Beispiel #1
        public async void CheckForMaxCatch()
                if (!GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.PauseBotOnMaxHourlyRates ||
                    RealWorkH < 1 || //DEBUG
                    Session?.Stats == null)

                var countXp        = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour > 0;
                var countSd        = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour > 0;
                var countPokemons  = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour > 0;
                var countPokestops = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour > 0;

                var tooMuchPokemons  = countPokemons && PokemonsRate > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour;
                var tooMuchPokestops = countPokestops && PokestopsRate > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour;
                var tooMuchXp        = countXp && Xpph > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour;
                var tooMuchStarDust  = countSd && StardustRate > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour;
                if (!tooMuchPokemons && !tooMuchPokestops && !tooMuchXp && !tooMuchStarDust)
                var pokemonSec = tooMuchPokemons
                    ? (PokemonsRate - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;
                var pokestopSec = tooMuchPokestops
                    ? (PokestopsRate - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;
                var xpSec = tooMuchXp
                    ? (Xpph - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;
                var stardustSec = tooMuchStarDust
                    ? (StardustRate - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;

                var stopSec = 10 * 60 + _rnd.Next(60 * 5) + (int)(new [] { pokestopSec, pokemonSec, xpSec, stardustSec }).Max();
                var stopMs  = stopSec * 1000;

//#if DEBUG
//                stopMs /= 100;

                Session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent
                    Message =
                        $"Max amount of Pokemon ({PokemonsRate.ToN1()})/Pokestops ({PokestopsRate.ToN1()})/XP ({Xpph.ToN1()})/Star Dust ({StardustRate.ToN1()}) per hour reached, bot will be stopped for {(stopMs/60000).ToString("N1")} minutes"
                _realWorkSec += stopSec;
                _pauseCts = new CancellationTokenSource();


                await SetPause(stopMs);

            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent
                    Message = "Bot pause routine canceled"
            catch (Exception ex)
                Session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent
                    Message = "Bot pause routine failed badly"
                Logger.Write($"[PAUSE FAIL] Error: {ex.Message}", LogLevel.Error);
        public async void CheckForMaxCatch()
                if (!GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.PauseBotOnMaxHourlyRates ||
                    RealWorkH < 1 || //DEBUG
                    Session?.Stats == null || Session.State == BotState.LuckyEgg || !Started || UsedItemsList.Any(x => x.InUse))

                var countXp        = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour > 0;
                var countSd        = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour > 0;
                var countPokemons  = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour > 0;
                var countPokestops = GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour > 0;

                var tooMuchPokemons  = countPokemons && PokemonsRate > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour;
                var tooMuchPokestops = countPokestops && PokestopsRate > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour;
                var tooMuchXp        = countXp && Xpph > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour;
                var tooMuchStarDust  = countSd && StardustRate > GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour;
                if (!tooMuchPokemons && !tooMuchPokestops && !tooMuchXp && !tooMuchStarDust)
                var pokemonSec = tooMuchPokemons
                    ? (PokemonsRate - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxCatchPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;
                var pokestopSec = tooMuchPokestops
                    ? (PokestopsRate - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxPokestopsPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;
                var xpSec = tooMuchXp
                    ? (Xpph - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxXPPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;
                var stardustSec = tooMuchStarDust
                    ? (StardustRate - GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour) / GlobalSettings.CatchSettings.MaxStarDustPerHour * 60 * 60 : 0;

                var stopSec = 10 * 60 + _rnd.Next(60 * 5) + (int)(new [] { pokestopSec, pokemonSec, xpSec, stardustSec }).Max();
                var stopMs  = stopSec * 1000;

//#if DEBUG
//                stopMs /= 100;
                _realWorkSec += stopSec;
                _pauseCts = new CancellationTokenSource();

                Session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent
                    Message = Session.Translation.GetTranslation(TranslationString.HourRateReached, PokemonsRate.ToN1(), PokestopsRate.ToN1(), Xpph.ToN1(), StardustRate.ToN1(), (stopMs / 60000).ToString("N1"))
                await SetPause(stopMs);

            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent
                    Message = Session.Translation.GetTranslation(TranslationString.BotPauseCancel)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent
                    Message = Session.Translation.GetTranslation(TranslationString.BotPauseFail)
                Logger.Write($"[PAUSE FAIL] Error: {ex.Message}", LogLevel.Error);