Beispiel #1
        public void OneTime_Binding_Should_Be_Set_Up()
            var dataContext = new BehaviorSubject <object>(null);
            var expression  = new BehaviorSubject <object>(null);
            var target      = CreateTarget(dataContext: dataContext);
            var binding     = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Foo",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.OneTime,

            binding.Bind(target.Object, TextBox.TextProperty, expression);

            target.Verify(x => x.SetValue(


            target.Verify(x => x.SetValue(
Beispiel #2
        public void Should_Not_Write_To_Old_DataContext()
            var vm     = new OldDataContextViewModel();
            var target = new TestSelector();

            var itemsBinding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Items",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.OneWay,

            var selectedItemsBinding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "SelectedItems",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.OneWay,

            // Bind Items and SelectedItems to the VM.
            itemsBinding.Bind(target, TestSelector.ItemsProperty);
            selectedItemsBinding.Bind(target, TestSelector.SelectedItemsProperty);

            // Set DataContext and SelectedIndex
            target.DataContext   = vm;
            target.SelectedIndex = 1;

            // Make sure SelectedItems are written back to VM.
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "bar" }, vm.SelectedItems);

            // Clear DataContext and ensure that SelectedItems is still set in the VM.
            target.DataContext = null;
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "bar" }, vm.SelectedItems);
Beispiel #3
        public void OneWayToSource_Binding_Should_Be_Set_Up()
            var textObservable = new Mock <IObservable <string> >();
            var expression     = new Mock <ISubject <object> >();
            var target         = CreateTarget(text: textObservable.Object);
            var binding        = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Foo",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.OneWayToSource,

            binding.Bind(target.Object, TextBox.TextProperty, expression.Object);

            textObservable.Verify(x => x.Subscribe(expression.Object));
Beispiel #4
        public void Default_BindingMode_Should_Be_Used()
            var target  = CreateTarget(null);
            var binding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Foo",

            binding.Bind(target.Object, TextBox.TextProperty);

            // Default for TextBox.Text is two-way.
            target.Verify(x => x.BindTwoWay(
                              It.IsAny <ISubject <object> >(),
Beispiel #5
        public void TwoWay_Binding_Should_Be_Set_Up()
            var target  = CreateTarget();
            var binding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Foo",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.TwoWay,

            binding.Bind(target.Object, TextBox.TextProperty);

            target.Verify(x => x.BindTwoWay(
                              It.IsAny <ISubject <object> >(),
Beispiel #6
        public void Should_Not_Write_To_Old_DataContext()
            var vm     = new OldDataContextViewModel();
            var target = new OldDataContextTest();

            var fooBinding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Foo",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.TwoWay,

            var barBinding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Bar",
                BindingMode        = BindingMode.TwoWay,

            // Bind Foo and Bar to the VM.
            fooBinding.Bind(target, OldDataContextTest.FooProperty);
            barBinding.Bind(target, OldDataContextTest.BarProperty);
            target.DataContext = vm;

            // Make sure the control's Foo and Bar properties are read from the VM
            Assert.Equal(1, target.GetValue(OldDataContextTest.FooProperty));
            Assert.Equal(2, target.GetValue(OldDataContextTest.BarProperty));

            // Set DataContext to null.
            target.DataContext = null;

            // Foo and Bar are no longer bound so they return 0, their default value.
            Assert.Equal(0, target.GetValue(OldDataContextTest.FooProperty));
            Assert.Equal(0, target.GetValue(OldDataContextTest.BarProperty));

            // The problem was here - DataContext is now null, setting Foo to 0. Bar is bound to
            // Foo so Bar also gets set to 0. However the Bar binding still had a reference to
            // the VM and so vm.Bar was set to 0 erroneously.
            Assert.Equal(1, vm.Foo);
            Assert.Equal(2, vm.Bar);
Beispiel #7
        public void DataContext_Binding_Should_Use_Parent_DataContext()
            var parentDataContext = Mock.Of <IHeadered>(x => x.Header == (object)"Foo");

            var parent = new Decorator
                Child       = new Control(),
                DataContext = parentDataContext,

            var binding = new XamlBinding
                SourcePropertyPath = "Header",

            binding.Bind(parent.Child, Control.DataContextProperty);

            Assert.Equal("Foo", parent.Child.DataContext);

            parentDataContext  = Mock.Of <IHeadered>(x => x.Header == (object)"Bar");
            parent.DataContext = parentDataContext;
            Assert.Equal("Bar", parent.Child.DataContext);
Beispiel #8
        private void HandleXamlBindingDefinition(object instance, XamlBindingDefinition def)
            if (_xamlMember.XamlType.UnderlyingType == typeof(XamlBindingDefinition))
                // TODO: This should search base classes.
                var property = instance.GetType().GetTypeInfo().GetDeclaredProperty(_xamlMember.Name);

                if (property == null || !property.CanWrite)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Cannot assign to '{_xamlMember.Name}' on '{instance.GetType()}");

                property.SetValue(instance, def);
                var perspexObject = instance as PerspexObject;
                var attached      = _xamlMember as PerspexAttachableXamlMember;

                if (perspexObject == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Cannot bind to an object of type '{instance.GetType()}");

                PerspexProperty property;
                string          propertyName;

                if (attached == null)
                    propertyName = _xamlMember.Name;
                    property     = perspexObject.GetRegisteredProperties()
                                   .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == propertyName);
                    // Ensure the OwnerType's static ctor has been run.

                    propertyName = attached.DeclaringType.UnderlyingType.Name + '.' + _xamlMember.Name;

                    property = perspexObject.GetRegisteredProperties()
                               .Where(x => x.IsAttached && x.OwnerType == attached.DeclaringType.UnderlyingType)
                               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == _xamlMember.Name);

                if (property == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Cannot find '{propertyName}' on '{instance.GetType()}");

                var binding = new XamlBinding
                    BindingMode        = def.BindingMode,
                    SourcePropertyPath = def.SourcePropertyPath,

                binding.Bind(perspexObject, property);