Beispiel #1
        public static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            /*args = new string[] {
             *  "-i", "Sprint_11945.xml",
             *  "-k", "900000,060005,020000"
             * };*/

            //Parsing Command Line Arguments
            RootCommand rootCommand = new RootCommand(
                description: "Convert xml content to html schema");
            Option inputOption = new Option(
                aliases: new string[] { "--input", "-i" }
                , description: "The path to the xml file to be converted.");

            inputOption.IsRequired = true;
            inputOption.Argument   = new Argument <string>();
            Option idsOption = new Option(
                aliases: new string[] { "--ids", "-k" }
                , description: "A list of selected key attribute ids to be extracted as single html files");

            idsOption.Argument   = new Argument <string>();
            idsOption.IsRequired = false;

            Option entryTagOption = new Option(
                aliases: new string[] { "--entrytag", "-t" }
                , description: "The tag of the Elements to be extracted from the document");

            entryTagOption.Argument   = new Argument <string>();
            entryTagOption.IsRequired = false;
            Option subSetAttKey = new Option(
                aliases: new string[] { "--subattkey", "-a" }
                , description: "The attribute key to be considered for list subset extraction using the specified ids");

            subSetAttKey.Argument   = new Argument <string>();
            subSetAttKey.IsRequired = false;

            //IXmlHtmlConverter transformer = new Xml2HtmlTransformer();
            //IXmlHtmlConverter transformer = new Xml2HtmlTransformer("note", "ownerId");

            //Create Action for conversion and add console commands
            Action <string, string, string, string> performConversion = (string input, string ids, string entryTag, string subAttKey) =>

                IXmlHtmlConverter transformer = new Xml2HtmlTransformer(entryTag, subAttKey);

                transformer.ConvertXmlDoc2Html(input, ids);

                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

            rootCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <string, string, string, string>(performConversion);

            //Pass args to commandline parser
            return(await rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args));
 public void Setup()
     this.transformer = new Xml2HtmlTransformer();