public override void LoadView()
            _CustomView = new XMCustomView();

            // This is the custom event we bound.
            // This is sometimes preferable to specifying a delegate.
            _CustomView.ViewWasTouched += Handle_CustomViewViewWasTouched;

            // The XMCustomViewDelegate we bound
            // If we specify this it will OVERRIDE the event handler we specified
//			_CustomView.Delegate = new CustomViewDelegate();

            // The XMCustomView Name Property
            _CustomView.Name = @"Anuj";

            // The instance method uses a frame calculation.
            _CustomView.Frame = new CGRect(10, 25, 200, 200);

            // The instance method we bound.
            _CustomView.CustomizeViewWithText(string.Format(@"Yo {0}, I hurd you like bindings! MonoTouch makes it super easy with BTOUCH. Try it out!",
                                                            _CustomView.Name ?? "Dawg"));

            var section = new Section("Custom View")
                new CustomViewElement(_CustomView),

 public override void ViewWasTouched(XMCustomView view)
     Console.WriteLine("Hey! Our XMCustomView was touched with frame: {0}!", view.Frame);