Beispiel #1
         * Unwrap word element.
         * @param wordElement
         *            the word element
         * @return the nLG element
        private NLGElement UnwrapWordElement(XmlWordElement wordElement)
            NLGElement word = null;

            if (wordElement != null)
                if (true.Equals(wordElement.Canned))
                    word = factory.createStringElement(wordElement.Base);
                    LexicalCategory lexCat = new LexicalCategory(LexicalCategory.LexicalCategoryEnum.ANY);
                    ElementCategory cat    = UnwrapCategory(wordElement.Cat);

                    if (cat != null && cat is LexicalCategory)
                        lexCat = (LexicalCategory)cat;

                    // String baseForm = getBaseWord(wordElement);
                    string baseForm = wordElement.Base;

                    if (!ReferenceEquals(baseForm, null))
                        word = factory.createWord(baseForm, lexCat);

                        if (word is InflectedWordElement && ((InflectedWordElement)word).BaseWord.BaseForm.Length == 0)
                            word = null;                             // cch TESTING
                        else if (word is WordElement)
                            WordElement we = (WordElement)word;

                            // Inflection
                            if (wordElement.Var != null)
                                Enum.TryParse(wordElement.Var.ToString(), out Inflection defaultInflection);

                            // Spelling variant may have been given as base form in xml.
                            // If so, use that variant.
                            if (!Regex.IsMatch(baseForm, "^" + we.BaseForm + "$"))
                                we.DefaultSpellingVariant = baseForm;

Beispiel #2
         * Unwrap a <code>simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.NLGElement</code> and map it
         * to a <code>simplenlg.framework.NLGElement</code>
         * @param wps
         *            The wrapper object
         * @return the NLGElement
        public virtual NLGElement UnwrapNLGElement(wrapper.XmlNLGElement wps)
            if (wps == null)

            if (wps is wrapper.XmlDocumentElement)

            // Handle coordinate phrase specs first, which will cause recursion.
            NLGElement cp = UnwrapCoordinatePhraseSpec(wps);

            if (cp != null)

            // Literal text.
            if (wps is wrapper.XmlStringElement)
                wrapper.XmlStringElement wp = (wrapper.XmlStringElement)wps;
                NLGElement p = factory.createStringElement(wp.Val);

            // WordElements (delegate to UnwrapWordElement) -- useful to have
            // because it is called by unWrapPhraseComponents, and pre/post mods
            // might be WordElements
            if (wps is XmlWordElement)

            // Sentence
            else if (wps is wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec)
                wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec wp = (wrapper.XmlSPhraseSpec)wps;
                SPhraseSpec            sp = factory.createClause();
                NLGElement             vp = null;

                List <NLGElement> subjects = new List <NLGElement>();
                foreach (wrapper.XmlNLGElement p in wp.Subj)
                    NLGElement p1 = UnwrapNLGElement(p);
                    checkFunction(DiscourseFunction.SUBJECT, p1);

                if (subjects.Any())
                    sp.setFeature(InternalFeature.SUBJECTS, subjects);

                if (wp.Vp != null)
                    vp            = UnwrapNLGElement(wp.Vp);
                    sp.VerbPhrase = vp;

                if (wp.CuePhrase != null)
                    NLGElement cue = UnwrapNLGElement(wp.CuePhrase);
                    cue.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, DiscourseFunction.CUE_PHRASE);
                    sp.setFeature(Feature.CUE_PHRASE, cue);

                if (wp.COMPLEMENTISER != null)
                    sp.setFeature(Feature.COMPLEMENTISER, wp.COMPLEMENTISER);

                setSFeatures(wp, sp, vp);

                // Common phrase components.
                UnwrapPhraseComponents(sp, wps);


            // Phrases
            else if (wps is wrapper.XmlPhraseElement)
                wrapper.XmlPhraseElement we = (wrapper.XmlPhraseElement)wps;
                PhraseElement            hp = null;
                XmlWordElement           w  = we.Head;
                NLGElement head             = UnwrapWordElement(w);

                // NLGElement head;
                // simplenlg.xmlrealiser.wrapper.XmlNLGElement w =
                // we.getHeadstring();

                // check whether we have a stringelement or wordelement as head
                // if(w == null) {
                // w = we.getHeadword();
                // head = UnwrapWordElement((XmlWordElement) w);
                // } else {
                // head = factory.createStringElement(((XmlStringElement)
                // w).getVal());
                // }

                // Noun Phrase
                if (wps is wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec)
                    wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec wp = (wrapper.XmlNPPhraseSpec)wps;

                    NPPhraseSpec p = factory.createNounPhrase(head);
                    hp = p;

                    if (wp.Spec != null)
                        // p.setSpecifier(UnwrapWordElement(wp.getSpec()));
                        wrapper.XmlNLGElement spec = wp.Spec;

                        if (spec is XmlWordElement)
                            WordElement specifier = (WordElement)UnwrapWordElement((XmlWordElement)spec);

                            if (specifier != null)

                    setNPFeatures(wp, p);

                // Adjective Phrase
                else if (wps is wrapper.XmlAdjPhraseSpec)
                    wrapper.XmlAdjPhraseSpec wp = (wrapper.XmlAdjPhraseSpec)wps;
                    AdjPhraseSpec            p  = factory.createAdjectivePhrase(head);
                    hp = p;

                    p.setFeature(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE, wp.ISCOMPARATIVE);
                    p.setFeature(Feature.IS_SUPERLATIVE, wp.ISSUPERLATIVE);

                // Prepositional Phrase
                else if (wps is wrapper.XmlPPPhraseSpec)
                    PPPhraseSpec p = factory.createPrepositionPhrase(head);
                    hp = p;

                // Adverb Phrase
                else if (wps is wrapper.XmlAdvPhraseSpec)
                    wrapper.XmlAdvPhraseSpec wp = (wrapper.XmlAdvPhraseSpec)wps;
                    AdvPhraseSpec            p  = factory.createAdverbPhrase();
                    hp = p;
                    p.setFeature(Feature.IS_COMPARATIVE, wp.ISCOMPARATIVE);
                    p.setFeature(Feature.IS_SUPERLATIVE, wp.ISSUPERLATIVE);

                // Verb Phrase
                else if (wps is wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec)
                    wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec wp = (wrapper.XmlVPPhraseSpec)wps;
                    VPPhraseSpec            p  = factory.createVerbPhrase(head);
                    hp = p;
                    setVPFeatures(wp, p);

                // Common phrase components.
                UnwrapPhraseComponents(hp, wps);

                // set the discourse function, if defined
                if (we.DiscourseFunction != null)
                    DiscourseFunction func;
                    Enum.TryParse(we.DiscourseFunction.ToString(), out func);
                    hp.setFeature(InternalFeature.DISCOURSE_FUNCTION, func);

                // check the appositive feature
                bool?appositive = we.Appositive;
                if (appositive != null)
                    hp.setFeature(Feature.APPOSITIVE, appositive);

