Beispiel #1
        public bool SetCHUID(Guid newId, out byte[] newChuid)
            newChuid = new byte[]
                0x30, 0x19, 0xd4, 0xe7, 0x39, 0xda, 0x73, 0x9c, 0xed, 0x39, 0xce, 0x73, 0x9d,
                0x83, 0x68, 0x58, 0x21, 0x08, 0x42, 0x10, 0x84, 0x21, 0x38, 0x42, 0x10, 0xc3,
                0xf5, 0x34, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x35, 0x08, 0x32, 0x30, 0x33, 0x30, 0x30,
                0x31, 0x30, 0x31, 0x3e, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00

            int writeOffset = 29;

            byte[] guidBytes = newId.ToByteArray();
            Array.Copy(guidBytes, 0, newChuid, writeOffset, guidBytes.Length);

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivSaveObject(_deviceHandle.State, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_OBJ_CHUID, newChuid, newChuid.Length);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)

Beispiel #2
        public bool ResetDevice()
            byte[] templ = { 0, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_INS_RESET, 0, 0 };
            byte[] inData = new byte[0];
            byte[] outData = new byte[256];
            int    outLength = outData.Length, sw = -1;

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivTransferData(_deviceHandle.State, templ, inData, inData.Length, outData, ref outLength, ref sw);

            return(code == YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK && sw == 0x9000);
Beispiel #3
        internal YubikeyPivDevice(string name)
            _deviceHandle = new YubikeyPivDeviceHandle();

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivConnect(_deviceHandle.State, name);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                throw new Exception("Unable to connect to PIV: " + code);
Beispiel #4
        public uint GetSerialNumber()
            uint serial = 0;
            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivGetSerial(_deviceHandle.State, ref serial);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                throw new Exception("Unable to get serialnumber: " + code);

Beispiel #5
        public bool VerifyPin(string pin, out int remainingTries)
            int triesLeft            = -1;
            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivVerify(_deviceHandle.State, pin, ref triesLeft);

            remainingTries = triesLeft;

            if (code == YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)

Beispiel #6
        public Version GetVersion()
            const int length = 256;

            StringBuilder       sb   = new StringBuilder(length);
            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivGetVersion(_deviceHandle.State, sb, length);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                throw new Exception("Unable to fetch PIV version: " + code);

Beispiel #7
        public bool GetCHUID(out byte[] chuid)
            byte[] tmp    = new byte[2048];
            int    length = tmp.Length;

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivFetchObject(_deviceHandle.State, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_OBJ_CHUID, tmp, ref length);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                chuid = null;

            chuid = new byte[length];
            Array.Copy(tmp, chuid, length);

Beispiel #8
        public bool ChangePin(string oldPin, string pin, out int remainingTries)
            byte[] templ = { 0, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_INS_CHANGE_REFERENCE, 0, 0x80 };
            byte[] inData = new byte[16];
            byte[] outData = new byte[256];
            int    outLength = outData.Length, sw = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < inData.Length; i++)
                inData[i] = 0xFF;

            // Set up PUK and NEWPUK
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(oldPin, 0, Math.Min(8, oldPin.Length), inData, 0);
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pin, 0, Math.Min(8, pin.Length), inData, 8);

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivTransferData(_deviceHandle.State, templ, inData, inData.Length, outData, ref outLength, ref sw);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                remainingTries = -1;

            if (sw != 0x9000)
                if ((sw >> 8) == 0x63)
                    remainingTries = sw & 0xff;


                if (sw == 0x6983)
                    remainingTries = 0;

            remainingTries = -1;
Beispiel #9
        public bool UnblockPin(string puk, string newPin)
            byte[] templ = { 0, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_INS_RESET_RETRY, 0, 0x80 };
            byte[] inData = new byte[16];
            byte[] outData = new byte[256];
            int    outLength = outData.Length, sw = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < inData.Length; i++)
                inData[i] = 0xFF;

            // Set up PUK and NEWPUK
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(puk, 0, Math.Min(8, puk.Length), inData, 0);
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(newPin, 0, Math.Min(8, newPin.Length), inData, 8);

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivTransferData(_deviceHandle.State, templ, inData, inData.Length, outData, ref outLength, ref sw);

            return(code == YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK);
Beispiel #10
        public YubicoPivReturnCode SetCertificate9a(X509Certificate2 cert)
            byte[] certData = cert.GetRawCertData();
            byte[] data     = new byte[certData.Length + 1 + 3 + 5];

            data[0] = 0x70;
            int offset = 1;

            offset += SetDataLength(data, offset, certData.Length);
            Array.Copy(certData, 0, data, offset, certData.Length);

            offset += certData.Length;

            data[offset++] = 0x71;
            data[offset++] = 1;
            data[offset++] = 0;    // certinfo (gzip etc)
            data[offset++] = 0xFE; // LRC
            data[offset++] = 0;

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivSaveObject(_deviceHandle.State, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_OBJ_AUTHENTICATION, data, offset);

Beispiel #11
        public IEnumerable <string> ListDevices(bool filter = true)
            byte[] data;
            using (YubikeyPivDeviceHandle deviceHandle = new YubikeyPivDeviceHandle())
                IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
                    int len = 2048; // A typical reader name is 32 chars long. This gives space for 64 readers.
                    ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);

                    IntPtr dev = deviceHandle.State;
                    YubicoPivReturnCode res = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivListReaders(dev, ptr, ref len);
                    if (res != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                        return(Enumerable.Empty <string>());

                    data = new byte[len];
                    Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, len);
                    if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (filter)

Beispiel #12
        private void EnrollWorkerOnDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
            string devName   = YubikeyNeoManager.Instance.ListDevices().FirstOrDefault();
            bool   hasDevice = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(devName);

            if (!hasDevice)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No yubikey");

            // 0. Get lock on yubikey
            using (YubikeyNeoDevice dev = YubikeyNeoManager.Instance.OpenDevice(devName))
                // 1. Prep device info
                int     deviceId    = dev.GetSerialNumber();
                string  neoFirmware = dev.GetVersion().ToString();
                Version pivFirmware;

                using (YubikeyPivDevice piv = YubikeyPivManager.Instance.OpenDevice(devName))
                    pivFirmware = piv.GetVersion();


                // 2 - Generate PUK, prep PIN
                byte[] randomKey = Utilities.GenerateRandomKey();
                string puk       = Utilities.MapBytesToString(randomKey.Take(8).ToArray());

                string pin = txtPin.Text;


                // 3 - Prep CA
                WindowsCertificate enrollmentAgent = WindowsCertStoreUtilities.FindCertificate(_settings.EnrollmentAgentCertificate);
                string             ca         = _settings.CSREndpoint;
                string             caTemplate = _settings.EnrollmentCaTemplate;
                string             user       = txtUser.Text;

                if (enrollmentAgent == null)
                    doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                    _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to find the certificate with thumbprint: " + _settings.EnrollmentAgentCertificate;


                // 4 - Prep Management Key
                // TODO: Consider a new key every time?
                byte[] mgmKey = _settings.EnrollmentManagementKey;


                RSAParameters    publicKey;
                X509Certificate2 cert;
                byte[]           chuid;

                using (YubikeyPivDevice pivTool = YubikeyPivManager.Instance.OpenDevice(devName))
                    // 5 - Yubico: Reset device
                    bool reset = pivTool.ResetDevice();

                    if (!reset)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to reset the YubiKey";


                    // 6 - Yubico: Management Key
                    bool authenticated = pivTool.Authenticate(YubikeyPivDevice.DefaultManagementKey);

                    if (!authenticated)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to authenticate with the YubiKey";

                    bool setMgmKey = pivTool.SetManagementKey(mgmKey);

                    if (!setMgmKey)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to set the management key";


                    // 7 - Yubico: Set CHUID
                    bool setChuid = pivTool.SetCHUID(Guid.NewGuid(), out chuid);

                    if (!setChuid)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to set CHUID";


                    // 8 - Yubico: PIN
                    int  tmp;
                    bool setPin = pivTool.ChangePin(YubikeyPivDevice.DefaultPin, pin, out tmp);

                    if (!setPin)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to set the PIN code";


                    // 9 - Yubico: PUK
                    bool setPuk = pivTool.ChangePuk(YubikeyPivDevice.DefaultPuk, puk, out tmp);

                    if (!setPuk)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to set the PUK code";


                    // 10 - Yubico: Generate Key
                    YubikeyAlgorithm algorithm = (YubikeyAlgorithm)drpAlgorithm.SelectedItem;

                    bool keyGenerated = pivTool.GenerateKey9a(algorithm.Value, out publicKey);

                    if (!keyGenerated)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to generate a keypair";


                // 11 - Yubico: Make CSR
                string csr;
                string csrError;
                bool   madeCsr = MakeCsr(Utilities.ExportPublicKeyToPEMFormat(publicKey), pin, out csrError, out csr);

                if (!madeCsr)
                    doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                    _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to generate a CSR" + Environment.NewLine + csrError;


                // 12 - Enroll
                string enrollError;
                bool   enrolled = CertificateUtilities.Enroll(user, enrollmentAgent, ca, caTemplate, csr, out enrollError, out cert);

                if (!enrolled)
                    doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                    _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to enroll a certificate." + Environment.NewLine + enrollError;


                using (YubikeyPivDevice pivTool = YubikeyPivManager.Instance.OpenDevice(devName))
                    // 13 - Yubico: Import Cert
                    bool authenticatedForCert = pivTool.Authenticate(mgmKey);

                    if (!authenticatedForCert)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Unable to authenticate prior to importing a certificate";

                    YubicoPivReturnCode imported = pivTool.SetCertificate9a(cert);

                    if (imported != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)
                        doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = true;
                        _enrollWorkerMessage   = $"Unable to import a certificate, return code {imported}";


                // 14 - Create enrolled item
                EnrolledYubikey newEnrollment = new EnrolledYubikey();
                newEnrollment.DeviceSerial = deviceId;

                newEnrollment.Certificate.Serial         = cert.SerialNumber;
                newEnrollment.Certificate.Thumbprint     = cert.Thumbprint;
                newEnrollment.Certificate.Subject        = cert.Subject;
                newEnrollment.Certificate.Issuer         = cert.Issuer;
                newEnrollment.Certificate.StartDate      = cert.NotBefore;
                newEnrollment.Certificate.ExpireDate     = cert.NotAfter;
                newEnrollment.Certificate.RawCertificate = cert.RawData;

                newEnrollment.CA            = ca;
                newEnrollment.Username      = user;
                newEnrollment.ManagementKey = mgmKey;
                newEnrollment.PukKey        = puk;
                newEnrollment.Chuid         = BitConverter.ToString(chuid).Replace("-", "");

                newEnrollment.EnrolledAt = DateTime.UtcNow;

                newEnrollment.YubikeyVersions.NeoFirmware = neoFirmware;
                newEnrollment.YubikeyVersions.PivApplet   = pivFirmware.ToString();



                // 15 - Save store


                // Report
                doWorkEventArgs.Cancel = false;
                _enrollWorkerMessage   = "Success";
Beispiel #13
        public bool GenerateKey9a(byte algorithm, out RSAParameters publicKey)
            publicKey = new RSAParameters();

            byte[] templ = { 0, YubikeyPivNative.YKPIV_INS_GENERATE_ASYMMETRIC, 0, 0x9A };
            byte[] inData = new byte[5];    // TODO: Newer versions of yubico-piv-tool use 11 bytes of data, see:
            byte[] outData = new byte[1024];
            int    outLength = outData.Length, sw = -1;

            // Set up IN
            inData[0] = 0xAC;
            inData[1] = 3;
            inData[2] = 0x80;
            inData[3] = 1;
            inData[4] = algorithm;

            YubicoPivReturnCode code = YubikeyPivNative.YkPivTransferData(_deviceHandle.State, templ, inData, inData.Length, outData, ref outLength, ref sw);

            if (code != YubicoPivReturnCode.YKPIV_OK)

            if (sw != 0x9000)

            // Skip first 2 bytes
            outData = outData.Skip(2).ToArray();

            int dataLength;
            int offset = GetDataOffsetAndLength(outData, out dataLength);

            outData = outData.Skip(offset).ToArray();

            if (outData[0] != 0x81)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Received bad public key from yubikey");

            Array.Copy(outData, 1, outData, 0, outData.Length - 1);

            offset = GetDataOffsetAndLength(outData, out dataLength);

            byte[] modulus = outData.Skip(offset).Take(dataLength).ToArray();
            outData = outData.Skip(offset + dataLength).ToArray();

            if (outData[0] != 0x82)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Received bad public key structure from yubikey");

            Array.Copy(outData, 1, outData, 0, outData.Length - 1);

            offset = GetDataOffsetAndLength(outData, out dataLength);
            byte[] exponent = outData.Skip(offset).Take(dataLength).ToArray();

            publicKey.Modulus  = modulus;
            publicKey.Exponent = exponent;
