Beispiel #1
 public XMLSearchReplace(string path, SearchType searchType, XMLPartEnum xmlPartEnum) : base(path, searchType)
     this.xmlPartEnum = xmlPartEnum;
Beispiel #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string      path         = string.Empty;
            string      searchString = string.Empty;
            int         type         = 0;
            FileType    fileType     = FileType.UNKNOWN;
            XMLPartEnum xmlPartEnum  = XMLPartEnum.UNKNOWN;

            Console.WriteLine("Please input the file path:");
            while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path = Console.ReadLine()))
                Console.WriteLine("Please input the file path:");
            int    idx           = path.LastIndexOf('.');
            string extensionName = path.Substring(++idx);

            if (extensionName.ToLower().Equals("txt"))
                fileType = FileType.TEXT;
            else if (extensionName.ToLower().Equals("xml"))
                fileType = FileType.XML;

                Console.WriteLine("Please input the XML part type(1: element name 2. attribute 3. text node), just input the number:");
                while (true)
                    while (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out type))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error! You must input a number: 1 or 2 or 3! Please input:");

                    if (type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 3)
                        switch (type)
                        case 1:
                            xmlPartEnum = XMLPartEnum.ELEMENT_NAME;

                        case 2:
                            xmlPartEnum = XMLPartEnum.ATTRIBUTE;

                        case 3:
                            xmlPartEnum = XMLPartEnum.TEXT_NODE;

                        Console.WriteLine("Please input the XML part type(1: element name 2. attribute 3. text node), just input the number:");

            Console.WriteLine("Please input the string you want to search:");
            while (true)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchString = Console.ReadLine()))
                    Console.WriteLine("Please input the string you want to search:");
                else // verify the xml syntax
                    if (xmlPartEnum == XMLPartEnum.ELEMENT_NAME && !searchString.Contains("<"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error! The xml element name must be prefixed by a <");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please input the string you want to search:");
                    else if (xmlPartEnum == XMLPartEnum.ATTRIBUTE && !searchString.Contains("="))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error! The xml attribute must contain a =");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please input the string you want to search:");

            Console.WriteLine("Please input the search type(1: Text phrease 2. Pattern), just input the number:");
            while (true)
                if (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out type))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error! You must input a number either 1 or 2!");

                if (type == 1 || type == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Please input the search type(1: Text phrease 2. Pattern), just input the number:");
            Console.WriteLine("Path: " + path + ", searchString: " + searchString + ", type: " + type);

            SearchType searchType = new SearchType(type == 1 ? TypeEnum.PHRASE : TypeEnum.PATTERN, searchString);

            Console.WriteLine("Please input the replacement string(if you input no, that means you skip the replace operation):");
            string replaceString = Console.ReadLine();

            if (!replaceString.Equals("no"))
                while (true)
                    if (xmlPartEnum == XMLPartEnum.ELEMENT_NAME && !replaceString.Contains("<"))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error! The xml element name must be prefixed by a <");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please input the replacement string if you want:");
                        replaceString = Console.ReadLine();
                    else if (xmlPartEnum == XMLPartEnum.ATTRIBUTE && !replaceString.Contains("="))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error! The xml attribute must contain a =");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please input the replacement string if you want:");
                        replaceString = Console.ReadLine();

            SearchReplace searchReplace = null;

            if (fileType == FileType.TEXT)
                searchReplace = new TextSearchReplace(path, searchType);
            else if (fileType == FileType.XML)
                searchReplace = new XMLSearchReplace(path, searchType, xmlPartEnum);

            bool found = false;

            using (TextReader tr = File.OpenText(path))
                if (found = searchReplace.fSearch(tr, searchType))
                    Console.WriteLine("\"" + searchType.searchString + "\" is found in file: " + path);
                    Console.WriteLine("\"" + searchType.searchString + "\" is NOT found in file: " + path);

            if (found && !replaceString.Equals("no"))
                using (TextReader tr = File.OpenText(path))
                    searchReplace.fReplace(tr, searchType, replaceString);
                    Console.WriteLine("Replacement is done, please check the new generated file: " + searchReplace.getOutPath(path));