public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            var result1 = Left.Evaluate(xpath, context);
            var result2 = Right.Evaluate(xpath, context);

            return EvaluateOperands(result1, result2);
        public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            object result = null;

            var parent = GetContextNode(context);
            if (parent == null)
                return null;

            while (parent != null)
                if (Name == "*" || string.Equals(parent.ItemName, Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Process(xpath, parent, Predicate, NextStep, ref result);

                    if (Break(xpath, result))

                parent = parent.GetParent();

            return result;
        public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            object result = null;

            Iterate(xpath, context, ref result);

            return result;
Beispiel #4
        public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            object result = null;

            Process(xpath, context, _predicate, NextStep, ref result);

            return result;
        public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            var item = context as IXPathItem;
            if (item == null)
                return null;

            if (_field)
                switch (Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                    case "@name":
                        return item.ItemName;
                    case "@key":
                        return item.ItemName.ToLowerInvariant();
                    case "@id":
                        return item.ItemId;
                    case "@templatename":
                        return item.TemplateName;
                    case "@templatekey":
                        return item.TemplateName.ToLowerInvariant();
                    case "@templateid":
                        return item.TemplateId;
                    case "@path":
                        return item.ItemPath;
                        return item[Name];

            object result = null;

            foreach (var child in item.GetChildren())
                if (Name != "*" && !string.Equals(Name, child.ItemName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                Process(xpath, child, Predicate, NextStep, ref result);

                if (Break(xpath, result))

            return result;
Beispiel #6
    public XRDParser(Stream xrd)
        doc_ = new XPathDocument (xrd);
        result_ = new XRDDocument ();
        cursor_ = doc_.CreateNavigator();

        expires_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Expires");
        subject_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Subject");
        aliases_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Alias");
        types_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Type");

        link_rel_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Link/Rel");
        link_uri_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Link/URI");
        link_mediatype_exp_ = cursor_.Compile ("/XRD/Link/MediaType");
Beispiel #7
        public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            object result = null;

            var item = context as IXPathItem;
            if (item == null)
                return null;

            var parent = item.GetParent();
            if (parent == null)
                return null;

            Process(xpath, parent, null, NextStep, ref result);

            return result;
        public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
            object result = null;

            var item = context as IXPathItem;
            if (item == null)
                return null;

            var parent = item.GetParent();
            if (parent == null)
                return null;

            var following = false;

            foreach (var child in parent.GetChildren())
                if (following)
                    if (_name == "*" || string.Equals(child.ItemName, _name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Process(xpath, child, _predicate, NextStep, ref result);

                        if (Break(xpath, result))

                if (child == context)
                    following = true;

            return result;
 void Success3(string expression)
     var xpath = XPathExpression.Compile(expression);
Beispiel #10
        private void ParseConceptualConfiguration(XPathNavigator configuration)
            XPathNavigator linkNavigator = configuration.SelectSingleNode(

            if (linkNavigator == null)

            string tempText = linkNavigator.GetAttribute("enabled", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempText))
            _hasTopicLinks = Convert.ToBoolean(tempText);
            if (!_hasTopicLinks)

            tempText = linkNavigator.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempText))
                _hasTopicLinks = false;
                                  "The 'type' parameter for the conceptual links is not specified, but required.");

                // convert the link type to an enumeration member
                _baseLinkType = (ConceptualLinkType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConceptualLinkType),
                                                               tempText, true);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                _hasTopicLinks = false;

                this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format(
                                      "'{0}' is not a valid link type.", tempText));


            tempText = linkNavigator.GetAttribute("showBrokenLinkText", String.Empty);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempText))
                _showBrokenLinkText = Convert.ToBoolean(tempText);

            tempText = linkNavigator.GetAttribute("showText", String.Empty);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tempText))
                _showText = tempText.Equals("true",

            XPathNodeIterator targetsNodes = linkNavigator.Select("conceptualTargets");

            if (targetsNodes == null || targetsNodes.Count == 0)
                _hasTopicLinks = false;


            _targetController = ConceptualTargetController.GetInstance("reference");

            foreach (XPathNavigator targetsNode in targetsNodes)
                // the base directory containing target; required
                string baseValue = targetsNode.GetAttribute("base", String.Empty);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseValue))
                                      "Every targets element must have a base attribute that specifies the path to a directory of target metadata files.");

                baseValue = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(baseValue);
                if (!Directory.Exists(baseValue))
                    this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format(
                                          "The specified target metadata directory '{0}' does not exist.", baseValue));

                // an xpath expression to construct a file name
                // (not currently used; pattern is hard-coded to $target.cmp.xml
                string filesValue = targetsNode.GetAttribute("files", String.Empty);

                // an xpath expression to construct a url
                string          urlValue = targetsNode.GetAttribute("url", String.Empty);
                XPathExpression urlExpression;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(urlValue))
                    urlExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(
                    urlExpression = CompileXPathExpression(urlValue);

                // an xpath expression to construct link text
                string          textValue = targetsNode.GetAttribute("text", String.Empty);
                XPathExpression textExpression;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textValue))
                    textExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(
                    textExpression = CompileXPathExpression(textValue);

                // the type of link to create to targets found in the directory; required
                string typeValue = targetsNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeValue))
                                 "Every targets element must have a type attribute that specifies what kind of link to create to targets found in that directory.");

                // convert the link type to an enumeration member
                ConceptualLinkType type = ConceptualLinkType.None;
                    type = (ConceptualLinkType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ConceptualLinkType), typeValue, true);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format(
                                          "'{0}' is not a valid link type.", typeValue));

                // We have all the required information; create a TargetDirectory
                // and add it to our collection
                ConceptualTargetDirectory targetDirectory = new ConceptualTargetDirectory(baseValue,
                                                                                          urlExpression, textExpression, type);

            if (_targetController.Count == 0)
                _hasTopicLinks = false;

            this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                                  "Collected {0} conceptual targets directories.", _targetController.Count));
Beispiel #11
 public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
     return xpath.EvaluateFunction(this, _arguments.ToArray(), context);

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent build component</param>
        /// <param name="basePath">The base path in which to find the files</param>
        /// <param name="fileXPath">The file XPath expression used to get the file from which to copy elements</param>
        /// <param name="sourceXPath">The source XPath expression</param>
        /// <param name="targetXPath">The target XPath expression</param>
        public CopyFromFilesCommand(BuildComponentCore parent, string basePath, string fileXPath, string sourceXPath,
                                    string targetXPath) : base(parent, sourceXPath, targetXPath)
            this.BasePath   = basePath;
            this.SourceFile = XPathExpression.Compile(fileXPath);
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the information for the selected Armor Mod.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSelectedArmor()
            // Retireve the information for the selected Accessory.
            XmlNode objXmlMod = _objXmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("/chummer/mods/mod[name = \"" + lstMod.SelectedValue + "\"]");

            // Extract the Avil and Cost values from the Cyberware info since these may contain formulas and/or be based off of the Rating.
            // This is done using XPathExpression.
            XPathNavigator nav = _objXmlDocument.CreateNavigator();

            lblA.Text = objXmlMod["armor"].InnerText;

            nudRating.Maximum = Convert.ToDecimal(objXmlMod["maxrating"].InnerText, GlobalOptions.Instance.CultureInfo);
            if (nudRating.Maximum <= 1)
                nudRating.Enabled = false;
                nudRating.Enabled = true;
                if (nudRating.Minimum == 0)
                    nudRating.Value   = 1;
                    nudRating.Minimum = 1;

            string strAvail     = "";
            string strAvailExpr = "";

            strAvailExpr = objXmlMod["avail"].InnerText;

            XPathExpression xprAvail;

            if (strAvailExpr.Substring(strAvailExpr.Length - 1, 1) == "F" || strAvailExpr.Substring(strAvailExpr.Length - 1, 1) == "R")
                strAvail = strAvailExpr.Substring(strAvailExpr.Length - 1, 1);
                // Remove the trailing character if it is "F" or "R".
                strAvailExpr = strAvailExpr.Substring(0, strAvailExpr.Length - 1);
                xprAvail      = nav.Compile(strAvailExpr.Replace("Rating", nudRating.Value.ToString()));
                lblAvail.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(nav.Evaluate(xprAvail))).ToString() + strAvail;
                lblAvail.Text = objXmlMod["avail"].InnerText;
            lblAvail.Text = lblAvail.Text.Replace("R", LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_AvailRestricted")).Replace("F", LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_AvailForbidden"));

            // Cost.
            string strCost = objXmlMod["cost"].InnerText.Replace("Rating", nudRating.Value.ToString());

            strCost = strCost.Replace("Armor Cost", _intArmorCost.ToString());
            XPathExpression xprCost = nav.Compile(strCost);

            // Apply any markup.
            double dblCost = Convert.ToDouble(nav.Evaluate(xprCost), GlobalOptions.Instance.CultureInfo);

            dblCost *= 1 + (Convert.ToDouble(nudMarkup.Value, GlobalOptions.Instance.CultureInfo) / 100.0);

            lblCost.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0¥}", dblCost);

            int intCost = Convert.ToInt32(dblCost);

            lblTest.Text = _objCharacter.AvailTest(intCost, lblAvail.Text);

            // Capacity.
            // XPathExpression cannot evaluate while there are square brackets, so remove them if necessary.
            string strCapacity = objXmlMod["armorcapacity"].InnerText;

            // Handle YNT Softweave
            if (strCapacity.Contains("Capacity"))
                lblCapacity.Text = "+50%";
                if (strCapacity.StartsWith("FixedValues"))
                    string[] strValues = strCapacity.Replace("FixedValues(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Split(',');
                    strCapacity = strValues[Convert.ToInt32(nudRating.Value) - 1];

                strCapacity = strCapacity.Substring(1, strCapacity.Length - 2);
                XPathExpression xprCapacity = nav.Compile(strCapacity.Replace("Rating", nudRating.Value.ToString()));

                if (_objCapacityStyle == CapacityStyle.Standard)
                    lblCapacity.Text = "[" + nav.Evaluate(xprCapacity) + "]";
                else if (_objCapacityStyle == CapacityStyle.PerRating)
                    lblCapacity.Text = "[" + nudRating.Value.ToString() + "]";
                else if (_objCapacityStyle == CapacityStyle.Zero)
                    lblCapacity.Text = "[0]";

            if (chkFreeItem.Checked)
                lblCost.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0¥}", 0);

            string strBook = _objCharacter.Options.LanguageBookShort(objXmlMod["source"].InnerText);
            string strPage = objXmlMod["page"].InnerText;

            if (objXmlMod["altpage"] != null)
                strPage = objXmlMod["altpage"].InnerText;
            lblSource.Text = strBook + " " + strPage;

            tipTooltip.SetToolTip(lblSource, _objCharacter.Options.LanguageBookLong(objXmlMod["source"].InnerText) + " " + LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_Page") + " " + strPage);
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Navigator"></param>
        /// <param name="XPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool NodeExists(XPathNavigator Navigator, XPathExpression XPath)
            XPathNodeIterator i = Navigator.Select(XPath);

Beispiel #15
        public ArrayList IndexDocuments(ArrayList fnames)
            ArrayList failures = new ArrayList();

            // create index if it doesn't exist
            IndexModifier writer = File.Exists(Path.Combine(_indexName, "segments"))
                ? new IndexModifier(_indexName, new StandardAnalyzer(), false)
                : new IndexModifier(_indexName, new StandardAnalyzer(), true);

            foreach (string fname in fnames)
                    if (_verbose)
                        _messageStringBuilder.AppendFormat("Indexing file: {0}\n", fname);

                    XPathDocument  pathDocument  = new XPathDocument(new StreamReader(fname));
                    XPathNavigator pathNavigator = pathDocument.CreateNavigator();

                    string docname = pathNavigator.Name;

                    if (_verbose)
                        _messageStringBuilder.AppendFormat("Found document type: {0}\n", docname);

                    foreach (RuleSet ruleSet in _ruleSets)
                        if (ruleSet.Name == docname)
                            if (_verbose)
                                _messageStringBuilder.Append("Found matching ruleset, indexing.\n");


                            // first thing is to read and cache global fields
                            // these are duped for each document found
                            ArrayList globals = new ArrayList();
                            foreach (Rule rule in ruleSet.GlobalRules)
                                XPathExpression   pathExpression   = pathNavigator.Compile(rule.XPath);
                                XPathNodeIterator pathNodeIterator = pathNavigator.Select(pathExpression);
                                while (pathNodeIterator.MoveNext())
                                    if (_verbose)
                                        _messageStringBuilder.AppendFormat("Found field '{0}' value '{1}'\n", rule.Name, pathNodeIterator.Current.Value);

                                    globals.Add(new RuleValue(rule, pathNodeIterator.Current.Value));

                            // ok, all globals cached. now to index documents

                            foreach (DocItem docItem in ruleSet.DocItems)
                                XPathExpression   pathExpression   = pathNavigator.Compile(docItem.XPath);
                                XPathNodeIterator pathNodeIterator = pathNavigator.Select(pathExpression);

                                while (pathNodeIterator.MoveNext())
                                    XPathNavigator clone = pathNodeIterator.Current.Clone();

                                    if (_verbose)
                                        _messageStringBuilder.Append("Found document\n");

                                    // now compute key
                                    string key = string.Empty;
                                    if (docItem.Key != string.Empty)
                                        //key = dn.Evaluate(doc.Key).ToString();

                                        object            result       = clone.Evaluate(docItem.Key);
                                        XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator = result as XPathNodeIterator;
                                        if (nodeIterator != null)
                                            while (nodeIterator.MoveNext())
                                                key = nodeIterator.Current.ToString();
                                            key = result.ToString();
                                        key = fname;

                                    if (_verbose)
                                        _messageStringBuilder.AppendFormat("Key is {0}\n", key);

                                    // delete if document exists
                                    DeleteDocument(writer, key);

                                    Document ludoc = new Document();

                                    AddKeyField(ludoc, key);
                                    AddNameField(ludoc, ruleSet.Name);

                                    string textField = string.Empty;
                                    Rule   ruleText  = null;
                                    foreach (Rule rule in docItem.Rules)
                                        XPathExpression   expr = clone.Compile(rule.XPath);
                                        XPathNodeIterator iter = clone.Select(expr);
                                        while (iter.MoveNext())
                                            string textVal = ParseHtml(iter.Current.Value);

                                            if (_verbose)
                                                _messageStringBuilder.AppendFormat("Found field '{0}' value '{1}'\n", rule.Name, textVal);

                                            // index away!
                                            if (rule.Name == "text")
                                                if (ruleText == null)
                                                    ruleText  = rule;
                                                    textField = textVal;
                                                    textField += " ... " + textVal;
                                                AddField(ludoc, rule, iter.Current.Value);

                                    if (textField.Length > 0)
                                        AddField(ludoc, ruleText, textField);

                                    // now add the globals into this document
                                    foreach (RuleValue ruleValue in globals)
                                        AddField(ludoc, ruleValue.Rule, ruleValue.Value);

                    // end of fnames loop
                catch (Exception e)
                    failures.Add(String.Format("Failed to index file {0}, exception: {1}", fname, e));
                    if (_verbose)
                        _messageStringBuilder.AppendFormat("Failed to index {0}\n", fname);
                        _messageStringBuilder.Append(e.StackTrace + "\n");


Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Tridion collection by calling GetListItems using the provided filter on the provided organizational item
 /// the collection is then filtered by applying the xpath query provided
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="engine">An instantiated Engine object <typeparamref name="Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Engine"/></param>
 /// <param name="root">The organizational element to get the list of items for</param>
 /// <param name="filter">An instantiated Filter object with preset conditions</param>
 /// <param name="xpath">An Xpath expression to further filter the retrieved results </param>
 public TridionCollectionBase(Engine engine, OrganizationalItem root, Filter filter, XPathExpression xpath) : this(engine, root.GetListItems(new OrganizationalItemItemsFilter(filter, engine.GetSession())), xpath)
 /// <summary>
 /// This method returns a collection of the values of all nodes the XPath expression addresses.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xPath">The compiled XPath expression</param>
 /// <param name="queryParameters">Parameters for the compiled XPath expression</param>
 public List <string> GetValuesFromNodes(XPathExpression xPath, DictionaryEntry[] queryParameters)
 /// <summary>
 /// This method sets the inherent XPathNodeIterator instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xPath">A compiled XPath expression</param>
 private void findXPath(XPathExpression xPath)
     _XIter = _XNav.Select(xPath);
 /// <summary>
 /// This method returns an XPathNodeIterator instance positioned at the nodes
 /// the XPath expression addresses.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xPath">The compiled XPath expression</param>
 /// <param name="queryParameters">Parameters for the compiled XPath expression</param>
 public XPathNodeIterator GetIterator(XPathExpression xPath, DictionaryEntry[] queryParameters)
 /// <summary>
 /// This method returns an XPathNodeIterator instance positioned at the nodes
 /// the XPath expression addresses.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xPath">The compiled XPath expression</param>
 public XPathNodeIterator GetIterator(XPathExpression xPath)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            char keychar = ' ';

            while (true)
                Console.Write("\r\nEnter key character to count in names: ");
                keychar = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                if (keychar.Equals('q'))

                    // Load source XML into an XPathDocument object instance.
                    XPathDocument xmldoc = new XPathDocument("Tasks.xml");

                    // Create an XPathNavigator from the XPathDocument.
                    XPathNavigator nav = xmldoc.CreateNavigator();

                    //Create argument list and add the parameters.
                    XsltArgumentList varList = new XsltArgumentList();

                    varList.AddParam("charToCount", string.Empty, keychar);

                    // Create an instance of custom XsltContext object.
                    // Pass in the XsltArgumentList object
                    // in which the user-defined variable will be defined.
                    CustomContext context = new CustomContext(new NameTable(), varList);

                    // Add a namespace definition for the namespace prefix that qualifies the
                    // user-defined function name in the query expression.
                    context.AddNamespace("Extensions", "http://xpathExtensions");

                    // Create the XPath expression using extension function to select nodes
                    // that contain 2 occurences of the character entered by user.
                    XPathExpression xpath = XPathExpression.Compile(
                        "/Tasks/Name[Extensions:CountChar(., $charToCount) = 2]");

                    XPathNodeIterator iter = nav.Select(xpath);

                    if (iter.Count.Equals(0))
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\rNo results contain 2 instances of "
                                          + keychar.ToString());
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\rResults that contain 2 instances of : "
                                          + keychar.ToString());
                        // Iterate over the selected nodes and output the
                        // results filtered by extension function.
                        while (iter.MoveNext())
                catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #22
    public static Power LoadFromXml(XmlElement rootElement)
        Power power = new Power {
            mDefinition = rootElement.GetAttribute("definition")
        XPathNavigator              navigator    = rootElement.CreateNavigator();
        XPathExpression             expr         = navigator.Compile("./PlayRequirement");
        XPathNodeIterator           iterator     = navigator.Select(expr);
        List <PlayErrors.ErrorType> requirements = new List <PlayErrors.ErrorType>();

        while (iterator.MoveNext())
            int        num;
            XmlElement node = (XmlElement)((IHasXmlNode)iterator.Current).GetNode();
            if (int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("reqID"), out num))
                PlayErrors.ErrorType item = (PlayErrors.ErrorType)num;
                switch (item)
                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_TARGET_MIN_ATTACK:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramMinAtk))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param minAtk for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);

                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_TARGET_MAX_ATTACK:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramMaxAtk))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param maxAtk for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);

                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_TARGET_WITH_RACE:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramRace))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param race for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);

                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_NUM_MINION_SLOTS:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramNumMinionSlots))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param num minion slots for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);

                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_MINION_CAP_IF_TARGET_AVAILABLE:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramNumMinionSlotsWithTarget))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param num minion slots with target for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);

                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_MINIMUM_ENEMY_MINIONS:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramMinNumEnemyMinions))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param num enemy minions for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);

                case PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_MINIMUM_TOTAL_MINIONS:
                    if (!int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramMinNumTotalMinions))
                        Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param num total minions for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);
                if ((item == PlayErrors.ErrorType.REQ_TARGET_IF_AVAILABLE_AND_MINIMUM_FRIENDLY_MINIONS) && !int.TryParse(node.GetAttribute("param"), out power.mPlayRequirementInfo.paramMinNumFriendlyMinions))
                    Log.Rachelle.Print(string.Format("Unable to read play requirement param num friendly minions for power {0}.", power.GetDefinition()), new object[0]);
        power.mPlayRequirementInfo.requirementsMap = PlayErrors.GetRequirementsMap(requirements);
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Mod's information based on the Mod selected and current Rating.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateGearInfo()
            if (lstMod.Text != "")
                // Retireve the information for the selected Mod.
                // Filtering is also done on the Category in case there are non-unique names across categories.
                XmlNode objXmlMod = _objXmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("/chummer/mods/mod[name = \"" + lstMod.SelectedValue + "\"]");

                // Extract the Avil and Cost values from the Gear info since these may contain formulas and/or be based off of the Rating.
                // This is done using XPathExpression.
                XPathNavigator nav = _objXmlDocument.CreateNavigator();

                // Avail.
                // If avail contains "F" or "R", remove it from the string so we can use the expression.
                string strAvail     = "";
                string strAvailExpr = "";
                if (objXmlMod["avail"].InnerText.StartsWith("FixedValues"))
                    int      intRating = Convert.ToInt32(nudRating.Value - 1);
                    string[] strValues = objXmlMod["avail"].InnerText.Replace("FixedValues(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Split(',');
                    if (intRating > strValues.Length || intRating < 0)
                        intRating = strValues.Length - 1;
                    strAvailExpr = strValues[intRating];
                    strAvailExpr = objXmlMod["avail"].InnerText;

                XPathExpression xprAvail;
                if (strAvailExpr.Substring(strAvailExpr.Length - 1, 1) == "F" || strAvailExpr.Substring(strAvailExpr.Length - 1, 1) == "R")
                    strAvail = strAvailExpr.Substring(strAvailExpr.Length - 1, 1);
                    // Remove the trailing character if it is "F" or "R".
                    strAvailExpr = strAvailExpr.Substring(0, strAvailExpr.Length - 1);
                    xprAvail      = nav.Compile(strAvailExpr.Replace("Rating", nudRating.Value.ToString()));
                    lblAvail.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(nav.Evaluate(xprAvail))).ToString() + strAvail;
                    lblAvail.Text = objXmlMod["avail"].InnerText;
                lblAvail.Text = lblAvail.Text.Replace("R", LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_AvailRestricted")).Replace("F", LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_AvailForbidden"));

                // Cost.
                int intItemCost = 0;
                if (objXmlMod["cost"].InnerText.StartsWith("Variable"))
                    int    intMin  = 0;
                    int    intMax  = 0;
                    string strCost = objXmlMod["cost"].InnerText.Replace("Variable(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty);
                    if (strCost.Contains("-"))
                        string[] strValues = strCost.Split('-');
                        intMin = Convert.ToInt32(strValues[0]);
                        intMax = Convert.ToInt32(strValues[1]);
                        intMin = Convert.ToInt32(strCost.Replace("+", string.Empty));

                    if (intMax == 0)
                        intMax       = 1000000;
                        lblCost.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0¥+}", intMin);
                        lblCost.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0}", intMin) + "-" + String.Format("{0:###,###,##0¥}", intMax);

                    intItemCost = intMin;
                    string strCost = "";
                    if (objXmlMod["cost"].InnerText.StartsWith("FixedValues"))
                        int      intRating = Convert.ToInt32(nudRating.Value) - 1;
                        string[] strValues = objXmlMod["cost"].InnerText.Replace("FixedValues(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Split(',');
                        if (intRating < 0 || intRating > strValues.Length)
                            intRating = 0;
                        strCost = strValues[intRating];
                        strCost = objXmlMod["cost"].InnerText;
                    strCost = ReplaceStrings(strCost);

                    if (chkFreeItem.Checked)
                        strCost = "0";

                    XPathExpression xprCost = nav.Compile(strCost);
                    int             intCost = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(nav.Evaluate(xprCost), GlobalOptions.Instance.CultureInfo));
                    intCost *= _intModMultiplier;

                    // Apply any markup.
                    double dblCost = Convert.ToDouble(intCost, GlobalOptions.Instance.CultureInfo);
                    dblCost *= 1 + (Convert.ToDouble(nudMarkup.Value, GlobalOptions.Instance.CultureInfo) / 100.0);
                    intCost  = Convert.ToInt32(dblCost);

                    lblCost.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0¥}", intCost);

                    intItemCost = intCost;

                // Update the Avail Test Label.
                lblTest.Text = _objCharacter.AvailTest(intItemCost, lblAvail.Text);

                // If the rating is "qty", we're looking at Tires instead of actual Rating, so update the fields appropriately.
                if (objXmlMod["rating"].InnerText == "qty")
                    nudRating.Enabled   = true;
                    nudRating.Maximum   = 20;
                    nudRating.Minimum   = 1;
                    lblRatingLabel.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Label_Qty");
                //Used for the Armor modifications.
                else if (objXmlMod["rating"].InnerText.ToLower() == "body")
                    nudRating.Maximum   = _objVehicle.Body;
                    nudRating.Minimum   = 1;
                    nudRating.Enabled   = true;
                    lblRatingLabel.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Label_Body");
                //Used for Metahuman Adjustments.
                else if (objXmlMod["rating"].InnerText.ToLower() == "seats")
                    nudRating.Maximum   = _objVehicle.Seats;
                    nudRating.Minimum   = 1;
                    nudRating.Enabled   = true;
                    lblRatingLabel.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Label_Qty");
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(objXmlMod["rating"].InnerText) > 0)
                        nudRating.Maximum   = Convert.ToInt32(objXmlMod["rating"].InnerText);
                        nudRating.Minimum   = 1;
                        nudRating.Enabled   = true;
                        lblRatingLabel.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Label_Rating");
                        nudRating.Minimum   = 0;
                        nudRating.Maximum   = 0;
                        nudRating.Enabled   = false;
                        lblRatingLabel.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("Label_Rating");

                // Slots.

                string strSlots = "";
                if (objXmlMod["slots"].InnerText.StartsWith("FixedValues"))
                    string[] strValues = objXmlMod["slots"].InnerText.Replace("FixedValues(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Split(',');
                    strSlots = strValues[Convert.ToInt32(nudRating.Value) - 1];
                    strSlots = objXmlMod["slots"].InnerText;
                strSlots = ReplaceStrings(strSlots);
                XPathExpression xprSlots = nav.Compile(strSlots);
                lblSlots.Text = nav.Evaluate(xprSlots).ToString();

                    if (objXmlMod["category"].InnerText == "Weapon Mod")
                        lblCategory.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_WeaponModification");
                        // Translate the Category if possible.
                        if (GlobalOptions.Instance.Language != "en-us")
                            XmlNode objXmlCategory = _objXmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("/chummer/modcategories/category[. = \"" + objXmlMod["category"].InnerText + "\"]");
                            if (objXmlCategory != null)
                                if (objXmlCategory.Attributes["translate"] != null)
                                    lblCategory.Text = objXmlCategory.Attributes["translate"].InnerText;
                                    lblCategory.Text = objXmlMod["category"].InnerText;
                                lblCategory.Text = objXmlMod["category"].InnerText;
                            lblCategory.Text = objXmlMod["category"].InnerText;
                    lblCategory.Text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_WeaponModification");

                if (objXmlMod["limit"] != null)
                    // Translate the Limit if possible.
                    if (GlobalOptions.Instance.Language != "en-us")
                        XmlNode objXmlLimit = _objXmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("/chummer/limits/limit[. = \"" + objXmlMod["limit"].InnerText + "\"]");
                        if (objXmlLimit != null)
                            if (objXmlLimit.Attributes["translate"] != null)
                                lblLimit.Text = " (" + objXmlLimit.Attributes["translate"].InnerText + ")";
                                lblLimit.Text = " (" + objXmlMod["limit"].InnerText + ")";
                            lblLimit.Text = " (" + objXmlMod["limit"].InnerText + ")";
                        lblLimit.Text = " (" + objXmlMod["limit"].InnerText + ")";
                    lblLimit.Text = "";

                string strBook = _objCharacter.Options.LanguageBookShort(objXmlMod["source"].InnerText);
                string strPage = objXmlMod["page"].InnerText;
                if (objXmlMod["altpage"] != null)
                    strPage = objXmlMod["altpage"].InnerText;
                lblSource.Text = strBook + " " + strPage;

                tipTooltip.SetToolTip(lblSource, _objCharacter.Options.LanguageBookLong(objXmlMod["source"].InnerText) + " " + LanguageManager.Instance.GetString("String_Page") + " " + strPage);
Beispiel #24
        public override object InvokeXPathFunction(AlpheusXPathFunction f, AlpheusXsltContext xslt_context, object[] args, XPathNavigator doc_context)
            for (int argc = 0; argc < args.Length; argc++)
                if (args[argc] is string)
                    args[argc] = ResolveXPathFunctionArgVariables((string)args[argc], xslt_context);
            switch (f.Prefix)
            case "l":
                switch (f.Name)
                case "any":
                    string            e;
                    XPathNodeIterator iter = (args[0] as XPathNodeIterator).Clone();
                    if (args.Count() == 1)
                        e = "./";
                        e = (string)args[1];
                    XPathExpression expr = this.CompileXPathExpression(e, doc_context);
                    if (expr == null)
                        Error("Failed to execute l:any with expression {0}.", e);
                    object r;
                    while (iter.MoveNext())
                        r = iter.Current.Evaluate(expr);
                        if (r == null)
                        else if (r as bool? != null)
                            bool?b = r as bool?;
                            if (b.HasValue && b.Value)
                        else if (r is XPathNodeIterator)
                            XPathNodeIterator i = r as XPathNodeIterator;
                            if (i.Count > 0)
                        else if (r is double?)
                            double?d = r as double?;
                            if (d.HasValue)
                        else if (r is string)
                            string s = (string)r;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                            throw new Exception("Unknown result type from evaluating expression " + e + " at iterator position " + iter.CurrentPosition);

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The XPath function " + f.Prefix + ":" + f.Name + " is not implemented.");

            case "db":
                switch (f.Name)
                case "query":
                    if (this.AuditTarget is IDbAuditTarget)
                        IDbAuditTarget db = this.AuditTarget as IDbAuditTarget;
                        this.AuditEnvironment.Error("The current target is not a database server or application and does not support queries.");
                        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        doc.LoadXml("<error>No Database</error>");

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The XPath function " + f.Prefix + ":" + f.Name + " is not supported by IDbAuditTarget.");

            case "os":
                switch (f.Name)
                case "exec":
                    string output = string.Empty, command = "", arguments = "";
                    if (args.Count() == 1)
                        command = (string)args[0];
                        command   = (string)args[0];
                        arguments = (string)args[1];
                    output = this.AuditEnvironment.OSExec(command, arguments);
                    this.AuditEnvironment.Debug("os:exec {0} {1} returned {2}.", command, arguments, string.IsNullOrEmpty(output) ? "null" : output);

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The XPath function " + f.Prefix + ":" + f.Name + " is not supported by this audit target.");

            case "fs":
                switch (f.Name)
                case "unix-file-mode":

                case "find-files":
                    return(this.AuditEnvironment.FindFiles((string)args[0], (string)args[1]));

                case "find-dirs":
                    return(this.AuditEnvironment.FindDirectories((string)args[0], (string)args[1]));

                case "is-symbolic-link":

                case "symbolic-link-location":

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The XPath function " + f.Prefix + ":" + f.Name + " is not supported by any audit target.");

            case "ver":
                string version = (string)args[0];
                switch (f.Name)
                case "lt":
                    return(this.Application.IsVulnerabilityVersionInPackageVersionRange("<" + version, this.Application.Version));

                case "gt":
                    return(this.Application.IsVulnerabilityVersionInPackageVersionRange(">" + version, this.Application.Version));

                case "eq":
                    return(this.Application.IsVulnerabilityVersionInPackageVersionRange(version, this.Application.Version));

                case "lte":
                    return(this.Application.IsVulnerabilityVersionInPackageVersionRange("<=" + version, this.Application.Version));

                case "gte":
                    return(this.Application.IsVulnerabilityVersionInPackageVersionRange(">=" + version, this.Application.Version));

                    throw new NotImplementedException("The XPath function " + f.Prefix + ":" + f.Name + " is not supported by any audit target.");

                throw new NotImplementedException("The XPath function prefix" + f.Prefix + " is not supported by any audit targets.");
Beispiel #25
        private List <string> ExecXpath(string attr, string xPathExpression, XmlDocument xmlDocument)
            List <string> toReturn = new List <string>();

            var xpaths = Regex.Matches(xPathExpression, "{(.*?)}");

            if (xPathExpression.Contains("{") && xpaths.Count > 0)
                //  if there is more than one xpath to look up in this value,
                //  object-{obj_id}-{part_id} then we want only one match for
                //  each xpath term
                if (xpaths.Count > 1 || xPathExpression.Substring(0, 1) != "{" || xPathExpression.Substring(xPathExpression.Length - 1, 1) != "}")
                    bool matchedSomething = false;
                    foreach (Match xPath in xpaths)
                        string result;

                        XPathNavigator  nav  = xmlDocument.CreateNavigator();
                        XPathExpression expr = nav.Compile(RemoveClosingBrackets(xPath.Value));

                        switch (expr.ReturnType)
                        case XPathResultType.NodeSet:
                            XPathNodeIterator iterator = (XPathNodeIterator)nav.Select(expr);
                            if (iterator.Count == 1 || (xpaths.Count == 1 && iterator.Count > 0))

                                if (iterator.Current.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                                    matchedSomething = true;
                                xPathExpression = xPathExpression.Replace(xPath.Value, iterator.Current.Value);
                            else if (xpaths.Count != 1 && iterator.Count == 0)
                                throw new Exception("No match for " + xPath.Value + " in " + attr + "=\"" +
                                                    xPathExpression + "\"");
                            else if (xpaths.Count > 1)
                                throw new Exception("Multiple matches for " + xPath.Value + " in " + attr +
                                                    "=\"" + xPathExpression + "\"");

                        case XPathResultType.String:
                            string st = (string)nav.Evaluate(expr);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(st) && st.Trim().Length > 0)
                                matchedSomething = true;
                                xPathExpression  = xPathExpression.Replace(xPath.Value, st);

                        case XPathResultType.Number:
                            //Assume it's a double
                            double dNumber = (double)nav.Evaluate(expr);
                            int    iNumber;
                            matchedSomething = true;
                            //if it can be an int, then make it so...
                            if (int.TryParse(dNumber.ToString(), out iNumber))
                                xPathExpression = xPathExpression.Replace(xPath.Value, iNumber.ToString());
                                xPathExpression = xPathExpression.Replace(xPath.Value, dNumber.ToString());

                            throw new Exception("No match for " + xPath.Value + " in " + attr + "=\"" + xPathExpression +

                    if (matchedSomething && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xPathExpression.Trim()))
                    //  quite happy to enumerate for all values which match the xpath
                    var    xpath = RemoveClosingBrackets(xPathExpression);
                    string result;

                    var matches = xmlDocument.SelectNodes(xpath);
                    foreach (XmlNode node in matches)
                        //  ignore empty strings
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.InnerText))
                            //  apply modification function if required
                            var v = xPathExpression.Replace("{" + xpath + "}", node.InnerText);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.Trim()))
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Tridion collection by loading the list provided, the list should be a result of calling GetListItems
        /// or a variation of that on a Tridion item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine">An instantiated Engine object <typeparamref name="Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Engine"/></param>
        /// <param name="list">An XML fragment containing the result of a GetList method </param>
        /// <param name="xpath">An Xpath expression to further filter the retrieved results</param>
        public TridionCollectionBase(Engine engine, XmlElement list, XPathExpression xpath)
            Init(engine, list);

            m_Nodes = list.SelectNodes(xpath.Expression, NSManager);
Beispiel #27
        private void Carac_Tb_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            XmlNode root;
            XmlNode node;

            TextBox Field_Input = (TextBox)sender;

            root = mod_global.Get_Codes_Obs_DocElement();
            node = root.SelectSingleNode("/codes/code[id='" + current_code + "']/caracteristiques/caracteristique[@nom='" + Field_Input.Tag + "']");

            mod_global.Focused_Control        = Field_Input;
            mod_global.Focused_Carac_Panel    = this;
            mod_global.MF.InputPreviewTb.Text = Field_Input.Text;

            // Afficher l'info au Status Panel
            if (node.Attributes["info"] != null)
                mod_global.MF.statusPanel.Text = node.Attributes["info"].InnerText;
                mod_global.MF.statusPanel.Text = "";

            //On applique le mode de saisie correspondant au champ focused
            if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "item")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled     = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled   = false;

                //On utilise un navigateur pour pouvoir trier les noeuds
                XPathNavigator  nav = root.CreateNavigator();
                XPathExpression exp = nav.Compile("/codes/code[id='" + current_code + "']/caracteristiques/caracteristique[@nom='" + Field_Input.Tag + "']/item");

                exp.AddSort("@position", XmlSortOrder.Ascending, XmlCaseOrder.None, "", XmlDataType.Number);

                foreach (XPathNavigator item in nav.Select(exp))
                    multiple_choice_button but;
                    string but_text = item.GetAttribute("nom", "") + " | " + item.Value;

                    //Si le choix contient des attributs concernant le comportement des champs suivants (on teste la présence de q1 comme attribut du choix en cours)
                    if (item.GetAttribute("q1", "") != "")
                        but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, Get_CaracFieldsNewState_HT(item), false, false);
                    if (item.GetAttribute("lien", "") == "")
                        if (item.GetAttribute("ajoute", "") == "true")
                            but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, false, true);
                            but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, false, false);
                    if (item.GetAttribute("lien", "") == "true")
                        but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, true, false);
                        but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, true, false);


                /* ANCIEN CODE NS remplacé par GB le 16/12/2009
                 *          foreach (XmlNode nod in node.ChildNodes)
                 *          {
                 *              multiple_choice_button but;
                 *              string but_text = nod.Attributes["nom"].InnerText + " | " + nod.InnerText;
                 *              //Si le choix contient des attributs concernant le comportement des champs suivants (on teste la présence de q1 comme attribut du choix en cours)
                 *              if (nod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("q1") != null)
                 *                  but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, Get_CaracFieldsNewState_HT(nod), false);
                 *              else
                 *                  if (nod.Attributes.GetNamedItem("lien") == null)
                 *                      but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, false);
                 *                  else
                 *                      if (nod.Attributes["lien"].InnerText == "true")
                 *                          but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, true);
                 *                      else
                 *                          but = new multiple_choice_button(but_text, null, true);
                 *              mod_global.MF.flowLayoutPanel2.Controls.Add(but);
                 *          }*/
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "texte")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled  = false;
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "numerique")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled  = false;
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "date")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled   = false;
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "video")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled     = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled   = false;
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "photo")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled     = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled   = false;
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "audio")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled     = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled  = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled   = false;
            else if (node.Attributes["type"].InnerText == "horaire")
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"].Enabled = true;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.SelectedTab = mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SectionTab"];
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["DateTab"].Enabled     = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["KeyboardTab"].Enabled = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["VideoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["PhotoTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["AudioTab"].Enabled    = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["ChoiceTab"].Enabled   = false;
                mod_global.MF.SaisieTabControl.TabPages["SchemaTab"].Enabled   = false;
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Navigator"></param>
        /// <param name="XPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetBoolean(XPathNavigator Navigator, XPathExpression XPath)
            string val = GetString(Navigator, XPath).Trim().ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            return(val == "1" || val == "YES" || val == "TRUE");
 public virtual object Evaluate(XPathExpression expr)
        private void ApplyCode(XPathNavigator docNavigator,
                               XPathExpression codeSelector)
            CodeController codeController = CodeController.GetInstance("conceptual");

            if (codeController == null ||
                codeController.Mode != CodeHighlightMode.IndirectIris)

            XPathNodeIterator iterator = docNavigator.Select(codeSelector);

            if (iterator == null || iterator.Count == 0)

            XPathNavigator navigator = null;

            XPathNavigator[] arrNavigator =

            int    itemCount     = arrNavigator.Length;
            string spanNamespace =

            string attrName  = String.Empty;
            string attrClass = String.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                navigator = arrNavigator[i];
                if (navigator == null)

                string            codeLang     = null;
                XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator = navigator.SelectChildren("span",
                XPathNavigator placeHolder = null;
                if (nodeIterator == null || nodeIterator.Count == 0)
                XPathNavigator[] arrSnipNavigator =

                int nodeCount = arrSnipNavigator.Length;

                XPathNavigator tempHolder = arrSnipNavigator[0];
                attrName  = tempHolder.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);
                attrClass = tempHolder.GetAttribute("class", String.Empty);
                if (String.Equals(attrName, "SandAssist") &&
                    String.Equals(attrClass, "tgtSentence"))
                    placeHolder = tempHolder;
                if (placeHolder != null)
                    codeLang = placeHolder.Value;
                    base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "No code language found.");

                Highlighter highlighter = codeController.ApplyLanguage(
                    null, codeLang);

                if (nodeCount == 1)
                    string codeText = navigator.Value;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeText))
                        codeText = codeText.Trim();

                        XmlWriter xmlWriter = navigator.InsertAfter();
                        if (highlighter != null)
                            StringReader textReader = new StringReader(codeText);
                            highlighter.Highlight(textReader, xmlWriter);

                            // For the two-part or indirect, we add extra line-break
                            // since this process delete the last extra line.
                            xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("br"); // start - br
                            xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();       // end -  br


                    XPathNavigator snipNavigator = null;

                    for (int j = 1; j < nodeCount; j++)
                        snipNavigator = arrSnipNavigator[j];
                        if (snipNavigator == null)
                            base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Warn, "Null navigator!");
                        attrName  = snipNavigator.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty);
                        attrClass = snipNavigator.GetAttribute("class", String.Empty);
                        if (String.Equals(attrName, "SandAssist") == false ||
                            String.Equals(attrClass, "srcSentence") == false)
                            base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Warn, attrName);
                            base.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Warn, attrClass);

                        int         snipIndex = snipNavigator.ValueAsInt;
                        SnippetItem item      = codeController[snipIndex];

                        string codeText = item.Text;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeText))
                            codeText = codeText.Trim();

                            XmlWriter xmlWriter = snipNavigator.InsertAfter();
                            if (highlighter != null)
                                StringReader textReader = new StringReader(codeText);
                                highlighter.Highlight(textReader, xmlWriter);


 public virtual bool Matches(XPathExpression expr)
Beispiel #32
 public virtual IPublishedContent GetSingleByXPath(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, bool preview, XPathExpression xpath, XPathVariable[] vars)
     throw new NotImplementedException("PublishedMediaCache does not support XPath.");
 public virtual XPathNavigator SelectSingleNode(XPathExpression expression)

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Initialize(XPathNavigator configuration)
            string attrValue, id;

            targets  = new TargetTypeDictionary();
            resolver = new LinkTextResolver(targets);

            // Get the shared instances dictionary.  Create it if it doesn't exist.
            if (BuildComponentCore.Data.ContainsKey(SharedReferenceTargetsId))
                sharedTargets = BuildComponentCore.Data[SharedReferenceTargetsId] as Dictionary <string, TargetDictionary>;

            if (sharedTargets == null)
                BuildComponentCore.Data[SharedReferenceTargetsId] = sharedTargets = new Dictionary <string, TargetDictionary>();

            // base-url is an xpath expression applied against the current document to pick up the save location of the
            // document. If specified, local links will be made relative to the base-url.
            string baseUrlValue = configuration.GetAttribute("base-url", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(baseUrlValue))
                baseUrl = XPathExpression.Compile(baseUrlValue);

            // hrefFormat is a string format that is used to format the value of local href attributes. The
            // default is "{0}.htm" if not specified.
            hrefFormat = (string)configuration.Evaluate("string(hrefFormat/@value)");

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hrefFormat))
                hrefFormat = "{0}.htm";

            // The container XPath can be replaced; this is useful
            string containerValue = configuration.GetAttribute("container", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(containerValue))
                XmlTargetDictionaryUtilities.ContainerExpression = containerValue;

            XPathNodeIterator targetsNodes = configuration.Select("targets");

            this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Diagnostic, "Loading reference link target info");

            DateTime startLoad = DateTime.Now;
            foreach (XPathNavigator targetsNode in targetsNodes)
                // Get target type
                attrValue = targetsNode.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty);

                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attrValue))
                    this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each targets element must have a type attribute " +
                                      "that specifies which type of links to create");

                if (!Enum.TryParse <ReferenceLinkType>(attrValue, true, out ReferenceLinkType type))
                    this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "'{0}' is not a supported reference link type",

                // Check for shared instance by ID.  If not there, create it and add it.
                id = targetsNode.GetAttribute("id", String.Empty);

                if (!sharedTargets.TryGetValue(id, out TargetDictionary newTargets))
                    this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Loading {0} reference link type targets", type);

                    newTargets = this.CreateTargetDictionary(targetsNode);
                    sharedTargets[newTargets.DictionaryId] = newTargets;

                targets.Add(type, newTargets);

            TimeSpan loadTime = (DateTime.Now - startLoad);
            this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Diagnostic, "Load time: {0} seconds", loadTime.TotalSeconds);

            // Dump targets for comparison to other versions
//            targets.DumpTargetDictionary(Path.GetFullPath("TargetDictionary.xml"));

            // Serialization test
//            targets.SerializeDictionary(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            // Getting the count from a database cache can be expensive so only report it if it will be seen
            if (this.BuildAssembler.VerbosityLevel == MessageLevel.Info)
                this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "{0} total reference link targets", targets.Count);

            if (targets.NeedsMemberIdUrlResolver)
                this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Creating member ID URL resolver");

                this.UrlResolver = this.CreateMemberIdResolver(configuration);

                string localeValue = (string)configuration.Evaluate("string(locale/@value)");

                if (this.UrlResolver != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localeValue))
                    this.UrlResolver.Locale = localeValue;

            linkTarget = (string)configuration.Evaluate("string(linkTarget/@value)");

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(linkTarget))
                linkTarget = "_blank";
 void Success2()
     var xpath = XPathExpression.Compile("/book[@npages = 100]/@title", null);
Beispiel #36
 public override void LocalInit()
     m_Expression = XPathExpression.Compile(m_Parameters.XPath);
Beispiel #37
        private void ParseReferenceConfiguration(XPathNavigator configuration)
            TargetController controller = TargetController.Controller;

            Debug.Assert(controller != null);

            ReferenceLinkType localLink = ReferenceLinkType.None;
            ReferenceLinkType msdnLink  = ReferenceLinkType.None;

            _targets = controller.GetCollection(configuration, out localLink, out msdnLink);
            Debug.Assert(_targets != null);
            _linkResolver = new ReferenceLinkTextResolver(_targets);

            if (msdnLink == ReferenceLinkType.Msdn && _msdnResolver == null)
                XPathNavigator linkResolverNode =

                if (linkResolverNode != null)
                    WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Creating cached MSDN URL resolver.");

                    _msdnResolver = TargetMsdnController.GetController(linkResolverNode);
                    WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, "Creating MSDN URL resolver.");

                    _msdnResolver = TargetMsdnController.GetController();

            XPathNavigator optionsNode =

            if (optionsNode == null)
                optionsNode = configuration;

            // base-url is an xpath expression applied against the current document to pick up the save location of the
            // document. If specified, local links will be made relative to the base-url.
            string baseUrlValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("base-url", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrlValue))
                _baseUrl = XPathExpression.Compile(baseUrlValue);

            // url-format is a string format that is used to format the value of local href attributes. The default is
            // "{0}.htm" for backwards compatibility.
            string hrefFormatValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("href-format", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hrefFormatValue))
                _hrefFormat = hrefFormatValue;

            // the container XPath can be replaced; this is useful
            string containerValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("container", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(containerValue))
                TargetCollectionXmlUtilities.ContainerExpression = containerValue;

            string localeValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("locale", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(localeValue) && _msdnResolver != null)
                _msdnResolver.Locale = localeValue;

            string versionValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("version", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(versionValue) && _msdnResolver != null)
                _msdnResolver.Version = versionValue;

            string mvcVersionValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("mvcVersion", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mvcVersionValue) && _msdnResolver != null)
                _msdnResolver.MvcVersion = mvcVersionValue;

            string targetValue = optionsNode.GetAttribute("linkTarget", String.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetValue))
                _linkTarget = targetValue;

            this.WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format(
                                  "Loaded {0} reference targets.", _targets.Count));

            _writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            _writerSettings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment;

            _hasMsdnStorage = controller.HasMsdnStorage;
Beispiel #38
 public override object Evaluate(XPathExpression xpath, object context)
     return Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects a list of XmlNode matching an XPath expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">A source XmlNode.</param>
        /// <param name="expression">An XPath expression.</param>
        /// <param name="variables">A set of XPathVariables.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of XmlNode matching the XPath expression.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If <param name="variables" /> is <c>null</c>, or is empty, or contains only one single
        /// value which itself is <c>null</c>, then variables are ignored.</para>
        /// <para>The XPath expression should reference variables as <c>$var</c>.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static XmlNodeList SelectNodes(this XmlNode source, XPathExpression expression, IEnumerable <XPathVariable> variables)
            var av = variables == null ? null : variables.ToArray();

            return(SelectNodes(source, expression, av));
 public virtual object Evaluate(XPathExpression expr, XPathNodeIterator context)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a dynamic content resulting from an XPath query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">The contextual cache.</param>
        /// <param name="xpath">The XPath query.</param>
        /// <param name="vars">Optional XPath variables</param>
        /// <returns>The dynamic content, or null.</returns>
        public static dynamic GetDynamicSingleByXPath(this ContextualPublishedContentCache cache, XPathExpression xpath, params XPathVariable[] vars)
            var content = cache.GetSingleByXPath(xpath, vars);

            return(content == null ? new DynamicNull() : new DynamicPublishedContent(content).AsDynamic());
 public virtual XPathNodeIterator Select(XPathExpression expr)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets dynamic contents resulting from an XPath query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">The contextual cache.</param>
        /// <param name="xpath">The XPath query.</param>
        /// <param name="vars">Optional XPath variables</param>
        /// <returns>The dynamic contents.</returns>
        public static dynamic GetDynamicByXPath(this ContextualPublishedContentCache cache, XPathExpression xpath, params XPathVariable[] vars)
            var content = cache.GetByXPath(xpath, vars);

            return(new DynamicPublishedContentList(content.Select(c => new DynamicPublishedContent(c))));
 public IEnumerable <IPublishedContent> ContentAtXPath(XPathExpression xpath, params XPathVariable[] vars) =>
 ItemsByXPath(xpath, vars, _publishedSnapshot.Content);
 void Failure1()
     var xpath = XPathExpression.Compile(bad1);