Beispiel #1
 private void ViewVCard(XmppVCard vCard)
     Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
         string title   = vCard.Jid.Bare + " vCard";
         string content = UIHelper.XmlIndent("<vCard>" + vCard.ToStream() + "</vCard>");
         DialogUtils.ShowIndentedContent(this, content, title);
     }), DispatcherPriority.Normal);
Beispiel #2
 private void UpdateVCard(XmppVCard vCard)
     if (vCard != null)
         UserSetting.VCard = vCard;
Beispiel #3
        private void AvatarImg_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            XmppVCard vCard = UserSetting.VCard;

            if (Guard.AlertIfNull(vCard, this, "Unable to set avatar now, vCard not retrieved yet from the server. If the problem persists, the server may not support this feature."))

            string fileName = DialogUtils.SelectFileToOpen("All Avatar types (*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.gif,*.png)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png", null);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))

            string hash = null;

            try {
                Avatar.GenerateFromFile(fileName, out hash);
                vCard.PhotoType   = "image/png";
                vCard.PhotoBinVal = Avatar.GetData(hash);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                DialogUtils.ShowException(this, "Unable to set avatar :-( Internal error.", ex);

            Log("avatar updating");
            int id = client.SendVCardUpdate(vCard);

            Signals.Register(id, (par) => {
                if (par.Type == XmppIqType.Result)
                    Log("avatar updated");
                else if (par.Type == XmppIqType.Error)
                    DialogUtils.ShowError(this, string.Format("Unable to set avatar :-( Server error, be sad! {0} {0} {1}", Environment.NewLine, ParseStreamError(par.xStream)));
Beispiel #4
        private void doParseStream(string stream)
            XmppIQ xStream;

            try {
                xStream = XmppIQ.Parse(stream);
            }       catch (Exception) {
                //MessageBox.Show("Invalid stream :(\n\n" + stream);

            switch (xStream.Name)
                #region PRESENCE
            case "presence": {
                XmppPresence presence = new XmppPresence();
                string       type     = xStream.GetAttribute("type");
                presence.From = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("from"));
                presence.To   = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("to"));

                // # type == ""
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                    XmppIQ xStatus = xStream.FindDescendant("status");
                    if (xStatus != null)
                        presence.MessageStatus = xStatus.Text;

                    XmppIQ xShow = xStream.FindDescendant("show");
                    presence.Status = xShow != null?XmppIq.StrToPresence(xShow.Text) : XmppPresenceStatus.Online;

                    XmppIQ xCard = xStream.FindDescendant("x", "vcard-temp:x:update");
                    if (xCard != null)
                        XmppIQ xPhoto = xCard.FindDescendant("photo", "vcard-temp:x:update");
                        if (xPhoto != null)
                            presence.PhotoHash = xPhoto.Text;

                    if (Presence != null)
                        Presence(this, new XmppPresenceEventArgs(presence));
                // # type == "unavailable"
                else if (type == "unavailable")
                    presence.Status = XmppPresenceStatus.Unavailable;
                    if (Presence != null)
                        Presence(this, new XmppPresenceEventArgs(presence));
                // # type == "probe"	// probe request from server
                else if (type == "probe")
                    SetPresence(statePresence, string.Empty, null);
                // # type == "subscribe"	// new subscription request
                else if (type == "subscribe")
                    if (SubscribeRequest != null)
                        SubscribeRequest(this, new XmppSubscribeRequestEventArgs(presence.From));
                // # type == "error"	// presence stanza error
                else if (type == "error")
                    // @@@

                #region MESSAGE
            case "message": {
                XmppMessage message = new XmppMessage();
                message.Type = xStream.GetAttribute("type");
                message.From = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("from"));
                message.To   = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("to"));
                Int32.TryParse(xStream.GetAttribute("id"), out message.ID);

                if (message.Type != "error")
                    // # user composing new message
                    if (xStream.FindDescendant("composing", "") != null)
                        if (ChatNotify != null)
                            ChatNotify(this, new XmppChatNotifyEventArgs(message.From, string.Empty, XmppChatStatus.NowComposing));
                    // # user stop composing
                    else if (xStream.FindDescendant("paused", "") != null)
                        if (ChatNotify != null)
                            ChatNotify(this, new XmppChatNotifyEventArgs(message.From, string.Empty, XmppChatStatus.StopComposing));
                    // # user is inactive
                    else if (xStream.FindDescendant("inactive", "") != null)
                        if (ChatNotify != null)
                            ChatNotify(this, new XmppChatNotifyEventArgs(message.From, string.Empty, XmppChatStatus.Inactive));
                    // # user has left conversation
                    else if (xStream.FindDescendant("gone", "") != null)
                        if (ChatNotify != null)
                            ChatNotify(this, new XmppChatNotifyEventArgs(message.From, string.Empty, XmppChatStatus.Gone));
                    // # user is active ;)
                    else if (xStream.FindDescendant("active", "") != null)
                        if (ChatNotify != null)
                            ChatNotify(this, new XmppChatNotifyEventArgs(message.From, string.Empty, XmppChatStatus.Active));

                    // # check for new message
                    XmppIQ xBody = xStream.FindDescendant("body");
                    if (xBody != null)
                        message.Body = xBody.Text;

                        XmppIQ xThread = xStream.FindDescendant("thread");
                        if (xThread != null)
                            message.Thread = xThread.Text;

                        XmppIQ xSubject = xStream.FindDescendant("subject");
                        if (xSubject != null)
                            message.Subject = xSubject.Text;

                        if (Message != null)
                            Message(this, new XmppMessageEventArgs(message));

                #region IQ
            case "iq": {
                XmppIQ xQuery = null;
                string type   = xStream.GetAttribute("type");

                // Roster
                xQuery = xStream.FindDescendant("query", "jabber:iq:roster");
                if (xQuery != null)
                    List <XmppRosterItem> roster = new List <XmppRosterItem>();
                    foreach (XmppIQ xItem in xQuery.Children())
                        if (xItem.Name != "item")

                        string jid   = xItem.GetAttribute("jid");
                        string sub   = xItem.GetAttribute("subscription");
                        string ask   = xItem.GetAttribute("ask");
                        string name  = xItem.GetAttribute("name");
                        string group = xItem.GetAttribute("group");
                        roster.Add(new XmppRosterItem(jid, sub, name, group, ask));

                    if (Roster != null)
                        Roster(this, new XmppRosterEventArgs(roster, XmppIq.StrToType(type)));

                // Disco
                xQuery = xStream.FindDescendant("query", "");
                if (xQuery != null)
                    if (type == "get")
                        XmppJid from = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("from"));
                        string  id   = xStream.GetAttribute("id");
                        sendStream(new XmppIq().ToStream(Jid, from, XmppIqType.Result, id, Disco.ToStreamResult()));                                // @@@@@ ottimizza SendIq(...)
                        //SendIq(from, XmppIqType.Result, Disco.ToStreamResult());// @@@@@ ottimizza SendIq(...)

                // vCard
                xQuery = xStream.FindDescendant("vCard", "vcard-temp");
                if (xQuery != null)
                    if (type == "result")
                        XmppJid   from  = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("from"));
                        XmppVCard vCard = new XmppVCard(from, xQuery);
                        if (VCard != null)
                            VCard(this, new XmppVCartEventArgs(vCard));

                // Ping
                xQuery = xStream.FindDescendant("ping", "urn:xmpp:ping");
                if (xQuery != null)
                    if (type == "get")
                        XmppJid from = new XmppJid(xStream.GetAttribute("from"));
                        string  id   = xStream.GetAttribute("id");
                        sendStream(new XmppIq().ToStream(Jid, from, XmppIqType.Result, id, string.Empty));                                // @@@@@ ottimizza SendIq(...)


Beispiel #5
        public int SendVCardUpdate(XmppVCard vCard)
            string content = string.Format("<vCard xmlns=\"vcard-temp\">{0}</vCard>", vCard.ToStream());

            return(SendIq(Jid, null, XmppIqType.Set, content));