/// <summary>
		/// Constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="InName">Name of the target that may be built.</param>
		/// <param name="InType">Specifies the type of the targtet to generate.</param>
		/// <param name="InProductName">Specifies the name of the executable if it differs from the InName</param>
		/// <param name="InTargetPlatform">Name of the target that may be built.</param>
		/// <param name="InDependencies">Name of the target that may be built.</param>
		/// <param name="bHasPlist">Name of the target that may be built.</param>
		public XcodeProjectTarget(string InDisplayName, string InTargetName, XcodeTargetType InType, string InTargetFilePath, string InProductName = "", UnrealTargetPlatform InTargetPlatform = UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, bool bInIsMacOnly = false, List<XcodeTargetDependency> InDependencies = null, bool bHasPlist = false, List<XcodeFrameworkRef> InFrameworks = null)
			DisplayName = InDisplayName;
			TargetName = InTargetName;
			Type = InType;
			ProductName = InProductName;
			TargetFilePath = InTargetFilePath;
			TargetPlatform = InTargetPlatform;
			bIsMacOnly = bInIsMacOnly;
			Guid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			BuildConfigGuild = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			SourcesPhaseGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			ResourcesPhaseGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			FrameworksPhaseGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			ShellScriptPhaseGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			ProductGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			DebugConfigGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			DevelopmentConfigGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			ShippingConfigGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			TestConfigGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			DebugGameConfigGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
			Dependencies = InDependencies == null ? new List<XcodeTargetDependency>() : InDependencies;
			FrameworkRefs = InFrameworks == null ? new List<XcodeFrameworkRef>() : InFrameworks;
			// Meant to prevent adding plists that don't belong to the target, like in the case of Mac builds.
			if (bHasPlist)
				PlistGuid = XcodeProjectFileGenerator.MakeXcodeGuid();
		private static bool IsXcodeTargetTypeNative(XcodeTargetType Type)
			return Type == XcodeTargetType.Native || Type == XcodeTargetType.XcodeHelper || Type == XcodeTargetType.XCTest;