Beispiel #1
 public static bool IsPerpendicular(XYZ v, XYZ w)
     double length = v.GetLength();
     double length2 = v.GetLength();
     double num = Math.Abs(v.DotProduct(w));
     return 1E-09 < length && 1E-09 < length2 && 1E-09 > num;
Beispiel #2
        public IList <Grid> GetParallelGrid(IList <Grid> intersectGrids, out int count)
            IList <Grid> intersectGridneed = new List <Grid>();//使用方向向量的点积求出与第一根轴网平行的所有轴网
            Grid         grid_first        = intersectGrids.First();

            Line firstLine          = grid_first.Curve as Line;//求出第一条相交线的方向向量
            XYZ  firstLineDirection = firstLine.Direction;

            foreach (Grid grid_i in intersectGrids)
                Line line_i           = grid_i.Curve as Line;
                XYZ  line_i_Direction = line_i.Direction;

                //double dotProduct = firstLineDirection.DotProduct(line_i_Direction);//点积
                //if (dotProduct == 1 || dotProduct == -1)
                //    intersectGridneed.Add(grid_i);//获得所有需要重新命名的轴网

                XYZ crossXyz = firstLineDirection.CrossProduct(line_i_Direction);                    //叉积

                if (crossXyz.GetLength() > -0.000000000001 && crossXyz.GetLength() < 0.000000000001) //判断条件为E-12
                    intersectGridneed.Add(grid_i);                                                   //获得所有需要重新命名的轴网
            count = intersectGridneed.Count;
Beispiel #3
        public static XYZ ToUnitVector(XYZ vector, XYZAxle defaultAxle = XYZAxle.X)
            if (vector.IsUnitLength())
            else if (vector.GetLength() == 0)
                switch (defaultAxle)
                case XYZAxle.X:
                    return(new XYZ(1, 0, 0));

                case XYZAxle.Y:
                    return(new XYZ(0, 1, 0));

                case XYZAxle.Z:
                    return(new XYZ(0, 0, 1));

                    throw new NotImplementedException("未实现07130319");
                return(vector * (1 / vector.GetLength()));
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return true if the vectors v and w
        /// are non-zero and perpendicular.
        /// </summary>
        bool IsPerpendicular(XYZ v, XYZ w)
            double a = v.GetLength();
            double b = v.GetLength();
            double c = Math.Abs(v.DotProduct(w));

            return(_eps < a &&
                   _eps < b &&
                   _eps > c);
            // c * c < _eps * a * b
Beispiel #5
        public XYZ ProjectPointOnPlane(XYZ point)
            XYZ    xyz  = null;
            double num  = this.DistancepointtoPlane(point);
            bool   flag = num < double.Epsilon;
            XYZ    result;

            if (flag)
                result = point;
                XYZ    xyz2   = point + num * this.FaceNormal;
                XYZ    xyz3   = point - num * this.FaceNormal;
                XYZ    xyz4   = xyz2 - this.Origin;
                XYZ    xyz5   = xyz3 - this.Origin;
                double value  = 0.0;
                double value2 = 0.0;
                bool   flag2  = xyz4.GetLength() < 0.0001;
                if (flag2)
                    xyz = xyz2;
                    value = xyz4.DotProduct(this.FaceNormal) / xyz4.GetLength();
                bool flag3 = xyz5.GetLength() < 0.0001;
                if (flag3)
                    xyz = xyz3;
                    value2 = xyz5.DotProduct(this.FaceNormal) / xyz5.GetLength();
                bool flag4 = Math.Abs(value) < 1E-05;
                if (flag4)
                    xyz = xyz2;
                bool flag5 = Math.Abs(value2) < 1E-05;
                if (flag5)
                    xyz = xyz3;
                result = xyz;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 实现了一个线比较的运算符,在XY平面上对线进行排序的时候很有用
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Compare(Line a, Line b)
            XYZ pa = a.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ qa = a.GetEndPoint(1);
            XYZ pb = b.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ qb = b.GetEndPoint(1);
            XYZ va = qa - pa;
            XYZ vb = qb - pb;

            // 在XY平面上比较夹角
            double ang_a = Math.Atan2(va.Y, va.X);
            double ang_b = Math.Atan2(vb.Y, vb.X);

            int d = Compare(ang_a, ang_b);

            if (d == 0)// 两条线的角度是一样的
                // Compare distance of undouned line to origin
                double da = (qa.X * pa.Y - qa.Y * pa.Y) / va.GetLength();
                double db = (qb.X * pb.Y - qb.Y * pb.Y) / vb.GetLength();
                d = Compare(da, db);
                if (0 == d)
                    // Compare distance of start point to origin
                    d = Compare(pa.GetLength(), pb.GetLength());
                    if (0 == d)
                        // Compare distance of end point to origin
                        d = Compare(qa.GetLength(), qb.GetLength());
Beispiel #7
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData revit,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = revit.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            using (Transaction tx = new Transaction(doc))
                tx.Start("Create Sloped Slab");

                double width  = 19.685039400;
                double length = 59.055118200;
                double height = 9.84251968503937;

                XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[] {
                    new XYZ(0.0, 0.0, height),
                    new XYZ(width, 0.0, height),
                    new XYZ(width, length, height),
                    new XYZ(0, length, height)

                CurveArray profile
                    = uiapp.Application.Create.NewCurveArray();

                Line line = null;

                int n = pts.GetLength(0);

                XYZ q = pts[n - 1];

                foreach (XYZ p in pts)
                    line = Line.CreateBound(q, p);
                    q = p;

                Level level
                    = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
                      .Where <Element>(
                          e => e.Name.Equals("CreateSlopedSlab"))
                      .FirstOrDefault <Element>() as Level;

                if (null == level)
                    level      = doc.Create.NewLevel(height);
                    level.Name = "Sloped Slab";

                Floor floor = doc.Create.NewSlab(
                    profile, level, line, 0.5, true);

        private Arc CreateArc(XYZ PointStart, XYZ PointEnd, double radius, bool largeSagitta)
            XYZ midPointChord = 0.5 * (PointStart + PointEnd);

            XYZ v = null;

            if (!(bool)this.GetArcRotationAntiClockWise())
                v = PointEnd - PointStart;
                v = PointStart - PointEnd;
            double d = 0.5 * v.GetLength(); // half chord length

            // Small and large circle sagitta:

            double s = largeSagitta
              ? radius + Math.Sqrt(radius * radius - d * d)  // sagitta large
              : radius - Math.Sqrt(radius * radius - d * d); // sagitta small

            var PX          = Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, 0.5 * Math.PI);
            var PX2         = v.Normalize();
            var PX3         = v.Normalize().Multiply(s);
            XYZ midPointArc = midPointChord + Transform.CreateRotation(XYZ.BasisZ, 0.5 * Math.PI).OfVector(v.Normalize().Multiply(s));

            return(Arc.Create(PointEnd, PointStart, midPointArc));
Beispiel #9
        private void btn_savedata_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            byte[] imgdata = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"c:\v1colorimeter\src\x2displaytest\bin\Debug\temp\12345620160209232604_cropped.bmp");

            Bitmap myBitmap = new Bitmap(@"c:\v1colorimeter\src\x2displaytest\bin\Debug\temp\12345620160209232604_cropped.bmp");
            int    height   = myBitmap.Height;
            int    width    = myBitmap.Width;

            double[, ,] rgbstr = new double[width, height, 3];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    rgbstr[i, j, 0] = myBitmap.GetPixel(i, j).R;
                    rgbstr[i, j, 1] = myBitmap.GetPixel(i, j).G;
                    rgbstr[i, j, 2] = myBitmap.GetPixel(i, j).B;
            XYZ = ip.rgb2xyz(rgbstr);

            double sum  = 0;
            double mean = 0;
            double w    = XYZ.GetLength(0);
            double h    = XYZ.GetLength(1);

            for (int r = 0; r < w; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < h; c++)
                    sum += XYZ[r, c, 2];
            mean = sum / (w * h);
        public List <XYZ> GetWallOpenings(Element wall, double eyeLevel, View3D view)
            List <XYZ> somePoints = new List <XYZ>();

            Curve  c             = (wall.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;
            XYZ    wallOrigin    = c.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ    wallEndPoint  = c.GetEndPoint(1);
            XYZ    wallDirection = wallEndPoint - wallOrigin;
            double wallLength    = wallDirection.GetLength();

            wallDirection = wallDirection.Normalize();
            UV     offset       = new UV(wallDirection.X, wallDirection.Y);
            double step_outside = offset.GetLength();

            XYZ rayStart = new XYZ(wallOrigin.X - offset.U, wallOrigin.Y - offset.V, eyeLevel);

            ReferenceIntersector intersector = new ReferenceIntersector(wall.Id, FindReferenceTarget.Face, view);

            IList <ReferenceWithContext> refs = intersector.Find(rayStart, wallDirection);

            List <XYZ> pointList = new List <XYZ>(refs.Select <ReferenceWithContext, XYZ>(r => r.GetReference().GlobalPoint));

            //TaskDialog.Show("title", pointList.Count.ToString());

            if (pointList.Count() >= 4)

        public PlanarFace Facexanhat(XYZ point, XYZ direction, IList <PlanarFace> listFaces, Transform transform)
            PlanarFace planarFace = null;
            double     num        = double.MinValue;
            PLane3D    plane3D    = new PLane3D(point, direction);

            foreach (PlanarFace i in listFaces)
                XYZ  xyz   = transform.OfVector(i.FaceNormal);
                XYZ  xyz2  = direction.CrossProduct(xyz);
                bool check = xyz2.GetLength() > 0.001 || xyz.DotProduct(direction) < 0.0;
                if (!check)
                    double num2  = plane3D.DistancepointtoPlane(transform.OfPoint(i.Origin));
                    bool   flag2 = num2 < 0.001;
                    if (!flag2)
                        bool flag3 = num2 > num;
                        if (flag3)
                            planarFace = i;
                            num        = num2;
        public void GetLengthTest()
            XYZ    xyz    = new XYZ(1, 1, 1);
            double result = Math.Sqrt(3);

            Assert.Equal(result, xyz.GetLength());
Beispiel #13
        public static double PointToFace(XYZ point, PlanarFace face)
            XYZ faceNormal = face.FaceNormal;
            XYZ xyz        = point - face.Origin;

            return(Math.Abs(xyz.DotProduct(faceNormal) / faceNormal.GetLength()));
Beispiel #14
        static public XYZ Project(this XYZ vector, XYZ vectorV)
            double magnitude  = Math.Abs(vectorV.GetLength());
            XYZ    projection = vectorV.Multiply(vector.DotProduct(vectorV) / (magnitude * magnitude));

Beispiel #15
        public static PlanarFace FurthestFace(PlanarFace face, IList <PlanarFace> listFaces, Transform transform)
            PlanarFace result     = null;
            double     num        = double.MinValue;
            XYZ        xyz        = transform.OfVector(face.FaceNormal);
            XYZ        xyz2       = transform.OfPoint(face.Origin);
            PLane3D    plane3DLib = new PLane3D(transform.OfPoint(face.Origin), transform.OfVector(face.FaceNormal));

            foreach (PlanarFace planarFace in listFaces)
                XYZ  source = transform.OfVector(planarFace.FaceNormal);
                XYZ  xyz3   = xyz.CrossProduct(source);
                bool flag   = xyz3.GetLength() > 0.001;
                if (!flag)
                    double num2  = plane3DLib.DistanceFromPointToPlane(transform.OfPoint(planarFace.Origin));
                    bool   flag2 = num2 < 0.001;
                    if (!flag2)
                        bool flag3 = num2 > num;
                        if (flag3)
                            result = planarFace;
                            num    = num2;
Beispiel #16
        protected override void Process(IFCAnyHandle ifcCurve)
            IFCAnyHandle pnt = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetRequiredInstanceAttribute(ifcCurve, "Pnt", false);

            if (pnt == null)

            IFCAnyHandle dir = IFCImportHandleUtil.GetRequiredInstanceAttribute(ifcCurve, "Dir", false);

            if (dir == null)

            XYZ pntXYZ = IFCPoint.ProcessScaledLengthIFCCartesianPoint(pnt);
            XYZ dirXYZ = IFCUnitUtil.ScaleLength(IFCPoint.ProcessIFCVector(dir));

            ParametericScaling = dirXYZ.GetLength();
            if (MathUtil.IsAlmostZero(ParametericScaling))
                Importer.TheLog.LogWarning(ifcCurve.StepId, "Line has zero length, ignoring.", false);

            Curve = Line.CreateUnbound(pntXYZ, dirXYZ / ParametericScaling);
        public List <FamilyInstance> GetFamilyInstances2(Document doc, View view, FamilyInstance firstInstance, FamilyInstance secondInstance, XYZ dimDirection)
            List <FamilyInstance> list = new List <FamilyInstance>();
            bool flag = firstInstance.Id == secondInstance.Id;
            List <FamilyInstance> result;

            if (flag)
                result = list;
                LocationPoint locationPoint  = firstInstance.Location as LocationPoint;
                LocationPoint locationPoint2 = secondInstance.Location as LocationPoint;
                bool          flag2          = locationPoint == null || locationPoint2 == null;
                if (flag2)
                    result = list;
                    PLane3D pLane3D = new PLane3D(doc.ActiveView.Origin, doc.ActiveView.ViewDirection);
                    XYZ     point1  = pLane3D.ProjectPointOnPlane(locationPoint.Point);
                    XYZ     point2  = pLane3D.ProjectPointOnPlane(locationPoint2.Point);
                    //XYZ tranlator = Timdiemthu3(point1,point2);
                    //XYZ direction = (tranlator - point2);
                    XYZ direction = (point1 - point2);
                    FilteredElementCollector filteredElementCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, view.Id);
                    IList <FamilyInstance>   list2 = (from x in filteredElementCollector.OfClass(typeof(FamilyInstance)).OfCategory(firstInstance.Category.ToBuiltinCategory()).Cast <FamilyInstance>() where x.Symbol.Name.Contains(firstInstance.Symbol.Name) select x).ToList();
                    foreach (var item in list2)
                        if (item.Id != firstInstance.Id && item.Id != secondInstance.Id)
                            XYZ locationinstance = item.Getlocationofinstacne();

                            //XYZ tranlatoritem = Timdiemthu3(locationinstance, locationPoint2.Point);
                            //XYZ vector = (pLane3D.ProjectPointOnPlane(tranlatoritem) - point2);

                            XYZ vector = (pLane3D.ProjectPointOnPlane(locationinstance) - point2);
                            if (vector.IsParallel(direction))
                                if (vector.GetLength() <= direction.GetLength())
                                    bool flag3 = vector.DotProduct(direction) != 0;
                                    if (flag3)
                    result = list;
Beispiel #18
        static ModelCurve MakeLine(
            Document doc,
            XYZ p,
            XYZ q)
            // Create plane by the points

            Line line = Line.CreateBound(p, q);
            XYZ  norm = p.CrossProduct(q);

            if (norm.GetLength() == 0)
                norm = XYZ.BasisZ;

            //Plane plane = new Plane( norm, q ); // 2016

            Plane plane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(norm, q); // 2017

            SketchPlane skplane = SketchPlane.Create(
                doc, plane);

            // Create line

                       line, skplane));
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate axis by offset wall boundary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line1"></param>
        /// <param name="line2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Line GenerateAxis(Line line1, Line line2)
            Curve baseline   = line1.Clone();
            Curve targetline = line2.Clone();

            if (line1.Length < line2.Length)
                baseline   = line2.Clone();
                targetline = line1.Clone();
            XYZ    midPt      = baseline.Evaluate(0.5, true);
            XYZ    midPt_proj = targetline.Project(midPt).XYZPoint;
            XYZ    vec        = (midPt_proj - midPt) / 2;
            double offset     = vec.GetLength() / 2.0;

            if (offset != 0)
                Line axis = Line.CreateBound(baseline.GetEndPoint(0) + vec, baseline.GetEndPoint(1) + vec);
            //Line axis = baseline.CreateOffset(offset, vec.Normalize()) as Line;
Beispiel #20
        void CreateChainWithTwoFixedEnds(ReferencePoint pt1, ReferencePoint pt2, int numX, double springDampening, double springRestLength, double springConstant, double mass)
            Particle p;
            Particle p2;
            XYZ      partXYZ1 = pt1.Position;
            XYZ      partXYZ2 = pt2.Position;
            XYZ      lineVec  = partXYZ2 - partXYZ1;

            double stepSize = lineVec.GetLength() / numX;

            for (int j = 0; j < numX; j++)//step along curve and evaluate at each step, making sure to thread in the existing fixed parts
                //double curveParam = 0;
                XYZ pointOnLine;

                if (j == 0)                                                // starting point
                    p = particleSystem.makeParticle(mass, partXYZ1, true); // make first particle fixed
                else if (j > 0 && j < numX - 1)                            // middle points
                    pointOnLine = partXYZ1 + lineVec.Normalize() * (j * stepSize);
                    p           = particleSystem.makeParticle(mass, pointOnLine, false);                 // make a new particle along curve at j-th point on line
                    p2          = particleSystem.getParticle(j - 1);
                    particleSystem.makeSpring(p, p2, springRestLength, springConstant, springDampening); //make a new spring and connect it to the last-made point
                else //last point - fixed
                    p  = particleSystem.getParticle(j - 1);
                    p2 = particleSystem.makeParticle(mass, partXYZ2, true);                              // make last particle fixed
                    particleSystem.makeSpring(p, p2, springRestLength, springConstant, springDampening); //make a new spring and connect the j-th point to the fixed point
Beispiel #21
        public static PlanarFace FurthestFace(XYZ point, XYZ direction, IList <PlanarFace> listFaces, Transform transform)
            PlanarFace result     = null;
            double     num        = double.MinValue;
            PLane3D    plane3DLib = new PLane3D(point, direction);

            foreach (PlanarFace planarFace in listFaces)
                XYZ  xyz  = transform.OfVector(planarFace.FaceNormal);
                XYZ  xyz2 = direction.CrossProduct(xyz);
                bool flag = xyz2.GetLength() > 0.001 || xyz.DotProduct(direction) < 0.0;
                if (!flag)
                    double num2  = plane3DLib.DistanceFromPointToPlane(transform.OfPoint(planarFace.Origin));
                    bool   flag2 = num2 < 0.001;
                    if (!flag2)
                        bool flag3 = num2 > num;
                        if (flag3)
                            result = planarFace;
                            num    = num2;
Beispiel #22
        public static UV GetUVCoordinate(XYZ targetVec, XYZ vecX, XYZ vecY)
            vecX = vecX.Normalize(); vecY = vecY.Normalize();
            double len   = targetVec.GetLength();
            double angle = GetAngle(targetVec, vecX, vecY);

            return(new UV(Math.Cos(angle) * len, Math.Sin(angle) * len));
Beispiel #23
		// Token: 0x06000274 RID: 628 RVA: 0x00010210 File Offset: 0x0000E410
		private Solid GetWCSSolid()
			XYZ endPoint = this._curve.GetEndPoint(0);
			XYZ endPoint2 = this._curve.GetEndPoint(1);
			XYZ xyz = endPoint2 - endPoint;
			IList<CurveLoop> extrusionProfile = this.GetExtrusionProfile(xyz, endPoint);
			return GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(extrusionProfile, xyz, xyz.GetLength());
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the third point to form a triangle that obein the expression: tan(slope) = 2 * height / base.
        /// </summary>
        public static XYZ FormTriangle(double slope, XYZ p0, XYZ p1)
            double p2x        = (p0.X + p1.X) / 2;
            double p2y        = (p0.Y + p1.Y) / 2;
            XYZ    baseVector = p1.Subtract(p0);
            double p2z        = (slope * baseVector.GetLength()) / 2;

            return(new XYZ(p2x, p2y, p2z));
        public Edge(ref Node nodea, ref Node nodeb)
            nodeA = nodea;
            nodeB = nodeb;

            XYZ    a = nodeA.Location.Subtract(nodeB.Location);
            double b = a.GetLength();

            Lenth = Math.Abs(b);
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// 判断两个非零向量是否垂直
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="w"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsPerpendicular(XYZ v, XYZ w)
            double a = v.GetLength();
            double b = w.GetLength();
            double c = Math.Abs(v.DotProduct(w));

            return(_eps < a &&
                   _eps < b &&
                   _eps > c);
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 取向量在指定方向上的投影长度
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vector"></param>
        /// <param name="sideVector"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetLengthBySide(this XYZ vector, XYZ sideVector)
            var v  = new XYZ(vector.X, vector.Y, 0);
            var sv = new XYZ(sideVector.X, sideVector.Y, 0);

            if (Math.Abs(v.DotProduct(sv)) < AnnotationConstaints.MiniValueForXYZ)
            return(v.GetLength() * Math.Cos(v.AngleTo(sv)));
        public void CopyElementByVectorClipBoard2()
            UIDocument uiDoc = this.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document   doc   = uiDoc.Document;

            ElementId eIdHost = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, "pick Host").ElementId;

            Element eHost = doc.GetElement(eIdHost);

            LocationCurve cur     = eHost.Location as LocationCurve;
            Line          lineCur = cur.Curve as Line;

            XYZ    q           = lineCur.GetEndPoint(0);
            XYZ    p           = lineCur.GetEndPoint(1);
            XYZ    v           = p - q;
            double lengCurLine = v.GetLength();

            ElementId eIdRebar = uiDoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, "Pick rebar").ElementId;

            Element eRebar = doc.GetElement(eIdRebar);

            List <XYZ> myCoors = new List <XYZ>();

            string myTextClipBoard = Clipboard.GetText();

            //Split each line in
            string[] distances = myTextClipBoard.Split(';');
            foreach (string distance in distances)
                XYZ myPointPlace = (Convert.ToDouble(distance) / lengCurLine) * v;

            if (myCoors.Count < 1)
                TaskDialog.Show("Empty Data", "ClipBoard không có dữ liệu phù hợp...");

            // using transcation (edit DB)
            using (Transaction myTrans = new Transaction(doc, "CopyElementByCoordinate"))

                foreach (XYZ myXYZ in myCoors)
                    ElementTransformUtils.CopyElement(doc, eIdRebar, myXYZ);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a solid corresponding to the volume represented by boundingBoxXYZ.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lcs">The local coordinate system of the bounding box; if null, assume the Identity transform.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBoxXYZ">The bounding box.</param>
        /// <param name="solidOptions">The options for creating the solid.  Allow null to mean default.</param>
        /// <returns>A solid of the same size and orientation as boundingBoxXYZ, or null if boundingBoxXYZ is invalid or null.</returns>
        /// <remarks>We don't do any checking on the input transform, which could have non-uniform scaling and/or mirroring.
        /// This could potentially lead to unexpected results, which we can examine if and when such cases arise.</remarks>
        public static Solid CreateSolidFromBoundingBox(Transform lcs, BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBoxXYZ, SolidOptions solidOptions)
            // Check that the bounding box is valid.
            if (boundingBoxXYZ == null || !boundingBoxXYZ.Enabled)

                // Create a transform based on the incoming local coordinate system and the bounding box coordinate system.
                Transform bboxTransform = (lcs == null) ? boundingBoxXYZ.Transform : lcs.Multiply(boundingBoxXYZ.Transform);

                XYZ[] profilePts = new XYZ[4];
                profilePts[0] = bboxTransform.OfPoint(boundingBoxXYZ.Min);
                profilePts[1] = bboxTransform.OfPoint(new XYZ(boundingBoxXYZ.Max.X, boundingBoxXYZ.Min.Y, boundingBoxXYZ.Min.Z));
                profilePts[2] = bboxTransform.OfPoint(new XYZ(boundingBoxXYZ.Max.X, boundingBoxXYZ.Max.Y, boundingBoxXYZ.Min.Z));
                profilePts[3] = bboxTransform.OfPoint(new XYZ(boundingBoxXYZ.Min.X, boundingBoxXYZ.Max.Y, boundingBoxXYZ.Min.Z));

                XYZ upperRightXYZ = bboxTransform.OfPoint(boundingBoxXYZ.Max);

                // If we assumed that the transforms had no scaling,
                // then we could simply take boundingBoxXYZ.Max.Z - boundingBoxXYZ.Min.Z.
                // This code removes that assumption.
                XYZ origExtrusionVector = new XYZ(boundingBoxXYZ.Min.X, boundingBoxXYZ.Min.Y, boundingBoxXYZ.Max.Z) - boundingBoxXYZ.Min;
                XYZ extrusionVector     = bboxTransform.OfVector(origExtrusionVector);

                double extrusionDistance  = extrusionVector.GetLength();
                XYZ    extrusionDirection = extrusionVector.Normalize();

                CurveLoop baseLoop = new CurveLoop();

                for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
                    baseLoop.Append(Line.CreateBound(profilePts[ii], profilePts[(ii + 1) % 4]));

                IList <CurveLoop> baseLoops = new List <CurveLoop>();

                if (solidOptions == null)
                    return(GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(baseLoops, extrusionDirection, extrusionDistance));
                    return(GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(baseLoops, extrusionDirection, extrusionDistance, solidOptions));
Beispiel #30
        static public XYZ Project(this XYZ point, Plane plane)
            XYZ    v         = plane.Origin - point;
            XYZ    normal    = plane.Normal;
            double magnitude = Math.Abs(normal.GetLength());

            XYZ vp         = normal.Multiply(v.DotProduct(normal) / (magnitude * magnitude));
            XYZ projection = point + vp;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create model lines representing a closed 
        /// planar loop in the given sketch plane.
        /// </summary>
        static void DrawModelLineLoop(
            SketchPlane sketchPlane,
            XYZ[] corners)
            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Document factory
            = sketchPlane.Document.Create;

              int n = corners.GetLength( 0 );

              for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            int j = 0 == i ? n - 1 : i - 1;

            factory.NewModelCurve( Line.CreateBound(
              corners[j], corners[i] ), sketchPlane );
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData revit,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = revit.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;

              using( Transaction tx = new Transaction( doc ) )
            tx.Start( "Create Sloped Slab" );

            double width = 19.685039400;
            double length = 59.055118200;
            double height = 9.84251968503937;

            XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[] {
              new XYZ( 0.0, 0.0, height ),
              new XYZ( width, 0.0, height ),
              new XYZ( width, length, height ),
              new XYZ( 0, length, height )

            CurveArray profile
              = uiapp.Application.Create.NewCurveArray();

            Line line = null;

            int n = pts.GetLength( 0 );

            XYZ q = pts[n - 1];

            foreach( XYZ p in pts )
              line = Line.CreateBound( q, p );
              profile.Append( line );
              q = p;

            Level level
              = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
            .OfClass( typeof( Level ) )
              e => e.Name.Equals( "CreateSlopedSlab" ) )
              .FirstOrDefault<Element>() as Level;

            if( null == level )
              level = doc.Create.NewLevel( height );
              level.Name = "Sloped Slab";

            Floor floor = doc.Create.NewSlab(
              profile, level, line, 0.5, true );

              return Result.Succeeded;
Beispiel #33
        public static void ToSphericalCoordinates(XYZ input, out double r, out double theta, out double phi)
            // set length
            r = input.GetLength();

            // if the length is too small the angles will be degenerate, just set them as 0
            if (Math.Abs(r) < System.Double.Epsilon)
                theta = 0;
                phi = 0;

            // get the length of the projection on the xy plane
            var rInXYPlane = (new XYZ(input.X, input.Y, 0)).GetLength();

            // if projected length is 0, xyz is pointing up, down, or is origin
            if (Math.Abs(rInXYPlane) < System.Double.Epsilon)
                // this should have already been detected when r is 0, but check anyway
                if (Math.Abs(input.Z) < System.Double.Epsilon)
                    theta = 0;
                    phi = 0;
                else // determine whether vector is above or below - if above phi is 0
                    theta = 0;
                    phi = input.Z > 0 ? 0 : Math.PI;

            // if x is 0, this indicates vector is at 90 or 270
            if (Math.Abs(input.X) < System.Double.Epsilon)
                theta = input.Y > 0 ? Math.PI / 2 : 3 * Math.PI / 2;
                theta = Math.Atan(input.Y / input.X);

            // phew...
            phi = Math.Acos(input.Z / r);