Beispiel #1
        public override void ApplyAttributes(AttributeDictionary attributesToApply)
            // necessary for elements which don't use a prefab

   = "ChildXmlLayout";


            var viewPath = attributesToApply.GetValue <string>("viewPath");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewPath))
                Debug.LogWarning("[XmlLayout][Warning][ChildXmlLayout]:: The 'viewPath' attribute is required.");

            // validate viewPath
            var xmlFile = XmlLayoutResourceDatabase.instance.GetResource <TextAsset>(viewPath);

            if (xmlFile == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("[XmlLayout][Warning][ChildXmlLayout]:: View '" + viewPath + "' not found. Please ensure that the view is accessible via an XmlLayout Resource Database (or is in a Resources folder).");

            Type controllerType     = null;
            var  controllerTypeName = attributesToApply.GetValue <string>("controller");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerTypeName))
                controllerType = Type.GetType(controllerTypeName, false, true);

                if (controllerType == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("[XmlLayout][Warning][ChildXmlLayout]:: Controller Type '" + controllerTypeName + "' not found. Please ensure that the full class name (including the namespace, if the class is located within one). For example: MyNamespace.MyLayoutControllerType");

            var newXmlLayout = XmlLayoutFactory.Instantiate(currentInstanceTransform, viewPath, controllerType);

            currentXmlElement.AddChildElement(newXmlLayout.XmlElement, false);
Beispiel #2
        public override void ApplyAttributes(AttributeDictionary attributesToApply)
            // necessary for elements which don't use a prefab

            // If multiple child layouts are nested, then ApplyAttributes() will be called for each before this method has finished executing
            // This becomes an issue, because tag handlers are singletons intended to deal with a single element in one go,
            // which means that the 'currentXmlElement' reference will be replaced with the child, which causes several issues
            // this is also true of all other references, although in this case only 'currentXmlElement' causes any trouble
            // It may be necessary in future to modify the way tag handlers work such that each XmlLayout reference has its own collection of tag handlers,
            // although that will require a small amount of additional memory and processing
            var _currentXmlElement = currentXmlElement;

   = "ChildXmlLayout";


            // Don't pass 'id' on

            // if we've already been initialized, don't repeat the process
            if (_currentXmlElement.GetAttribute("initialized") != null)
                // attempt to apply the attributes to the child
                // I've removed this for the time being; as there are potential issues with properties e.g. width="50%" would make
                // the container use width="50%" and then the child would be 50% width of that
                // var _childXmlLayout = _currentXmlElement.childElements.FirstOrDefault(t => t.tagType == "XmlLayout");
                // if(_childXmlLayout != null) _childXmlLayout.ApplyAttributes(attributesToApply);


            var viewPath = attributesToApply.GetValue <string>("viewPath");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewPath))
                Debug.LogWarning("[XmlLayout][Warning][ChildXmlLayout]:: The 'viewPath' attribute is required.");

            // validate viewPath
            var xmlFile = XmlLayoutResourceDatabase.instance.GetResource <TextAsset>(viewPath);

            if (xmlFile == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("[XmlLayout][Warning][ChildXmlLayout]:: View '" + viewPath + "' not found. Please ensure that the view is accessible via an XmlLayout Resource Database (or is in a Resources folder).");

            Type controllerType     = null;
            var  controllerTypeName = attributesToApply.GetValue <string>("controller");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerTypeName))
                // controllerType = Type.GetType(controllerTypeName, false, true);
                controllerType = GetTypeFromStringName(controllerTypeName);

                if (controllerType == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("[XmlLayout][Warning][ChildXmlLayout]:: Controller Type '" + controllerTypeName + "' not found. Please ensure that the full class name (including the namespace, if the class is located within one). For example: MyNamespace.MyLayoutControllerType");

            bool passEventsToParentController = false;

            if (controllerType == null)
                controllerType = typeof(XmlLayoutController);
                passEventsToParentController = true;

            var childXmlLayout = XmlLayoutFactory.Instantiate(currentInstanceTransform, viewPath, controllerType);

            childXmlLayout.ParentLayout        = _currentXmlElement.xmlLayoutInstance;
            childXmlLayout.ForceRebuildOnAwake = false;

            if (passEventsToParentController)
                childXmlLayout.XmlLayoutController.EventTarget = currentXmlLayoutInstance.XmlLayoutController;

            // Adding a sub-canvas may (slightly) improve performance
            if (_currentXmlElement.gameObject.GetComponent <Canvas>() == null)
                _currentXmlElement.gameObject.AddComponent <Canvas>();
            if (_currentXmlElement.gameObject.GetComponent <GraphicRaycaster>() == null)
                _currentXmlElement.gameObject.AddComponent <GraphicRaycaster>();

            childXmlLayout.XmlElement.tagType = "XmlLayout";

            _currentXmlElement.AddChildElement(childXmlLayout.XmlElement, false);

            _currentXmlElement.SetAttribute("initialized", "true");


            // For some reason, the child XmlLayout offset Min/Max values are incorrect, so we need to force them to be zero
            if (!attributesToApply.ContainsKey("offsetMax"))
                childXmlLayout.XmlElement.rectTransform.offsetMax =;
            if (!attributesToApply.ContainsKey("offsetMin"))
                childXmlLayout.XmlElement.rectTransform.offsetMin =;