Beispiel #1
        private unsafe static int TryExcelImpl4(int xlFunction, out object result, params object[] parameters)
            int xlReturn;

            // Set up the memory to hold the result from the call
            XlOper resultOper = new XlOper();

            resultOper.xlType = XlType.XlTypeEmpty;
            XlOper *pResultOper = &resultOper;  // No need to pin for local struct

            // Special kind of ObjectArrayMarshaler for the parameters (rank 1)
            using (XlObjectArrayMarshaler paramMarshaler = new XlObjectArrayMarshaler(1, true))
                XlOper **ppOperParameters = (XlOper **)paramMarshaler.MarshalManagedToNative(parameters);
                xlReturn = Excel4v(xlFunction, pResultOper, parameters.Length, ppOperParameters);

            // pResultOper now holds the result of the evaluated function
            // Get ObjectMarshaler for the return value
            ICustomMarshaler m = XlObjectMarshaler.GetInstance("");

            result = m.MarshalNativeToManaged((IntPtr)pResultOper);
            // And free any memory allocated by Excel
            Excel4v(xlFree, (XlOper *)IntPtr.Zero, 1, &pResultOper);

Beispiel #2
        public static string Address([ExcelReference] XlOper o)
            ExcelThread xlt = ExcelThread.Current;
            var         ret = xlt.Call(Excel.Functions.GetCell, 1, o);

Beispiel #3
        public unsafe static uint GetCurrentSheetId4()
            XlOper SRef = new XlOper();

            SRef.xlType = XlType.XlTypeSReference;
            //SRef.srefValue.Count = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.RowFirst = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.RowLast = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.ColumnFirst = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.ColumnLast = 1;

            XlOper  resultOper  = new XlOper();
            XlOper *pResultOper = &resultOper;

            XlOper * pSRef  = &SRef;
            XlOper **ppSRef = &(pSRef);
            int      xlReturn;

            xlReturn = Excel4v(xlSheetNm, pResultOper, 1, ppSRef);
            if (xlReturn == 0)
                XlOper ResultRef = new XlOper();
                xlReturn = Excel4v(xlSheetId, &ResultRef, 1, (XlOper **)&(pResultOper));
                if (xlReturn == 0 && ResultRef.xlType == XlType.XlTypeReference)
Beispiel #4
 public static bool Contains(
     [ExcelDescription("The one-dimensional array to search.")]
     Array array,
     [ExcelDescription("The value to locate in array.")]
     [NoRef] XlOper value)
Beispiel #5
 public static XlOper ToXlOper <T>(this T a)
     if (a == null)
     if (XlOper.CanConvertFrom(a.GetType()))
Beispiel #6
        public unsafe static IntPtr GetCurrentSheetId4()
            // In a macro type function, xlSheetNm seems to return the Active sheet instead of the Current sheet.
            // So we first try to get the Current sheet from the caller.
            IntPtr retval = GetCallerSheetId4();

            if (retval != IntPtr.Zero)

            // Else we try the old way.
            XlOper SRef = new XlOper();

            SRef.xlType = XlType.XlTypeSReference;
            //SRef.srefValue.Count = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.RowFirst = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.RowLast = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.ColumnFirst = 1;
            //SRef.srefValue.Reference.ColumnLast = 1;

            XlOper  resultOper  = new XlOper();
            XlOper *pResultOper = &resultOper;

            XlOper * pSRef  = &SRef;
            XlOper **ppSRef = &(pSRef);
            int      xlReturn;

            xlReturn = Excel4v(xlSheetNm, pResultOper, 1, ppSRef);
            if (xlReturn == 0)
                XlOper  resultRef  = new XlOper();
                XlOper *pResultRef = &resultRef;
                xlReturn = Excel4v(xlSheetId, pResultRef, 1, (XlOper **)&(pResultOper));

                // Done with pResultOper - Free
                Excel4v(xlFree, (XlOper *)IntPtr.Zero, 1, &pResultOper);

                if (xlReturn == 0)
                    if (resultRef.xlType == XlType.XlTypeReference)
                    // Done with ResultRef - Free it too
                    Excel4v(xlFree, (XlOper *)IntPtr.Zero, 1, &pResultRef);
Beispiel #7
        public static XlOper[,] ToXlOper <T, T2>(this IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <T, T2> > a)
            if (a == null)
            int n = a.Count();

            if (n == 0)
            XlOper[,] ret = new XlOper[n, 2];
            a.ForEach((x, i) => { ret[i, 0] = x.Key.ToXlOper(); ret[i, 1] = x.Value.ToXlOper(); });
Beispiel #8
 public static int IndexOf(
     [ExcelDescription("The one-dimensional array to search.")]
     Array array,
     [ExcelDescription("The value to locate in array.")]
     [NoRef] XlOper value,
     [ExcelDescription("The starting index of the search. Defaults to 0.")]
     int startIndex = 0,
     [ExcelDescription("The number of elements in the section to search. Defaults to all alements beginning with startIndex.")]
     int count = int.MaxValue)
     if (count == int.MaxValue)
         count = array.Length - startIndex;
     return(Array.IndexOf(array, value.Value, startIndex, count));
Beispiel #9
        public static Array Expand(Array a, int rowOffset = 0, int colOffset = 1, string refTxt = null)
            ExcelThread xlt = ExcelThread.Current;
            XlOper      o   = refTxt == null || refTxt == "" ? xlt.GetCaller() : xlt.Call(Excel.Functions.Indirect, refTxt);
            var         des = xlt.Call(Excel.Functions.Offset, o, rowOffset, colOffset, a.GetLength(0), a.GetLength(1));

            Excel.AsyncRangeUpdate(xlt.RefText(des, false), a);
            //var app = Excel.Application;
            //app.GetType().InvokeMember("Run", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, app, new object[] { "QDefineRangeName", "hh" });
            //object workbook = app.GetType().InvokeMember("ActiveWorkbook", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, app, null);
            //object properties = app.GetType().InvokeMember("BuiltinDocumentProperties", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, workbook.GetType(), null);
            //object property = app.GetType().InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, properties, new object[] { "Author" });
            //object value = app.GetType().InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, property, null);
            //xlt.CallPrivileged(Excel.Commands.DefineName, "hehe", "$A$2");
            //xlt.CallUDF("QDefineRangeName", "hh");
Beispiel #10
 public unsafe static IntPtr GetCallerSheetId4()
     IntPtr retval = IntPtr.Zero;
     XlOper resultOper = new XlOper();
     XlOper* pResultOper = &resultOper;
     int xlReturn;
     xlReturn = Excel4v(xlfCaller, pResultOper, 0, (XlOper**)IntPtr.Zero);
     if (xlReturn == 0)
         if (resultOper.xlType == XlType.XlTypeReference)
             retval = resultOper.refValue.SheetId;
             Excel4v(xlFree, (XlOper*)IntPtr.Zero, 1, &pResultOper);
     return retval;
Beispiel #11
 public static int LastIndexOf(
     [ExcelDescription("The one-dimensional array to search.")]
     Array array,
     [ExcelDescription("The value to locate in array.")]
     [NoRef] XlOper value,
     [ExcelDescription("The starting index of the backward search. Defaults to the last element.")]
     int startIndex = int.MaxValue,
     [ExcelDescription("The number of elements in the section to search. Defaults to all elements from 0 to startIndex.")]
     int count = int.MaxValue)
     if (startIndex == int.MaxValue)
         startIndex = array.Length - 1;
     if (count == int.MaxValue)
         count = array.Length - startIndex;
     return(Array.LastIndexOf(array, value.Value, startIndex, count));
        static void ComplexFormulas(Stream stream, XlDocumentFormat documentFormat)
            // Create an exporter instance.
            IXlExporter exporter = XlExport.CreateExporter(documentFormat, new XlFormulaParser());

            // Create a new document.
            using (IXlDocument document = exporter.CreateDocument(stream)) {
                document.Options.Culture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

                // Create a worksheet.
                using (IXlSheet sheet = document.CreateSheet()) {
                    // Create worksheet columns and set their widths.
                    using (IXlColumn column = sheet.CreateColumn()) {
                        column.WidthInPixels = 200;
                    using (IXlColumn column = sheet.CreateColumn()) {
                        column.WidthInPixels = 50;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        using (IXlColumn column = sheet.CreateColumn()) {
                            column.WidthInPixels           = 80;
                            column.Formatting              = new XlCellFormatting();
                            column.Formatting.NumberFormat = @"_([$$-409]* #,##0.00_);_([$$-409]* \(#,##0.00\);_([$$-409]* ""-""??_);_(@_)";

                    // Specify formatting settings for the header row.
                    XlCellFormatting headerRowFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
                    headerRowFormatting.Font       = XlFont.BodyFont();
                    headerRowFormatting.Font.Bold  = true;
                    headerRowFormatting.Font.Color = XlColor.FromTheme(XlThemeColor.Light1, 0.0);
                    headerRowFormatting.Fill       = XlFill.SolidFill(XlColor.FromTheme(XlThemeColor.Accent2, 0.0));
                    // Specify formatting settings for the total row.
                    XlCellFormatting totalRowFormatting = new XlCellFormatting();
                    totalRowFormatting.Font      = XlFont.BodyFont();
                    totalRowFormatting.Font.Bold = true;

                    // Generate data for the document.
                    string[] header  = new string[] { "Description", "QTY", "Price", "Amount" };
                    string[] product = new string[] { "Camembert Pierrot", "Gorgonzola Telino", "Mascarpone Fabioli", "Mozzarella di Giovanni" };
                    int[]    qty     = new int[] { 12, 15, 25, 10 };
                    double[] price   = new double[] { 23.25, 15.50, 12.99, 8.95 };

                    // Create the header row.
                    using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                                cell.Value = header[i];

                    #region #Formula_String
                    // Create data rows using string formulas.
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) {
                            using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                                cell.Value = product[i];
                            using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                                cell.Value = qty[i];
                            using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                                cell.Value = price[i];
                            using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                                // Set the formula to calculate the amount per product.
                                cell.SetFormula(String.Format("B{0}*C{0}", i + 2));
                    #endregion #Formula_String
                    #region #Formula_IXlFormulaParameter
                    // Create the total row using IXlFormulaParameter.
                    using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) {
                        using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                            cell.Value = "Total:";
                        using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                            // Set the formula to calculate the total amount plus 10 handling fee.
                            // =SUM($D$2:$D$5)+10
                            IXlFormulaParameter const10           = XlFunc.Param(10);
                            IXlFormulaParameter sumAmountFunction = XlFunc.Sum(XlCellRange.FromLTRB(cell.ColumnIndex, 1, cell.ColumnIndex, row.RowIndex - 1).AsAbsolute());
                            cell.SetFormula(XlOper.Add(sumAmountFunction, const10));
                    #endregion #Formula_IXlFormulaParameter
                    #region #Formula_XlExpression
                    // Create a formula using XlExpression.
                    using (IXlRow row = sheet.CreateRow()) {
                        using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                            cell.Value = "Mean value:";
                        using (IXlCell cell = row.CreateCell()) {
                            // Set the formula to calculate the mean value.
                            // =$D$6/4
                            XlExpression expression = new XlExpression();
                            expression.Add(new XlPtgRef(new XlCellPosition(cell.ColumnIndex, row.RowIndex - 1, XlPositionType.Absolute, XlPositionType.Absolute)));
                            expression.Add(new XlPtgInt(row.RowIndex - 2));
                            expression.Add(new XlPtgBinaryOperator(XlPtgTypeCode.Div));
                    #endregion #Formula_XlExpression