public async Task <string> DecryptAndSaveDetailsAsync(byte[] chiper, string fileName)
            var message = string.Empty;

                var decryptedValue = _customEncryptionService.DecryptStringFromBytes(chiper);
                    var zipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo
                        FileHierarchy = decryptedValue,
                        FileName      = fileName

                    await _dataContext.ZipFileInfo.AddAsync(zipFileInfo);

                    await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync();
                    message = "Error occurred while saving to database";
                message = "Error occurred while decrypting file hierarchy.";
Beispiel #2
        public void ZipFileInfoNullParams()
            Exception caughtEx;
            ZipInfo   zipInfo = new ZipInfo("");
            int       txtSize = 10240;

            CompressionTestUtil.GenerateRandomFile("test00.txt", 0, txtSize);
            CompressionTestUtil.GenerateRandomFile("test01.txt", 1, txtSize);
            zipInfo.PackFiles(null, new string[] { "test00.txt", "test01.txt" }, null);
            ZipFileInfo zfi = new ZipFileInfo(zipInfo, "test01.txt");

            caughtEx = null;
                new ZipFileInfo(null, "test00.txt");
            catch (Exception ex) { caughtEx = ex; }
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(caughtEx, typeof(ArgumentNullException));
            caughtEx = null;
                new ZipFileInfo(zipInfo, null);
            catch (Exception ex) { caughtEx = ex; }
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(caughtEx, typeof(ArgumentNullException));
            caughtEx = null;
            catch (Exception ex) { caughtEx = ex; }
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(caughtEx, typeof(ArgumentNullException));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a <see cref="ZipFileInfo"/> for the given <paramref name="fileName"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The name of the entry in the archive.</param>
        /// <returns>The entry in the archive.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="fileName"/> is <c>null</c></exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if <paramref name="fileName"/> is too long.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if archive was opened in write mode, or <paramref name="fileName"/> does not exist in the archive.</exception>
        private ZipFileInfo GetFile(string fileName)
            var zipFileInfoObject = GetFileMethod.Value.Invoke(_zipArchiveObject, new object[] { fileName });
            var zipFileInfo       = new ZipFileInfo(zipFileInfoObject);

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new ZIP entry in the archive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The name of the entry in the archive.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionMethod">The compression method to use.</param>
        /// <returns>The new archive entry.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="fileName"/> is <c>null</c></exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if <paramref name="fileName"/> is too long, or <paramref name="compressionMethod"/> indicates improper compression or deflate mode.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if archive was opened in read mode, or <paramref name="fileName"/> already exists in the archive.</exception>
        private ICompressedArchiveEntry CreateZipEntry(string fileName, ZipArchiveCompressionMethod compressionMethod)
            var compression       = ZipArchiveCompressionMethodToNativeCompressionMethodEnum(compressionMethod);
            var deflate           = ZipArchiveCompressionMethodToNativeDeflateOptionEnum(compressionMethod);
            var zipFileInfoObject = AddFileMethod.Value.Invoke(_zipArchiveObject, new object[] { fileName, compression, deflate });
            var zipFileInfo       = new ZipFileInfo(zipFileInfoObject);

        //  Public Events
        // None
        //  Internal Constructors

        #region Internal Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a ZipPackagePart for an atomic (i.e. non-interleaved) part.
        /// This is called from the ZipPackage class as a result of GetPartCore,
        /// GetPartsCore or CreatePartCore methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="zipFileInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="partUri"></param>
        /// <param name="compressionOption"></param>
        /// <param name="contentType"></param>
        internal ZipPackagePart(ZipPackage container,
                                ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo,
                                PackUriHelper.ValidatedPartUri partUri,
                                string contentType,
                                CompressionOption compressionOption)
            : base(container, partUri, contentType, compressionOption)
            _zipArchive  = zipFileInfo.ZipArchive;
            _zipFileInfo = zipFileInfo;
Beispiel #6
        public bool TryGetFileInfo(string subpath, out IFileInfo fileInfo)
            fileInfo = null;

            if (subpath.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                subpath = subpath.Substring(1);
            var entry = _zip.GetEntry(subpath);
            if (entry != null) {
                fileInfo = new ZipFileInfo(entry,subpath);
                return true;
            return false;
Beispiel #7
        public void CreateZipFileInfoFromPackageNameTestShouldReturnCorrectPackageName()
            string filename            = "";
            var    actualZipFileInfo   = _fileInfoService.CreateZipFileInfoFromPackageName(filename);
            var    expectedZipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo()
                BatchNumber = 2,
                PackageDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-09-22"),
                Origin      = "dk"

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedZipFileInfo.Origin, actualZipFileInfo.Origin);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedZipFileInfo.BatchNumber, actualZipFileInfo.BatchNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedZipFileInfo.PackageDate, actualZipFileInfo.PackageDate);
Beispiel #8
 public void Init()
     _zipFileInfoService = new Mock <IZipFileInfoService>(MockBehavior.Strict);
     _memoryCache        = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions());
     _logger             = new Mock <ILogger <CacheOperationsV3> >();
     _zipFileInfo        = new ZipFileInfo()
         BatchNumber = 1,
         Origin      = "dk",
         PackageDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).Date
     _memoryCache.Set(_zipFileInfo.FileName, mockCacheResult);
     _cacheService = new CacheOperationsV3(_memoryCache, _configuration.Object, _logger.Object, _zipFileInfoService.Object);
Beispiel #9
        public void CheckIfPackageExistsTestShouldCheckForRightFile()
            var         date        = DateTime.UtcNow;
            ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo()
                BatchNumber = 2,
                Origin      = "dk",
                PackageDate = date
            string zipFilesFolder = "ZipFilesFolder";

            _fileSystem.Setup(x => x.FileExists(Path.Join(zipFilesFolder, zipFileInfo.Origin.ToLower(), zipFileInfo.FileName))).Returns(true);
            bool actualValue = _fileInfoService.CheckIfPackageExists(zipFileInfo, zipFilesFolder);

Beispiel #10
        public IActionResult DownloadDiagnosisKeysFile(string packageName)
            _logger.LogInformation("DownloadDiagnosisKeysFile endpoint called");
                ZipFileInfo packageInfo    = _zipFileInfoService.CreateZipFileInfoFromPackageName(packageName);
                string      zipFilesFolder = _configuration["ZipFilesFolder"];

                _logger.LogInformation("Package Date: " + packageInfo.PackageDate);
                _logger.LogInformation("Add days: " + DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-14));
                _logger.LogInformation("Utc now:" + DateTime.UtcNow);

                if (!IsDateValid(packageInfo.PackageDate, packageName))
                    return(BadRequest("Package Date is invalid"));

                var packageExists = _zipFileInfoService.CheckIfPackageExists(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder);
                if (packageExists)
                    var zipFileContent     = _zipFileInfoService.ReadPackage(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder);
                    var currentBatchNumber = packageInfo.BatchNumber;
                    var nextPackageExists = _zipFileInfoService.CheckIfPackageExists(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder);

                    AddResponseHeader(nextPackageExists, currentBatchNumber);
                    _logger.LogInformation("Zip package fetched successfully");
                    return(File(zipFileContent, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Zip));
                    _logger.LogInformation("Package does not exist");
            catch (FormatException e)
                _logger.LogError("Error when parsing data: " + e);
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError("Error when downloading package: " + e);
Beispiel #11
        public bool TryGetFileInfo(string subpath, out IFileInfo fileInfo)
            fileInfo = null;

            if (subpath.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                subpath = subpath.Substring(1);
            var entry = _zip.GetEntry(subpath);

            if (entry != null)
                fileInfo = new ZipFileInfo(entry, subpath);
Beispiel #12
        public void ReadPackageTestShouldReadRightFile()
            var         date        = DateTime.UtcNow;
            ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo()
                BatchNumber = 2,
                Origin      = "dk",
                PackageDate = date
            string zipFilesFolder = "ZipFilesFolder";

            byte[] expectedContent = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            _fileSystem.Setup(x => x.ReadFile(Path.Join(zipFilesFolder, zipFileInfo.Origin.ToLower(), zipFileInfo.FileName))).Returns(expectedContent);
            var actualContent = _fileInfoService.ReadPackage(zipFileInfo, zipFilesFolder);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedContent, actualContent);
Beispiel #13
        //   Constructors

        #region Constructors

        internal PieceInfo(ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo, PackUriHelper.ValidatedPartUri partUri, string prefixName, int pieceNumber, bool isLastPiece)
            Debug.Assert(zipFileInfo != null);
            Debug.Assert(prefixName != null && prefixName != String.Empty);
            Debug.Assert(pieceNumber >= 0);

            _zipFileInfo = zipFileInfo;

            // partUri can be null to indicate that the prefixname is not a valid part name
            _partUri     = partUri;
            _prefixName  = prefixName;
            _pieceNumber = pieceNumber;
            _isLastPiece = isLastPiece;

            // Currently as per the book, the prefix names/ logical names should be
            // compared in a case-insensitive manner.
            _normalizedPieceNamePrefix = _prefixName.ToUpperInvariant();
Beispiel #14
        public ZipFileInfo CreateZipFileInfoFromPackageName(string zipFilename)
            var zipFileInfo = new ZipFileInfo();
            var tokens      = zipFilename.Split("_");

            if (tokens.Length == 3)
                var      dateString = tokens[0];
                DateTime packageDate;
                int      batchNumber        = 0;
                bool     successfullyParsed = DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out packageDate) && int.TryParse(tokens[1], out batchNumber);
                var      originTokens       = tokens[2].Split(".");
                if (successfullyParsed && originTokens.Count() == 2)
                    zipFileInfo.Origin      = tokens[2].Split(".")[0];
                    zipFileInfo.BatchNumber = batchNumber;
                    zipFileInfo.PackageDate = packageDate;
            throw new FormatException("Unexpected filename format");
        //   Private Methods

        private void EnsurePieceStream(bool isLastPiece)
            if (_pieceStream != null)
                // Normally, the pieces are actually closed automatically for us by the
                // underlying ZipIO logic, but in the case of the last piece (when we
                // are called by our own Dispose(bool) method) we must close it explicitly.
                if (isLastPiece)

                // We detect that the stream has been closed by inspecting the CanWrite property
                // since this is guaranteed not to throw even when the stream is disposed.
                if (!_pieceStream.CanWrite)
                    // increment our piece number so we can generate the correct
                    // one below
                    checked { ++_currentPieceNumber; }

                    // release it to trigger the new piece creation below
                    _pieceStream = null;

            if (_pieceStream == null)
                string pieceName = PieceNameHelper.CreatePieceName(
                string pieceZipName = ZipPackage.GetZipItemNameFromOpcName(pieceName);

                ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo = _archive.AddFile(pieceZipName, _compressionMethod, _deflateOption);
                // We've just created the file, so the mode can only be Create, not CreateNew.
                // (At least, this is part of ZipFileInfo's belief system.)
                _pieceStream = zipFileInfo.GetStream(FileMode.Create, _access);
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true and create a PieceInfo if the name in the input ZipFileInfo parses
        /// as a piece name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// No Uri validation is carried out at this level. All that is checked is valid piece
        /// syntax. So the _prefixName returned as part of the PieceInfo will not necessarily
        /// a part name. For example, it could be the name of the content type stream.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static bool TryCreatePieceInfo(ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo, out PieceInfo pieceInfo)
            Invariant.Assert(zipFileInfo != null);

            pieceInfo = null;

            // Try to parse as a piece name.
            PieceNameInfo pieceNameConstituents;
            bool          result = PieceNameHelper.TryParseAsPieceName(zipFileInfo.Name,
                                                                       out pieceNameConstituents);

            // Return the result and the output parameter.
            if (result)
                pieceInfo = new PieceInfo(zipFileInfo,

Beispiel #17
        public byte[] ReadPackage(ZipFileInfo packageInfo, string zipFilesFolder)
            var filename = _fileSystem.JoinPaths(zipFilesFolder, packageInfo.Origin.ToLower(), packageInfo.FileName);

Beispiel #18
        public bool CheckIfPackageExists(ZipFileInfo packageInfo, string zipFilesFolder)
            var filename = _fileSystem.JoinPaths(zipFilesFolder, packageInfo.Origin.ToLower(), packageInfo.FileName);

        public async Task <IActionResult> DownloadDiagnosisKeysFile(string packageName)
            _logger.LogInformation("DownloadDiagnosisKeysFile endpoint called");
                if (packageName == "today")
                    packageName = ReplacePackageNameWithToday();

                ZipFileInfo packageInfo    = _zipFileInfoService.CreateZipFileInfoFromPackageName(packageName);
                string      zipFilesFolder = _appSettingsConfig.ZipFilesFolder;

                _logger.LogInformation("Package Date: " + packageInfo.PackageDate);
                _logger.LogInformation("Add days: " + DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddDays(-14));
                _logger.LogInformation("Utc now:" + DateTime.UtcNow);

                if (!IsDateValid(packageInfo.PackageDate, packageName))
                    return(BadRequest("Package Date is invalid"));

                var packageExists = _zipFileInfoService.CheckIfPackageExists(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder);
                if (packageExists)
                    byte[] zipFileContent  = null;
                    bool   invalidateCache = false;
                    if (Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Cache-Control") && Request.Headers["Cache-Control"] == "no-cache")
                        invalidateCache = true;
                        zipFileContent  = await _cacheOperations.GetCacheValue(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder, invalidateCache);
                        zipFileContent = await _cacheOperations.GetCacheValue(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder, invalidateCache);
                    var currentBatchNumber = packageInfo.BatchNumber;
                    var nextPackageExists = _zipFileInfoService.CheckIfPackageExists(packageInfo, zipFilesFolder);

                    AddResponseHeader(nextPackageExists, currentBatchNumber);
                    _logger.LogInformation("Zip package fetched successfully");
                    return(File(zipFileContent, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Zip));
                    _logger.LogInformation("Package does not exist");
            catch (FormatException e)
                _logger.LogError("Error when parsing data: " + e);
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError("Error when downloading package: " + e);
Beispiel #20
            /// <summary>
            /// If the logical end precedes the physical end, delete invalidated pieces
            /// and rename the logical end to a name containing ".last".
            /// </summary>
            private void UpdatePhysicalEndIfNecessary()
                if (!_logicalEndPrecedesPhysicalEnd)

                // Delete invalidated pieces.
                int pieceNumber = _lastPieceIndex + 1;

                while (pieceNumber < _sortedPieceInfoList.Count)

                _sortedPieceInfoList.RemoveRange(_lastPieceIndex + 1, _sortedPieceInfoList.Count - (_lastPieceIndex + 1));

                // Since there is no rename in Zip I/O, getting the last piece to have .last
                // in its name necessarily involves creating a new piece. The simplest and most
                // effective solution consists in adding an empty terminal piece.

                // Number of the new physical last piece.
                int lastPiece = _lastPieceIndex + 1;

                // Record the compression parameters of the first piece to apply them to the new piece.
                // (Though this part will be created as empty, it may grow later.)
                ZipFileInfo           firstPieceInfo    = _sortedPieceInfoList[0].ZipFileInfo;
                CompressionMethodEnum compressionMethod = firstPieceInfo.CompressionMethod;
                DeflateOptionEnum     deflateOption     = firstPieceInfo.DeflateOption;

                // We have to special-case SetLength(0), because in that case, there is no nonempty
                // piece at all; and only the last piece is allowed to be empty.
                if (_lastPieceIndex == 0 && _pieceStreamInfoList[0].Stream.Length == 0)

                    // The list of piece descriptors now becomes totally empty.
                    // This temporarily violates an invariant that should obtain again
                    // on exiting this function.
                    _indexOfLastPieceStreamInfoAccessed = -1;
                    //Remove all the items in the list
                    lastPiece = 0; // Create "[0].last.piece"

                string newLastPieceFileName = PieceNameHelper.CreatePieceName(
                    true /* last piece */);

                ZipFileInfo newLastPieceInfo = _zipArchive.AddFile(newLastPieceFileName,
                                                                   compressionMethod, deflateOption);

                _lastPieceIndex = lastPiece;

                //We need to update the _sortedPieceInfoList with this new last piece information
                    new PieceInfo(
                        true /* last piece */));

                // If we have been creating [0].last.piece, create a stream descriptor for it.
                // (In other cases, create on demand, as usual.)
                if (lastPiece == 0)
                    Stream pieceStream = newLastPieceInfo.GetStream(_fileMode, _fileAccess);
                    _indexOfLastPieceStreamInfoAccessed = 0;

                    //The list should be empty at this point
                    Invariant.Assert(_pieceStreamInfoList.Count == 0);
                    _pieceStreamInfoList.Add(new PieceStreamInfo(pieceStream, 0 /*startOffset*/));

                // Mark update complete.
                _logicalEndPrecedesPhysicalEnd = false;
Beispiel #21
        public override VirtualFileInfo getFileInfo(String filename)
            ZipFileInfo info = zipFile.getFileInfo(parseURLInZip(filename));

            return(new VirtualFileInfo(info.Name, info.DirectoryName, info.FullName, getFullPath(info.FullName), info.CompressedSize, info.UncompressedSize));
 public async Task <byte[]> GetCacheValue(ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo, string zipFilesFolder, bool forceRefresh = false)
     return(TryGetPackageCreateIfNotExisting(zipFileInfo, zipFilesFolder, forceRefresh));
 private byte[] TryGetPackageCreateIfNotExisting(ZipFileInfo zipFileInfo, string zipFilesFolder, bool forceRefresh)
     if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(zipFileInfo.FileName, out byte[] result))
        private ModInfo ReadFromClassFile(ZipFileInfo file)
            if (file.IsVolumeLabel || file.IsFolder || !file.Name.ToLower().EndsWith(".class"))

            ClassAnalyzer analyzer = null;

            using (Stream stream = file.OpenStream()) analyzer = ClassAnalyzer.Read(stream);
            if (analyzer == null)

            ModInfo info = new ModInfo();

            foreach (JavaAttribute attribute in analyzer.Attributes)
                if (attribute == null)
                if (attribute is JavaRuntimeAnnotations)
                    foreach (JavaAnnotation annotation in ((JavaRuntimeAnnotations)attribute).Annotations)
                        if (annotation.Name.EndsWith("/fml/common/Mod;"))
                            if (annotation.Elements.ContainsKey("modid"))
                                info.ID = (string)annotation.Elements["modid"];
                            if (annotation.Elements.ContainsKey("name"))
                                info.Name = (string)annotation.Elements["name"];
                            if (annotation.Elements.ContainsKey("version"))
                                info.Version = (string)annotation.Elements["version"];
                            if (annotation.Elements.ContainsKey("acceptedMinecraftVersions"))
                                info.MinecraftVersion = VersionTools.ToVersion((string)annotation.Elements["acceptedMinecraftVersions"]);
                            if (annotation.Elements.ContainsKey("dependencies"))
                                info.Dependencies = VersionTools.ToVersion((string)annotation.Elements["dependencies"]);
                        else if (annotation.Name.EndsWith("/fml/relauncher/IFMLLoadingPlugin$Name;"))
                            info.Name = (string)annotation.Elements["value"];
                            if (info.ID == null)
                                info.ID = info.Name;
                        else if (annotation.Name.EndsWith("/fml/relauncher/IFMLLoadingPlugin$MCVersion;"))
                            info.MinecraftVersion = VersionTools.ToVersion((string)annotation.Elements["value"]);

Beispiel #25
        public override bool isDirectory(string url)
            ZipFileInfo info = zipFile.getFileInfo(parseURLInZip(url));

            return(info != null && info.IsDirectory);