public void Create(ZipEntity entity) { MySqlParameter[] parameters = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@Id", MySqlDbType.Int32) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }, new MySqlParameter("@my_data", MySqlDbType.LongBlob) { Value = entity.Data }, new MySqlParameter("@my_before", MySqlDbType.Double) { Value = entity.Before }, new MySqlParameter("@my_after", MySqlDbType.Double) { Value = entity.After }, }; MariaHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( DBConfig.ConnStr, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "usp_myimage_create", parameters); }
public void MapMapsEntityZipIdToDomainZipId() { var zipEntity = new ZipEntity(3); ZipCode zipCode = _mapper.Map(zipEntity); Assert.AreEqual(zipEntity.ZipId, zipCode.Id); }
/// <summary> setups the sync logic for member _zip</summary> /// <param name="relatedEntity">Instance to set as the related entity of type entityType</param> private void SetupSyncZip(IEntity2 relatedEntity) { if (_zip != relatedEntity) { DesetupSyncZip(true, true); _zip = (ZipEntity)relatedEntity; base.PerformSetupSyncRelatedEntity(_zip, new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnZipPropertyChanged), "Zip", CityZipEntity.Relations.ZipEntityUsingZipId, true, new string[] { }); } }
/// <summary> setups the sync logic for member _zip_</summary> /// <param name="relatedEntity">Instance to set as the related entity of type entityType</param> private void SetupSyncZip_(IEntity2 relatedEntity) { if (_zip_ != relatedEntity) { DesetupSyncZip_(true, true); _zip_ = (ZipEntity)relatedEntity; base.PerformSetupSyncRelatedEntity(_zip_, new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnZip_PropertyChanged), "Zip_", ZipRadiusDistanceEntity.Relations.ZipEntityUsingSourceZipId, true, new string[] { }); } }
public void MapSetsIsDaylightSavingsToFalseWhenNGiven() { var zipEntity = new ZipEntity { DayLightSaving = "N" }; ZipCode zipCode = _mapper.Map(zipEntity); Assert.IsFalse(zipCode.IsInDaylightSavingsTime); }
public void MapMapsEntityZipCodeToDomainZipCode() { var zipEntity = new ZipEntity { ZipCode = "12345" }; ZipCode zipCode = _mapper.Map(zipEntity); Assert.AreEqual(zipEntity.ZipCode, zipCode.Zip, "Zips did not match."); }
/// <summary> Initializes the class members</summary> protected virtual void InitClassMembers() { _city = null; _zip = null; PerformDependencyInjection(); // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_START InitClassMembers // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_END OnInitClassMembersComplete(); }
public void MapSetsTimeZoneToNegatedValueOfEntityTimeZone() { const TimeZone expectedTimeZone = TimeZone.Eastern; var zipEntity = new ZipEntity { TimeZone = "5" }; ZipCode zipCode = _mapper.Map(zipEntity); Assert.AreEqual(expectedTimeZone, zipCode.TimeZone); }
public void MapMapsLatitudeLongitudeToDoublesInZipCodeObject() { const float expectedLatitude = -23.23843f; const float expectedLongitude = 55.23843f; var zipEntity = new ZipEntity { Latitude = expectedLatitude.ToString(), Longitude = expectedLongitude.ToString() }; ZipCode zipCode = _mapper.Map(zipEntity); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLatitude, zipCode.Latitude, "Latitudes did not match."); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLongitude, zipCode.Longitude, "Longitudes did not match."); }
protected CityZipEntity(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { if (SerializationHelper.Optimization != SerializationOptimization.Fast) { _city = (CityEntity)info.GetValue("_city", typeof(CityEntity)); if (_city != null) { _city.AfterSave += new EventHandler(OnEntityAfterSave); } _zip = (ZipEntity)info.GetValue("_zip", typeof(ZipEntity)); if (_zip != null) { _zip.AfterSave += new EventHandler(OnEntityAfterSave); } base.FixupDeserialization(FieldInfoProviderSingleton.GetInstance()); } // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_START DeserializationConstructor // __LLBLGENPRO_USER_CODE_REGION_END }
/// <summary> Removes the sync logic for member _zip</summary> /// <param name="signalRelatedEntity">If set to true, it will call the related entity's UnsetRelatedEntity method</param> /// <param name="resetFKFields">if set to true it will also reset the FK fields pointing to the related entity</param> private void DesetupSyncZip(bool signalRelatedEntity, bool resetFKFields) { base.PerformDesetupSyncRelatedEntity(_zip, new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnZipPropertyChanged), "Zip", CityZipEntity.Relations.ZipEntityUsingZipId, true, signalRelatedEntity, "CityZip", resetFKFields, new int[] { (int)CityZipFieldIndex.ZipId }); _zip = null; }
/// <summary> /// 加载压缩文件 /// </summary> private void LoadZipFile() { _ZipEntity = new ZipEntity(this.FileName); }
/// <summary> Removes the sync logic for member _zip</summary> /// <param name="signalRelatedEntity">If set to true, it will call the related entity's UnsetRelatedEntity method</param> /// <param name="resetFKFields">if set to true it will also reset the FK fields pointing to the related entity</param> private void DesetupSyncZip(bool signalRelatedEntity, bool resetFKFields) { base.PerformDesetupSyncRelatedEntity(_zip, new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnZipPropertyChanged), "Zip", ZipRadiusDistanceEntity.Relations.ZipEntityUsingDestinationZipId, true, signalRelatedEntity, "ZipRadiusDistance", resetFKFields, new int[] { (int)ZipRadiusDistanceFieldIndex.DestinationZipId }); _zip = null; }
public void LoadFile() { = new ZipEntity(filename); }