Beispiel #1
        static void ConvertResx2Xlf(DirectoryInfo Path)
            foreach (var File in Path.GetFiles("*.resx"))
                var RelativeFilePath = File.FullName.Replace(SourceDir.FullName, "").Replace(File.Extension, "");

                var xliffSources = XliffDocument.ReadFromResource(SourceDir.FullName + RelativeFilePath + ".resx", new CultureInfo("en-US"), string.Empty, ResourceType.Resx);
                xliffSources[0].FileInfos[0].TargetCulture = new CultureInfo("fa-IR");
                xliffSources[0].Save(DestinationDir.FullName + RelativeFilePath + ".fa-IR.xlf");

            foreach (var Dir in Path.GetDirectories())
Beispiel #2
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // Parse the command line arguments
            var appArgs = new CookedArgs(args);

            if (appArgs.IsArgError)

            // Ensure output folder exits
            if (!Directory.Exists(appArgs.OutputFolder))

            // Throws if invalid :-(
            var sourceCulture = new CultureInfo(appArgs.DefaultLanguage);

            // Created the Source XLIFF file in memory (Source = sourceCulture and Target = sourceCulture)
            var xliffSources = XliffDocument.ReadFromResource(appArgs.DefaultResx, sourceCulture, string.Empty, ResourceType.Resx);

            // IMPORTANT: The translated RESX files MUST have the target culture as part of the RESX extension
            // For example: contains (neutral) Russian translations
            // This is what the RESX compiler expects, so it should already be in this format.

            Console.WriteLine("Resulting XLF files:");

            // Now, process all the translated RESX file.
            foreach (var transResx in appArgs.TranslatedResxes)
                // Best line of code I should never write again :-)
                var cultureName = Path.GetExtension(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(transResx)).Replace(".", "");

                // If culture is not specified in the filename it might be in the directory name
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureName))
                    // Keeping the code style on the same level ;-)
                    cultureName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(transResx));

                var targetCulture = new CultureInfo(cultureName);
                var xliffTargets  = XliffDocument.ReadFromResource(transResx, sourceCulture, string.Empty, ResourceType.Resx);
                if (xliffTargets.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected number of XLIFF Documents returned");

                // Switch the Target to that of the RESX target
                foreach (var xliffTarget in xliffTargets)
                    foreach (var file in xliffTarget.FileInfos)
                        file.TargetCulture = targetCulture;

                // Now for each matching ID, apply the source XLIFF source string to the target XLIFF files source string
                // This will make the target XLIFF file import (w/recycling) into the MAT based projects

                // It's brute force time...
                foreach (var xliffSource in xliffSources)
                    foreach (var file in xliffSource.FileInfos)
                        foreach (var group in file.Body.TranslationGroups)
                            foreach (var transUnit in group.TranslationUnits)
                                var matchedUnits = GetMatchingUnits(xliffTargets, transUnit);
                                foreach (var matchedUnit in matchedUnits)
                                    // Switch the source to the actual source string (As it was originally created as the translated string)
                                    // Note: The Translation may be the same as the source in some cases.  If this is detected, mark it is need review
                                    // You may want to leave it as 'new' as this will block future recycling attempts
                                    if (matchedUnit.SourceSegment.Equals(transUnit.SourceSegment, StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
                                        matchedUnit.State = TransUnitState.NeedsReview;
                                        matchedUnit.Notes.Add(new Note()
                                            From = Note.MultilingualUpdateIdentifier, Content = "Resource is marked as 'Need review' since the Source and target were the same."
                                        matchedUnit.State         = TransUnitState.Translated;
                                        matchedUnit.SourceSegment = transUnit.SourceSegment;

                                    //// Include to force converting of Windows Phone SL lower case design to newer uppercase model.
                                    //if (matchedUnit.SourceSegment.Length > 1)
                                    //    matchedUnit.SourceSegment = char.ToUpper(matchedUnit.SourceSegment[0]) + matchedUnit.SourceSegment.Substring(1);
                                    //if (matchedUnit.TargetSegment.Length > 1)
                                    //    matchedUnit.TargetSegment = char.ToUpper(matchedUnit.TargetSegment[0]) + matchedUnit.TargetSegment.Substring(1);

                // Another 'best' line of code...
                var xliffFileName = Path.Combine(appArgs.OutputFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(appArgs.DefaultResx)) + "." + targetCulture.Name + ".xlf";

                // Save the Target XLIFF file
                Debug.Assert(xliffTargets.Count > 0);
