Beispiel #1
        void XM_ProcessEnvelopePan(ref INSTRUMENT d, XMPATCHHEADER pth)
            for (int u = 0; u < (XMENVCNT >> 1); u++)
                d.panenv[u].pos = (short)pth.panenv[u << 1];
                d.panenv[u].val = (short)pth.panenv[(u << 1) + 1];
            if ((pth.panflg & 1) != 0)
                d.panflg |= SharpMikCommon.EF_ON;
            if ((pth.panflg & 2) != 0)
                d.panflg |= SharpMikCommon.EF_SUSTAIN;
            if ((pth.panflg & 4) != 0)
                d.panflg |= SharpMikCommon.EF_LOOP;
            d.pansusbeg = d.pansusend = pth.pansus;
            d.panbeg    = pth.panbeg;
            d.panend    = pth.panend;
            d.panpts    = pth.panpts;

            /* scale envelope */
            for (int p = 0; p < XMENVCNT / 2; p++)
                d.panenv[p].val <<= 2;

            if ((d.panflg & SharpMikCommon.EF_ON) != 0 && (d.panpts < 2))
                int flag = d.panflg;
                flag    &= ~SharpMikCommon.EF_ON;
                d.panflg = (byte)flag;
Beispiel #2
        bool LoadInstruments()
            int        t, u, ck;
            INSTRUMENT d;
            uint       next   = 0;
            ushort     wavcnt = 0;

            if (!m_Module.AllocInstruments())
                m_LoadError = MMERR_NOT_A_MODULE;

            for (t = 0; t < m_Module.numins; t++)
                d = m_Module.instruments[t];
                XMINSTHEADER ih = new XMINSTHEADER();
                long         headend;
                d.samplenumber.Memset(0xff, SharpMikCommon.INSTNOTES);

                /* read instrument header */
                headend  = m_Reader.Tell();
                ih.size  = m_Reader.Read_Intel_uint();
                headend += ih.size;
                ck       = m_Reader.Tell();
                m_Reader.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                if ((headend < 0) || (m_Reader.Tell() < headend) || (headend < ck))
                    m_Reader.Seek(ck, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                m_Reader.Seek(ck, SeekOrigin.Begin);

         = m_Reader.Read_String(22);
                ih.type   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                ih.numsmp = m_Reader.Read_Intel_ushort();

                d.insname =;

                if ((short)ih.size > 29)
                    ih.ssize = m_Reader.Read_Intel_uint();
                    if (((short)ih.numsmp > 0) && (ih.numsmp <= XMNOTECNT))
                        XMPATCHHEADER pth = new XMPATCHHEADER();
                        m_Reader.Read_bytes(pth.what, XMNOTECNT);
                        m_Reader.Read_Intel_ushorts(pth.volenv, XMENVCNT);
                        m_Reader.Read_Intel_ushorts(pth.panenv, XMENVCNT);
                        pth.volpts   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.panpts   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.volsus   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.volbeg   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.volend   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.pansus   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.panbeg   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.panend   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.volflg   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.panflg   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.vibflg   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.vibsweep = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.vibdepth = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.vibrate  = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                        pth.volfade  = m_Reader.Read_Intel_ushort();

                        /* read the remainder of the header
                         *                         (2 bytes for 1.03, 22 for 1.04) */
                        if (headend >= m_Reader.Tell())
                            for (u = (int)(headend - m_Reader.Tell()); u != 0; u--)

                        /* we can't trust the envelope point count here, as some
                         *                         modules have incorrect values (K_OSPACE.XM reports 32 volume
                         *                         points, for example). */
                        if (pth.volpts > XMENVCNT / 2)
                            pth.volpts = (byte)(XMENVCNT / 2);
                        if (pth.panpts > XMENVCNT / 2)
                            pth.panpts = (byte)(XMENVCNT / 2);

                        if ((m_Reader.isEOF()) || (pth.volpts > XMENVCNT / 2) || (pth.panpts > XMENVCNT / 2))
                            if (nextwav != null)
                                nextwav = null;
                            if (wh != null)
                                wh = null;
                            m_LoadError = MMERR_LOADING_SAMPLEINFO;

                        for (u = 0; u < XMNOTECNT; u++)
                            d.samplenumber[u] = (ushort)(pth.what[u] + m_Module.numsmp);
                        d.volfade = pth.volfade;

                        XM_ProcessEnvelopeVolume(ref d, pth);
                        XM_ProcessEnvelopePan(ref d, pth);

                        if ((d.volflg & SharpMikCommon.EF_ON) != 0)
                            FixEnvelope(d.volenv, d.volpts);
                        if ((d.panflg & SharpMikCommon.EF_ON) != 0)
                            FixEnvelope(d.panenv, d.panpts);

                        /* Samples are stored outside the instrument struct now, so we
                         *                         have to load them all into a temp area, count the m_Module.numsmp
                         *                         along the way and then do an AllocSamples() and move
                         *                         everything over */
                        if (mh.version > 0x0103)
                            next = 0;

                        for (u = 0; u < ih.numsmp; u++)
                            XMWAVHEADER s = null;
                            if (wh != null && sampHeader < wh.Length)
                                s = wh[sampHeader];

                            /* Allocate more room for sample information if necessary */
                            if (m_Module.numsmp + u == wavcnt)
                                ushort lastSize = wavcnt;
                                wavcnt += (ushort)XM_SMPINCR;

                                if (nextwav == null)
                                    nextwav = new uint[wavcnt];
                                    Array.Resize(ref nextwav, wavcnt);

                                if (wh == null)
                                    wh = new XMWAVHEADER[wavcnt];
                                    Array.Resize(ref wh, wavcnt);

                                for (ushort i = lastSize; i < wavcnt; i++)
                                    wh[i] = new XMWAVHEADER();

                                s = wh[sampHeader];

                            s.length     = m_Reader.Read_Intel_uint();
                            s.loopstart  = m_Reader.Read_Intel_uint();
                            s.looplength = m_Reader.Read_Intel_uint();
                            s.volume     = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                            s.finetune   = m_Reader.Read_sbyte();
                            s.type       = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                            s.panning    = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                            s.relnote    = m_Reader.Read_sbyte();
                            s.vibtype    = pth.vibflg;
                            s.vibsweep   = pth.vibsweep;
                            s.vibdepth   = (byte)(pth.vibdepth * 4);
                            s.vibrate    = pth.vibrate;
                            s.reserved   = m_Reader.Read_byte();
                            s.samplename = m_Reader.Read_String(22);

                            nextwav[m_Module.numsmp + u] = next;
                            next += s.length;

                            if (m_Reader.isEOF())
                                nextwav     = null;
                                wh          = null;
                                m_LoadError = MMERR_LOADING_SAMPLEINFO;


                        if (mh.version > 0x0103)
                            for (u = 0; u < ih.numsmp; u++)
                                nextwav[m_Module.numsmp++] += (uint)m_Reader.Tell();
                            m_Reader.Seek((int)next, SeekOrigin.Current);
                            m_Module.numsmp += ih.numsmp;
                        /* read the remainder of the header */
                        ck = m_Reader.Tell();
                        m_Reader.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

                        if ((headend < 0) || (m_Reader.Tell() < headend) || (headend < ck))
                            m_Reader.Seek(ck, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        m_Reader.Seek(ck, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        u = (int)(headend - m_Reader.Tell());
                        for (; u != 0; u--)

                        if (m_Reader.isEOF())
                            nextwav     = null;
                            wh          = null;
                            m_LoadError = MMERR_LOADING_SAMPLEINFO;

            /* sanity check */
            if (m_Module.numsmp == 0)
                nextwav     = null;
                wh          = null;
                m_LoadError = MMERR_LOADING_SAMPLEINFO;
