Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to render the XSL FO output
        /// This can be overridden by implementing classes to customize this behaviour as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual XDocument RenderXslFOXml(TViewModel viewModel)
            //Execute the XSLT Tempalte to generate the XSL-FO output
            //Convert the Model to Xml
            var xmlDataDoc = ConvertModelToXDocument(viewModel).RemoveNamespaces();

            //Load the Xslt Report Template to process the Xml model data
            //Load the Local FileInfo for the View Report so that we can use it's Directory
            //  as the BaseDirectory for resolving locally referenced files/images within the XSL-FO processing.
            var xsltFileInfo = this.XsltFileInfo;
            var xsltDoc      = XDocument.Load(xsltFileInfo.FullName);

            //Create the Xslt Transform Engine helper with Custom Extension methods on XDocument
            //NOTE: We use the enhanced Xml Url Resolver to support importing Xslt Common libraries
            var xsltTransformOptions          = this.CreateXsltTransformEngineOptions();
            XslTransformEngine xslTransformer = xsltDoc.CreateXslTransformEngine(xsltTransformOptions);

            //Execute the Xslt Transformation to generate Xsl-FO Source
            //NOTE: This template must generate valid Xsl-FO output -- via the well-formed xml via XDocument return value -- to be rendered as a Pdf Binary!
            var xslFODoc = xslTransformer.TransformToXDocument(xmlDataDoc);

 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms an XDocument using the specified Compiled Xslt and returns an XDocument with the results parsed.
 /// Note:  This assumes that the Results are Valid Xml or an exception will occur.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xInputDocument">The XDocument to Transform.</param>
 /// <param name="xslTransformer">The Compiled Xsl Transform to convert.</param>
 /// <param name="xXsltParams">The Arguments List to inject into the Xsl Transform to convert.</param>
 /// <returns>The Transform Output in Text format supporting any output from transformation (text, html, xml, etc.).</returns>
 public static XDocument TransformToXDocument(this XDocument xInputDocument, XslTransformEngine xslTransformer, XsltArgumentList xXsltParams = null)
     return(xslTransformer.TransformToXDocument(xInputDocument, xXsltParams));
        public void LoadXslt(XDocument xXmlInputDoc, XslTransformEngine xslTransformer, XslFOPdfOptions pdfOptions)

            //NOTE:  We Lock this entire method because it is the Core method for the UI Control and we don't want this Control
            //       to allow primary processing by more than one Thread at a time.  Though Background threads are launched
            //       to not block the UI thread, this is not intended to process multiple items at a Time and this
            //       block contains code where critical values are being modified.
            lock (_threadLock)

                //Initialize Temp File Helper to manage temp files for Transformation into PDF
                var uiTaskFactory = new TaskFactory(_uiThreadScheduler);
                LogItem("XslFO Pdf Render Process  Starting.");
                var timerOverall = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                //Execute the Work Async, with a Continuation back on the UI Thread when completed.
                var workerTask = Task.Factory.StartNew <XslFORenderFileOutput>(() =>
                    //XsltEngine is already passed in and Compiled for performance
                    //Execute the Xslt Transformation
                    LogItem("Xslt Execution Starting.");
                    var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    var xXslFOResultsDoc = xslTransformer.TransformToXDocument(xXmlInputDoc);

                    LogItem("Xslt Execution Completed in [{0}] seconds.", timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                    //Render the XslFO results into a Pdf
                    //return xXmlInputDoc.TransformToPdfFile(xslTransformer, tempPdfFileInfo, pdfOptions, _fnFonetEventHandler, _fnFonetEventHandler, _fnXsltEventHandler);
                    LogItem("Pdf Render Starting.");

                    var XslFORenderedOutput = xXslFOResultsDoc.RenderXslFOToPdfFile(GetTempFileHelper(), new XslFORenderOptions()
                        PdfOptions         = pdfOptions,
                        RenderErrorHandler = GetFONetErrorHandler(),
                        RenderEventHandler = GetFONetEventHandler()

                    LogItem("Pdf Render Completed in [{0}] seconds.", timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                    //Finally Return the Renderd Output from the the Background
                    //Thread so that the results can be processed on the UI!
                }).ContinueWith((workTask) =>
                    //NOTE: Since this is the Followup Thread executing we must check to see if the Background Thread Faulted and handle it correctly.
                    //This allows us to process the Exception back on the UI Thread instead of loosing it on the background thread.
                    if (workTask.IsFaulted)
                        String renderSource = String.Empty;
                        var innerException  = workTask.Exception.InnerException;

                        if (innerException is XslTransformEngineException)
                            renderSource = innerException.As <XslTransformEngineException>().XsltOutput;
                        else if (innerException is XslFORenderException)
                            renderSource = innerException.As <XslFORenderException>().RenderSource;

                        RaiseViewerError(new XslFOViewerEventArgs("Exception Occurred Processing the Transformer.  Inner Exception Details: {0}".FormatArgs(workTask.Exception.GetMessages()), renderSource));
                        //Halt and Wait for the workerTask's result!
                        //NOTE:  This DOES NOT Halt our UI, because this is only invoked within our ContinueWith continuation of the Parallel Task
                        //       which will handle the coordination and usher our results back to the UI Thread via the ThreadScheduler parameter below!
                        LogItem("XslFO Pdf Render Process Completed in [{0}] seconds.", timerOverall.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                    //Cleanup Temp File once loaded because Acrobat ActiveX Control no longer needs it
                    //NOTE:  Acrobot can browse the file after it is loaded, however Find/Search functionality is broken
                    //       so we cannot delete the file pre-maturely.
                }, _uiThreadScheduler);