Beispiel #1
        public static void Compile(Type type, out MethodDefinition methdoDefinition)
            methdoDefinition = null;
            var assembly = type.Assembly.Location;
            var refs     = from an in type.Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies()
                           let a = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(an)
                                   select a.Location;

            var xamlc = new XamlCTask {
                Assembly          = assembly,
                ReferencePath     = string.Join(";", refs),
                KeepXamlResources = true,
                OptimizeIL        = true,
                DebugSymbols      = false,
                ReadOnly          = true,
                Type = type.FullName

            IList <Exception> exceptions;

            if (xamlc.Execute(out exceptions) || exceptions == null || !exceptions.Any())
                methdoDefinition = xamlc.InitCompForType;
            if (exceptions.Count > 1)
                throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
            throw exceptions[0];
Beispiel #2
        public static void Compile(Type type, out MethodDefinition methdoDefinition)
            methdoDefinition = null;
            var assembly = type.Assembly.Location;
            var refs     = from an in type.Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies()
                           let a = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(an)
                                   select a.Location;

            var xamlc = new XamlCTask
                Assembly          = assembly,
                ReferencePath     = refs.ToArray(),
                KeepXamlResources = true,
                OptimizeIL        = true,
                DebugSymbols      = false,
                ValidateOnly      = true,
                Type        = type.FullName,
                BuildEngine = new MSBuild.UnitTests.DummyBuildEngine()

            if (xamlc.Execute(out IList <Exception> exceptions) || exceptions == null || !exceptions.Any())
                methdoDefinition = xamlc.InitCompForType;
            if (exceptions.Count > 1)
                throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
            throw exceptions[0];
Beispiel #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            bool          help      = false;
            int           verbosity = 1;
            bool          keep      = false;
            bool          optimize  = false;
            bool          decompile = false;
            string        paths     = null;
            string        refs      = null;
            List <string> extra     = null;

            var p = new OptionSet
                { "h|?|help", "Print this help message", v => help = true },
                { "v=|verbosity=", "0 is quiet, 1 is normal, 2 is verbose", v => verbosity = Int32.Parse(v) },
                { "o|optimize", "Optimize generated IL", v => optimize = true },
                { "keep", "do not strip compiled embedded xaml", v => keep = true },
                { "p=|paths=|dependencypaths=", "look for dependencies in (comma separated) list of paths", v => paths = v },
                { "r=", "referencepath", v => refs = v },
                { "d|decompile", v => decompile = true }

            if (help || args.Length < 1)
                extra = p.Parse(args);
            catch (OptionException)
                Console.WriteLine("Type `xamlc --help' for more information.");

            if (extra.Count == 0)
                if (verbosity > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("assembly missing");

            var assembly = extra[0];
            var xamlc    = new XamlCTask {
                Assembly                = assembly,
                Verbosity               = verbosity,
                KeepXamlResources       = keep,
                OptimizeIL              = optimize,
                DependencyPaths         = paths,
                ReferencePath           = refs,
                OutputGeneratedILAsCode = decompile,

Beispiel #4
        public IEnumerable <Instruction> ConvertFromString(string value, ILContext context, BaseNode node)
            var module = context.Body.Method.Module;
            var body   = context.Body;

            INode rootNode = node;

            while (!(rootNode is ILRootNode))
                rootNode = rootNode.Parent;

            var rdNode = node.Parent as IElementNode;

            var rootTargetPath = XamlCTask.GetPathForType(module, ((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference);
            var uri            = new Uri(value, UriKind.Relative);

            var resourcePath = ResourceDictionary.RDSourceTypeConverter.GetResourcePath(uri, rootTargetPath);

            //fail early
            var resourceId = XamlCTask.GetResourceIdForPath(module, resourcePath);

            if (resourceId == null)
                throw new BuildException(BuildExceptionCode.ResourceMissing, node, null, value);

            var resourceDictionaryType = ("Xamarin.Forms.Core", "Xamarin.Forms", "ResourceDictionary");

            //abuse the converter, produce some side effect, but leave the stack untouched
            //public void SetAndLoadSource(Uri value, string resourceID, Assembly assembly, System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo lineInfo)
            foreach (var instruction in context.Variables[rdNode].LoadAs(module.GetTypeDefinition(resourceDictionaryType), module))
                yield return(instruction);
            foreach (var instruction in (new UriTypeConverter()).ConvertFromString(value, context, node))
                yield return(instruction);                //the Uri
            //keep the Uri for later
            yield return(Create(Dup));

            var uriVarDef = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReference(("System", "System", "Uri")));

            yield return(Create(Stloc, uriVarDef));

            yield return(Create(Ldstr, resourcePath));            //resourcePath

            yield return(Create(Ldtoken, module.ImportReference(((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference)));

            yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("mscorlib", "System", "Type"), methodName: "GetTypeFromHandle", parameterTypes: new[] { ("mscorlib", "System", "RuntimeTypeHandle") }, isStatic: true)));
        public static void Compile(Type type)
            var assembly = type.Assembly.Location;
            var refs     = from an in type.Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies()
                           let a = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(an)
                                   select a.Location;

            var xamlc = new XamlCTask {
                Assembly          = assembly,
                ReferencePath     = string.Join(";", refs),
                KeepXamlResources = true,
                Type = type.FullName

            var exceptions = new List <Exception>();

            if (!xamlc.Compile(exceptions) && exceptions.Any())
                throw exceptions [0];
        public IEnumerable <Instruction> ProvideValue(VariableDefinitionReference vardefref, ModuleDefinition module, BaseNode node, ILContext context)
            INode sourceNode = null;

            ((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName("", "Source"), out sourceNode);
            if (sourceNode == null)
                ((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName(XamlParser.XFUri, "Source"), out sourceNode);

            INode styleNode = null;

            if (!((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName("", "Style"), out styleNode) &&
                !((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName(XamlParser.XFUri, "Style"), out styleNode) &&
                ((IElementNode)node).CollectionItems.Count == 1)
                styleNode = ((IElementNode)node).CollectionItems[0];

            if (sourceNode != null && styleNode != null)
                throw new XamlParseException("StyleSheet can not have both a Source and a content", node);

            if (sourceNode == null && styleNode == null)
                throw new XamlParseException("StyleSheet require either a Source or a content", node);

            if (styleNode != null && !(styleNode is ValueNode))
                throw new XamlParseException("Style property or Content is not a string literal", node);

            if (sourceNode != null && !(sourceNode is ValueNode))
                throw new XamlParseException("Source property is not a string literal", node);

            if (styleNode != null)
                var style = (styleNode as ValueNode).Value as string;
                yield return(Create(Ldstr, style));

                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("Xamarin.Forms.Core", "Xamarin.Forms.StyleSheets", "StyleSheet"),
                                                                       methodName: "FromString",
                                                                       paramCount: 1,
                                                                       predicate: md => md.IsStatic)));
                var   source   = (sourceNode as ValueNode)?.Value as string;
                INode rootNode = node;
                while (!(rootNode is ILRootNode))
                    rootNode = rootNode.Parent;

                var rootTargetPath = RDSourceTypeConverter.GetPathForType(module, ((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference);
                var uri            = new Uri(source, UriKind.Relative);

                var resourcePath = ResourceDictionary.RDSourceTypeConverter.GetResourcePath(uri, rootTargetPath);
                //fail early
                var resourceId = XamlCTask.GetResourceIdForPath(module, resourcePath);
                if (resourceId == null)
                    throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{source}' not found.", node);

                yield return(Create(Ldtoken, module.ImportReference(((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference)));

                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("mscorlib", "System", "Type"), methodName: "GetTypeFromHandle", paramCount: 1, predicate: md => md.IsStatic)));

                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("mscorlib", "System.Reflection", "IntrospectionExtensions"), methodName: "GetTypeInfo", paramCount: 1, predicate: md => md.IsStatic)));

                yield return(Create(Callvirt, module.ImportPropertyGetterReference(("mscorlib", "System.Reflection", "TypeInfo"), propertyName: "Assembly", flatten: true)));

                yield return(Create(Ldstr, resourceId));                //resourceId

                foreach (var instruction in node.PushXmlLineInfo(context))
                    yield return(instruction);                    //lineinfo
                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("Xamarin.Forms.Core", "Xamarin.Forms.StyleSheets", "StyleSheet"),
                                                                       methodName: "FromAssemblyResource",
                                                                       paramCount: 3,
                                                                       predicate: md => md.IsStatic)));

            //the variable is of type `object`. fix that
            var vardef = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReference(("Xamarin.Forms.Core", "Xamarin.Forms.StyleSheets", "StyleSheet")));

            yield return(Create(Stloc, vardef));

            vardefref.VariableDefinition = vardef;
Beispiel #7
        public IEnumerable <Instruction> ConvertFromString(string value, ILContext context, BaseNode node)
            var currentModule = context.Body.Method.Module;
            var body          = context.Body;

            INode rootNode = node;

            while (!(rootNode is ILRootNode))
                rootNode = rootNode.Parent;

            var rdNode = node.Parent as IElementNode;

            var rootTargetPath = XamlCTask.GetPathForType(currentModule, ((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference);

            var    module  = currentModule;
            string asmName = null;

            if (value.Contains(";assembly="))
                var parts = value.Split(new[] { ";assembly=" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                value   = parts[0];
                asmName = parts[1];
                if (currentModule.Assembly.Name.Name != asmName)
                    var ar = currentModule.AssemblyReferences.FirstOrDefault(ar => ar.Name == asmName);
                    if (ar == null)
                        throw new BuildException(BuildExceptionCode.ResourceMissing, node, null, value);
                    module = currentModule.AssemblyResolver.Resolve(ar).MainModule;
            var uri = new Uri(value, UriKind.Relative);

            var resourcePath = ResourceDictionary.RDSourceTypeConverter.GetResourcePath(uri, rootTargetPath);

            //fail early
            var resourceId = XamlCTask.GetResourceIdForPath(module, resourcePath);

            if (resourceId == null)
                throw new BuildException(BuildExceptionCode.ResourceMissing, node, null, value);

            var resourceDictionaryType = ("Microsoft.Maui.Controls", "Microsoft.Maui.Controls", "ResourceDictionary");

            //abuse the converter, produce some side effect, but leave the stack untouched
            //public void SetAndLoadSource(Uri value, string resourceID, Assembly assembly, System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo lineInfo)
            foreach (var instruction in context.Variables[rdNode].LoadAs(currentModule.GetTypeDefinition(resourceDictionaryType), currentModule))
                yield return(instruction);
            //reappend assembly= in all cases, see other RD converter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(asmName))
                value = $"{value};assembly={asmName}";
                value = $"{value};assembly={((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference.Module.Assembly.Name.Name}";
            foreach (var instruction in (new UriTypeConverter()).ConvertFromString(value, context, node))
                yield return(instruction);                //the Uri
            //keep the Uri for later
            yield return(Create(Dup));

            var uriVarDef = new VariableDefinition(currentModule.ImportReference(("System", "System", "Uri")));

            yield return(Create(Stloc, uriVarDef));

            yield return(Create(Ldstr, resourcePath));            //resourcePath

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(asmName))
                yield return(Create(Ldstr, asmName));

                yield return(Create(Call, currentModule.ImportMethodReference(("mscorlib", "System.Reflection", "Assembly"), methodName: "Load", parameterTypes: new[] { ("mscorlib", "System", "String") }, isStatic: true)));
        public IEnumerable <Instruction> ProvideValue(VariableDefinitionReference vardefref, ModuleDefinition module, BaseNode node, ILContext context)
            INode sourceNode = null;

            ((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName("", "Source"), out sourceNode);
            if (sourceNode == null)
                ((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName(XamlParser.XFUri, "Source"), out sourceNode);

            INode styleNode = null;

            if (!((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName("", "Style"), out styleNode) &&
                !((IElementNode)node).Properties.TryGetValue(new XmlName(XamlParser.XFUri, "Style"), out styleNode) &&
                ((IElementNode)node).CollectionItems.Count == 1)
                styleNode = ((IElementNode)node).CollectionItems[0];

            if (sourceNode != null && styleNode != null)
                throw new XamlParseException($"StyleSheet can not have both a Source and a content", node);

            if (sourceNode == null && styleNode == null)
                throw new XamlParseException($"StyleSheet require either a Source or a content", node);

            if (styleNode != null && !(styleNode is ValueNode))
                throw new XamlParseException($"Style property or Content is not a string literal", node);

            if (sourceNode != null && !(sourceNode is ValueNode))
                throw new XamlParseException($"Source property is not a string literal", node);

            if (styleNode != null)
                var style = (styleNode as ValueNode).Value as string;
                yield return(Create(Ldstr, style));

                var fromString = module.ImportReferenceCached(typeof(StyleSheets.StyleSheet).GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == nameof(StyleSheets.StyleSheet.FromString) && mi.GetParameters().Length == 1));
                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportReference(fromString)));
                string source   = (sourceNode as ValueNode)?.Value as string;
                INode  rootNode = node;
                while (!(rootNode is ILRootNode))
                    rootNode = rootNode.Parent;

                var rootTargetPath = RDSourceTypeConverter.GetPathForType(module, ((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference);
                var uri            = new Uri(source, UriKind.Relative);

                var resourcePath = ResourceDictionary.RDSourceTypeConverter.GetResourcePath(uri, rootTargetPath);
                //fail early
                var resourceId = XamlCTask.GetResourceIdForPath(module, resourcePath);
                if (resourceId == null)
                    throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{source}' not found.", node);

                var getTypeFromHandle = module.ImportReferenceCached(typeof(Type).GetMethod(nameof(Type.GetTypeFromHandle), new[] { typeof(RuntimeTypeHandle) }));
                var getAssembly       = module.ImportReferenceCached(typeof(Type).GetProperty(nameof(Type.Assembly)).GetGetMethod());
                yield return(Create(Ldtoken, module.ImportReference(((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference)));

                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportReference(getTypeFromHandle)));

                yield return(Create(Callvirt, module.ImportReference(getAssembly))); //assembly

                yield return(Create(Ldstr, resourceId));                             //resourceId

                foreach (var instruction in node.PushXmlLineInfo(context))
                    yield return(instruction);                    //lineinfo
                var fromAssemblyResource = module.ImportReferenceCached(typeof(StyleSheets.StyleSheet).GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == nameof(StyleSheets.StyleSheet.FromAssemblyResource) && mi.GetParameters().Length == 3));
                yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportReference(fromAssemblyResource)));

            //the variable is of type `object`. fix that
            var vardef = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReferenceCached(typeof(StyleSheets.StyleSheet)));

            yield return(Create(Stloc, vardef));

            vardefref.VariableDefinition = vardef;
        public IEnumerable <Instruction> ConvertFromString(string value, ILContext context, BaseNode node)
            var module = context.Body.Method.Module;
            var body   = context.Body;

            INode rootNode = node;

            while (!(rootNode is ILRootNode))
                rootNode = rootNode.Parent;

            var rdNode = node.Parent as IElementNode;

            var rootTargetPath = XamlCTask.GetPathForType(module, ((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference);
            var uri            = new Uri(value, UriKind.Relative);

            var resourcePath = ResourceDictionary.RDSourceTypeConverter.GetResourcePath(uri, rootTargetPath);

            //fail early
            var resourceId = XamlCTask.GetResourceIdForPath(module, resourcePath);

            if (resourceId == null)
                throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{value}' not found.", node);

            //abuse the converter, produce some side effect, but leave the stack untouched
            //public void SetAndLoadSource(Uri value, string resourceID, Assembly assembly, System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo lineInfo)
            yield return(Create(Ldloc, context.Variables[rdNode]));            //the resourcedictionary

            foreach (var instruction in (new UriTypeConverter()).ConvertFromString(value, context, node))
                yield return(instruction);                //the Uri
            //keep the Uri for later
            yield return(Create(Dup));

            var uriVarDef = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReference(("System", "System", "Uri")));

            yield return(Create(Stloc, uriVarDef));

            yield return(Create(Ldstr, resourcePath));            //resourcePath

            yield return(Create(Ldtoken, module.ImportReference(((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference)));

            yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("mscorlib", "System", "Type"), methodName: "GetTypeFromHandle", paramCount: 1, predicate: md => md.IsStatic)));

            yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportMethodReference(("mscorlib", "System.Reflection", "IntrospectionExtensions"), methodName: "GetTypeInfo", paramCount: 1, predicate: md => md.IsStatic)));

            yield return(Create(Callvirt, module.ImportPropertyGetterReference(("mscorlib", "System.Reflection", "TypeInfo"), propertyName: "Assembly", flatten: true)));

            foreach (var instruction in node.PushXmlLineInfo(context))
                yield return(instruction);                //lineinfo
            yield return(Create(Callvirt, module.ImportMethodReference(("Xamarin.Forms.Core", "Xamarin.Forms", "ResourceDictionary"), methodName: "SetAndLoadSource", paramCount: 4)));

            //ldloc the stored uri as return value
            yield return(Create(Ldloc, uriVarDef));
Beispiel #10
        public void Modify(IEnumerable <UnityEditor.Compilation.Assembly> lockedAssemblies, IEnumerable <string> sources = null)
            var modifiers = new List <ILModifier>();


                using (var resolver = new Resolver())
                    var xamarin = new ILXamarin(resolver);

                    foreach (var assembly in lockedAssemblies)
                        var definition = resolver.Add(assembly.outputPath, true);

                        if (definition != null)
                            modifiers.Add(new ILModifier(assembly, definition));

                    var engine = new Build.BuildEngine();
                    var logger = new Build.Logger();

                    logger.Verbosity = Settings.Verbosity;

                    while (modifiers.Count > 0)
                        var modifier = modifiers.Last();

                            foreach (var reference in modifier.compilation.allReferences)
                                resolver.Add(reference, false);

                            var modified = modifier.Modify(xamarin, _types, sources);

                            if (modified)

                            if (modified)
                                resolver.DisposeAssembly(modifier.compilation.outputPath, modifier.definition);

                                var task = new XamlCTask();
                                task.BuildEngine             = engine;
                                task.Assembly                = modifier.compilation.outputPath;
                                task.DebugSymbols            = Settings.DebugSymbols.value;
                                task.DebugType               = "portable";
                                task.OptimizeIL              = Settings.OptimizeIL.value;
                                task.CompileByDefault        = true;
                                task.DefaultAssemblyResolver = resolver;
                                engine.ProjectFileOfTaskNode = task.Assembly;
                        catch (Exception exception)
                            modifiers.RemoveAt(modifiers.Count - 1);

                foreach (var modifier in modifiers)
Beispiel #11
        public IEnumerable <Instruction> ConvertFromString(string value, ILContext context, BaseNode node)
            var module = context.Body.Method.Module;
            var body   = context.Body;

            INode rootNode = node;

            while (!(rootNode is ILRootNode))
                rootNode = rootNode.Parent;

            var rdNode = node.Parent as IElementNode;

            var rootTargetPath = XamlCTask.GetPathForType(module, ((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference);
            var uri            = new Uri(value, UriKind.Relative);

            var resourcePath = ResourceDictionary.RDSourceTypeConverter.GetResourcePath(uri, rootTargetPath);

            //fail early
            var resourceId = XamlCTask.GetResourceIdForPath(module, resourcePath);

            if (resourceId == null)
                throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{value}' not found.", node);

            //abuse the converter, produce some side effect, but leave the stack untouched
            //public void SetAndLoadSource(Uri value, string resourceID, Assembly assembly, System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo lineInfo)
            yield return(Create(Ldloc, context.Variables[rdNode]));            //the resourcedictionary

            foreach (var instruction in (new UriTypeConverter()).ConvertFromString(value, context, node))
                yield return(instruction);                //the Uri
            //keep the Uri for later
            yield return(Create(Dup));

            var uriVarDef = new VariableDefinition(module.ImportReference(typeof(Uri)));

            yield return(Create(Stloc, uriVarDef));

            yield return(Create(Ldstr, resourcePath));            //resourcePath

            var getTypeFromHandle = module.ImportReference(typeof(Type).GetMethod("GetTypeFromHandle", new[] { typeof(RuntimeTypeHandle) }));
            var getTypeInfo       = module.ImportReference(typeof(System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions).GetMethod("GetTypeInfo", new Type[] { typeof(Type) }));
            var getAssembly       = module.ImportReference(typeof(System.Reflection.TypeInfo).GetProperty("Assembly").GetMethod);

            yield return(Create(Ldtoken, module.ImportReference(((ILRootNode)rootNode).TypeReference)));

            yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportReference(getTypeFromHandle)));

            yield return(Create(Call, module.ImportReference(getTypeInfo)));

            yield return(Create(Callvirt, module.ImportReference(getAssembly)));            //assembly

            foreach (var instruction in node.PushXmlLineInfo(context))
                yield return(instruction);                //lineinfo
            var setAndLoadSource = module.ImportReference(typeof(ResourceDictionary).GetMethod("SetAndLoadSource"));

            yield return(Create(Callvirt, module.ImportReference(setAndLoadSource)));

            //ldloc the stored uri as return value
            yield return(Create(Ldloc, uriVarDef));