Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract a section and its subsections (and their subsections, etc.) from a list of lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lines">Lines to extract from</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent section for top-level sections</param>
        /// <param name="containingPage">Page that contains these sections</param>
        /// <param name="sectionLayout">Layout of sections, as produced by Section.Layout.</param>
        /// <returns>List of Section instances</returns>
        public static List <Section> ExtractSections(List <string> lines, Section parent, Page containingPage, string sectionLayout)
            List <Section> sections = new List <Section>();

            XmlParser p = new XmlParser(sectionLayout);

            while (true)
                string def = p.OuterXML("section");
                if (def == null)

                XmlParser secParser   = new XmlParser(def);
                int       parentStart = parent != null ? parent.SectionStart : 0;

                int absStart = int.Parse(secParser.AttributeValue("section", "start"));
                int absEnd   = int.Parse(secParser.AttributeValue("section", "end"));
                int numLines = absEnd - absStart + 1;

                int start = absStart - parentStart;
                int end   = start + numLines - 1;

                List <string> secLines = Section.ExtractLines(lines, start, end);
                sections.Add(new Section(secLines, def, parent, containingPage));

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for non-marked up section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lines">Lines to create section from</param>
        /// <param name="sectionDef">Section definition XML</param>
        /// <param name="parentSection">Parent section</param>
        /// <param name="containingPage">Page that contains this section</param>
        public Section(List <string> lines, string sectionDef, Section parentSection, Page containingPage)
            : this()
            XmlParser defParser = new XmlParser(sectionDef);

            _lines          = lines;
            _parentSection  = parentSection;
            _containingPage = containingPage;
            _name           = defParser.AttributeValue("section", "name");
            _sectionStart   = int.Parse(defParser.AttributeValue("section", "start"));
            _sectionEnd     = int.Parse(defParser.AttributeValue("section", "end"));

            string subsectionDef = defParser.InnerXML("section");

            _subSections = ExtractSections(lines, this, containingPage, "<layout>" + subsectionDef + "</layout>");
        public static void Initialize(string path, bool initializeDB)
            if (_initialized)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("ATT configuration is already initialized");

            _path = path;

            XmlParser p = new XmlParser(File.ReadAllText(_path));

            XmlParser postgresP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("postgres"));

            _postgresHost              = postgresP.ElementText("host");
            _postgresPort              = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("port"));
            _postgresSSL               = bool.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("ssl"));
            _postgresDatabase          = postgresP.ElementText("database");
            _postgresUser              = postgresP.ElementText("user");
            _postgresPassword          = postgresP.ElementText("password");
            _postgresConnectionTimeout = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("connection_timeout"));
            _postgresRetryLimit        = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("connection_retry_limit"));
            _postgresCommandTimeout    = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("command_timeout"));
            _postgresMaxPoolSize       = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("max_pool_size"));

            XmlParser postgisP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("postgis"));

            _shp2pgsqlPath             = postgisP.ElementText("shp2pgsql");
            _pgsql2shpPath             = postgisP.ElementText("pgsql2shp");
            _postgisShapefileDirectory = postgisP.ElementText("shapefile_directory");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_shp2pgsqlPath) || !File.Exists(_shp2pgsqlPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate shp2pgsql executable. Check configuration.");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_pgsql2shpPath) || !File.Exists(_pgsql2shpPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate shp2pgsql executable. Check configuration.");

            XmlParser rP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("r"));

            string rExePath = rP.ElementText("exe_path");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rExePath) || !File.Exists(rExePath))
                rExePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("R_EXE");

            R.ExePath = rExePath;

            _rPackageInstallDirectory = rP.ElementText("package_install_directory");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_rPackageInstallDirectory))
                if (!Directory.Exists(_rPackageInstallDirectory))


            _rCranMirror = rP.ElementText("cran_mirror");

            XmlParser javaP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("java"));

            _javaExePath = javaP.ElementText("exe_path");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_javaExePath) || !File.Exists(_javaExePath))
                _javaExePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("JAVA_EXE");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_javaExePath) || !File.Exists(_javaExePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate java.exe excutable. Check configuration.");

            _classifierTypeOptions = new Dictionary <Type, Dictionary <string, string> >();
            XmlParser classifiersP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("classifiers"));
            string    classifierXML;

            while ((classifierXML = classifiersP.OuterXML("classifier")) != null)
                XmlParser classifierP = new XmlParser(classifierXML);
                Type      type        = Reflection.GetType(classifierP.AttributeValue("classifier", "type"));

                Dictionary <string, string> optionValue = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string option;
                while ((option = classifierP.MoveToElementNode(false)) != null)
                    optionValue.Add(option, classifierP.ElementText(option));

                _classifierTypeOptions.Add(type, optionValue);

            XmlParser incidentsP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("incidents"));

            _incidentsImportDirectory = incidentsP.ElementText("import_directory");

            XmlParser eventsP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("events"));

            _eventsImportDirectory = eventsP.ElementText("import_directory");

            XmlParser importersP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("importers"));

            _importersLoadDirectory = importersP.ElementText("load_directory");

            XmlParser modelingP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("modeling"));

            _modelsDirectory = modelingP.ElementText("model_directory");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_modelsDirectory))
                _modelsDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "att", "models");

            if (!Directory.Exists(_modelsDirectory))

            _modelTypeFeatureExtractorType          = new Dictionary <Type, Type>();
            _modelTypeFeatureExtractorConfigOptions = new Dictionary <Type, Dictionary <string, string> >();
            string featureExtractorsXML = modelingP.OuterXML("feature_extractors");

            if (featureExtractorsXML != null)
                XmlParser featureExtractorsP = new XmlParser(featureExtractorsXML);
                string    featureExtractorXML;
                while ((featureExtractorXML = featureExtractorsP.OuterXML("feature_extractor")) != null)
                    XmlParser featureExtractorConfigP = new XmlParser(featureExtractorXML);

                    Dictionary <string, string> configOptions = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    foreach (string option in featureExtractorConfigP.GetAttributeNames("feature_extractor"))
                        configOptions.Add(option, featureExtractorConfigP.AttributeValue("feature_extractor", option));

                    Type modelType = Reflection.GetType(configOptions["model_type"]);

                    // get external feature extractor type
                    string   featureExtractorTypeStr = featureExtractorConfigP.ElementText("feature_extractor");
                    string[] parts = featureExtractorTypeStr.Split('@');
                    if (parts.Length > 1)
                        _externalFeatureExtractorDirectory       = Path.GetDirectoryName(parts[1]);
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(LoadExternalFeatureExtractorAssembly);

                    Type featureExtractorType = Reflection.GetType(featureExtractorTypeStr, null);

                    _modelTypeFeatureExtractorType.Add(modelType, featureExtractorType);
                    _modelTypeFeatureExtractorConfigOptions.Add(modelType, configOptions);

            XmlParser systemP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("system"));

            _processorCount = int.Parse(systemP.ElementText("processor_count"));
            if (_processorCount == -1)
                _processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;

            if (_processorCount <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid processor count (must be >= 1):  " + _processorCount);

            if (initializeDB)
                _initialized = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the Frame index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="framesDirectory">Directory containing PropBank frame XML files</param>
        /// <returns>Frame index - a map from verb lemma to corresponding frame</returns>
        private static Dictionary <string, Frame> BuildFrameIndex(string framesDirectory)
            if (!Directory.Exists(framesDirectory))
                throw new Exception("Invalid frame directory:  \"" + framesDirectory + "\"");

            // build index
            Dictionary <string, Frame> frameIndex = new Dictionary <string, Frame>();

            // get each frame file
            foreach (string frameFilePath in Directory.GetFiles(framesDirectory))
                Frame currFrame = null;

                // read entire file and create XML parser
                StreamReader frameFile = new StreamReader(frameFilePath);
                string       frameXML  = frameFile.ReadToEnd();
                XmlParser frameP = new XmlParser(frameXML);

                // get role sets
                string roleSetXML;
                while ((roleSetXML = frameP.OuterXML("roleset")) != null)
                    XmlParser roleSetP = new XmlParser(roleSetXML);

                    // get role set ID string in format
                    string roleSetIdStr = roleSetP.AttributeValue("roleset", "id").Trim();
                    int    dotIndex     = roleSetIdStr.IndexOf('.');

                    // get role set verb
                    string roleSetVerb = roleSetIdStr.Substring(0, dotIndex);

                    // if this is the first role set, create the frame
                    if (currFrame == null)
                        currFrame = new Frame(roleSetVerb);
                    // all role sets must use the same verb
                    else if (roleSetVerb != currFrame.Verb)
                        throw new Exception("Role set verb mismatch");

                    // get role set ID/name and create role set
                    int     roleSetID   = int.Parse(roleSetIdStr.Substring(dotIndex + 1));
                    string  roleSetName = roleSetP.AttributeValue("roleset", "name");
                    RoleSet roleSet     = new RoleSet(roleSetID, roleSetName);

                    // get roles
                    string roleXML;
                    while ((roleXML = roleSetP.OuterXML("role")) != null)
                        XmlParser roleP = new XmlParser(roleXML);

                        string description = roleP.AttributeValue("role", "descr");
                        string roleNumber  = roleP.AttributeValue("role", "n").ToLower();

                        // skip modifier and agentive modifier
                        if (roleNumber == "m" || roleNumber == "a")

                        Role role = new Role(description, int.Parse(roleNumber));

                    // add role set to frame

                frameIndex.Add(currFrame.Verb, currFrame);

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets annotations for a lexical unit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">Frame for which we're getting annotations</param>
        /// <param name="lexicalUnitID">ID of lexical unit for which to get annotations</param>
        /// <returns>Annotation information</returns>
        public List <Attestation> GetAttestations(Frame frame, int lexicalUnitID)
            List <Attestation> attestations = new List <Attestation>();

            // return nothing if no file exists
            string attestationFilePath = Path.Combine(_annotationDirectory, "lu" + lexicalUnitID + ".xml");

            if (!File.Exists(attestationFilePath))

            // constraints to skip to FE layer
            Dictionary <string, string> feAttributeConstraints = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            feAttributeConstraints.Add("name", "FE");

            // constraints to skip to Target layer
            Dictionary <string, string> targetAttributeConstraints = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            targetAttributeConstraints.Add("name", "Target");

            // get all attestations
            XmlParser attestationP = new XmlParser(File.ReadAllText(attestationFilePath));

            if (_version == FrameNetEngine.Version.FrameNet_1_3)
                string annotationSetXML;
                while ((annotationSetXML = attestationP.OuterXML("annotationSet")) != null)
                    Attestation annotation = new Attestation();

                    // parser for entire annotation set
                    XmlParser annotationSetP = new XmlParser(annotationSetXML);

                    // first get is below the annotation layers
                    annotation.Sentence = new XmlParser(annotationSetP.OuterXML("sentence")).ElementText("text").Trim();

                    #region get fe bindings
                    // parser is forward-only, so rewind

                    // get FE bindings
                    if (!annotationSetP.SkipToElement("layer", feAttributeConstraints))
                        throw new Exception("Failed to find FE layer in annotation set");

                    string    feBindingXML = annotationSetP.OuterXML("layer");
                    XmlParser feBindingP   = new XmlParser(feBindingXML);

                    // read off FE binding labels
                    string labelXML;
                    while ((labelXML = feBindingP.OuterXML("label")) != null)
                        XmlParser labelP = new XmlParser(labelXML);

                        // skip null instantiations, which don't have start/end values
                        if (!labelP.GetAttributeNames("label").Contains("start"))

                        // get annotated span of text
                        int           feStart = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "start"));
                        int           feEnd   = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "end"));
                        string        feText  = annotation.Sentence.Substring(feStart, feEnd - feStart + 1);
                        AnnotatedSpan span    = new AnnotatedSpan(feStart, feText);

                        // add FE binding...we shouldn't have to check for the existence of a frame element, but errors abound!
                        string feName = labelP.AttributeValue("label", "name");
                        if (frame.FrameElements.Contains(feName))
                            FrameElement fe = frame.FrameElements.Get(feName);
                            annotation.FrameElementBindings.EnsureContainsKey(fe, typeof(List <AnnotatedSpan>));

                    #region targets
                    // get target annotation...reset parser...sometimes the target comes before the FE layer

                    if (!annotationSetP.SkipToElement("layer", targetAttributeConstraints))
                        throw new Exception("Failed to find target layer in annotation set");

                    // read all targets
                    XmlParser targetP = new XmlParser(annotationSetP.OuterXML("layer"));
                    while ((labelXML = targetP.OuterXML("label")) != null)
                        XmlParser labelP      = new XmlParser(labelXML);
                        int       targetStart = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "start"));
                        int       targetEnd   = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "end"));
                        string    targetText  = annotation.Sentence.Substring(targetStart, targetEnd - targetStart + 1);

                        annotation.Targets.Add(new AnnotatedSpan(targetStart, targetText));

            else if (_version == FrameNetEngine.Version.FrameNet_1_5)
                string sentenceXML;
                while ((sentenceXML = attestationP.OuterXML("sentence")) != null)
                    Attestation annotation = new Attestation();

                    XmlParser sentenceP = new XmlParser(sentenceXML);
                    annotation.Sentence = sentenceP.ElementText("text").Trim();

                    #region get fe bindings
                    if (!sentenceP.SkipToElement("layer", feAttributeConstraints))
                        throw new Exception("Failed to find FE layer in annotation set");

                    // read off FE binding labels
                    XmlParser feBindingP = new XmlParser(sentenceP.OuterXML("layer"));
                    string    labelXML;
                    while ((labelXML = feBindingP.OuterXML("label")) != null)
                        XmlParser labelP = new XmlParser(labelXML);

                        // skip null instantiations, which don't have start/end values
                        if (!labelP.GetAttributeNames("label").Contains("start"))

                        // get annotated span of text
                        int           feStart = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "start"));
                        int           feEnd   = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "end"));
                        string        feText  = annotation.Sentence.Substring(feStart, feEnd - feStart + 1);
                        AnnotatedSpan span    = new AnnotatedSpan(feStart, feText);

                        // add FE binding...we shouldn't have to check for the existence of a frame element, but errors abound!
                        int feID = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "feID"));
                        if (frame.FrameElements.Contains(feID))
                            FrameElement fe = frame.FrameElements.Get(feID);
                            annotation.FrameElementBindings.EnsureContainsKey(fe, typeof(List <AnnotatedSpan>));

                    #region targets
                    // get target annotation...reset parser...sometimes the target comes before the FE layer

                    if (!sentenceP.SkipToElement("layer", targetAttributeConstraints))
                        throw new Exception("Failed to find target layer in annotation set");

                    // read all targets
                    XmlParser targetP = new XmlParser(sentenceP.OuterXML("layer"));
                    while ((labelXML = targetP.OuterXML("label")) != null)
                        XmlParser labelP      = new XmlParser(labelXML);
                        int       targetEnd   = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "end"));
                        int       targetStart = int.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("label", "start"));

                        // bug in framenet:  bad sentence
                        if (targetStart >= annotation.Sentence.Length || targetEnd >= annotation.Sentence.Length)

                        string targetText = annotation.Sentence.Substring(targetStart, targetEnd - targetStart + 1);

                        annotation.Targets.Add(new AnnotatedSpan(targetStart, targetText));

                throw new Exception("Unrecognized FrameNet version:  " + _version);

        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a VerbNet class from its XML definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="classXML">XML for class</param>
        /// <param name="isSubClassXML">Whether or not the XML describes a sub-class</param>
        /// <returns>VerbClass</returns>
        private VerbClass ExtractClass(string classXML, bool isSubClassXML)
            // extract class from given XML
            VerbClass vnClass  = null;
            XmlParser classP   = new XmlParser(classXML);
            string    classTag = isSubClassXML ? "VNSUBCLASS" : "VNCLASS";
            string    vnClassXML;

            while ((vnClassXML = classP.OuterXML(classTag)) != null)
                XmlParser vnClassP = new XmlParser(vnClassXML);

                // get id, using only the dotted number portion and using 0 as the root of all classes
                string id = vnClassP.AttributeValue(classTag, "ID").Trim().Replace('-', '.');
                id = "0." + id.Substring(id.IndexOf('.') + 1);

                // create class
                vnClass = new VerbClass(id);

                // extract verbs
                XmlParser membersP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("MEMBERS"));
                string    verb;
                while ((verb = membersP.AttributeValue("MEMBER", "name")) != null)

                // extract thematic roles
                XmlParser rolesP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("THEMROLES"));
                string    role;
                while ((role = rolesP.AttributeValue("THEMROLE", "type")) != null)
                    vnClass.AddThematicRole((ThematicRole)Enum.Parse(typeof(ThematicRole), role));

                // extract examples
                XmlParser examplesP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("FRAMES"));
                string    example;
                while ((example = examplesP.ElementText("EXAMPLE")) != null)

                // extract subclasses
                XmlParser subClassesP = new XmlParser(vnClassP.OuterXML("SUBCLASSES"));
                string    subClassXML;
                while ((subClassXML = subClassesP.OuterXML("VNSUBCLASS")) != null)
                    vnClass.AddChild(ExtractClass(subClassXML, true));

                // map id to verb class
                _idVerbClass.Add(vnClass.ID, vnClass);

            if (vnClass == null)
                throw new Exception("Invalid class XML");

        public static void Initialize(string path, bool initializeDB)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("ATT configuration is already initialized");

            _path = path;

            XmlParser p = new XmlParser(File.ReadAllText(_path));

            XmlParser postgresP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("postgres"));
            _postgresHost = postgresP.ElementText("host");
            _postgresPort = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("port"));
            _postgresSSL = bool.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("ssl"));
            _postgresDatabase = postgresP.ElementText("database");
            _postgresUser = postgresP.ElementText("user");
            _postgresPassword = postgresP.ElementText("password");
            _postgresConnectionTimeout = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("connection_timeout"));
            _postgresRetryLimit = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("connection_retry_limit"));
            _postgresCommandTimeout = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("command_timeout"));
            _postgresMaxPoolSize = int.Parse(postgresP.ElementText("max_pool_size"));

            XmlParser postgisP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("postgis"));
            _shp2pgsqlPath = postgisP.ElementText("shp2pgsql");
            _pgsql2shpPath = postgisP.ElementText("pgsql2shp");
            _postgisShapefileDirectory = postgisP.ElementText("shapefile_directory");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_shp2pgsqlPath) || !File.Exists(_shp2pgsqlPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate shp2pgsql executable. Check configuration.");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_pgsql2shpPath) || !File.Exists(_pgsql2shpPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate shp2pgsql executable. Check configuration.");

            XmlParser rP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("r"));

            string rExePath = rP.ElementText("exe_path");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rExePath) || !File.Exists(rExePath))
                rExePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("R_EXE");

            R.ExePath = rExePath;

            _rPackageInstallDirectory = rP.ElementText("package_install_directory");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_rPackageInstallDirectory))
                if (!Directory.Exists(_rPackageInstallDirectory))


            _rCranMirror = rP.ElementText("cran_mirror");

            XmlParser javaP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("java"));
            _javaExePath = javaP.ElementText("exe_path");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_javaExePath) || !File.Exists(_javaExePath))
                _javaExePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("JAVA_EXE");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_javaExePath) || !File.Exists(_javaExePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to locate java.exe excutable. Check configuration.");

            _classifierTypeOptions = new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>>();
            XmlParser classifiersP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("classifiers"));
            string classifierXML;
            while ((classifierXML = classifiersP.OuterXML("classifier")) != null)
                XmlParser classifierP = new XmlParser(classifierXML);
                Type type = Reflection.GetType(classifierP.AttributeValue("classifier", "type"));

                Dictionary<string, string> optionValue = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                string option;
                while ((option = classifierP.MoveToElementNode(false)) != null)
                    optionValue.Add(option, classifierP.ElementText(option));

                _classifierTypeOptions.Add(type, optionValue);

            XmlParser incidentsP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("incidents"));
            _incidentsImportDirectory = incidentsP.ElementText("import_directory");

            XmlParser eventsP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("events"));
            _eventsImportDirectory = eventsP.ElementText("import_directory");

            XmlParser importersP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("importers"));
            _importersLoadDirectory = importersP.ElementText("load_directory");

            XmlParser modelingP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("modeling"));
            _modelsDirectory = modelingP.ElementText("model_directory");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_modelsDirectory))
                _modelsDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "att", "models");

            if (!Directory.Exists(_modelsDirectory))

            _modelTypeFeatureExtractorType = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
            _modelTypeFeatureExtractorConfigOptions = new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, string>>();
            string featureExtractorsXML = modelingP.OuterXML("feature_extractors");
            if (featureExtractorsXML != null)
                XmlParser featureExtractorsP = new XmlParser(featureExtractorsXML);
                string featureExtractorXML;
                while ((featureExtractorXML = featureExtractorsP.OuterXML("feature_extractor")) != null)
                    XmlParser featureExtractorConfigP = new XmlParser(featureExtractorXML);

                    Dictionary<string, string> configOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    foreach (string option in featureExtractorConfigP.GetAttributeNames("feature_extractor"))
                        configOptions.Add(option, featureExtractorConfigP.AttributeValue("feature_extractor", option));

                    Type modelType = Reflection.GetType(configOptions["model_type"]);

                    // get external feature extractor type
                    string featureExtractorTypeStr = featureExtractorConfigP.ElementText("feature_extractor");
                    string[] parts = featureExtractorTypeStr.Split('@');
                    if (parts.Length > 1)
                        _externalFeatureExtractorDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(parts[1]);
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(LoadExternalFeatureExtractorAssembly);

                    Type featureExtractorType = Reflection.GetType(featureExtractorTypeStr, null);

                    _modelTypeFeatureExtractorType.Add(modelType, featureExtractorType);
                    _modelTypeFeatureExtractorConfigOptions.Add(modelType, configOptions);

            XmlParser systemP = new XmlParser(p.OuterXML("system"));
            _processorCount = int.Parse(systemP.ElementText("processor_count"));
            if (_processorCount == -1)
                _processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;

            if (_processorCount <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid processor count (must be >= 1):  " + _processorCount);

            if (initializeDB)
                _initialized = true;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frameNetDirectory">Path to FrameNet distribution directory</param>
        /// <param name="version">FrameNet version</param>
        public FrameNetEngine(string frameNetDirectory, Version version)
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(frameNetDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Invalid FrameNet directory");

            _frameNameFrame             = new Dictionary <string, Frame>();
            _frameElementIdFrameElement = new Dictionary <int, FrameElement>();
            _lexemeLexicalUnitIDs       = new Dictionary <string, Set <int> >();
            _lexicalUnitIdFrame         = new Dictionary <int, Frame>();
            _lexicalUnitLexicalUnitIDs  = new Dictionary <string, Set <int> >();
            _lexicalUnitIdLexicalUnit   = new Dictionary <int, LexicalUnit>();

            if (version == Version.FrameNet_1_3)
                // init annotation engine
                _lexicalUnitAnnotationEngine = new LexicalUnitAnnotationEngine(LAIR.CommonPort.IO.Directory.FindDirectory(frameNetDirectory, "luXML"), version);

                #region get frames
                Set <int> uniqueFrameIDCheck = new Set <int>();
                XmlParser framesP            = new XmlParser(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(LAIR.CommonPort.IO.Directory.FindFile(frameNetDirectory, "frames.xml")));
                while (framesP.SkipToElement("frame"))
                    // create frame
                    string    frameXML        = framesP.OuterXML("frame");
                    XmlParser frameP          = new XmlParser(frameXML);
                    int       frameID         = int.Parse(frameP.AttributeValue("frame", "ID"));
                    string    frameName       = frameP.AttributeValue("frame", "name").ToLower().Trim(); // use lowercase for all frame names
                    string    frameDefinition = frameP.ElementText("definition");
                    Frame     frame           = new Frame(frameName, frameDefinition, frameID);

                    // add to frame index index
                    _frameNameFrame.Add(frame.Name, frame);

                    // get frame elements
                    string    fesXML = frameP.OuterXML("fes");
                    XmlParser fesP   = new XmlParser(fesXML);
                    string    feXML;
                    while ((feXML = fesP.OuterXML("fe")) != null)
                        // get frame element
                        XmlParser    feParser = new XmlParser(feXML);
                        int          feID     = int.Parse(feParser.AttributeValue("fe", "ID"));
                        string       feName   = feParser.AttributeValue("fe", "name").Trim().ToLower();
                        string       feDef    = feParser.ElementText("definition");
                        FrameElement fe       = new FrameElement(feID, feName, feDef, frame);

                        // add to index
                        _frameElementIdFrameElement.Add(fe.ID, fe);

                    // get lexical units
                    string    lusXML    = frameP.OuterXML("lexunits");
                    XmlParser lusParser = new XmlParser(lusXML);
                    string    luXML;
                    while ((luXML = lusParser.OuterXML("lexunit")) != null)
                        XmlParser luParser = new XmlParser(luXML);
                        int       luID     = int.Parse(luParser.AttributeValue("lexunit", "ID"));
                        string    luName   = luParser.AttributeValue("lexunit", "name");
                        luName = luName.Substring(0, luName.IndexOf('.'));
                        string luPos = luParser.AttributeValue("lexunit", "pos");
                        string luDef = luParser.ElementText("definition");

                        // get lexemes for this lexunit...we may get duplicates...don't worry about them
                        Set <Lexeme> lexemes    = new Set <Lexeme>(false);
                        string       lexemesXML = luParser.OuterXML("lexemes");
                        XmlParser    lexemesP   = new XmlParser(lexemesXML);
                        string       lexemeXML;
                        while ((lexemeXML = lexemesP.OuterXML("lexeme")) != null)
                            XmlParser lexemeP     = new XmlParser(lexemeXML);
                            string    pos         = lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "pos");
                            bool      breakBefore = bool.Parse(lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "breakBefore"));
                            bool      head        = bool.Parse(lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "headword"));
                            string    value       = lexemeP.ElementText("lexeme");

                            lexemes.Add(new Lexeme(value, pos, breakBefore, head));

                        // create lexical unit and add to frame
                        LexicalUnit lexicalUnit = new LexicalUnit(luID, luName, luPos, luDef, lexemes);


                        // add map from full lexeme string to lexical unit id
                        string lexemeString = lexicalUnit.ToString();
                        _lexemeLexicalUnitIDs.EnsureContainsKey(lexemeString, typeof(Set <int>), false);

                        // add map from lexical unit to frame
                        _lexicalUnitIdFrame.Add(lexicalUnit.ID, frame);

                        // add map from lexical unit to lexical unit id
                        _lexicalUnitLexicalUnitIDs.EnsureContainsKey(lexicalUnit.Name, typeof(Set <int>));

                        // add map from lexical unit ID to lexical unit
                        _lexicalUnitIdLexicalUnit.Add(lexicalUnit.ID, lexicalUnit);

                #region get frame relations
                framesP = new XmlParser(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(LAIR.CommonPort.IO.Directory.FindFile(frameNetDirectory, "frRelation.xml")));
                string relationsXML;
                while ((relationsXML = framesP.OuterXML("frame-relation-type")) != null)
                    // get relation type
                    XmlParser           relationsP = new XmlParser(relationsXML);
                    Frame.FrameRelation relation   = Frame.GetFrameRelation(relationsP.AttributeValue("frame-relation-type", "name"));

                    string relationXML;
                    while ((relationXML = relationsP.OuterXML("frame-relation")) != null)
                        XmlParser relationP      = new XmlParser(relationXML);
                        string    superFrameName = relationP.AttributeValue("frame-relation", "superFrameName").ToLower();
                        string    subFrameName   = relationP.AttributeValue("frame-relation", "subFrameName").ToLower();

                        Frame superFrame = _frameNameFrame[superFrameName];
                        Frame subFrame   = _frameNameFrame[subFrameName];


                        // add FE relations
                        while (relationP.SkipToElement("fe-relation"))
                            int superFeID = int.Parse(relationP.AttributeValue("fe-relation", "supId"));
                            int subFeID   = int.Parse(relationP.AttributeValue("fe-relation", "subId"));

                            FrameElement superFE = superFrame.FrameElements.Get(superFeID);
                            FrameElement subFE   = subFrame.FrameElements.Get(subFeID);

                            superFE.AddSubFrameElement(subFE, relation);
                            subFE.AddSuperFrameElement(superFE, relation);
            else if (version == Version.FrameNet_1_5)
                // init annotation engine
                _lexicalUnitAnnotationEngine = new LexicalUnitAnnotationEngine(LAIR.CommonPort.IO.Directory.FindDirectory(frameNetDirectory, "lu"), version);

                #region get frames
                Set <int> uniqueFrameIDCheck = new Set <int>();
                foreach (string framePath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(LAIR.CommonPort.IO.Directory.FindDirectory(frameNetDirectory, "frame"), "*.xml"))
                    // create frame
                    XmlParser frameP          = new XmlParser(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(framePath));
                    int       frameID         = int.Parse(frameP.AttributeValue("frame", "ID"));
                    string    frameName       = frameP.AttributeValue("frame", "name").ToLower().Trim(); // use lowercase for all frame names
                    string    frameDefinition = frameP.ElementText("definition");
                    Frame     frame           = new Frame(frameName, frameDefinition, frameID);

                    // add to frame index index
                    _frameNameFrame.Add(frame.Name, frame);

                    // get frame elements
                    string feXML;
                    while ((feXML = frameP.OuterXML("FE")) != null)
                        // get frame element
                        XmlParser    feParser = new XmlParser(feXML);
                        int          feID     = int.Parse(feParser.AttributeValue("FE", "ID"));
                        string       feName   = feParser.AttributeValue("FE", "name").Trim().ToLower();
                        string       feDef    = feParser.ElementText("definition");
                        FrameElement fe       = new FrameElement(feID, feName, feDef, frame);

                        // add to index
                        _frameElementIdFrameElement.Add(fe.ID, fe);

                    // get lexical units
                    string luXML;
                    while ((luXML = frameP.OuterXML("lexUnit")) != null)
                        XmlParser luParser = new XmlParser(luXML);

                        string luPos  = luParser.AttributeValue("lexUnit", "POS");
                        string luName = luParser.AttributeValue("lexUnit", "name");
                        luName = luName.Substring(0, luName.IndexOf('.'));
                        int    luID  = int.Parse(luParser.AttributeValue("lexUnit", "ID"));
                        string luDef = luParser.ElementText("definition");

                        // get lexemes for this lexunit...we may get duplicates...don't worry about them
                        Set <Lexeme> lexemes = new Set <Lexeme>(false);
                        string       lexemeXML;
                        while ((lexemeXML = luParser.OuterXML("lexeme")) != null)
                            XmlParser lexemeP     = new XmlParser(lexemeXML);
                            bool      head        = bool.Parse(lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "headword"));
                            bool      breakBefore = bool.Parse(lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "breakBefore"));
                            string    pos         = lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "POS");
                            string    value       = lexemeP.AttributeValue("lexeme", "name");

                            lexemes.Add(new Lexeme(value, pos, breakBefore, head));

                        // create lexical unit and add to frame
                        LexicalUnit lexicalUnit = new LexicalUnit(luID, luName, luPos, luDef, lexemes);


                        // add map from full lexeme string to lexical unit id
                        string lexemeString = lexicalUnit.ToString();
                        _lexemeLexicalUnitIDs.EnsureContainsKey(lexemeString, typeof(Set <int>), false);

                        // add map from lexical unit to frame
                        _lexicalUnitIdFrame.Add(lexicalUnit.ID, frame);

                        // add map from lexical unit to lexical unit id
                        _lexicalUnitLexicalUnitIDs.EnsureContainsKey(lexicalUnit.Name, typeof(Set <int>));

                        // add map from lexical unit ID to lexical unit
                        _lexicalUnitIdLexicalUnit.Add(lexicalUnit.ID, lexicalUnit);

                #region get relations
                XmlParser allRelationsP = new XmlParser(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(LAIR.CommonPort.IO.Directory.FindFile(frameNetDirectory, "frRelation.xml")));
                string    relationsXML;
                while ((relationsXML = allRelationsP.OuterXML("frameRelationType")) != null)
                    // get relation type
                    XmlParser           relationsP = new XmlParser(relationsXML);
                    Frame.FrameRelation relation   = Frame.GetFrameRelation(relationsP.AttributeValue("frameRelationType", "name"));

                    // read each instance of the relation
                    string relationXML;
                    while ((relationXML = relationsP.OuterXML("frameRelation")) != null)
                        XmlParser relationP = new XmlParser(relationXML);

                        // get related frames
                        Frame subFrame   = _frameNameFrame[relationP.AttributeValue("frameRelation", "subFrameName").ToLower()];
                        Frame superFrame = _frameNameFrame[relationP.AttributeValue("frameRelation", "superFrameName").ToLower()];


                        // add FE relations
                        while (relationP.SkipToElement("FERelation"))
                            FrameElement subFE   = subFrame.FrameElements.Get(int.Parse(relationP.AttributeValue("FERelation", "subID")));
                            FrameElement superFE = superFrame.FrameElements.Get(int.Parse(relationP.AttributeValue("FERelation", "supID")));

                            subFE.AddSuperFrameElement(superFE, relation);
                            superFE.AddSubFrameElement(subFE, relation);
                throw new Exception("Unrecognized FrameNet version:  " + version);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the point log for this prediction. The key is the point ID, which is mapped to two lists of tuples. The first
        /// list contains the labels and their confidence scores and the second list contains the feature IDs and their values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pointPredictionLogPath">Path to point prediction log</param>
        /// <param name="pointIds">Point IDs to read log for, or null for all points.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Dictionary<string, Tuple<List<Tuple<string, double>>, List<Tuple<string, string>>>> ReadPointPredictionLog(string pointPredictionLogPath, Set<string> pointIds = null)
            Dictionary<string, Tuple<List<Tuple<string, double>>, List<Tuple<string, string>>>> log = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<List<Tuple<string, double>>, List<Tuple<string, string>>>>();

            using (FileStream pointPredictionLogFile = new FileStream(pointPredictionLogPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            using (GZipStream pointPredictionLogGzip = new GZipStream(pointPredictionLogFile, CompressionMode.Decompress))
            using (StreamReader pointPredictionLog = new StreamReader(pointPredictionLogGzip))
                string line;
                while ((line = pointPredictionLog.ReadLine()) != null)
                    string pointId = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf(' '));

                    if (pointIds == null || pointIds.Contains(pointId))
                        XmlParser pointP = new XmlParser(line.Substring(line.IndexOf(' ') + 1));

                        List<Tuple<string, double>> labelConfidences = new List<Tuple<string, double>>();
                        XmlParser labelsP = new XmlParser(pointP.OuterXML("ls"));
                        string labelXML;
                        while ((labelXML = labelsP.OuterXML("l")) != null)
                            XmlParser labelP = new XmlParser(labelXML);
                            double confidence = double.Parse(labelP.AttributeValue("l", "c"));
                            string label = labelP.ElementText("l");
                            labelConfidences.Add(new Tuple<string, double>(label, confidence));

                        List<Tuple<string, string>> featureValues = new List<Tuple<string, string>>();
                        XmlParser featureValuesP = new XmlParser(pointP.OuterXML("fvs"));
                        string featureValueXML;
                        while ((featureValueXML = featureValuesP.OuterXML("fv")) != null)
                            XmlParser featureValueP = new XmlParser(featureValueXML);
                            featureValues.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(featureValueP.AttributeValue("fv", "id"), featureValueP.ElementText("fv")));

                        log.Add(pointId, new Tuple<List<Tuple<string, double>>, List<Tuple<string, string>>>(labelConfidences, featureValues));

                        if (pointIds != null)
                            if (pointIds.Count == 0)


            return log;
Beispiel #10
 public string AttributeValue(string roleset, string p1)
     return(innerParser.AttributeValue(roleset, p1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataDirectory">Path to the SemLink data directory</param>
        public SemLinkEngine(string dataDirectory)
            _dataDirectory = dataDirectory;

            #region propbank-verbnet
            // check for file
            if (!File.Exists(PropBankVerbNetLinkingPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to find PropBank-VerbNet mapping file:  " + PropBankVerbNetLinkingPath);

            // read each predicate mapping
            _propBankRoleVerbNetRoles = new Dictionary <string, Set <string> >();
            XmlParser propBankVerbNetP = new XmlParser(File.ReadAllText(PropBankVerbNetLinkingPath));
            string    predicateXML;
            while ((predicateXML = propBankVerbNetP.OuterXML("predicate")) != null)
                XmlParser predicateP = new XmlParser(predicateXML);

                string pbVerb = predicateP.AttributeValue("predicate", "lemma").Trim();
                if (pbVerb == "")
                    throw new Exception("Blank PropBank verb");

                // get argument mappings
                string argMapXML;
                while ((argMapXML = predicateP.OuterXML("argmap")) != null)
                    XmlParser argMapP = new XmlParser(argMapXML);

                    // get role set for current argument mapping
                    string pbRoleSetStr = argMapP.AttributeValue("argmap", "pb-roleset");
                    int    pbRoleSet    = int.Parse(pbRoleSetStr.Substring(pbRoleSetStr.IndexOf('.') + 1));
                    if (pbRoleSet <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid PropBank role set:  " + pbRoleSet);

                    // get verbnet class, using periods instead of dashes
                    string vnClass = argMapP.AttributeValue("argmap", "vn-class").Trim().Replace("-", ".");
                    if (vnClass == "")
                        throw new Exception("Blank VerbNet class");

                    // read argument mapping
                    string roleXML;
                    while ((roleXML = argMapP.OuterXML("role")) != null)
                        XmlParser roleP = new XmlParser(roleXML);

                        // get fully-specified propbank role
                        string pbArgStr = roleP.AttributeValue("role", "pb-arg");
                        if (pbArgStr == "M" || pbArgStr == "A")

                        int    pbArg      = int.Parse(pbArgStr);
                        string fullPbRole = pbVerb + "." + pbRoleSet + "." + pbArg;

                        // get fully-specified verbnet role
                        string vnRole = roleP.AttributeValue("role", "vn-theta").Trim();
                        if (vnRole == "")
                            throw new Exception("Blank VerbNet role");

                        string fullVnRole = vnClass + "." + vnRole;

                        // create entry
                        _propBankRoleVerbNetRoles.EnsureContainsKey(fullPbRole, typeof(Set <string>));

            // map verbnet to propbank
            _verbNetRolePropBankRoles = new Dictionary <string, Set <string> >();
            foreach (string propBankRole in _propBankRoleVerbNetRoles.Keys)
                foreach (string verbNetRole in _propBankRoleVerbNetRoles[propBankRole])
                    _verbNetRolePropBankRoles.EnsureContainsKey(verbNetRole, typeof(Set <string>));

            #region verbnet-framenet
            // check for file
            if (!File.Exists(FrameNetVerbNetLinkingPath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to find FrameNet-VerbNet mapping file:  " + FrameNetVerbNetLinkingPath);

            // read each mapping
            _verbNetRoleFrameElements = new Dictionary <string, Set <string> >();
            XmlParser verbNetFrameNetP = new XmlParser(File.ReadAllText(FrameNetVerbNetLinkingPath));
            string    vnClassXML;
            while ((vnClassXML = verbNetFrameNetP.OuterXML("vncls")) != null)
                XmlParser vnClassP = new XmlParser(vnClassXML);

                // get verbnet class and framenet frame
                string vnClass = vnClassP.AttributeValue("vncls", "class").Trim().Replace("-", ".");
                string frame   = vnClassP.AttributeValue("vncls", "fnframe").Trim().ToLower();

                // get each role mapping
                string roleXML;
                while ((roleXML = vnClassP.OuterXML("role")) != null)
                    // get fe and vn role
                    XmlParser roleP  = new XmlParser(roleXML);
                    string    fe     = frame + "." + roleP.AttributeValue("role", "fnrole").Trim().ToLower();
                    string    vnRole = vnClass + "." + roleP.AttributeValue("role", "vnrole").Trim();

                    // add to list of FEs for vn role
                    _verbNetRoleFrameElements.EnsureContainsKey(vnRole, typeof(Set <string>), false);

            // map frame elements to verbnet roles
            _frameElementVerbNetRoles = new Dictionary <string, Set <string> >();
            foreach (string verbNetRole in _verbNetRoleFrameElements.Keys)
                foreach (string frameElement in _verbNetRoleFrameElements[verbNetRole])
                    _frameElementVerbNetRoles.EnsureContainsKey(frameElement, typeof(Set <string>));