Beispiel #1
        private void tmrCheckFOM_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int    i = 0;
            Marker M = null;

            double[] Svec = null;
            if (!Visible)

            if (Control.MouseButtons == MouseButtons.Right)
                btnReset_Click(btnReset, EventArgs.Empty);
            if (PrevFrameCounter == fMain.CurrCamera.FramesGrabbed) //ignore: same frame as before
            PrevFrameCounter = fMain.CurrCamera.FramesGrabbed; //update for next time

            IList <Marker> IMarkers = MT.Markers.GetIdentifiedMarkers(null);

            if (!MarkersLocked && AutoUpdateMarkerName[0]) //try to find trace marker automatically
                //Find a marker with a calibrated tooltip
                for (i = 0; i < IMarkers.Count; i++)
                    M    = IMarkers[i];
                    Svec = M.Tooltip2MarkerXf.ShiftVector;
                    if (Svec[0] != 0 || Svec[1] != 0 || Svec[2] != 0) //non-null transform -tooltip calibrated
                        if (M.Name.ToUpper() != tbTracerMarker.Text.ToUpper())
                            TracerMarker        = M;
                            tbTracerMarker.Text = M.Name;
                            if (chkTrace.Enabled)
            if (!MarkersLocked & AutoUpdateMarkerName[1])
                //Find a marker with more than one facet identified and without a tooltip
                for (i = 0; i < IMarkers.Count; i++)
                    M    = IMarkers[i];
                    Svec = M.Tooltip2MarkerXf.ShiftVector;
                    if (Svec[0] == 0 || Svec[1] == 0 || Svec[2] == 0)
                        if (M.GetIdentifiedFacets(null, false).Count > 1)
                            tbRefMarker.Text = M.Name;
                            ReferenceMarker  = M;

            Xform3D Xf          = null;
            Xform3D Ref2Cam     = null;
            Xform3D ToolTip2Cam = null;

            double[] NewPos = null;
            if ((chkTrace.Checked || Control.MouseButtons == MouseButtons.Left) && TracerMarker != null)
                //Is the tracer marker tracked?
                Xf = TracerMarker.GetMarker2CameraXf(fMain.CurrCamera);
                if (Xf != null)
                    //ToolTip2Cam = tooltip->tracer->camera xform
                    ToolTip2Cam = TracerMarker.Tooltip2MarkerXf.Concatenate(Xf);
                    if (ReferenceMarker != null)
                        if (ReferenceMarker.WasIdentified(null))                            //can trace in the reference marker's coordinates
                            Ref2Cam = ReferenceMarker.GetMarker2CameraXf(fMain.CurrCamera); //ref->camera
                            if (Ref2Cam != null & ToolTip2Cam != null)
                                Xf     = ToolTip2Cam.Concatenate(Ref2Cam.Inverse()); //tracer->camera->ref
                                NewPos = Xf.ShiftVector;
                    else //in camera coordinates
                        NewPos = ToolTip2Cam.ShiftVector;
                else //not tracked. A discontinuity
            if (NewPos != null) //a new point was captured
                //Add point only if moved at least 1mm since the previous point
                double DistanceMoved = 0;
                DistanceMoved = 1000; //init
                if (PointsCount > 0)
                    if (Trace[0, PointsCount - 1] != UnknownX)
                        DistanceMoved = Utils.Distance(NewPos, new double[] { Trace[0, PointsCount - 1], Trace[1, PointsCount - 1], Trace[2, PointsCount - 1] });
                if (DistanceMoved > 1)
                    Trace[0, PointsCount] = NewPos[0];
                    Trace[1, PointsCount] = NewPos[1];
                    Trace[2, PointsCount] = NewPos[2];
                    PointsCount           = PointsCount + 1;
Beispiel #2
        public void ShowTraceOverlay()
            //To be called by the main form to add an overlay on the images
            int i     = 0;
            int SideI = 0;

            double[] PosInCam = null;
            Xform3D  Ref2Cam  = null;
            Camera   CurrCam  = null;

            double[] CurrPosInImg        = new double[2];
            double[] PrevPosInImg        = new double[2];
            bool     ShouldShowMagnified = false;

            CurrCam = fMain.CurrCamera; //convenience
            if (ReferenceMarker != null)
                if (!(ReferenceMarker.WasIdentified(CurrCam))) //no reference frame
                    return;                                    //do not show
                    Ref2Cam = ReferenceMarker.GetMarker2CameraXf(CurrCam); //ref->camera
            ShouldShowMagnified = chkShowMagnified.Checked;

            //Show in main image areas
            double[]        XYBounds = new double[4]; //xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
            List <double[]> Lines    = new List <double[]>();
            DashStyle       LineStyle;

            LineStyle = chkEmphasizeLine.Checked ? DashStyle.Solid : DashStyle.Dot;
            PosInCam  = new double[3];
            for (SideI = 0; SideI < 2; SideI++)
                PrevPosInImg[0] = UnknownX;
                XYBounds[0]     = 100000; //init
                XYBounds[1]     = 0;
                XYBounds[2]     = 100000;
                XYBounds[3]     = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
                    if (Trace[0, i] != UnknownX)
                        PosInCam[0] = Trace[0, i];
                        PosInCam[1] = Trace[1, i];
                        PosInCam[2] = Trace[2, i];
                        if (ReferenceMarker != null) //transform from reference to camera space
                            PosInCam = Ref2Cam.XformLocation(PosInCam);
                        if (CurrCam.ProjectionOnImage(SideI, PosInCam, out CurrPosInImg[0], out CurrPosInImg[1]))
                            //We have a point we can draw.
                            //Update bounding box (for magnified area later)
                            if (XYBounds[0] > CurrPosInImg[0])
                                XYBounds[0] = CurrPosInImg[0];
                            if (XYBounds[1] < CurrPosInImg[0])
                                XYBounds[1] = CurrPosInImg[0];
                            if (XYBounds[2] > CurrPosInImg[1])
                                XYBounds[2] = CurrPosInImg[1];
                            if (XYBounds[3] < CurrPosInImg[1])
                                XYBounds[3] = CurrPosInImg[1];
                            if (PrevPosInImg[0] != UnknownX) //draw a line between prev and curr
                                fMain.DrawLine(PrevPosInImg[0], PrevPosInImg[1], CurrPosInImg[0], CurrPosInImg[1], LineColor, SideI, LineStyle, true, false, fMain.DisplayMirrorImage);
                                Lines.Add(new double[] { PrevPosInImg[0], PrevPosInImg[1], CurrPosInImg[0], CurrPosInImg[1] });
                        else //current position unknown
                            CurrPosInImg[0] = UnknownX;
                        PrevPosInImg[0] = CurrPosInImg[0];
                        PrevPosInImg[1] = CurrPosInImg[1];
                    else //unknown
                        PrevPosInImg[0] = UnknownX;
                if (ShouldShowMagnified & XYBounds[1] > XYBounds[0] & XYBounds[3] > XYBounds[2])
                    //show magnified area, with overlaid trace
                    int    OutRegionHalfSide = 0;
                    int    InRegionHalfSide  = 0;
                    double ZoomF             = 0;
                    //PictureBox pictBox = SideI == 0 ? fMain.picturebox0 : fMain.picturebox1;
                    PictureBox pictBox = SideI == 2 ? fMain.PicBox2 : SideI == 0 ? fMain.picBox0 : fMain.picBox1;
                    OutRegionHalfSide = Math.Min(100, pictBox.Height / 5);
                    InRegionHalfSide  = (int)Math.Max(XYBounds[1] - XYBounds[0], XYBounds[3] - XYBounds[2]) / 2 + 1;
                    ZoomF             = Utils.Constrain(8.0, OutRegionHalfSide / (double)InRegionHalfSide, 1.5); //no sense minifying
                    fMain.ShowMagnifiedRegion(SideI, (XYBounds[1] + XYBounds[0]) / 2, (XYBounds[3] + XYBounds[2]) / 2, OutRegionHalfSide, ((SideI == 0) ? 2 : 1), ZoomF, false, Lines, LineColor, LineStyle);