Beispiel #1
    public IEnumerator Start()
        //wait for card type manager to be ready
        while ((CardTypeManagerScript.instance == null) || (CardTypeManagerScript.instance.areTypesLoaded() == false))
            yield return(null);

        unsavedChanges = false;                 //there are no changes since we just opened the editor
        XMLDeck openDeck = new XMLDeck();       //create a new deck

        newDeck = true;                         //flag the deck as new

        //default search filter settings
        filter = new DeckEditorFilter();
        filter.searchString = null;
        filter.type         = null;
        filter.sortBy       =;
        filter.baseCards    = true;
        filter.moddedCards  = true;

        BroadcastMessage("filterChanged", filter); //report the new filter settings to children
        BroadcastMessage("refresh", openDeck);     //update interfaces

        //give things a few frames to stabilize
        yield return(null);

        yield return(null);

        yield return(null);

        GetComponent <VerticalLayoutGroup>().enabled = false; //disable the layout group on this since it doesnt need to change anymore and its recalculations are slow
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the currentDeck based on the XMLDeck
    /// note that this does NOT shuffle the deck, since there are (rare) instances where this should not happen
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="Shuffle"/>
    public void SetDeck(XMLDeck newDeck)
        currentDeckName =;
        maxDeckCharges  = 0;

        //for each card on the list of cards in the deck...
        foreach (XMLDeckEntry xde in newDeck.contents)
            PlayerCardData type = CardTypeManagerScript.instance.getCardByName(;
            //for each individual card to be added...
            for (int i = 0; i < xde.count; i++)
                //setup the data
                PlayerCard c;
          = type;
                c.charges = type.cardMaxCharges;

                //count the charges
                maxDeckCharges += type.cardMaxCharges;

                //and put it in

        curDeckCharges = maxDeckCharges; //the deck starts full, so all charges are present

        deckSize = cardsLeft;
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the deck of the given name, if it exists
    /// if it does not exist, a default is returned and produces a warning
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="targetDeck"></param>
    public XMLDeck getDeckByName(string targetDeck)
        //find the deck
        XMLDeck result = null;

        foreach (XMLDeck xDeck in decks)
            if ( == targetDeck)
                result = xDeck;

        //if the deck did not exist, use a default deck and print a warning
        if (result == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("Deck " + targetDeck + " could not be found.  Using a default deck instead");
            result          = new XMLDeck();
            result.contents = new List <XMLDeckEntry>();
            result.contents.Add(new XMLDeckEntry("Basic Tower", 60));

        //return the result
Beispiel #4
 //handles buttons in the deck list
 public void DeckSelected(XMLDeck selectedDeck)
     //user wants to load a different deck
     saveChanges();                         //save any unsaved changes
     openDeck = selectedDeck;               //change decks
     newDeck  = false;                      //this deck was loaded from disk, so it is not new
     BroadcastMessage("refresh", openDeck); //update the menus to reflect it
Beispiel #5
 //called when the deck changes.  Fill the text field with the name of said deck
 public void refresh(XMLDeck deck)
     if (deck == null)
         inputField.text = "";
         inputField.text =;
    //adds card entries to the list.  If the card type is in highlightDeck, that button is a different color
    private void setupTypeEntries(XMLDeck highlightDeck)
        //if a filter is set, operate on a list sorted and filtered according to the current settings instead of the full list
        List <PlayerCardData> listToShow = CardTypeManagerScript.instance.types.cardTypes;

        if (filter != null)
            listToShow = filter.filterAndSortCardData(listToShow);

        //one entry for each card type
        foreach (PlayerCardData type in listToShow)
            //skip tokens
            if (type.isToken)

            //create the button and add it to the list
            DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript xButton = Instantiate(entryPrefab).GetComponent <DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript>();
            xButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);

            //set its color based on its type
            Color buttonColor;
            switch (type.cardType)
            case PlayerCardType.tower:   buttonColor = towerColor;   break;

            case PlayerCardType.upgrade: buttonColor = upgradeColor; break;

            case PlayerCardType.spell:   buttonColor = spellColor;   break;

            default: Debug.LogWarning("card type list doesnt know what color to use for this card."); buttonColor =; break;

            //highlight if it is in the deck
            if (highlightDeck != null)
                foreach (XMLDeckEntry e in highlightDeck.contents)
                    if ( == type.cardName)
                        buttonColor = Color.Lerp(buttonColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);
    /// <summary>
    /// returns a new XMLDeck from randomly chosen cards
    /// the deck will contain from 30-60 cards, and each card type can appear 1-5 times.
    /// will not include modded cards.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>the new deck</returns>
    public XMLDeck generateRandomDeck()
        int     targetCardCount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30, 61); //.Range() excludes upper bound, so this is actually 30-60 inclusive.
        XMLDeck randomDeck      = new XMLDeck(); = "randomly generated";

        //while there is still room in the deck, add more cards.
        while (randomDeck.cardCount < targetCardCount)
            //start by picking a card type at random
            PlayerCardData card = CardTypeManagerScript.instance.getRandomCardType();

            //skip tokens
            if (card.isToken)

            //skip modded cards
            if (card.isModded)

            //skip it if it is already in the deck
            if (randomDeck.contents.Any(xde => == card.cardName))

            //it is not in the deck, so add 1-5 of it
            int amount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);                         //.Range() excludes upper bound, so this is actually 1-5 inclusive
            amount = Math.Min(amount, (targetCardCount - randomDeck.cardCount)); //do not exceed target card count
            randomDeck.contents.Add(new XMLDeckEntry(card.cardName, amount));

        //throw error if the deck is invalid or the wrong size
        Debug.Assert(randomDeck.isValid(), "Generated deck invalid");
        Debug.Assert(randomDeck.cardCount == targetCardCount, "Generated deck wrong size");

        return(randomDeck); //done
Beispiel #8
    //handles all buttons in the editor that only have text attached.
    public void TextButtonSelected(string text)
        //Debug.Log("TextButtonSelected"); //DEBUG ONLY

        //text contains the text of the button that was clicked, so we use a case statement to differentiate between buttons
        switch (text)
        case "-":     //this is a stray message actually intended for DeckEditorCurrentDeckScript, so we can ignore it

        case "+":     //this is a stray message actually intended for DeckEditorCurrentDeckScript, so we can ignore it

        case "New Deck":                                //user wants to make a new deck
            saveChanges();                              //save any unsaved changes
            openDeck = new XMLDeck();                   //make a new deck
            newDeck  = true;                            //flag this deck as new so that any changes to it get saved as a new deck
            BroadcastMessage("refresh", openDeck);      //inform the lists

        case "Save and return to menu":         //user wants to close the editor
            saveChanges();                      //save any unsaved changes
            SceneManager.LoadScene("Game");     //go back to the game scene

        case "Generate Random Deck":                                          //user wants to get a randomly created deck
            unsavedChanges = true;                                            //there are no unsaved changes
            openDeck       = DeckManagerScript.instance.generateRandomDeck(); //make a new deck
            newDeck        = true;                                            //flag it as new so that any changes to it get saved as a new deck
            BroadcastMessage("refresh", openDeck);                            //show the new deck

        case "Settings":
            //player wants to see the settings menu

        default:     //button has not been implemented.  Print warning.
            Debug.LogError("DeckEditorMainScript doesn't know how to respond to this button");
    //refreshes the list, highlighting the current deck
    void refresh(XMLDeck currentDeck)
        //remove all deck buttons that no longer have a corresponding deck
        foreach (MenuButtonScript toRemove in buttons.FindAll(mb => (mb.buttonType == MenuButtonType.deck) &&
                                                              (DeckManagerScript.instance.playerDecks.decks.Contains(mb.xDeck) == false)))

        //create buttons for decks that do not have a corresponding button
        foreach (XMLDeck newDeck in DeckManagerScript.instance.playerDecks.decks)
            if (buttons.Any(mb => mb.xDeck == newDeck) == false)
                MenuButtonScript xButton = Instantiate(buttonPrefab).GetComponent <MenuButtonScript>();
                xButton.SendMessage("setDeck", newDeck);

                //set button color
                Color targetColor;

                if (newDeck.isModded())
                    targetColor = moddedColor;
                    targetColor = defaultColor;

                if (newDeck == currentDeck)
                    targetColor = Color.Lerp(targetColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);

                xButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);
    //called when the deck updates
    public void refresh(XMLDeck openDeck)
        int cardCount = 0;

        if (openDeck != null)
            cardCount = openDeck.cardCount;

        text.text = "min/cur/max\n";

        if (cardCount < DeckRules.MIN_CARDS_IN_DECK)
            text.text += "<Color=red> ";
            text.text += "<Color=green> ";
        text.text += DeckRules.MIN_CARDS_IN_DECK + " </Color>/ ";

        if ((DeckRules.MIN_CARDS_IN_DECK <= cardCount) && (cardCount <= DeckRules.MAX_CARDS_IN_DECK))
            text.text += "<Color=green> ";
            text.text += "<Color=red> ";
        text.text += cardCount + " </Color>/ ";

        if (cardCount > DeckRules.MAX_CARDS_IN_DECK)
            text.text += "<Color=red> ";
            text.text += "<Color=black> ";
        text.text += DeckRules.MAX_CARDS_IN_DECK + " </Color>";
    //adds deck buttons to the list.  If highlightDeck is in the list, that button is a different color
    void setupDeckButtons(XMLDeck highlightDeck)
        //one button for each player deck
        foreach (XMLDeck xDeck in DeckManagerScript.instance.playerDecks.decks)
            MenuButtonScript xButton = Instantiate(buttonPrefab).GetComponent <MenuButtonScript>();

            //set button color
            Color targetColor;

            if (xDeck.isModded())
                targetColor = moddedColor;
                targetColor = defaultColor;
            if (xDeck == highlightDeck)
                targetColor = Color.Lerp(targetColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);

            xButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);

        //another button for making a new deck
        MenuButtonScript ndButton = Instantiate(buttonPrefab).GetComponent <MenuButtonScript>();

        ndButton.setButtonText("New Deck");
        ndButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);
    /// <summary>
    /// reloads the deck lists, empties out the deck, and then reloads it
    /// </summary>
    private void Reset()
        //premade decks
        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)
            StartCoroutine(loadPremadeDecksWeb()); //web player has to use a coroutine for this because it waits for a web request
            //PC build, however, can load them right here
            string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, premadeDeckPath);
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                premadeDecks = DeckCollection.Load(stream, filePath);

        //load player decks if the file exists, or create an empty collection if not
            string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "playerDecks.xml");
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                playerDecks = DeckCollection.Load(stream, filePath);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("no deck save file found. (" + e.Message + ")");
            playerDecks = new DeckCollection();

        //clear out the current deck

        if (
            //if we were using the level deck, reload that
            LevelManagerScript.instance.loadLevelDeck(); //this delegates to level manager so that it can retain control over the level data
            //otherwise, the player picked a deck.  Search the deck lists for a deck of the same name as what we're using and load that.

            XMLDeck target = null; //deck to reload

            if (premadeDecks.getNames().Contains(currentDeckName))
                target = premadeDecks.getDeckByName(currentDeckName);

            if (playerDecks.getNames().Contains(currentDeckName))
                if (target != null)
                    Debug.LogError("both deck lists contain a deck of the same name!  Unsure which to reload.");
                    target = playerDecks.getDeckByName(currentDeckName);

            if (target == null)
                Debug.LogError("could not find the deck to reload it!");

 //sets the deck
 public void SetDeck(XMLDeck deck)
     data = deck;
    //refreshes the list.  If deck is not null, also sets that as the new deck
    public void refresh(XMLDeck deck)
        if (deck != null)
            data = deck;

        //update existing entries as needed and keep a list of which ones no longer exist
        List <DeckEditorCurrentDeckEntryScript> toRemove = new List <DeckEditorCurrentDeckEntryScript>();

        foreach (DeckEditorCurrentDeckEntryScript entry in deckEntries)
            XMLDeckEntry xde = data.contents.FirstOrDefault(x => == entry.cardName);
            if (xde != null)
                //this entry still corresponds to a card that is in the deck.  Update it

                //update count
                if (entry.cardCount != xde.count)
                    entry.cardCount = xde.count;

                //figure out what color it should be
                Color buttonColor;
                switch (CardTypeManagerScript.instance.getCardByName(
                case PlayerCardType.tower: buttonColor = towerColor; break;

                case PlayerCardType.upgrade: buttonColor = upgradeColor; break;

                case PlayerCardType.spell: buttonColor = spellColor; break;

                    Debug.LogWarning("current deck list doesnt know what color to use for this card. (" + + ")");
                    buttonColor =;

                //highlight if it does not match the current filter
                if (filter != null)
                    if (filter.match(xde) == false)
                        buttonColor = Color.Lerp(buttonColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);

                //update color
                //the card for this entry is no longer in the deck

        //get rid of the ones that no longer exist
        foreach (DeckEditorCurrentDeckEntryScript e in toRemove)

        //create new entries for cards that dont have them yet
        foreach (XMLDeckEntry xEntry in data.contents)
            if (deckEntries.Any(de => de.cardName == == false)
                //create the entry and add it to the list
                DeckEditorCurrentDeckEntryScript entry = Instantiate(currentDeckEntryPrefab).GetComponent <DeckEditorCurrentDeckEntryScript>();
                entry.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);

                //set its color based on its type
                Color buttonColor;
                switch (CardTypeManagerScript.instance.getCardByName(
                case PlayerCardType.tower: buttonColor = towerColor; break;

                case PlayerCardType.upgrade: buttonColor = upgradeColor; break;

                case PlayerCardType.spell: buttonColor = spellColor; break;

                    Debug.LogWarning("current deck list doesnt know what color to use for this card. (" + + ")");
                    buttonColor =;

                //highlight if it does not match the current filter
                if (filter != null)
                    if (filter.match(xEntry) == false)
                        buttonColor = Color.Lerp(buttonColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);
    //refreshes the list, highlighting the current deck
    public void refresh(XMLDeck currentDeck)
        //if a filter is set, operate on a list sorted and filtered according to the current settings instead of the full list
        List <PlayerCardData> listToShow = CardTypeManagerScript.instance.types.cardTypes;

        if (filter != null)
            listToShow = filter.filterAndSortCardData(listToShow);

        //dont include tokens
        listToShow.RemoveAll(pcd => pcd.isToken);

        //create/remove entries as needed so that we have as many as we need to show.  data will be set in a second pass.
        while (buttons.Count < listToShow.Count)
            DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript newButton = Instantiate(entryPrefab).GetComponent <DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript>();
            newButton.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false);
        while (buttons.Count > listToShow.Count)
            DeckEditorCardTypeEntryScript toRemove = buttons[0];

        //update entries
        for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count; i++)
            //ensure it has the right data
            if (buttons[i].type != listToShow[i])

            //set its color based on its type
            Color buttonColor;
            switch (buttons[i].type.cardType)
            case PlayerCardType.tower: buttonColor = towerColor; break;

            case PlayerCardType.upgrade: buttonColor = upgradeColor; break;

            case PlayerCardType.spell: buttonColor = spellColor; break;

            default: Debug.LogWarning("card type list doesnt know what color to use for this card."); buttonColor =; break;

            //highlight if it is in the deck
            if (currentDeck != null)
                if (currentDeck.contents.Any(xde => == buttons[i].type.cardName))
                    buttonColor = Color.Lerp(buttonColor, highlightColor, 0.5f);

 /// <summary>
 /// the button is set up to correspond to the given XMLDeck
 /// </summary>
 public void setDeck(XMLDeck newXDeck)
     xDeck           = newXDeck; //set deck
     buttonText.text =;
     buttonType      = MenuButtonType.deck;