectory), ""); using (var zip = new ZipWriter(exportFileName)) { foreach (var index in app.Configuration.GetSubKeys("write-website-exports")) { var entryName = app.Configuration.GetString("write-website-exports:" + index.Key + ":filename"); var fileKey = "write-website-exports:" + index.Key + ":"; var fileName = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, PathHelper.NormalizeFilePath(entryName).TrimStart('\\')); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName) ?? string.Empty); WriteFile(app.Configuration, tempDirectory, fileName, fileKey); zip.AddEntry(entryName, fileName); } } return new FilePathResult(exportFileName, "application/zip"); }
/// <summary> /// 按文件名创建压缩文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">系统打开文件的方式</param> /// <param name="method">压缩方式</param> /// <param name="name">压缩文件名</param> public ZipFile(string name, byte method, FileMode mode) { this.zipName = name; this.baseStream = new FileStream(this.zipName, mode); this.thisWriter = new ZipWriter(baseStream); this.thisWriter.Method = method; this.zipEntries = new List<ZipEntry>(); }
protected override void SaveTo(Stream stream, WriterOptions options, IEnumerable <ZipArchiveEntry> oldEntries, IEnumerable <ZipArchiveEntry> newEntries) { using (var writer = new ZipWriter(stream, new ZipWriterOptions(options))) { foreach (var entry in oldEntries.Concat(newEntries) .Where(x => !x.IsDirectory)) { using (var entryStream = entry.OpenEntryStream()) { writer.Write(entry.Key, entryStream, entry.LastModifiedTime); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Compress (ZIP) an unencrypted FAES File. /// </summary> /// <param name="unencryptedFile">Unencrypted FAES File</param> /// <returns>Path of the unencrypted, ZIP compressed file</returns> public string CompressFAESFile(FAES_File unencryptedFile) { FileAES_IntUtilities.CreateEncryptionFilePath(unencryptedFile, "ZIP", out string tempRawPath, out _, out string tempOutputPath); ZipWriterOptions wo = new ZipWriterOptions(CompressionType.Deflate) { DeflateCompressionLevel = _compressLevel }; using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(tempOutputPath)) using (var writer = new ZipWriter(stream, wo)) { writer.WriteAll(tempRawPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } return(tempOutputPath); }
protected override void SaveTo(Stream stream, CompressionInfo compressionInfo, IEnumerable <ZipArchiveEntry> oldEntries, IEnumerable <ZipArchiveEntry> newEntries) { using (var writer = new ZipWriter(stream, compressionInfo, string.Empty)) { foreach (var entry in oldEntries.Concat(newEntries) .Where(x => !x.IsDirectory)) { using (var entryStream = entry.OpenEntryStream()) { writer.Write(entry.Key, entryStream, entry.LastModifiedTime, string.Empty); } } } }
public static string CreateZip(string outDir, string name, string version, long size) { var tempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDir); try { var outfile = Path.Combine(outDir, $"{name}.{version}.zip"); using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(outfile)) using (var zip = new ZipWriter(fs, new ZipWriterOptions(CompressionType.Deflate))) { var rnd = new Random(); void Write(int fileSize) { var contents = new byte[fileSize]; while (size > 0) { rnd.NextBytes(contents); using (var s = zip.WriteToStream(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), new ZipWriterEntryOptions())) s.Write(contents, 0, contents.Length); size -= fileSize; } } Write(10_000_000); Write(1_000_000); Write(100_000); Write(10_000); Write(1_000); Write(100); Write(10); Write(1); } return(outfile); } finally { Directory.Delete(tempDir, true); } }
public void Zip_LZMA_Encrypt_Write() { ResetScratch(); using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (ZipWriter writer = ZipWriter.Open(stream, new CompressionInfo() { Type = CompressionType.LZMA }, null, "test")) { writer.WriteAll(ORIGINAL_FILES_PATH, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } Assert.False(stream.CanWrite); } using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (var reader = ZipReader.Open(stream, "test", Options.None)) { Assert.Equal("LZMA with pkware encryption.", Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => reader.WriteAllToDirectory(SCRATCH_FILES_PATH, ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath)).Message); } Assert.False(stream.CanRead); } }
public void Zip_WithPassword_Unzip_Without() { ResetScratch(); using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (ZipWriter writer = ZipWriter.Open(stream, new CompressionInfo() { Type = CompressionType.Deflate }, null, "test")) { writer.WriteAll(ORIGINAL_FILES_PATH, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } Assert.False(stream.CanWrite); } using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (var reader = ZipReader.Open(stream, null, Options.None)) { Assert.Equal("No password supplied for encrypted zip.", Assert.Throws <CryptographicException>(() => reader.WriteAllToDirectory(SCRATCH_FILES_PATH, ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath)).Message); } Assert.False(stream.CanRead); } }
public void Zip_WithoutPassword_Unzip_With() { ResetScratch(); using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (ZipWriter writer = ZipWriter.Open(stream, new CompressionInfo() { Type = CompressionType.Deflate }, null)) { writer.WriteAll(ORIGINAL_FILES_PATH, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } Assert.False(stream.CanWrite); } using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (var reader = ZipReader.Open(stream, "test", Options.None)) { reader.WriteAllToDirectory(SCRATCH_FILES_PATH, ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath); } Assert.False(stream.CanRead); } VerifyFiles(); }
/// <summary> /// Finalizes the specified identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param> /// <param name="exportPath">The export path.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if XXXX, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> public bool Finalize(long id, string exportPath) { if (queue.TryRemove(id, out var value)) { // Need to do this manually as SharpCompress doesn't raise events using var stream = new System.IO.FileInfo(exportPath).Open(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); using var writer = new ZipWriter(stream, new ZipWriterOptions(CompressionType.Deflate)); foreach (var item in value.Entries.Where(p => !p.IsDirectory)) { using var entryStream = item.OpenEntryStream(); writer.Write(item.Key, entryStream, item.LastModifiedTime); if (ProcessedFile != null) { ProcessedFile?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } value.Dispose(); return(true); } return(false); }
protected void WriteWithPassword(CompressionType compressionType, string password, string archive) { ResetScratch(); using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, archive))) { using (ZipWriter writer = ZipWriter.Open(stream, new CompressionInfo() { Type = compressionType }, null, password)) { writer.WriteAll(ORIGINAL_FILES_PATH, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } Assert.False(stream.CanWrite); } using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, archive))) { using (var reader = ZipReader.Open(stream, "test", Options.None)) { reader.WriteAllToDirectory(SCRATCH_FILES_PATH, ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath); } Assert.False(stream.CanRead); } VerifyFiles(); }
public static void Add(string zipFileName, string[] entryPatterns) { string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Console.WriteLine("Creating {0}", zipFileName); ZipWriter writer = new ZipWriter(zipFileName); // buffer to hold temp bytes byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int byteCount; // add files to archive foreach (string pattern in entryPatterns) { foreach (string path in Directory.GetFiles(currentDirectory, pattern)) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); Console.Write("Adding {0}", fileName); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(fileName); entry.ModifiedTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(fileName); entry.Comment = "local file comment"; writer.AddEntry(entry); FileStream reader = File.OpenRead(entry.Name); while ((byteCount = reader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { Console.Write("."); writer.Write(buffer, 0, byteCount); } reader.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); } } writer.Close(); }
public void Zip_With_Empty() { ResetScratch(); using (Stream objStream = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (ZipWriter objWriter = ZipWriter.Open(objStream, new CompressionInfo() { Type = CompressionType.Deflate }, null)) { foreach (string strItem in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(ORIGINAL_FILES_WITH_EMPTY_PATH, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (Directory.Exists(strItem)) { objWriter.WriteDirectoryEntry(strItem.Substring(ORIGINAL_FILES_WITH_EMPTY_PATH.Length), DateTime.UtcNow, null); } else if (File.Exists(strItem)) { using (FileStream objReadStream = File.OpenRead(strItem)) { using (Stream objWriteStream = objWriter.WriteToStream(strItem.Substring(ORIGINAL_FILES_WITH_EMPTY_PATH.Length), DateTime.UtcNow, null)) { objReadStream.TransferTo(objWriteStream); } } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException($@"Unable to validate '{strItem}' path"); } } } Assert.False(objStream.CanWrite); } using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(SCRATCH2_FILES_PATH, ""))) { using (var reader = ZipReader.Open(stream, null, Options.None)) { reader.WriteAllToDirectory(SCRATCH_FILES_PATH, ExtractOptions.ExtractFullPath); } Assert.False(stream.CanRead); } VerifyDirectoryTree(ORIGINAL_FILES_WITH_EMPTY_PATH); }
public override void Emit(IEmitContext context, IProject project) { var packageFileName = Configuration.GetString(Constants.Configuration.Output.Update.FileName, "package"); if (!packageFileName.EndsWith(".update")) { packageFileName += ".update"; } var outputDirectory = PathHelper.Combine(project.ProjectDirectory, Configuration.GetString(Constants.Configuration.Output.Directory)); var fileName = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, packageFileName); FileSystem.CreateDirectoryFromFileName(fileName); using (Zip = new ZipWriter(fileName)) { base.Emit(context, project); EmitVersion(); EmitMetaData(); } context.OutputFiles.Add(Factory.OutputFile(fileName)); }
public static void ReadFolder(WebsiteInfo websiteInfo, DirectoryInfo cDir, ZipWriter writer) { var mainDir = websiteInfo.WebsiteFolder; var dirs = cDir.GetDirectories(); foreach (var dir in dirs) { if (websiteInfo.BackupExclude.FolderName.Contains(dir.Name)) { continue; } ReadFolder(websiteInfo, dir, writer); } var files = cDir.GetFiles(); foreach (var file in files) { bool Ignore = false; foreach (var item in websiteInfo.BackupExclude.FileName) { var re = "^" + item.Replace(".", "\\.").Replace("*", ".*") + "$"; if (Regex.IsMatch(file.Name, re, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { Ignore = true; } } if (Ignore) { continue; } var filepath = file.FullName.Substring(mainDir.Length).TrimStart(@"\/".ToArray()); writer.Write(filepath, File.Open(file.FullName, FileMode.Open), null); } }
protected override void Render(Image image, Drawable drawable) { var writer = new ZipWriter(image); writer.CreateFxz(); }
public void Synchronize(IConfiguration configuration, ZipWriter zip, string fileName, string configKey) { var databaseName = configuration.Get(configKey + "database"); Synchronize(zip, fileName, databaseName); }
// TODO: throw an exception if "target" attribute not set public override void WriteString(string text) { Node elt = (Node)elements.Peek(); if (!elt.Ns.Equals(ZIP_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE)) { if (delegateWriter != null) { delegateWriter.WriteString(text); } } else { // Pick up the target attribute if (attributes.Count > 0) { Node attr = (Node)attributes.Peek(); if (attr.Ns.Equals(ZIP_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE)) { switch (elt.Name) { case ARCHIVE_ELEMENT: // Prevent nested archive creation if (processingState == ProcessingState.None && attr.Name.Equals("target")) { Debug.WriteLine("creating archive : " + text); // 输出包的路径放在式样单中间文档元素<archive Target="包路径名">中了, // 从中提取即可,当然也可以直接传递过来 zipOutputStream = ZipFactory.CreateArchive(text); processingState = ProcessingState.EntryWaiting; binaries = new Hashtable(); } break; case PART_ELEMENT: // Prevent nested entry creation if (processingState == ProcessingState.EntryWaiting && attr.Name.Equals("target")) { Debug.WriteLine("creating new part : " + text); //此处的text是entry的target属性的值,也就是文件的路径 zipOutputStream.AddEntry(text); delegateWriter = XmlWriter.Create(zipOutputStream, delegateSettings); processingState = ProcessingState.EntryStarted; delegateWriter.WriteStartDocument(); } break; case COPY_ELEMENT: if (processingState != ProcessingState.None) { if (attr.Name.Equals("source")) { // binarySource是存放base64数据的标识符值 // <uof:其他对象 uof:locID="u0036" // uof:attrList="标识符 内嵌 公共类型 私有类型" // uof:标识符="OBJ00002" uof:内嵌="false" uof:公共类型="png"> // 即OBJ00002,该标识符唯一确定一个其他对象,进而得到其中的base64数据 binarySource += text; Debug.WriteLine("copy source=" + binarySource); } if (attr.Name.Equals("target")) { // binaryTarget存放二进制图片在OOX包中的位置 binaryTarget += text; Debug.WriteLine("copy target=" + binaryTarget); } } break; } } } } }
public MediaExporter(string file) { File = file; ZipWriter = new ZipWriter(file); }
private void Done() { string savePath = GetSavePath(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { return; } //Change acbFile saveFormat if needed (undoable action) if (acbFile.SaveFormat != SaveFormat.MusicPackage) { UndoManager.Instance.AddUndo(new UndoableProperty <ACB_File>(nameof(acbFile.SaveFormat), acbFile, acbFile.SaveFormat, SaveFormat.MusicPackage, "Save Format")); acbFile.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.MusicPackage; } if ((int)acbFile.MusicPackageType != (MusicPackageType)) { acbFile.MusicPackageType = (MusicPackageType)MusicPackageType; } //Create MusicPackage byte[] musicPackageBytes = acbFile.SaveMusicPackageToBytes(); string musicPackagePath = $"CAR_BGM{ACB_File.MUSIC_PACKAGE_EXTENSION}"; //Create InstallerXml InstallerXml installerXml = new InstallerXml(); installerXml.Name = ModName; installerXml.Author = ModAuthor; installerXml.VersionString = ModVersion; installerXml.InstallOptionSteps = new List <InstallStep>(); installerXml.InstallFiles = new List <FilePath>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ModDescription)) { InstallStep installStep = new InstallStep(); installStep.Name = "Info"; installStep.Message = ModDescription; installStep.StepType = InstallStep.StepTypes.Message; installerXml.InstallOptionSteps.Add(installStep); } FilePath file = new FilePath(); file.SourcePath = musicPackagePath; installerXml.InstallFiles.Add(file); YAXSerializer serializer = new YAXSerializer(typeof(InstallerXml)); string strXml = serializer.Serialize(installerXml); byte[] xmlBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strXml); //Create installinfo zip using (var stream = File.Create(savePath)) { using (var zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { ZipWriter zipWriter = new ZipWriter(zip); zipWriter.AddFile("InstallerXml.xml", xmlBytes, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true); zipWriter.AddFile("data/" + musicPackagePath, musicPackageBytes, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true); } } Success = true; InstallInfoPath = savePath; Close(); }
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //clear session Session.Clear(); btnDownload.Visible = false; //get selected folder var itemId = new ID(ddMediaFolders.SelectedValue); var db = Database.GetDatabase(ddDataBase.SelectedValue.ToLower()); var selectedFolder = db.Items.GetItem(itemId); //set folder to export file var exportfolderName = Settings.DataFolder + "/MediaEssentials/ExportMedia/" + selectedFolder.Name; _exportFileNameWithExtension = selectedFolder.Name + ".zip"; FileUtil.CreateFolder(FileUtil.MapPath(exportfolderName)); //map file path _filePath = FileUtil.MapPath(FileUtil.MakePath(exportfolderName, _exportFileNameWithExtension, '/')); var mediaLibraryItem = db.GetItem(MediaLibraryUtils.MediaLibraryId); var allMediaItems = _mediaLibrary.GetMediaItems(db, selectedFolder, mediaLibraryItem, chkIncludeSubFolders.Checked, chkIncludeSystemFolder.Checked); //get total of images exported excluding the pre-defined templates below var excludedTemplates = new List <string> { TemplateIDs.MediaFolder.ToString(), TemplateIDs.MainSection.ToString(), TemplateIDs.Node.ToString() }; var items = allMediaItems.ToArray(); var totalImagesExported = items .Select(i => excludedTemplates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Contains(i.Template.ID.ToString()))) .Count(match => match == null); var output = new StringBuilder(); if (totalImagesExported == 0) { output.Clear(); output.AppendLine("There is no media to export within the options set."); //output of last execution lbOutput.Text = output.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); return; } //fill in output output.Clear(); output.AppendLine("Total of Images Exported: " + totalImagesExported); output.AppendLine("File Location on Server: " + exportfolderName); output.AppendLine(); output.AppendLine("---- Media Items Exported ----"); output.AppendLine(); var templates = items.GroupBy(x => x.TemplateID); foreach (IGrouping <Sitecore.Data.ID, Item> item in templates) { if (item.Key == TemplateIDs.MediaFolder || item.Key == TemplateIDs.MainSection || item.Key == TemplateIDs.Node) { continue; } foreach (var i in item) { output.AppendLine("Item ID: " + i.ID); output.AppendLine("Item Name: " + i.Name); output.AppendLine("Item Path: " + i.Paths.Path); output.AppendLine(); } } ZipWriter = new ZipWriter(_filePath); foreach (var i in items) { if (!chkIncludeSystemFolder.Checked && i.Paths.Path.ToLower() .Contains(mediaLibraryItem.Paths.Path.ToLower() + "/system")) { continue; } ProcessMediaItems(i); } ZipWriter.Dispose(); Session["filePath"] = _filePath; Session["exportFileNameWithExtension"] = _exportFileNameWithExtension; btnDownload.Visible = true; //output of last execution lbOutput.Text = output.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"); }
/// <summary> /// Delegates <c>WriteEndElement</c> calls when the element's prefix does not /// match a zip command. /// Otherwise, close the archive or flush the delegate writer. /// </summary> public override void WriteEndElement() { Node elt = (Node)elements.Pop(); if (!elt.Ns.Equals(ZIP_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE) && !elt.Ns.Equals(PIC_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE) && !elt.Ns.Equals(OLE_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE)) { logger.Debug("delegate - </" + elt.Name + ">"); if (delegateWriter != null) { delegateWriter.WriteEndElement(); } } else { switch (elt.Name) { case ARCHIVE_ELEMENT: //archive if (zipOutputStream != null) { logger.Info("[closing archive]"); logger.Info("Copying binary files!"); CopyBinaryData(); zipOutputStream.Close(); zipOutputStream = null; } if (processingState == ProcessingState.EntryWaiting) { processingState = ProcessingState.None; } break; case PART_ELEMENT: //entry if (delegateWriter != null) { logger.Info("[end part]"); delegateWriter.WriteEndDocument(); delegateWriter.Flush(); delegateWriter.Close(); delegateWriter = null; } if (processingState == ProcessingState.EntryStarted) { processingState = ProcessingState.EntryWaiting; } break; case OLE_DRAW: case OLE_DRAWRELS: case OLE_EMBEDDING: //ole case PIC_ELEMENT: //picture if (binarySource != null) { logger.Info("add picture: target=" + binarySource); if (!binaries.Contains(binarySource)) { binaries.Add(binarySource); } binarySource = ""; } break; } } }
public void securityfun(string file_parentid, string file_comorsec) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(pathUrl("DSN")); SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(); oCmd.Connection = oConn; sb.Append(@"SELECT * FROM sfts_file WHERE file_parentid = @file_parentid AND file_comorsec= @file_comorsec "); oCmd.CommandText = sb.ToString(); oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@file_parentid", file_parentid); oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@file_comorsec", file_comorsec); SqlDataAdapter oda = new SqlDataAdapter(oCmd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); oda.Fill(dt); string pasw = GenAESCodePass(file_parentid);//解壓縮密碼 int fileTotalSize = 0; using (Stream zipFileStream = new FileStream(pathUrl("Zippath") + dt.Rows[0]["file_encryptfileName"].ToString() + ".zip", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { ZipWriter zipWriter = new ZipWriter(zipFileStream); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { //把sfts_file的狀態更新(0.5處理中) Update_sfts_fileOnGoing(dt.Rows[i]["file_id"].ToString(), "0.5"); ZipItemLocalHeader localHeader; //密件 localHeader = new ZipItemLocalHeader( dt.Rows[i]["file_origiFileName"].ToString() + dt.Rows[i]["file_exten"].ToString(), CompressionMethod.Deflated64, CompressionLevel.Highest, EncryptionMethod.WinZipAes, pasw); zipWriter.WriteItemLocalHeader(localHeader); using (Stream sourceStream = new FileStream(pathUrl("path") + dt.Rows[i]["file_encryptfileName"].ToString() + dt.Rows[i]["file_exten"].ToString(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { zipWriter.WriteItemData(sourceStream); } fileTotalSize += Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["file_size"].ToString()); } zipWriter.CloseZipFile(); zipWriter.Dispose(); } //把sft_afile新增 INSERT_sfts_afile(dt.Rows[0]["file_parentid"].ToString(), dt.Rows[0]["file_comorsec"].ToString(), pasw, "", dt.Rows[0]["file_encryptfileName"].ToString(), fileTotalSize, dt.Rows[0]["file_stat"].ToString(), ".zip"); //把sfts_file的狀態更新 Update_sfts_file(file_parentid, file_comorsec, "1"); oda.Dispose(); oConn.Close(); oConn.Dispose(); oCmd.Dispose(); }
public void commonORnonforwardfun(string file_parentid, string file_comorsec) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(pathUrl("DSN")); SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(); oCmd.Connection = oConn; sb.Append(@"SELECT * FROM sfts_file WHERE file_parentid = @file_parentid AND file_comorsec= @file_comorsec "); oCmd.CommandText = sb.ToString(); oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@file_parentid", file_parentid); oCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@file_comorsec", file_comorsec); SqlDataAdapter oda = new SqlDataAdapter(oCmd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); oda.Fill(dt); Random ram = new Random(); int numb = ram.Next(9999); string zipNmae = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + numb.ToString(); //一般檔案 還需要壓縮成一個檔案 裡面放所有的檔案 但是不需要解壓縮密碼 using (Stream zipFileStream = new FileStream(pathUrl("Zippath") + zipNmae + ".zip", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { int fileSize = 0; ZipWriter zipWriter = new ZipWriter(zipFileStream); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { //把sfts_file的狀態更新(0.5處理中) Update_sfts_fileOnGoing(dt.Rows[i]["file_id"].ToString(), "0.5"); ZipItemLocalHeader localHeader; //一般 localHeader = new ZipItemLocalHeader( dt.Rows[i]["file_origiFileName"].ToString() + dt.Rows[i]["file_exten"].ToString(), CompressionMethod.Deflated64, CompressionLevel.Highest ); zipWriter.WriteItemLocalHeader(localHeader); using (Stream sourceStream = new FileStream(pathUrl("path") + dt.Rows[i]["file_encryptfileName"].ToString() + dt.Rows[i]["file_exten"].ToString(), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { zipWriter.WriteItemData(sourceStream); } fileSize += Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["file_size"].ToString()); } zipWriter.CloseZipFile(); zipWriter.Dispose(); //把所有壓成一包的壓縮檔資料塞一筆到afile內 差別只在於此筆資料 file_origiFileName="" and afile_encrypt="N"(方便在撈的時候餵給GridView不要被撈到) INSERT_sfts_afile(dt.Rows[0]["file_parentid"].ToString(), dt.Rows[0]["file_comorsec"].ToString(), "N", "", zipNmae, fileSize, dt.Rows[0]["file_stat"].ToString(), ".zip"); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { //不管怎樣 還是把所有資料二話不說複製一份到sfts_afile裡面 方便處裡 INSERT_sfts_afile(dt.Rows[i]["file_parentid"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["file_comorsec"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["file_encrypt"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["file_origiFileName"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["file_encryptfileName"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["file_size"].ToString()), dt.Rows[i]["file_stat"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["file_exten"].ToString()); } //把sfts_file的狀態更新 Update_sfts_file(file_parentid, file_comorsec, "1"); oda.Dispose(); oConn.Close(); oConn.Dispose(); oCmd.Dispose(); }
override protected void Render(Image image, Drawable drawable) { var writer = new ZipWriter(image); writer.CreateFxz(); }
// TODO: throw an exception if "target" attribute not set public override void WriteString(string text) { Node elt = (Node)elements.Peek(); if (!elt.Ns.Equals(ZIP_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE) && !elt.Ns.Equals(PIC_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE) && !elt.Ns.Equals(OLE_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE)) { if (delegateWriter != null) { delegateWriter.WriteString(text); } } else { // Pick up the target attribute if (attributes.Count > 0) { Node attr = (Node)attributes.Peek(); if (attr.Ns.Equals(ZIP_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE) || attr.Ns.Equals(PIC_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE) || attr.Ns.Equals(OLE_POST_PROCESS_NAMESPACE)) { switch (elt.Name) { case ARCHIVE_ELEMENT: //archive // Prevent nested archive creation if (processingState == ProcessingState.None && attr.Name.Equals("target")) { logger.Info("creating archive : " + text); // 输出包的路径放在式样单中间文档元素<archive Target="包路径名">中了, // 从中提取即可,当然也可以直接传递过来 zipOutputStream = ZipFactory.CreateArchive(text); processingState = ProcessingState.EntryWaiting; } break; case PART_ELEMENT: //entry // Prevent nested entry creation if (processingState == ProcessingState.EntryWaiting && attr.Name.Equals("target")) { logger.Info("creating new part : " + text); //此处的text是entry的target属性的值,也就是文件的路径 zipOutputStream.AddEntry(text); delegateWriter = XmlWriter.Create(zipOutputStream, delegateSettings); processingState = ProcessingState.EntryStarted; delegateWriter.WriteStartDocument(); } break; case OLE_DRAW: case OLE_DRAWRELS: case OLE_EMBEDDING: //ole case PIC_ELEMENT: //picture if (processingState != ProcessingState.None) { if (attr.Name.Equals("target")) { binarySource += text; logger.Info("picture: target=" + binarySource); } } break; } } } } }