Beispiel #1
            ///<summary>Interface the XWeb Gateway and return an instance of XWebResponse. Goes to db and/or cache to get patient info and ProgramProperties for XWeb.</summary>
            public XWebResponse GenerateOutput()
                Patient pat = OpenDentBusiness.Patients.GetPat(_patNum);

                if (pat == null)
                    throw new ODException("Patient not found for PatNum: " + _patNum.ToString(), ODException.ErrorCodes.XWebProgramProperties);
                _patNum  = pat.PatNum;
                _provNum = pat.PriProv;
                //Explicitly set ClinicNum=0, since a pat's ClinicNum will remain set if the user enabled clinics, assigned patients to clinics, and then
                //disabled clinics because we use the ClinicNum to determine which PayConnect or XCharge/XWeb credentials to use for payments.
                _clinicNum = 0;
                if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                    _clinicNum = pat.ClinicNum;
                if (!OpenDentBusiness.PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)                  //Patient.ClinicNum is unreliable if clinics have been turned off.
                    _clinicNum = 0;
                OpenDentBusiness.WebTypes.Shared.XWeb.WebPaymentProperties xwebProperties;
                ProgramProperties.GetXWebCreds(_clinicNum, out xwebProperties);
                if (ChargeSource == ChargeSource.PatientPortal && !xwebProperties.IsPaymentsAllowed)
                    throw new ODException("Clinic or Practice has online payments disabled", ODException.ErrorCodes.XWebProgramProperties);
                _xWebID     = xwebProperties.XWebID;
                _authKey    = xwebProperties.AuthKey;
                _terminalID = xwebProperties.TerminalID;
                XWebResponse response = CreateGatewayResponse(UploadData(GatewayInput, _gatewayUrl));

                response.PatNum            = _patNum;
                response.ProvNum           = _provNum;
                response.ClinicNum         = _clinicNum;
                response.DateTUpdate       = DateTime.Now;
                response.TransactionType   = _transactionType.ToString();
                response.TransactionStatus = XWebTransactionStatus.HpfPending;
                if (InsertResponseIntoDb)
                if (WakeupMonitorThread)
                    OnWakeupMonitor(response, new EventArgs());
Beispiel #2
 ///<summary>Inserts the response to the db and wakes up the monitor thread.</summary>
 private static void FinishEdgeExpressUrlRequest(XWebResponse response)
     response.HpfExpiration = DateTime.Now.Add(_formTimeout);
     OnWakeupMonitor(response, new EventArgs());