Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод для чтения файла и получения результата
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">Путь к файлу</param>
        /// <returns>Результат чтения</returns>
        public static ReadFileResult GetResult(string filePath)
                using (FileStream openFileStream = new FileStream(path: filePath, mode: FileMode.Open, access: FileAccess.Read))
                    IFileReader reader;

                    if (filePath.EndsWith(".xls") || filePath.EndsWith(".xlsx"))
                        reader = new XLSFileReader(openFileStream);
                        reader = new CSVFileReader();

            catch (Exception e)
                return(new ReadFileResult(errorMessage: e.Message));
Beispiel #2
        ///Loads the existing XLS file (optionally preserving MS Excel records).
        ///<p>If the only purpose of loading the file is to read data values and formatting using
        ///ExcelLite API, you should use <i>xlsOptions</i> set to <see cref="MB.WinEIDrive.Excel.XlsOptions.None">XlsOptions.None</see>
        ///as this will speed up the loading process.</p>
        ///<p>If you load the existing file to use it as template for a new file, you can choose
        ///whether you want to preserve specific MS Excel records not recognized by ExcelLite API.</p>
        ///<param name="fileName">Existing XLS file name (opened for reading).</param>
        ///<param name="xlsOptions">XLS options.</param>
        public void LoadXls(string fileName, XlsOptions xlsOptions)
            AbsXLSRecords records1 = ExcelFile.ReadHelper(fileName, (xlsOptions & XlsOptions.PreserveSummaries) != XlsOptions.None, ref this.summaryStream, ref this.documentSummaryStream);
            XLSFileReader reader1  = new XLSFileReader(this, xlsOptions);

            reader1.ImportRecords(records1, fileName);