Beispiel #1
        // Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Get sensor
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override YSensor GetSensor()
            string errmsg = "";

            if (hardwaredetect == 0)
                YAPI.UpdateDeviceList(ref errmsg);
            hardwaredetect = (hardwaredetect + 1) % 20;
            YAPI.HandleEvents(ref errmsg);
            YTemperature sensor = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();

            if (sensor is null)
                throw new SensorNotDetectedException();
            else if (!sensor.isOnline())
                throw new SensorOfflineException();
Beispiel #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            YModule m;
            string  errmsg = "";

            if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) == YAPI.SUCCESS)
                notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(5, "PsymonWeather Beta", "Connection effectuée", ToolTipIcon.Info);
                timer1.Enabled             = true;
                btnConnexion.Enabled       = false;
                btnDeco.Enabled            = true;
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Connecté : Oui";
                m = YModule.FindModule("PsymonWeather");
                lblSerial.Text       = m.get_firmwareRelease().ToString();
                progressTemp.Minimum = 0;
                progressTemp.Maximum = 40;
                YTemperature temp = YTemperature.FindTemperature("temperature");
                progressTemp.Value = (int)temp.get_currentValue();
                lblTemp.Text       = string.Format("{0} °C", temp.get_currentValue());
                YHumidity humid = YHumidity.FindHumidity("humidity");
                lblHumid.Text = string.Format("{0} % d'humidité", humid.get_currentValue());
                YPressure pressure = YPressure.FindPressure("pressure");
                lblPressure.Text = string.Format("{0} Bar", pressure.get_currentValue());
                notifyIcon1.Text = string.Format("PsymonWeather Beta\nTemp. : {0}\nHumid. : {1}\nPress. : {2}", temp.get_currentValue(), humid.get_currentValue(), pressure.get_currentValue());
                toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Connecté : Erreur";
                MessageBox.Show("Le module n'est pas branché.");
Beispiel #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string errmsg = "";
            string target;

            YTemperature tsensor;

            if (args.Length < 1)
            target = args[0].ToUpper();

            // Setup the API to use local USB devices
            if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine("RegisterHub error: " + errmsg);

            if (target == "ANY")
                tsensor = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();

                if (tsensor == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");
                Console.WriteLine("Using: " + tsensor.get_module().get_serialNumber());
                tsensor = YTemperature.FindTemperature(target + ".temperature1");

            // retreive module serial
            string serial = tsensor.get_module().get_serialNumber();

            // retreive both channels
            YTemperature ch1 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(serial + ".temperature1");
            YTemperature ch2 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(serial + ".temperature2");

            if (!ch2.isOnline())
                Console.WriteLine("Module not connected");
                Console.WriteLine("check identification and USB cable");
            while (ch2.isOnline())
                Console.Write("Ambiant: " + ch1.get_currentValue().ToString() + " °C  ");
                Console.Write("Infrared: " + ch2.get_currentValue().ToString() + " °C  ");
                Console.WriteLine("  (press Ctrl-C to exit)");
                YAPI.Sleep(1000, ref errmsg);
Beispiel #4
        public override async Task <int> Run()
            try {
                await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL);

                YMotor       motor;
                YCurrent     current;
                YVoltage     voltage;
                YTemperature temperature;

                if (Target.ToLower() == "any")
                    // find the serial# of the first available motor
                    motor = YMotor.FirstMotor();
                    if (motor == null)
                        WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");

                    Target = await(await motor.get_module()).get_serialNumber();

                int power = Convert.ToInt32(Power);
                motor       = YMotor.FindMotor(Target + ".motor");
                current     = YCurrent.FindCurrent(Target + ".current");
                voltage     = YVoltage.FindVoltage(Target + ".voltage");
                temperature = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature");

                // lets start the motor
                if (await motor.isOnline())
                    // if motor is in error state, reset it.
                    if (await motor.get_motorStatus() >= YMotor.MOTORSTATUS_LOVOLT)
                        await motor.resetStatus();

                    await motor.drivingForceMove(power, 2000); // ramp up to power in 2 seconds

                    while (await motor.isOnline())
                        // display motor status
                        WriteLine("Status=" + await motor.get_advertisedValue() + "  "
                                  + "Voltage=" + await voltage.get_currentValue() + "V  "
                                  + "Current=" + await current.get_currentValue() / 1000 + "A  "
                                  + "Temp=" + await temperature.get_currentValue() + "deg C");
                        await YAPI.Sleep(1000); // wait for one second
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message);

        // link the instance to a real YoctoAPI object
        internal override void linkToHardware(string hwdName)
            YTemperature hwd = YTemperature.FindTemperature(hwdName);

            // first redo base_init to update all _func pointers
            base_init(hwd, hwdName);
            // then setup Yocto-API pointers and callbacks
Beispiel #6
        public void newTempSensorData(YTemperature source, YMeasure data)
            pointXY p = new pointXY()
                x = data.get_endTimeUTC(), y = data.get_averageValue()

 // perform the 2nd stage setup that requires YoctoAPI object
 protected void init(YTemperature hwd)
     if (hwd == null)
     InternalStuff.log("registering Temperature callback");
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string       errmsg = "";
            string       target;
            YRangeFinder rf;
            YLightSensor ir;
            YTemperature tmp;

            if (args.Length < 1)
            target = args[0].ToUpper();

            // Setup the API to use local USB devices
            if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine("RegisterHub error: " + errmsg);

            if (target == "ANY")
                rf = YRangeFinder.FirstRangeFinder();
                if (rf == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");
                target = rf.get_module().get_serialNumber();
                rf = YRangeFinder.FindRangeFinder(target + ".rangefinder1");

            if (!rf.isOnline())
                Console.WriteLine("Module not connected");
                Console.WriteLine("check identification and USB cable");
            ir  = YLightSensor.FindLightSensor(target + ".lightSensor1");
            tmp = YTemperature.FindTemperature(target + ".temperature1");

            while (rf.isOnline())
                Console.WriteLine("Distance    : " + rf.get_currentValue().ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Ambiant IR  : " + ir.get_currentValue().ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Temperature : " + tmp.get_currentValue().ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("  (press Ctrl-C to exit)");
                YAPI.Sleep(1000, ref errmsg);
        public void reloadConfig(YModule Source)
            _name       = _sourceSensor.get_friendlyName();;
            _serial     = _sourceSensor.get_module().get_module().get_serialNumber();
            _unit       = _sourceSensor.get_unit();
            _datalogger = YDataLogger.FindDataLogger(_serial + ".dataLogger");
            _tempSensor = YTemperature.FindTemperature(_serial + ".temperature");
            string tt = _sourceSensor.get_hardwareId().Replace("weighScale", "genericSensor");

            _genSensor = YGenericSensor.FindGenericSensor(tt);
        public static YTemperatureProxy FindTemperature(string name)
            // cases to handle:
            // name =""  no matching unknwn
            // name =""  unknown exists
            // name != "" no  matching unknown
            // name !="" unknown exists
            YTemperature      func = null;
            YTemperatureProxy res  = (YTemperatureProxy)YFunctionProxy.FindSimilarUnknownFunction("YTemperatureProxy");

            if (name == "")
                if (res != null)
                res = (YTemperatureProxy)YFunctionProxy.FindSimilarKnownFunction("YTemperatureProxy");
                if (res != null)
                func = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();
                if (func != null)
                    name = func.get_hardwareId();
                    if (func.get_userData() != null)
                func = YTemperature.FindTemperature(name);
                if (func.get_userData() != null)
            if (res == null)
                res = new YTemperatureProxy(func, name);
            if (func != null)
                if (func.isOnline())
Beispiel #11
     * <summary>
     *   Retrieves a temperature sensor for a given identifier.
     * <para>
     *   The identifier can be specified using several formats:
     * </para>
     * <para>
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - FunctionLogicalName
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionIdentifier
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionLogicalName
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionIdentifier
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionLogicalName
     * </para>
     * <para>
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   This function does not require that the temperature sensor is online at the time
     *   it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
     *   Use the method <c>YTemperature.isOnline()</c> to test if the temperature sensor is
     *   indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
     *   a temperature sensor by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
     *   found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
     *   then by logical name.
     * </para>
     * </summary>
     * <param name="func">
     *   a string that uniquely characterizes the temperature sensor
     * </param>
     * <returns>
     *   a <c>YTemperature</c> object allowing you to drive the temperature sensor.
     * </returns>
    public static YTemperature FindTemperature(string func)
        YTemperature obj;

        obj = (YTemperature)YFunction._FindFromCache("Temperature", func);
        if (obj == null)
            obj = new YTemperature(func);
            YFunction._AddToCache("Temperature", func, obj);
         * <summary>
         *   Enumerates all functions of type Temperature available on the devices
         *   currently reachable by the library, and returns their unique hardware ID.
         * <para>
         *   Each of these IDs can be provided as argument to the method
         *   <c>YTemperature.FindTemperature</c> to obtain an object that can control the
         *   corresponding device.
         * </para>
         * </summary>
         * <returns>
         *   an array of strings, each string containing the unique hardwareId
         *   of a device function currently connected.
         * </returns>
        public static new string[] GetSimilarFunctions()
            List <string> res = new List <string>();
            YTemperature  it  = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();

            while (it != null)
                it = it.nextTemperature();
Beispiel #13
    // --- (end of YTemperature implementation)

    // --- (Temperature functions)

     * <summary>
     *   Retrieves a temperature sensor for a given identifier.
     * <para>
     *   The identifier can be specified using several formats:
     * </para>
     * <para>
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - FunctionLogicalName
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionIdentifier
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionLogicalName
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionIdentifier
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionLogicalName
     * </para>
     * <para>
     * </para>
     * <para>
     *   This function does not require that the temperature sensor is online at the time
     *   it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
     *   Use the method <c>YTemperature.isOnline()</c> to test if the temperature sensor is
     *   indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
     *   a temperature sensor by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
     *   found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
     *   then by logical name.
     * </para>
     * </summary>
     * <param name="func">
     *   a string that uniquely characterizes the temperature sensor
     * </param>
     * <returns>
     *   a <c>YTemperature</c> object allowing you to drive the temperature sensor.
     * </returns>
    public static YTemperature FindTemperature(string func)
        YTemperature res;

        if (_TemperatureCache.ContainsKey(func))
        res = new YTemperature(func);
        _TemperatureCache.Add(func, res);
Beispiel #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string errmsg = "";
            string target;

            YTemperature tsensor;

            if (args.Length < 1)
            target = args[0].ToUpper();

            // Setup the API to use local USB devices
            if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine("RegisterHub error: " + errmsg);

            if (target == "ANY")
                tsensor = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();

                if (tsensor == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");
                tsensor = YTemperature.FindTemperature(target + ".temperature");

            if (!tsensor.isOnline())
                Console.WriteLine("Module not connected");
                Console.WriteLine("check identification and USB cable");

            while (tsensor.isOnline())
                Console.WriteLine("Current temperature: " + tsensor.get_currentValue().ToString()
                                  + " °C");
                Console.WriteLine("  (press Ctrl-C to exit)");

                YAPI.Sleep(1000, ref errmsg);
Beispiel #15
        private void moduleInventory()
            YModule      m, currentmodule;
            YTemperature sensor;
            int          index;

            currentmodule = null;
            sensor        = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();
            while (sensor != null)
                m = sensor.get_module();
                sensor = sensor.nextTemperature();

            if (comboBox1.Items.Count == 0)
                comboBox1.Enabled          = false;
                Beacon.Enabled             = false;
                label1.Enabled             = false;
                label1.Text                = "N/A";
                toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Connect a device featuring a temperature sensor";
                index             = 0;
                comboBox1.Enabled = true;
                Beacon.Enabled    = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < comboBox1.Items.Count; i++)
                    if (comboBox1.Items[i].Equals(currentmodule))
                        index = i;

                if (comboBox1.Items.Count == 1)
                    toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "One  device connected";
                    toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = comboBox1.Items.Count.ToString() + " devices connected";

                comboBox1.SelectedIndex = index;
Beispiel #16
        public void reloadInfos()
            YTemperature temp = YTemperature.FindTemperature("temperature");

            progressTemp.Value = (int)temp.get_currentValue();
            lblTemp.Text       = string.Format("{0} °C", temp.get_currentValue());
            YHumidity humid = YHumidity.FindHumidity("humidity");

            lblHumid.Text = string.Format("{0} % d'humidité", humid.get_currentValue());
            YPressure pressure = YPressure.FindPressure("pressure");

            lblPressure.Text = string.Format("{0} Bar", pressure.get_currentValue());
            notifyIcon1.Text = string.Format("PsymonWeather Beta\nTemp. : {0} °C\nHumid. : {1}\nPress. : {2} Bar", temp.get_currentValue(), humid.get_currentValue(), pressure.get_currentValue());
Beispiel #17
        public override async Task <int> Run()
            try {
                await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL);

                YTemperature tsensor;

                if (Target.ToLower() == "any")
                    tsensor = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();

                    if (tsensor == null)
                        WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");

                    Target = await(await tsensor.get_module()).get_serialNumber();

                WriteLine("Using: " + Target);
                // retreive all 6 channels
                YTemperature ch1 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature1");
                YTemperature ch2 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature2");
                YTemperature ch3 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature3");
                YTemperature ch4 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature4");
                YTemperature ch5 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature5");
                YTemperature ch6 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature6");

                while (await ch2.isOnline())
                    Write("| 1: " + (await ch1.get_currentValue()).ToString(" 0.0"));
                    Write(" | 2: " + (await ch2.get_currentValue()).ToString(" 0.0"));
                    Write(" | 3: " + (await ch3.get_currentValue()).ToString(" 0.0"));
                    Write(" | 4: " + (await ch4.get_currentValue()).ToString(" 0.0"));
                    Write(" | 5: " + (await ch5.get_currentValue()).ToString(" 0.0"));
                    Write(" | 6: " + (await ch6.get_currentValue()).ToString(" 0.0"));
                    WriteLine("|  °C  ");
                    await YAPI.Sleep(1000);

                WriteLine("Module not connected (check identification and USB cable)");
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message);

Beispiel #18
        // called when a device is unplugged
        public void deviceRemoval(YModule m)
            //Cycle on All DropDown gauges
            for (int j = 0; j < gauges.GetLength(0); j++)
                ComboBox d        = gauges[j].getDropDown();
                int      selected = d.SelectedIndex;
                // cycle on all gauge dropdown items
                for (int i = d.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                { //search for function stored in the drop down list
                    MyTemperature mt = (MyTemperature)d.Items[i];
                    YTemperature  t  = mt.getYTemperature();
                    // test if the fucntion parent module is the the one removed
                    // note : it's too late to use get_module on t, so with use
                    // a little trick: with stored the module serial in the function
                    // userdate.

                    if ((string)t.get_userData() == m.get_serialNumber())
                    { // remove it from the drop down
                        // selected index update
                        if (selected == i)
                        if (selected >= d.Items.Count)
                            selected = d.Items.Count - 1;
                if (selected >= 0)
                    d.SelectedIndex = selected;

            // disable empty dropdowns
            for (int j = 0; j < gauges.GetLength(0); j++)
                ComboBox d = gauges[j].getDropDown();
                if (d.Enabled && d.Items.Count <= 0)
                    d.Enabled = false;
Beispiel #19
        private void refreshUI()
            YModule      m;
            YTemperature sensor;

            if (comboBox1.Enabled)
                m      = (YModule)comboBox1.Items[comboBox1.SelectedIndex];
                sensor = YTemperature.FindTemperature(m.get_serialNumber() + ".temperature");
                if (sensor.isOnline())
                    label1.Enabled = true;
                    label1.Text    = sensor.get_currentValue().ToString() + " °C";
                Beacon.Checked = (m.get_beacon() == YModule.BEACON_ON);
Beispiel #20
 // poll temperature function for all gauges and
 // update UI acordingly
 private void refreshUI()
     for (int j = 0; j < gauges.GetLength(0); j++)
         ComboBox d = gauges[j].getDropDown();
         if (d.Enabled)
             if (d.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                 MyTemperature mt = (MyTemperature)d.Items[d.SelectedIndex];
                 YTemperature  t  = mt.getYTemperature();
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		string version;
		if (IntPtr.Size == 4) {
			version = "Unity: 32 bits";
		} else {
			version = "Unity: 64 bits";
		version += " / Yoctopuce:" + YAPI.GetAPIVersion ();
		versionText.text = version;
		string msg = "";
		if (YAPI.RegisterHub ("usb", ref msg) != YAPI.SUCCESS) {
			state = State.ERROR;
			errmsg = msg;
		YModule module = YModule.FirstModule ();
		while (module!=null) {
			string product = module.get_productName ();
			string serial = module.get_serialNumber ();
			if (product == "Yocto-Meteo") {
				meteoSerial = serial;
				temperatureSensor = YTemperature.FindTemperature (serial + ".temperature");
				humiditySensor = YHumidity.FindHumidity (serial + ".humidity");
				pressureSensor = YPressure.FindPressure (serial + ".pressure");
			} else if (product == "Yocto-Color") {
				colorSerial = serial;
				led1 = YColorLed.FindColorLed (serial + ".colorLed1");
				led2 = YColorLed.FindColorLed (serial + ".colorLed2");
			module = module.nextModule ();
		if (meteoSerial == null) {
			errmsg = "No Yocto-Meteo detected";
			state = State.ERROR;
		} else if (colorSerial == null) {
			errmsg = "No Yocto-color detected";
			state = State.ERROR;
		} else {
			state = State.HOME;

Beispiel #22
        public override async Task <int> Run()
            try {
                await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL);

                YHumidity    hsensor;
                YTemperature tsensor;
                YPressure    psensor;

                if (Target.ToLower() == "any")
                    hsensor = YHumidity.FirstHumidity();
                    tsensor = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();
                    psensor = YPressure.FirstPressure();

                    if ((hsensor == null) || (tsensor == null) || (psensor == null))
                        WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");
                    hsensor = YHumidity.FindHumidity(Target + ".humidity");
                    tsensor = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature");
                    psensor = YPressure.FindPressure(Target + ".pressure");

                while (await hsensor.isOnline())
                    WriteLine("Humidity:    " + await hsensor.get_currentValue() + " %RH");
                    WriteLine("Temperature: " + await tsensor.get_currentValue() + " °C");
                    WriteLine("Pressure:    " + await psensor.get_currentValue() + " hPa");
                    await YAPI.Sleep(1000);

                WriteLine("Module not connected (check identification and USB cable)");
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message);

Beispiel #23
        public override async Task <int> Run()
            try {
                await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL);

                YRangeFinder rf;
                YLightSensor ir;
                YTemperature tmp;

                if (Target.ToLower() == "any")
                    rf = YRangeFinder.FirstRangeFinder();
                    if (rf == null)
                        WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");

                    Target = await(await rf.get_module()).get_serialNumber();
                    rf = YRangeFinder.FindRangeFinder(Target + ".rangefinder1");

                ir  = YLightSensor.FindLightSensor(Target + ".lightSensor1");
                tmp = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature1");

                while (await rf.isOnline())
                    WriteLine("Distance    : " + await rf.get_currentValue());
                    WriteLine("Ambiant IR  : " + await ir.get_currentValue());
                    WriteLine("Temperature : " + await tmp.get_currentValue());
                    await YAPI.Sleep(1000);

                WriteLine("Module not connected (check identification and USB cable)");
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message);

Beispiel #24
        public override async Task <int> Run()
            try {
                await YAPI.RegisterHub(HubURL);

                YTemperature tsensor;

                if (Target.ToLower() == "any")
                    tsensor = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();

                    if (tsensor == null)
                        WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");

                    Target = await(await tsensor.get_module()).get_serialNumber();

                WriteLine("Using: " + Target);

                // retreive both channels
                YTemperature ch1 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature1");
                YTemperature ch2 = YTemperature.FindTemperature(Target + ".temperature2");

                while (await ch2.isOnline())
                    Write("Ambiant: " + await ch1.get_currentValue() + " °C  ");
                    WriteLine("Infrared: " + await ch2.get_currentValue() + " °C  ");
                    await YAPI.Sleep(1000);

                WriteLine("Module not connected (check identification and USB cable)");
            } catch (YAPI_Exception ex) {
                WriteLine("error: " + ex.Message);

Beispiel #25
        // called when a device is plugged
        public void deviceArrival(YModule m)
        { // new device arrived, lets check if any Ytemperature function are hosted
            int          fctCount = m.functionCount();
            YTemperature t;

            // list the functions availble on the device
            for (int i = 0; i < fctCount; i++)
                string fname = m.functionId(i);
                if (fname.StartsWith("temperature"))
                    t = YTemperature.FindTemperature(m.get_serialNumber() + '.' + fname);
                    // used in deviceRemoval

                    // ok  temperature found, lets add it to all gauges control dropdown
                    for (int j = 0; j < gauges.GetLength(0); j++)
                        ComboBox      d  = gauges[j].getDropDown();
                        MyTemperature mt = new MyTemperature(t);

            // enable the dropdowns if  not empty
            for (int j = 0; j < gauges.GetLength(0); j++)
                ComboBox d = gauges[j].getDropDown();
                if (!d.Enabled && d.Items.Count > 0)
                    if (j < d.Items.Count)
                        d.SelectedIndex = j;
                        d.Enabled       = true;
  * <summary>
  *   Retrieves a temperature sensor for a given identifier.
  * <para>
  *   The identifier can be specified using several formats:
  * </para>
  * <para>
  * </para>
  * <para>
  *   - FunctionLogicalName
  * </para>
  * <para>
  *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionIdentifier
  * </para>
  * <para>
  *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionLogicalName
  * </para>
  * <para>
  *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionIdentifier
  * </para>
  * <para>
  *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionLogicalName
  * </para>
  * <para>
  * </para>
  * <para>
  *   This function does not require that the temperature sensor is online at the time
  *   it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
  *   Use the method <c>YTemperature.isOnline()</c> to test if the temperature sensor is
  *   indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
  *   a temperature sensor by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
  *   found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
  *   then by logical name.
  * </para>
  * </summary>
  * <param name="func">
  *   a string that uniquely characterizes the temperature sensor
  * </param>
  * <returns>
  *   a <c>YTemperature</c> object allowing you to drive the temperature sensor.
  * </returns>
 public static YTemperature FindTemperature(string func)
     YTemperature obj;
     obj = (YTemperature) YFunction._FindFromCache("Temperature", func);
     if (obj == null) {
         obj = new YTemperature(func);
         YFunction._AddToCache("Temperature", func, obj);
     return obj;
Beispiel #27
 public MyTemperature(YTemperature t)
     _t = t;
Beispiel #28
        private void EventThreadProc()
            while (!_stop)
                IsRunning = true;

                // attente 30eme seconds
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                if (dt.Second < 15)
                    Thread.Sleep((15 - dt.Second) * 1000);
                    Thread.Sleep(((59 - dt.Second) + 15) * 1000);

                dt = DateTime.Now;

                if (dt.Minute == 00)
                    _tempInfoClass = new tempInfo();

                _isTempReceive = false;

                if (myPT100Probe == null)
                    myPT100Probe = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();
                if ((myPT100Probe != null) && (myPT100Probe.isOnline()))
                    TempChamber    = TempBottle = myPT100Probe.get_currentValue();
                    _isTempReceive = true;

                if (_isTempReceive)
                    if (_tempInfoClass == null)
                        _tempInfoClass = new tempInfo();
                    AddTemp(dt, TempBottle);

                dt = DateTime.Now;

                if (dt.Minute == 59)

                if (dt.Second < 59)
                    Thread.Sleep(((59 - dt.Second) + 5) * 1000);
                    Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000);
            IsRunning = false;
        private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs eArgs)
            ambiantTemp = double.MinValue;
            if (sender != Clock)
            if (!DisplayBadge)
                if ((!CurrenRfidReader.IsConnected) || (bDoorJustClosed) ||
                    ((CurrenRfidReader.IsInScan) || (CurrenRfidReader.Door_Status == Door_Status.Door_Open)))

                if (bTempReady)
                    if (myPT100Probe == null)
                        myPT100Probe = YTemperature.FirstTemperature();
                    if ((myPT100Probe != null) && (myPT100Probe.isOnline()))
                        ambiantTemp = myPT100Probe.get_currentValue();

                if (ambiantTemp != double.MinValue)
                    WriteLCDLine(1, " - WAIT FOR USER -");
                    WriteLCDLine(2, " " + GetTime() + " - " + ambiantTemp.ToString("00.0") + "C");
                    WriteLCDLine(1, " - WAIT FOR USER -");
                    WriteLCDLine(2, "      " + GetTime());

                DisplayBadge = false;
                WriteLCDLine(1, "       BADGE :");
                WriteLCDLine(2, "     " + StrBadgeRead);
                if (!CurrenRfidReader.TCPActionPending)
                    LogToFile.LogMessageToFile("Before check badge in timer");
                    if (CheckBadge(StrBadgeRead))
                        LogToFile.LogMessageToFile("Badge Checked in timer");

                        badgeset = true;
                        LogToFile.LogMessageToFile("Unlock DOOR event in timer");
                        if (BadgeEvent != null)
                            LogToFile.LogMessageToFile("Badge event SET in timer");

                        LogToFile.LogMessageToFile("Badge not granted");
                        WriteLCDLine(1, "       BADGE :");
                        WriteLCDLine(2, " BADGE NOT GRANTED!");
                        //Enable TCP Scan
                        CurrenRfidReader.UserActionPending = false;
                    LogToFile.LogMessageToFile("TCP action pending");
                    WriteLCDLine(1, "       INFO  :");
                    WriteLCDLine(2, " NETWORK QUERY");
                    //Enable TCP Scan
                    CurrenRfidReader.UserActionPending = false;
 // --- (end of YTemperature implementation)
 // --- (Temperature functions)
    * <summary>
    *   Retrieves a temperature sensor for a given identifier.
    * <para>
    *   The identifier can be specified using several formats:
    * </para>
    * <para>
    * </para>
    * <para>
    *   - FunctionLogicalName
    * </para>
    * <para>
    *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionIdentifier
    * </para>
    * <para>
    *   - ModuleSerialNumber.FunctionLogicalName
    * </para>
    * <para>
    *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionIdentifier
    * </para>
    * <para>
    *   - ModuleLogicalName.FunctionLogicalName
    * </para>
    * <para>
    * </para>
    * <para>
    *   This function does not require that the temperature sensor is online at the time
    *   it is invoked. The returned object is nevertheless valid.
    *   Use the method <c>YTemperature.isOnline()</c> to test if the temperature sensor is
    *   indeed online at a given time. In case of ambiguity when looking for
    *   a temperature sensor by logical name, no error is notified: the first instance
    *   found is returned. The search is performed first by hardware name,
    *   then by logical name.
    * </para>
    * </summary>
    * <param name="func">
    *   a string that uniquely characterizes the temperature sensor
    * </param>
    * <returns>
    *   a <c>YTemperature</c> object allowing you to drive the temperature sensor.
    * </returns>
 public static YTemperature FindTemperature(string func)
     YTemperature res;
     if (_TemperatureCache.ContainsKey(func))
       return (YTemperature)_TemperatureCache[func];
     res = new YTemperature(func);
     _TemperatureCache.Add(func, res);
     return res;
Beispiel #31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string       errmsg = "";
            string       target;
            int          power;
            YMotor       motor;
            YCurrent     current;
            YVoltage     voltage;
            YTemperature temperature;

            // parse the  command line
            if (args.Length < 2)
            target = args[0].ToUpper();
            power  = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);

            if (YAPI.RegisterHub("usb", ref errmsg) != YAPI.SUCCESS)
                Console.WriteLine("RegisterHub error: " + errmsg);
            if (target == "ANY")
                // find the serial# of the first available motor
                motor = YMotor.FirstMotor();
                if (motor == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No module connected (check USB cable) ");
                target = motor.get_module().get_serialNumber();

            motor       = YMotor.FindMotor(target + ".motor");
            current     = YCurrent.FindCurrent(target + ".current");
            voltage     = YVoltage.FindVoltage(target + ".voltage");
            temperature = YTemperature.FindTemperature(target + ".temperature");

            // lets start the motor
            if (motor.isOnline())
                // if motor is in error state, reset it.
                if (motor.get_motorStatus() >= YMotor.MOTORSTATUS_LOVOLT)
                motor.drivingForceMove(power, 2000); // ramp up to power in 2 seconds
                while (motor.isOnline())
                    // display motor status
                    Console.WriteLine("Status=" + motor.get_advertisedValue() + "  " +
                                      "Voltage=" + voltage.get_currentValue() + "V  " +
                                      "Current=" + current.get_currentValue() / 1000 + "A  " +
                                      "Temp=" + temperature.get_currentValue() + "deg C");
                    YAPI.Sleep(1000, ref errmsg); // wait for one second
 // perform the initial setup that may be done without a YoctoAPI object (hwd can be null)
 internal override void base_init(YFunction hwd, string instantiationName)
     _func = (YTemperature)hwd;
     base.base_init(hwd, instantiationName);
        //--- (end of YTemperature definitions)

        //--- (YTemperature implementation)
        internal YTemperatureProxy(YTemperature hwd, string instantiationName) : base(hwd, instantiationName)
            InternalStuff.log("Temperature " + instantiationName + " instantiation");
            base_init(hwd, instantiationName);